コード例 #1
    <td colspan="2" >
// print_simple_box_start('middle', '100%');
if ($page) {
    $conteudo = $page->content;
$nocleanoption = new object();
$nocleanoption->noclean = true;
echo '<div class="hiperbook_content">';
$hotwords = get_records_sql('select * from ' . $CFG->prefix . 'hiperbook_pages_hotwords ph, ' . $CFG->prefix . 'hiperbook_chapters_hotword ch where ph.idpage = ' . $page->id . ' and ph.idhotword= ch.id');
$links = get_records_select('hiperbook_chapters_links', 'chapterid=' . $chapterid, 'id');
$tips = get_records_sql('select * from ' . $CFG->prefix . 'hiperbook_pages_tips ph, ' . $CFG->prefix . 'hiperbook_chapters_tips ch where ph.idpage = ' . $page->id . ' and ph.idtip = ch.id');
$suggestions = get_records_sql('select * from ' . $CFG->prefix . 'hiperbook_pages_suggestions ph, ' . $CFG->prefix . 'hiperbook_chapters_suggestions ch where ph.idpage = ' . $page->id . ' and ph.idsuggestion= ch.id');
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_links($conteudo, $links, $cm->id, $navigationnum, $parentnavchapterid);
// glossario
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_hotwords($conteudo, $hotwords);
// comentarios
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_tips($conteudo, $tips);
// bibliografia
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_suggestions($conteudo, $suggestions);
//echo $conteudo;
$conteudo = str_replace(".flv", ".flv?d=300x250", $conteudo);
echo format_text($conteudo, FORMAT_HTML, $nocleanoption, $course->id);
//echo 'xx'.$conteudo.'xx';
echo '</div>';
コード例 #2
    <td valign="top" colspan="3" >
// print_simple_box_start('middle', '100%');
if ($page) {
    $conteudo = $page->content;
$nocleanoption = new object();
$nocleanoption->noclean = true;
echo '<div class="hiperbook_content">';
$hotwords = get_records_select('hiperbook_chapters_hotword', 'chapterid=' . $chapterid, 'id');
$links = get_records_select('hiperbook_chapters_links', 'chapterid=' . $chapterid, 'id');
$tips = get_records_select('hiperbook_chapters_tips', 'chapterid=' . $chapterid, 'id');
$suggestions = get_records_select('hiperbook_chapters_suggestions', 'chapterid=' . $chapterid, 'id');
// links antes para nao colocar o link dentro do hottext
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_links($conteudo, $links, $cm->id, $navigationnum);
// glossario
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_hotwords($conteudo, $hotwords);
// comentarios
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_tips($conteudo, $tips);
// bibliografia
$conteudo = hiperbook_link_suggestions($conteudo, $suggestions);
echo format_text($conteudo, FORMAT_HTML, $nocleanoption, $course->id);
//echo $conteudo;
echo '</div>';