コード例 #1
if (!function_exists('add_filter')) {
global $hocwp_tos_tabs;
$parent_slug = 'hocwp_theme_option';
$option = new HOCWP_Option(__('Login settings', 'hocwp-theme'), 'hocwp_user_login');
$args = array('id' => 'logo', 'title' => __('Logo', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_media_upload');
$args = array('id' => 'login_with_email', 'title' => __('Login With Email', 'hocwp-theme'), 'label' => __('Allow user to login with registered email address?', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox');
$args = array('id' => 'users_can_register', 'title' => __('Membership', 'hocwp-theme'), 'label' => __('Anyone can register', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox', 'value' => hocwp_users_can_register());
$args = array('id' => 'button_style', 'title' => __('Button Style', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_select', 'field_args' => array('options' => hocwp_bootstrap_color_select_options()), 'default' => 'warning');
$args = array('id' => 'security', 'title' => __('Security', 'hocwp-theme'), 'description' => __('Help your site safe online.', 'hocwp-theme'));
$args = array('id' => 'use_captcha', 'title' => __('Captcha', 'hocwp-theme'), 'label' => __('Protect your site against bots by using captcha', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox', 'section' => 'security');
$args = array('id' => 'social_login', 'title' => __('Social Login', 'hocwp-theme'), 'description' => __('Allow user to login with social account.', 'hocwp-theme'));
$args = array('id' => 'login_with_facebook', 'title' => __('Facebook', 'hocwp-theme'), 'label' => __('Check here to allow user connects with Facebook account.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox', 'section' => 'social_login');
$args = array('id' => 'login_with_google', 'title' => __('Google', 'hocwp-theme'), 'label' => __('Check here to allow user connects with Google account.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox', 'section' => 'social_login');
コード例 #2

if (!function_exists('add_filter')) {
global $hocwp_tos_tabs;
$option = new HOCWP_Option(__('Discussion', 'hocwp-theme'), 'hocwp_discussion');
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'allow_shortcode', 'title' => __('Shortcode', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox', 'label' => __('Allow user to post shortcode in comment.', 'hocwp-theme')));
$option->add_section(array('id' => 'comment_form', 'title' => __('Comment Form', 'hocwp-theme'), 'description' => __('These options can help you to customize comment form on your site.', 'hocwp-theme')));
$field_options = array(array('id' => 'comment_system_default', 'label' => __('Use WordPress default comment system.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'option_value' => 'default'), array('id' => 'comment_system_facebook', 'label' => __('Use Facebook comment system.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'option_value' => 'facebook'), array('id' => 'comment_system_default_and_facebook', 'label' => __('Display bold WordPress default comment system and Facebook comment system.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'option_value' => 'default_and_facebook'), array('id' => 'comment_system_tabs', 'label' => __('Using multiple comment system as tabs.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'option_value' => 'tabs'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'comment_system', 'title' => __('Comment System', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_radio', 'options' => $field_options, 'section' => 'comment_form'));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'button_style', 'title' => __('Button Style', 'hocwp-theme'), 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_select', 'field_args' => array('options' => hocwp_bootstrap_color_select_options()), 'default' => 'warning', 'section' => 'comment_form'));
$field_options = array(array('id' => 'use_captcha', 'label' => __('Use captcha to validate human on comment form.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'default' => 0), array('id' => 'user_no_captcha', 'label' => __('Disable captcha if user is logged in.', 'hocwp-theme'), 'default' => 1));
$option->add_field(array('id' => 'captcha', 'title' => __('Captcha', 'hocwp-theme'), 'options' => $field_options, 'field_callback' => 'hocwp_field_input_checkbox', 'section' => 'comment_form'));