function http_afficher_rendez_vous($date_heure, $date_fin) { global $spip_lang_rtl; $dirpuce = _DIR_RACINE . 'dist'; if (jour($date_heure) == jour($date_fin) AND mois($date_heure) == mois($date_fin) AND annee($date_heure) == annee($date_fin)) { echo "<p class='verdana2' style='text-align: center'>"._T('titre_rendez_vous')." ".majuscules(nom_jour($date_heure))." <b>".majuscules(affdate($date_heure))."</b><br />\n<b>".heures($date_heure)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_heure)."</b>"; echo " <img src='$dirpuce/puce$spip_lang_rtl.gif' alt=' ' style='border: 0px;' /> ".heures($date_fin)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_fin)."</p>"; } else { echo "<p class='verdana2' style='text-align: center'>"._T('titre_rendez_vous')."<br />\n".majuscules(nom_jour($date_heure))." <b>".majuscules(affdate($date_heure))."</b>, <b>".heures($date_heure)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_heure)."</b>"; echo "<br />\n<img src='$dirpuce/puce$spip_lang_rtl.gif' alt=' ' style='border: 0px;' /> ".majuscules(nom_jour($date_fin))." ".majuscules(affdate($date_fin)).", <b>".heures($date_fin)." "._T('date_mot_heures')." ".minutes($date_fin)."</b></p>"; } }
function BOUCLE_art_agendahtml_78503d8cb0bd66f2d97f4b9c0f7d329a(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_art_agenda'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles', 'L1' => 'spip_mots_liens', 'L2' => 'spip_mots'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array("articles.id_article"); $command['select'] = array("articles.date_redac", "articles.id_article", "articles.texte", "articles.descriptif", "articles.chapo", "articles.titre", "articles.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array('articles.date_redac'); $command['join'] = array('L1' => array('articles', 'id_objet', 'id_article', 'L1.objet=' . sql_quote('article')), 'L2' => array('L1', 'id_mot')); $command['limit'] = '0,5'; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'L2.titre', "'Agenda'"), array('<', 'TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,articles.date_redac,NOW())/24', "1"), array('=', 'articles.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\''))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/inc/inc-menu-agenda.html', 'html_78503d8cb0bd66f2d97f4b9c0f7d329a', '_art_agenda', 4, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <li>' . (($t1 = strval(affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])))) !== '' ? '<span>' . $t1 . (' ' . (($t2 = strval(heures(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) != '0' ? (($t3 = strval(heures(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])))) !== '' ? $t3 . ':' : '') . minutes(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) : '')) !== '' ? '- ' . $t2 : '') . '</span>') : '') . ' <a class="lien' . interdire_scripts(@$Pile[0]['exposer']) . ' article" href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(entites_html(textebrut(filtre_introduction_dist($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], strlen($Pile[$SP]['descriptif']) ? '' : $Pile[$SP]['chapo'] . "\n\n" . $Pile[$SP]['texte'], 500, $connect, null)))))) !== '' ? 'title="' . $t1 . '"' : '') . '>' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a> </li> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_art_agenda @ squelettes/inc/inc-menu-agenda.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function heures_minutes($numdate) { return _T('date_fmt_heures_minutes', array('h' => heures($numdate), 'm' => minutes($numdate))); }
function change_date_message($id_message, $heures,$minutes,$mois, $jour, $annee, $heures_fin,$minutes_fin,$mois_fin, $jour_fin, $annee_fin) { $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($heures,$minutes,0,$mois, $jour, $annee)); $jour = journum($date); $mois = mois($date); $annee = annee($date); $heures = heures($date); $minutes = minutes($date); // Verifier que la date de fin est bien posterieure au debut $unix_debut = date("U", mktime($heures,$minutes,0,$mois, $jour, $annee)); $unix_fin = date("U", mktime($heures_fin,$minutes_fin,0,$mois_fin, $jour_fin, $annee_fin)); if ($unix_fin <= $unix_debut) { $jour_fin = $jour; $mois_fin = $mois; $annee_fin = $annee; $heures_fin = $heures + 1; $minutes_fin = $minutes; } $date_fin = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime($heures_fin,$minutes_fin,0,$mois_fin, $jour_fin, $annee_fin)); $jour_fin = journum($date_fin); $mois_fin = mois($date_fin); $annee_fin = annee($date_fin); $heures_fin = heures($date_fin); $minutes_fin = minutes($date_fin); sql_updateq('spip_messages', array('date_heure'=>"$annee-$mois-$jour $heures:$minutes:00", 'date_fin'=>"$annee_fin-$mois_fin-$jour_fin $heures_fin:$minutes_fin:00"), "id_message=$id_message"); }
function http_calendrier_rv($messages, $type) { $total = $date_rv = ''; if (!$messages) return $total; $connect_quand = $GLOBALS['visiteur_session']['quand']; foreach ($messages as $row) { $rv = ($row['location'] == 'oui'); $date = $row['dtstart']; $date_fin = $row['dtend']; if ($row['category']=="pb") $bouton = "pense-bete"; else if ($row['category']=="affich") $bouton = "annonce"; else $bouton = "message"; if ($rv) { $date_jour = affdate_jourcourt($date); $total .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>" . (($date_jour == $date_rv) ? '' : "\n<div class='calendrier-arial11'><b>$date_jour</b></div>") . "</td></tr>"; $date_rv = $date_jour; $rv = ((affdate($date) == affdate($date_fin)) ? ("\n<div class='calendrier-arial9 fond-agenda'>" . heures($date).":".minutes($date)."<br />" . heures($date_fin).":".minutes($date_fin)."</div>") : ( "\n<div class='calendrier-arial9 fond-agenda' style='text-align: center;'>" . heures($date).":".minutes($date)."<br />...</div>" )); } $c = (strtotime($date) <= $connect_quand) ? '' : " color: red;"; $total .= "<tr><td style='width: 24px' valign='middle'>" . http_href($row['url'], ($rv ? http_img_pack("rv.gif", 'rv', http_style_background($bouton . '.gif', "no-repeat;")) : http_img_pack($bouton.".gif", $bouton, ""))) . "</td>\n" . "<td valign='middle'><div style='font-weight: bold;$c'>" . $rv . http_href($row['url'], typo($row['summary']), '', '', 'calendrier-verdana') . "</div></td></tr>"; } if ($type == 'annonces') { $titre = _T('info_annonces_generales'); } else if ($type == 'pb') { $titre = _T('infos_vos_pense_bete'); } else if ($type == 'rv') { $titre = _T('info_vos_rendez_vous'); } return debut_cadre_enfonce("", true, "", $titre) . "\n<table>" . $total . "</table>" . fin_cadre_enfonce(true); }
function cs_date_long($numdate) { $date_array = recup_date($numdate); if (!$date_array) return '?'; list($annee, $mois, $jour, $heures, $minutes, $sec) = $date_array; if(!defined('_SPIP19300')) list($heures, $minutes) =array(heures($numdate), minutes($numdate)); return _T('couteau:stats_date', array('jour'=>$jour, 'mois'=>$mois, 'annee'=>substr($annee,2), 'h'=>$heures, 'm'=>$minutes, 's'=>$sec)); }
function liste_rv($query, $type) { global $spip_lang_rtl, $spip_lang_left, $spip_lang_right; if ($type == annonces) { $titre = _T('info_annonces_generales'); $couleur_titre = "ccaa00"; $couleur_texte = "black"; $couleur_fond = "#ffffee"; } else { if ($type == pb) { $titre = _T('infos_vos_pense_bete'); $couleur_titre = "#3874B0"; $couleur_fond = "#EDF3FE"; $couleur_texte = "white"; } else { if ($type == rv) { $titre = _T('info_vos_rendez_vous'); $couleur_titre = "#666666"; $couleur_fond = "#eeeeee"; $couleur_texte = "white"; } } } $result = spip_query($query); if (spip_num_rows($result) > 0) { debut_cadre_enfonce("", false, "", $titre); echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>"; while ($row = spip_fetch_array($result)) { if (preg_match("/^=([^[:space:]]+)\$/", $row['texte'], $match)) { $url = $match[1]; } else { $url = "message.php3?id_message=" . $row['id_message']; } $type = $row['type']; $rv = $row['rv']; $date = $row['date_heure']; $date_fin = $row['date_fin']; if ($type == "normal") { $bouton = "message"; } elseif ($type == "pb") { $bouton = "pense-bete"; } elseif ($type == "affich") { $bouton = "annonce"; } else { $bouton = "message"; } $titre = typo($row['titre']); if ($rv == "oui") { echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>"; $date_jour = affdate_jourcourt($date); if ($date_jour != $date_rv) { echo "<div class='arial11'><b>{$date_jour}</b></div>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; } echo "<tr>"; echo "<td width='24' valign='middle'>"; echo "<a href='{$url}'>"; if ($rv == "oui") { echo "<img src='img_pack/rv.gif' style='background: url(img_pack/{$bouton}.gif) no-repeat;' border='0'>"; } else { echo "<img src='img_pack/{$bouton}.gif' border='0'>"; } echo "</a>"; echo "</td>"; echo "<td valign='middle'>"; if ($rv == "oui") { if (affdate($date) == affdate($date_fin)) { echo "<div class='arial0' style='float: {$spip_lang_left}; line-height: 12px; color: #666666; margin-{$spip_lang_right}: 3px; padding-{$spip_lang_right}: 4px; background: url(img_pack/fond-agenda.gif) {$spip_lang_right} center no-repeat;'>" . heures($date) . ":" . minutes($date) . "<br />" . heures($date_fin) . ":" . minutes($date_fin) . "</div>"; } else { echo "<div class='arial0' style='float: {$spip_lang_left}; line-height: 12px; color: #666666; margin-{$spip_lang_right}: 3px; padding-{$spip_lang_right}: 4px; background: url(img_pack/fond-agenda.gif) {$spip_lang_right} center no-repeat; text-align: center;'>" . heures($date) . ":" . minutes($date) . "<br />...</div>"; } } echo "<div><b><a href='{$url}' class='arial1' style='color: #333333;'>{$titre}</a></b></div>"; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; $date_rv = $date_jour; } echo "</table>"; fin_cadre_enfonce(); } }
function afficher_si_rdv($date_heure, $date_fin, $choix) { $heures_debut = heures($date_heure); $minutes_debut = minutes($date_heure); $heures_fin = heures($date_fin); $minutes_fin = minutes($date_fin); if ($date_fin == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $date_fin = $date_heure; $heures_fin = $heures_debut + 1; } if ($heures_fin >=24){ $heures_fin = 23; $minutes_fin = 59; } $lib = _T('item_non_afficher_calendrier'); if (!$choix) $lib = "<b>$lib</b>"; $res = "\n<div><input type='radio' name='rv' value='non' id='rv_off'" . (!$choix ? " checked='checked' " : '') . "\nonclick=\"changeVisible(this.checked, 'heure-rv', 'none', 'block');\"/>" . "<label for='rv_off'>" . $lib . "</label>" . "</div>"; $lib = _T('item_afficher_calendrier'); if ($choix) $lib = "<b>$lib</b>"; $res .= "\n<div><input type='radio' name='rv' value='oui' id='rv_on' " . ($choix ? " checked='checked' " : '') . "\nonclick=\"changeVisible(this.checked, 'heure-rv', 'block', 'none');\"/>" . "<label for='rv_on'>" . $lib . "</label>" . '</div>'; $display = ($choix ? "block" : "none"); return $res . "\n<div id='heure-rv' style='display: $display; padding-top: 4px; padding-left: 24px;'>" . afficher_jour_mois_annee_h_m($date_heure, $heures_debut, $minutes_debut) . "<br />". afficher_jour_mois_annee_h_m($date_fin, $heures_fin, $minutes_fin, '_fin') . "</div>"; }
function date_ical($date_heure, $minutes = 0) { return date("Ymd\\THis", mktime(heures($date_heure), minutes($date_heure) + $minutes, 0, mois($date_heure), jour($date_heure), annee($date_heure))); }
function BOUCLE_article_languehtml_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500(&$Cache, &$Pile, &$doublons, &$Numrows, $SP) { static $command = array(); static $connect; $command['connect'] = $connect = ''; $doublons_index = array(); $command['pagination'] = array(isset($Pile[0]['debut_article_langue']) ? $Pile[0]['debut_article_langue'] : null, 10); // Initialise le(s) critère(s) doublons if (!isset($doublons[$d = 'articles' . 'archives'])) { $doublons[$d] = ''; } if (!isset($command['table'])) { $command['table'] = 'articles'; $command['id'] = '_article_langue'; $command['from'] = array('articles' => 'spip_articles'); $command['type'] = array(); $command['groupby'] = array(); $command['select'] = array("articles.id_article", "articles.date_redac", "articles.surtitre", "articles.titre", "articles.soustitre", "articles.descriptif", "articles.chapo", "articles.texte", "articles.lang"); $command['orderby'] = array('articles.date_redac'); $command['join'] = array(); $command['limit'] = ''; $command['having'] = array(); } $command['where'] = array(quete_condition_statut('articles.statut', 'publie,prop,prepa/auteur', 'publie', ''), array('=', 'articles.lang', sql_quote($GLOBALS['spip_lang'], '', 'varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT \'\'')), array('<', 'TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR,articles.date_redac,NOW())/24', "1"), array(sql_in('articles.id_article', $doublons[$doublons_index[] = 'articles' . 'archives'], 'NOT'))); if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER")) { $timer = time() + microtime(); } $t0 = ""; // REQUETE $iter = IterFactory::create("SQL", $command, array('squelettes/agenda.html', 'html_76ddbc2b5f1671bea60186a8fa5bb500', '_article_langue', 41, $GLOBALS['spip_lang'])); if (!$iter->err()) { // COMPTEUR $Numrows['_article_langue']['compteur_boucle'] = 0; $Numrows['_article_langue']['total'] = @intval($iter->count()); $debut_boucle = isset($Pile[0]['debut_article_langue']) ? $Pile[0]['debut_article_langue'] : _request('debut_article_langue'); if (substr($debut_boucle, 0, 1) == '@') { $debut_boucle = $Pile[0]['debut_article_langue'] = quete_debut_pagination('id_article', $Pile[0]['@id_article'] = substr($debut_boucle, 1), 10, $iter); $iter->seek(0); } $debut_boucle = intval($debut_boucle); $debut_boucle = ($tout = $debut_boucle == -1) ? 0 : $debut_boucle; $debut_boucle = max(0, min($debut_boucle, floor(($Numrows['_article_langue']['total'] - 1) / 10) * 10)); $debut_boucle = intval($debut_boucle); $fin_boucle = min($tout ? $Numrows['_article_langue']['total'] : $debut_boucle + 9, $Numrows['_article_langue']['total'] - 1); $Numrows['_article_langue']['grand_total'] = $Numrows['_article_langue']['total']; $Numrows['_article_langue']["total"] = max(0, $fin_boucle - $debut_boucle + 1); if ($debut_boucle > 0 and $debut_boucle < $Numrows['_article_langue']['grand_total'] and $iter->seek($debut_boucle, 'continue')) { $Numrows['_article_langue']['compteur_boucle'] = $debut_boucle; } lang_select($GLOBALS['spip_lang']); $SP++; // RESULTATS while ($Pile[$SP] = $iter->fetch()) { $Numrows['_article_langue']['compteur_boucle']++; if ($Numrows['_article_langue']['compteur_boucle'] <= $debut_boucle) { continue; } if ($Numrows['_article_langue']['compteur_boucle'] - 1 > $fin_boucle) { break; } foreach ($doublons_index as $k) { $doublons[$k] .= "," . $Pile[$SP]['id_article']; } // doublons lang_select_public($Pile[$SP]['lang'], '', $Pile[$SP]['titre']); $t0 .= ' <hr /> <h4>' . nom_jour(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) . ' ' . affdate(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) . (($t1 = strval(heures(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])) != '0' ? (($t2 = strval(heures(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])))) !== '' ? $t2 . ':' : '') . (($t2 = strval(minutes(normaliser_date($Pile[$SP]['date_redac'])))) !== '' ? $t2 . (' ' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:heures')) : '') : '')) !== '' ? ' — ' . $t1 : '') . '</h4> <hr /> ' . (($t1 = strval(filtrer('image_graver', filtrer('image_reduire', !is_array($l = quete_logo('id_article', 'ON', $Pile[$SP]['id_article'], '', 0)) ? '' : "<img class=\"spip_logo spip_logos\" alt=\"\" src=\"{$l['0']}\"" . $l[2] . ($l[1] ? " onmouseover=\"this.src='{$l['1']}'\" onmouseout=\"this.src='{$l['0']}'\"" : "") . ' />', '150', '0')))) !== '' ? '<span style="float:right;">' . $t1 . '</span>' : '') . ' ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo($Pile[$SP]['surtitre'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<div class="surtitre">' . $t1 . '</div>' : '') . ' <h3><a href="' . spip_htmlspecialchars(sinon($GLOBALS['meta']['adresse_site'], '.')) . '/' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '">' . interdire_scripts(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0]))) . '</a></h3> ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(typo($Pile[$SP]['soustitre'], "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<div class="sous-titre">' . $t1 . '</div>' : '') . ' <div class="detail"> </div><!-- detail --> ' . (($t1 = strval(interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0]) ? (($t2 = strval(interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['descriptif'], $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<div class="">' . $t2 . ('</div> <div class="suite"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" title="...' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . '" >' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . '</a></div>') : '') . ' ' : interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['chapo'], $connect, $Pile[0]) ? (($t3 = strval(interdire_scripts(propre($Pile[$SP]['chapo'], $connect, $Pile[0])))) !== '' ? '<div class="">' . $t3 . ('</div> <div class="suite"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" title="...' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . '" >' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . '</a></div>') : '') . ' ' : (($t3 = strval(interdire_scripts(couper(propre($Pile[$SP]['texte'], $connect, $Pile[0]), '300')))) !== '' ? '<div class="">' . $t3 . ('</div> <div class="suite"><a href="' . vider_url(urlencode_1738(generer_url_entite($Pile[$SP]['id_article'], 'article', '', '', true))) . '" title="...' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . ' : ' . interdire_scripts(attribut_html(supprimer_numero(typo(supprimer_numero($Pile[$SP]['titre']), "TYPO", $connect, $Pile[0])))) . '" >' . _T('public|spip|ecrire:suite') . '</a></div>') : '') . ' ') . ' '))) !== '' ? '<div class="texte"> <div class="extrait">' . $t1 . '</div><!-- fin extrait --> </div>' : '') . ' <br /> '; lang_select(); } lang_select(); $iter->free(); } if (defined("_BOUCLE_PROFILER") and 1000 * ($timer = time() + microtime() - $timer) > _BOUCLE_PROFILER) { spip_log(intval(1000 * $timer) . "ms BOUCLE_article_langue @ squelettes/agenda.html", "profiler" . _LOG_AVERTISSEMENT); } return $t0; }
function presenter_message_boucles($row, $afficher_auteurs) { global $connect_id_auteur, $spip_lang_left, $spip_lang_rtl; $vals = array(); $id_message = $row['id_message']; $date = $row["date_heure"]; $date_fin = $row["date_fin"]; $titre = sinon($row['titre'], _T('ecrire:info_sans_titre')); $type = $row["type"]; $rv = $row["rv"]; // // Titre // $s = "<a href='" . generer_url_ecrire("message","id_message=$id_message") . "' style='display: block;'>"; switch ($type) { case 'pb' : $puce = "m_envoi_bleu$spip_lang_rtl.gif"; break; case 'memo' : $puce = "m_envoi_jaune$spip_lang_rtl.gif"; break; case 'affich' : $puce = "m_envoi_jaune$spip_lang_rtl.gif"; break; case 'normal': default: $puce = "m_envoi$spip_lang_rtl.gif"; break; } $s .= http_img_pack("$puce", "", "width='14' height='7'"); $s .= " ".typo($titre)."</a>"; $vals[] = $s; // // Auteurs if ($afficher_auteurs) { $result_auteurs = sql_select("auteurs.id_auteur, auteurs.nom", "spip_auteurs AS auteurs, spip_auteurs_messages AS lien", "lien.id_message=$id_message AND lien.id_auteur!=$connect_id_auteur AND lien.id_auteur=auteurs.id_auteur"); $auteurs = ''; while ($row_auteurs = sql_fetch($result_auteurs)) { $id_auteur = $row_auteurs['id_auteur']; $auteurs[] = "<a href='" . generer_url_ecrire("auteur_infos","id_auteur=$id_auteur") . "'>".typo($row_auteurs['nom'])."</a>"; } if ($auteurs AND $type == 'normal') { $s = "<span class='arial1 spip_x-small'>" . join(', ', $auteurs) . "</span>"; } else $s = " "; $vals[] = $s; } // // Messages de forums $total_forum = sql_countsel('spip_forum', "id_message=$id_message"); if ($total_forum > 0) $vals[] = "($total_forum)"; else $vals[] = ""; // // Date // $s = affdate($date); if ($rv == 'oui') { $jour=journum($date); $mois=mois($date); $annee=annee($date); $heure = heures($date).":".minutes($date); if (affdate($date) == affdate($date_fin)) $heure_fin = heures($date_fin).":".minutes($date_fin); else $heure_fin = "..."; $s = "<div " . http_style_background('rv-12.gif', "$spip_lang_left center no-repeat; padding-$spip_lang_left: 15px") . "><a href='" . generer_url_ecrire("calendrier","type=jour&jour=$jour&mois=$mois&annee=$annee") . "'><b style='color: black;'>$s</b><br />$heure-$heure_fin</a></div>"; } else { $s = "<span style='color: #999999'>$s</span>"; } $vals[] = $s; return $vals; }
function lcm_page_start($title = "", $css_files = "", $meta = '', $help_code = '') { global $connect_id_auteur; global $connect_status; global $auth_can_disconnect, $connect_login; global $options; global $lcm_lang, $lcm_lang_rtl, $lcm_lang_left, $lcm_lang_right; global $clean_link; global $prefs; // Clean the global link (i.e. remove actions passed in the URL) $clean_link->delVar('var_lang'); $clean_link->delVar('set_options'); $clean_link->delVar('set_couleur'); $clean_link->delVar('set_disp'); $clean_link->delVar('set_ecran'); lcm_html_start($title, $css_files, $meta); // // Title (mandatory) and description (may be empty) of the site // $site_name = _T(read_meta('site_name')); if (!$site_name) { $site_name = _T('title_software'); } $site_desc = _T(read_meta('site_description')); // // Most of the header/navigation html // echo '<div id="header"> <a href="summary.php" class="balance_link"> </a> <h1 class="lcm_main_head"><a href="summary.php" class="head_ttl_link">' . $site_name . '</a></h1> <div class="lcm_slogan"><a href="summary.php" class="head_subttl_link">' . $site_desc . "</a></div>\n\t\t<br />\n\t</div>\n"; echo "<div id='wrapper_" . $prefs['screen'] . "'>\n\t\t<div id=\"container_" . $prefs['screen'] . "\">\n\t\t\t<div id=\"content_" . $prefs['screen'] . "\">\n\t\t\t<!-- This is the navigation column, usually used for menus and brief information -->\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"navigation_menu_column\">\n\t\t\t\t<!-- Start of navigation_menu_column content -->\n\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"nav_menu_box\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<div class=\"nav_column_menu_head\"><div class=\"mm_main_menu\">" . _T('menu_main') . "</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"nav_menu_list\">"; echo show_navmenu_item("listcases.php", 'main_cases'); // Require to be explicitly off in order to hide the menu item (avoid config errors) if (read_meta('client_hide_all') != 'yes') { echo show_navmenu_item("listclients.php", 'main_clients'); } if (read_meta('org_hide_all') != 'yes') { echo show_navmenu_item("listorgs.php", 'main_orgs'); } if (read_meta('expenses_hide_all') != 'yes') { echo show_navmenu_item("listexps.php", "main_expenses"); } echo show_navmenu_item("listauthors.php", 'main_authors'); echo "</ul>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; if ($connect_status == 'admin') { echo "<div class=\"nav_menu_box\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"nav_column_menu_head\"><div class=\"mm_admin\">" . _T('menu_admin') . "</div></div>\n"; echo "<ul class=\"nav_menu_list\">"; show_navmenu_item("config_site.php", "admin_siteconf"); show_navmenu_item("archive.php", "admin_archives"); show_navmenu_item("listreps.php", "admin_reports"); show_navmenu_item("keywords.php", "admin_keywords"); echo "</ul>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; } // Show today's date if ($title != _T('title_upgrade_database')) { echo "<div class=\"nav_menu_box\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"nav_column_menu_head\">\n"; echo "<div class=\"mm_calendar\">" . _T('menu_calendar') . "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; // Show calendar include_lcm('inc_calendar'); $now = date('Y-m-d'); echo "<table border='0' align='center'><tr><td>\n"; // Temporary? [ML] echo http_calendrier_agenda(mois($now), annee($now), jour($now), mois($now), annee($now), false, 'calendar.php'); echo "</td></tr></table>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; // Start agenda box echo '<div class="nav_menu_box">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="nav_column_menu_head">'; echo '<div class="mm_agenda">' . _T('menu_agenda') . "</div>\n"; echo "</div>\n"; $events = false; // Show appointments for today $q = "SELECT app.id_app, start_time, type, title\n\t\t\tFROM lcm_app as app, lcm_author_app as aut\n\t\t\tWHERE aut.id_author=" . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\tAND app.id_app = aut.id_app\n\t\t\tAND " . lcm_query_trunc_field('app.start_time', 'day') . "\n\t\t\t= " . lcm_query_trunc_field('NOW()', 'day') . "\n\t\t\tORDER BY app.reminder ASC"; $result = lcm_query($q); if (lcm_num_rows($result) > 0) { $events = true; $today = getdate(time()); echo "<p class=\"nav_column_text\">\n" . '<strong><a class="content_link" href="calendar.php?type=jour' . "&jour=" . $today['mday'] . "&mois=" . $today['mon'] . "&annee=" . $today['year'] . '">' . _Th('calendar_button_now') . "</a></strong><br />\n"; echo "</p>\n"; echo "<ul class=\"small_agenda\">\n"; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<li><a href=\"app_det.php?app=" . $row['id_app'] . "\">" . heures($row['start_time']) . ':' . minutes($row['start_time']) . " - " . $row['title'] . "</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; echo "<hr class=\"hair_line\" />\n"; } // Show next appointments $q = "SELECT a.id_app, a.start_time, a.type, a.title\n\t\t\tFROM lcm_app as a, lcm_author_app as aa\n\t\t\tWHERE (aa.id_author = " . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND a.id_app = aa.id_app\n\t\t\t\t\tAND a.start_time >= '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', (int) ceil(time() / 86400) * 86400) . "')\n\t\t\tORDER BY a.reminder ASC\n\t\t\tLIMIT 5"; $result = lcm_query($q); if (lcm_num_rows($result) > 0) { $events = true; echo "<p class=\"nav_column_text\">\n"; echo "<strong>" . _T('calendar_button_nextapps') . "</strong><br />\n"; echo "</p>\n"; echo "<ul class=\"small_agenda\">\n"; while ($row = lcm_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<li><a href=\"app_det.php?app=" . $row['id_app'] . "\">" . format_date($row['start_time'], 'short') . " - " . $row['title'] . "</a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } if (!$events) { echo '<p class="nav_column_text">' . _T('calendar_info_noacts') . "</p>\n"; } // my appointments echo ' <a href="author_det.php?tab=appointments&author=' . $GLOBALS['author_session']['id_author'] . '" title="' . _T('title_agenda_list') . '">' . '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_show-form-dialog.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" /></a>'; // new appointment echo ' <a href="edit_app.php?app=0" title="' . _T('app_button_new') . '">' . '<img src="images/jimmac/stock_new-16.png" border="0" width="16" height="16" alt="" /></a>'; // End of nav_menu_box for Agenda echo "</div>\n"; } // End of "navigation_menu_column" content echo "</div>\n\n\t\t\t\t<!-- The main content will be here - all the data, html forms, search results etc. -->\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"main_column\">\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- Start of 'main_column' content -->\n\t\t\t\t\t<h3 class=\"content_head\">"; if ($help_code) { echo '<span class="help_icon">' . lcm_help($help_code) . "</span> "; } echo $title; echo "</h3>\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- [KM] Just a small experiment how the future breadcrumb will look like -->\n\t\t\t\t\t<!-- div id=\"breadcrumb\"><a href=\"#\" title=\"Test link\">Home</a> > <a href=\"#\" title=\"Test link\">Page1</a> > <a href=\"#\" title=\"Test link\">Subpage1</a> > Subsubpage1</div -->\n\t"; }
function http_calendrier_rv($messages, $type) { global $lcm_lang_rtl; $total = ''; if (!$messages) { return $total; } foreach ($messages as $row) { if (preg_match("/^=([^[:space:]]+)\$/", $row['texte'], $match)) { $url = $match[1]; } else { $url = "message.php3?id_message=" . $row['id_message']; } $rv = $row['rv'] == 'oui'; $date = $row['date_heure']; $date_fin = $row['date_fin']; if ($row['type'] == "pb") { $bouton = "pense-bete"; } else { if ($row['type'] == "annonces") { $bouton = "annonce"; } else { $bouton = "message"; } } if ($rv) { $date_jour = affdate_jourcourt($date); $total .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>" . ($date_jour == $date_rv ? '' : "<div><b>{$date_jour}</b></div>") . "</td></tr>"; } $total .= "<tr><td width='24' valign='middle'>" . http_href($url, $rv ? http_img_pack("rv.gif", '', http_style_background($bouton . '.gif', "no-repeat;' border='0'")) : http_img_pack("{$bouton}.gif", '', "border='0'"), '', '') . "</td>" . "<td valign='middle'>" . (!$rv ? '' : (affdate($date) == affdate($date_fin) ? "<div style='font-size: 9px;'" . http_style_background('fond-agenda.gif', "right center no-repeat; float: left; line-height: 12px; color: #666666; margin-right: 3px; padding-right: 4px;") . heures($date) . ":" . minutes($date) . "<br />" . heures($date_fin) . ":" . minutes($date_fin) . "</div>" : "<div style='font-size: 9px;'" . http_style_background('fond-agenda.gif', "right center no-repeat; float: left; line-height: 12px; color: #666666; margin-right: 3px; padding-right: 4px; text-align: center;") . heures($date) . ":" . minutes($date) . "<br />...</div>")) . "<div><b>" . http_href($url, typo($row['titre']), '', 'font-size: 10px;') . "</b></div>" . "</td>" . "</tr>\n"; $date_rv = $date_jour; } if ($type == 'annonces') { $titre = _T('info_annonces_generales'); $couleur_titre = "ccaa00"; $couleur_texte = "black"; $couleur_fond = "#ffffee"; } else { if ($type == 'pb') { $titre = _T('infos_vos_pense_bete'); $couleur_titre = "#3874B0"; $couleur_fond = "#EDF3FE"; $couleur_texte = "white"; } else { if ($type == 'rv') { $titre = _T('info_vos_rendez_vous'); $couleur_titre = "#666666"; $couleur_fond = "#eeeeee"; $couleur_texte = "white"; } } } return debut_cadre_enfonce("", true, "", $titre) . "<table width='98%' border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='2'>" . $total . "</table>" . fin_cadre_enfonce(true); }