コード例 #1
ファイル: _skin.funcs.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
 * Sends the desired HTTP response header in case of a "404".
function skin_404_header()
    global $Blog;
    // We have a 404 unresolved content error
    // How do we want do deal with it?
    switch ($resp_code = $Blog->get_setting('404_response')) {
        case '404':
            header_http_response('404 Not Found');
        case '410':
            header_http_response('410 Gone');
        case '301':
        case '302':
        case '303':
            // Redirect to home page:
            header_redirect($Blog->get('url'), intval($resp_code));
            // THIS WILL EXIT!
            // Will result in a 200 OK
コード例 #2
ファイル: anon_async.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
         $current_User->check_perm('comment!' . $status, 'moderate', true, $edited_Comment);
         $redirect_to = param('redirect_to', 'url', NULL);
         $edited_Comment->set('status', $status);
         // Comment moderation is done, handle moderation "secret"
         $result_success = $edited_Comment->dbupdate();
         if ($result_success !== false) {
             if ($status == 'published') {
                 $edited_Comment->handle_notifications(false, $current_User->ID);
 if ($result_success === false) {
     // Some errors on deleting of the comment, Exit here
     header_http_response('500 ' . T_('Comment cannot be updated!'), 500);
 if ($moderation != NULL && in_array($request_from, array('items', 'comments'))) {
     // AJAX request goes from backoffice and ctrl = items or comments
     if (param('is_backoffice', 'integer', 0)) {
         // Set admin skin, used for buttons, @see button_class()
         global $current_User, $UserSettings, $is_admin_page, $adminskins_path;
         $admin_skin = $UserSettings->get('admin_skin', $current_User->ID);
         $is_admin_page = true;
         require_once $adminskins_path . $admin_skin . '/_adminUI.class.php';
         $AdminUI = new AdminUI();
     $statuses = param('statuses', 'string', NULL);
     $item_ID = param('itemid', 'integer');
     $currentpage = param('currentpage', 'integer', 1);
コード例 #3
ファイル: _misc.funcs.php プロジェクト: ldanielz/uesp.blog
 * Outputs Bad request Error message. When in debug mode it also prints a backtrace.
 * This should be used when a bad user input is detected.
 * @param string Message to output (HTML)
function bad_request_die($additional_info = '')
    global $debug, $baseurl;
    // Attempt to output an error header (will not work if the output buffer has already flushed once):
    // This should help preventing indexing robots from indexing the error :P
    if (!headers_sent()) {
        headers_content_mightcache('text/html', 0);
        // Do NOT cache error messages! (Users would not see they fixed them)
        header_http_response('400 Bad Request');
    echo '<div style="background-color: #fdd; padding: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex;">';
    echo '<h3 style="color:#f00;">' . T_('Bad Request!') . '</h3>';
    echo '<p>' . T_('The parameters of your request are invalid.') . '</p>';
    echo '<p>' . T_('If you have obtained this error by clicking on a link INSIDE of this site, please report the bad link to the administrator.') . '</p>';
    echo '<p><a href="' . $baseurl . '">' . T_('Go back to home page') . '</a></p>';
    echo '</div>';
    if (!empty($additional_info)) {
        echo '<div style="background-color: #ddd; padding: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex;">';
        if ($debug) {
            // Display additional info only in debug mode because it can reveal system info to hackers and greatly facilitate exploits
            echo '<h3>' . T_('Additional information about this error:') . '</h3>';
            echo $additional_info;
        } else {
            echo '<p><i>Enable debugging to get additional information about this error.</i></p>' . get_manual_link('debugging', 'How to enable debug mode?');
        echo '</div>';
        // Append the error text to AJAX log if it is AJAX request
        global $Ajaxlog;
        if (!empty($Ajaxlog)) {
            $Ajaxlog->add($additional_info, 'error');
            $Ajaxlog->display(NULL, NULL, true, 'all', array('error' => array('class' => 'jslog_error', 'divClass' => false), 'note' => array('class' => 'jslog_note', 'divClass' => false)), 'ul', 'jslog');
    if ($debug) {
        echo debug_get_backtrace();
    // Attempt to keep the html valid (but it doesn't really matter anyway)
    echo '</body></html>';
    // Error code 2. Note: this will still call the shutdown function.
コード例 #4
ファイル: async.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
     $Item->set_from_Request('priority', 'new_priority', true);
 case 'assigned':
     // Update task assigned user
     $new_assigned_ID = param('new_assigned_ID', 'integer', NULL);
     $new_assigned_login = param('new_assigned_login', 'string', NULL);
     if ($Item->assign_to($new_assigned_ID, $new_assigned_login)) {
         // An assigned user can be changed
     } else {
         // Error on changing of an assigned user
         headers_content_mightcache('text/html', 0, '#', false);
         // Do NOT cache error messages! (Users would not see they fixed them)
         header_http_response('400 Bad Request');
         // This message is displayed after an input field
         echo T_('Username not found!');
         // Error code 2. Note: this will still call the shutdown function.
         // EXIT here!
     if (empty($Item->assigned_user_ID)) {
         $new_title = T_('No user');
     } else {
         $is_admin_page = true;
         $UserCache =& get_UserCache();
         $User =& $UserCache->get_by_ID($Item->assigned_user_ID);
         $new_title = $User->get_colored_login(array('mask' => '$avatar$ $login$'));
     $new_value = $Item->assigned_user_ID;
コード例 #5
 * Sends HTTP header to redirect to the previous location (which
 * can be given as function parameter, GET parameter (redirect_to),
 * is taken from {@link Hit::$referer} or {@link $baseurl}).
 * {@link $Debuglog} and {@link $Messages} get stored in {@link $Session}, so they
 * are available after the redirect.
 * NOTE: This function {@link exit() exits} the php script execution.
 * @todo fp> do NOT allow $redirect_to = NULL. This leads to spaghetti code and unpredictable behavior.
 * @param string Destination URL to redirect to
 * @param boolean|integer is this a permanent redirect? if true, send a 301; otherwise a 303 OR response code 301,302,303
function header_redirect($redirect_to = NULL, $status = false)
     * put your comment there...
     * @var Hit
    global $Hit;
    global $baseurl, $Blog, $htsrv_url_sensitive;
    global $Session, $Debuglog, $Messages;
    global $http_response_code;
    // TODO: fp> get this out to the caller, make a helper func like get_returnto_url()
    if (empty($redirect_to)) {
        // see if there's a redirect_to request param given:
        $redirect_to = param('redirect_to', 'url', '');
        if (empty($redirect_to)) {
            if (!empty($Hit->referer)) {
                $redirect_to = $Hit->referer;
            } elseif (isset($Blog) && is_object($Blog)) {
                $redirect_to = $Blog->get('url');
            } else {
                $redirect_to = $baseurl;
        } elseif ($redirect_to[0] == '/') {
            // relative URL, prepend current host:
            global $ReqHost;
            $redirect_to = $ReqHost . $redirect_to;
    // <fp
    if ($redirect_to[0] == '/') {
        // TODO: until all calls to header_redirect are cleaned up:
        global $ReqHost;
        $redirect_to = $ReqHost . $redirect_to;
        // debug_die( '$redirect_to must be an absolute URL' );
    if (strpos($redirect_to, $htsrv_url_sensitive) === 0 || strpos($redirect_to, $baseurl) === 0) {
        // Remove login and pwd parameters from URL, so that they do not trigger the login screen again:
        // Also remove "action" get param to avoid unwanted actions
        // blueyed> Removed the removing of "action" here, as it is used to trigger certain views. Instead, "confirm(ed)?" gets removed now
        // fp> which views please (important to list in order to remove asap)
        // dh> sorry, don't remember
        // TODO: fp> action should actually not be used to trigger views. This should be changed at some point.
        // TODO: fp> confirm should be normalized to confirmed
        $redirect_to = preg_replace('~(?<=\\?|&) (login|pwd|confirm(ed)?) = [^&]+ ~x', '', $redirect_to);
    if (is_integer($status)) {
        $http_response_code = $status;
    } else {
        $http_response_code = $status ? 301 : 303;
    $Debuglog->add('***** REDIRECT TO ' . $redirect_to . ' (status ' . $http_response_code . ') *****', 'request');
    if (!empty($Session)) {
        // Session is required here
        // Transfer of Debuglog to next page:
        if ($Debuglog->count('all')) {
            // Save Debuglog into Session, so that it's available after redirect (gets loaded by Session constructor):
            $sess_Debuglogs = $Session->get('Debuglogs');
            if (empty($sess_Debuglogs)) {
                $sess_Debuglogs = array();
            $sess_Debuglogs[] = $Debuglog;
            $Session->set('Debuglogs', $sess_Debuglogs, 60);
            // echo 'Passing Debuglog(s) to next page';
            // pre_dump( $sess_Debuglogs );
        // Transfer of Messages to next page:
        if ($Messages->count()) {
            // Set Messages into user's session, so they get restored on the next page (after redirect):
            $Session->set('Messages', $Messages);
            // echo 'Passing Messages to next page';
        // If we don't save now, we run the risk that the redirect goes faster than the PHP script shutdown.
    // see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
    switch ($http_response_code) {
        case 301:
            // This should be a permanent move redirect!
            header_http_response('301 Moved Permanently');
        case 303:
            // This should be a "follow up" redirect
            // Note: Also see http://de3.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php#50588 and the other comments around
            header_http_response('303 See Other');
        case 302:
            header_http_response('302 Found');
    // debug_die($redirect_to);
    if (headers_sent($filename, $line)) {
        debug_die(sprintf('Headers have already been sent in %s on line %d.', basename($filename), $line) . '<br />Cannot <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($redirect_to) . '">redirect</a>.');
    header('Location: ' . $redirect_to, true, $http_response_code);
    // explictly setting the status is required for (fast)cgi
コード例 #6

 * This page displays an error message when we cannot resolve the extra path.
 * This happens when you request an invalid tracking code on track.php for example
 * @package evocore
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
header_http_response('404 Not Found');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
// no translation
$page_title = '404 Not Found';
// -------------------------- HTML HEADER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
siteskin_include('_html_header.inc.php', array(), true);
// force include even if site headers/footers are not enabled
// -------------------------------- END OF HEADER --------------------------------
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
<p>The page you requested doesn't seem to exist on <a href="<?php 
echo $baseurl;
">this system</a>.</p>
// -------------------------- HTML FOOTER INCLUDED HERE --------------------------
siteskin_include('_html_footer.inc.php', array(), true);
// force include even if site headers/footers are not enabled
// -------------------------------- END OF FOOTER --------------------------------
コード例 #7
  * Retrieve and output cache for current URL.
  * @return boolean true if we could retrieve
 function retrieve()
     global $Debuglog;
     global $ReqURL;
     global $servertimenow;
     global $Timer;
     global $Settings;
     // What would be the cache file for the current URL?
     $af_cache_file = $this->get_af_filecache_path();
     // fstat() is interesting because it gives the last access time... use that for purging...
     * Tblue> Note: Many server admins mount partitions with the "noatime"
     *              option, which disables atime updates and thus speeds
     *              up disk access - that means the atime is not reliable,
     *              better use the mtime (modification time).
     if( $fh = @fopen( $af_cache_file, 'r', false ) )
     	$fstat = fstat( $fh );
     	pre_dump( $fstat );
     	fclose( $fh );
     $Timer->resume('Read cache file');
     $lines = @file($af_cache_file, false);
     $Timer->pause('Read cache file');
     if ($this->cache_Blog != NULL) {
         $last_invalidation_timestamp = $this->cache_Blog->get_setting('last_invalidation_timestamp');
         if ($last_invalidation_timestamp == 0) {
             $this->cache_Blog->set_setting('last_invalidation_timestamp', $servertimenow);
     } else {
         $last_invalidation_timestamp = $Settings->get('last_invalidation_timestamp');
         if ($last_invalidation_timestamp == 0) {
             $Settings->set('last_invalidation_timestamp', $servertimenow);
     // fp> note we are using empty() so that we detect both the case where there is no file and the case where the file
     // might have ended up empty because PHP crashed while writing to it or sth like that...
     if (!empty($lines)) {
         // We have data in the cache!
         $Debuglog->add('Retrieving from cache!', 'pagecache');
         $Timer->resume('Cache file processing');
         // Retrieved cached URL:
         $retrieved_url = trim($lines[0]);
         if ($retrieved_url != $ReqURL) {
             $Debuglog->add('Cached file URL [' . $retrieved_url . '] does not match current URL, aborting retrieve.', 'pagecache');
             return false;
         // timestamp of cache generation:
         $retrieved_ts = trim($lines[1]);
         $cache_age = $servertimenow - $retrieved_ts;
         $Debuglog->add('Cache age: ' . floor($cache_age / 60) . ' min ' . $cache_age % 60 . ' sec', 'pagecache');
         if ($cache_age > $this->max_age_seconds || $last_invalidation_timestamp > $retrieved_ts) {
             // Cache has expired
             return false;
         $i = 1;
         $optional_headers = array();
         // Go through optional header lines
         // Optional headers are separated from the file header with an empty line.
         while ($optional_header_line = trim($lines[++$i])) {
             // All optional header name value must be separated with ':'
             if (strpos($optional_header_line, ':') === false) {
                 $Debuglog->add('Cached file format not recognized, aborting retrieve.', 'pagecache');
                 return false;
             list($header_name, $header_value) = explode(":", $optional_header_line);
             // Optional header name and value must not be empty
             $header_name = trim($header_name);
             $header_value = trim($header_value);
             if (empty($header_name) || empty($header_value)) {
                 $Debuglog->add('Cached file format not recognized, aborting retrieve.', 'pagecache');
                 return false;
             $optional_headers[$header_name] = $header_value;
         // unset the empty line
         // count item views happening on this page:
         if (isset($optional_headers['item_IDs_on_this_page'])) {
             global $shutdown_count_item_views;
             $shutdown_count_item_views = explode(',', $optional_headers['item_IDs_on_this_page']);
         // Check if the request has an If-Modified-Since date
         if (array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', $_SERVER)) {
             $if_modified_since = strtotime(preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']));
             if ($retrieved_ts <= $if_modified_since) {
                 // Cached version is equal to (or older than) $if_modified since; contents probably not modified...
                 // It is still possible that in between we have sent logged-in versions (including evobar) of the page
                 // and that the browser has an evobar version of the page in cache. Let's verify this before sending a 304...
                 // We do this with an ETag header (another solution may be the Vary header)
                 if (array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH', $_SERVER)) {
                     $if_none_match = $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'];
                     // pre_dump($if_none_match, gen_current_page_etag() );
                     if ($if_none_match == gen_current_page_etag()) {
                         // Ok, this seems to be really the same:
                         header_http_response('304 Not Modified');
         // Page was modified, revert $shutdown_count_item_views set
         $shutdown_count_item_views = array();
         // ============== Ready to send cached version of the page =================
         // Send no cache header including last modified date:
         // Go through headers that were saved in the cache:
         // $i was already set
         while ($headerline = trim($lines[++$i])) {
         // SEND CONTENT!
         $body = implode('', $lines);
         $Timer->pause('Cache file processing');
         $Timer->resume('Sending cached content');
         // Echo a first chunk (see explanation below)
         $buffer_size = 12000;
         // Empiric value, you can make it smaller if you show me screenshots of better timings with a smaller value
         echo substr($body, 0, $buffer_size);
         // fp> So why do we want an ob_start here?
         // fp> Because otherwise echo will "hang" until all the data gets passed through apache (on default Apache install with default SendBufferSize)
         // fp> With ob_start() the script will terminate much faster and the total exec time of the script will look much smaller.
         // fp> This doesn't actually improve the speed of the transmission, it just lets the PHP script exit earlier
         // fp> DRAWBACK: shutdown will be executed *before* the "ob" data is actually sent :'(
         // fp> This is why we send a first chunk of data before ob_start(). shutdown can occur while that data is sent. then the remainder is sent.
         // Inspiration: http://wonko.com/post/seeing_poor_performance_using_phps_echo_statement_heres_why
         //              http://fplanque.com/dev/linux/how-to-log-request-processing-times-in-apache
         //              http://fplanque.com/dev/linux/why-echo-is-slow-in-php-how-to-make-it-really-fast
         // fp> TODO: do something similar during page cache collection.
         echo substr($body, $buffer_size);
         // ob_end_flush(); // fp> WARNING: Putting an end flush here would just kill the benefit of the ob_start() above.
         $Timer->pause('Sending cached content');
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: track.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
if (!empty($Goal->redir_url) || !empty($Goal->temp_redir_url)) {
    // TODO adapt and use header_redirect()
    $redir_url = $Goal->get_active_url();
    if (preg_match('/\\$([a-z_]+)\\$/i', $redir_url, $matches)) {
        // We want to replace a special code like $hit_ID$ in the redir URL:
        // Tblue> What about using preg_replace_callback() to do this?
        switch ($matches[1]) {
            case 'hit_ID':
                // We need to log the HIT now! Because we need the hit ID!
                $redir_url = str_replace('$hit_ID$', $Hit->ID, $redir_url);
    header_http_response('302 Found');
    header('Location: ' . $redir_url, true, 302);
    // explictly setting the status is required for (fast)cgi
    // TODO: dh> str_repeat won't be enough (when gzipped), see http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/8942
    //           should be probably a more general function and get used in e.g. bad_request_die(), too (if necessary)
    echo str_repeat(' ', 1024);
    // At this point Firefox 2 will redirect without waiting for the end of the page, but IE7 will not :/
} else {
    // No redirection specified, we send a blank pixel instead:
    $blank_gif = $rsc_path . 'img/blank.gif';
    header('Content-type: image/gif');
    header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($blank_gif));
コード例 #9

 * This page displays an error message if the user is denied access to the admin section
 * @package evocore
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
header_http_response('403 Forbidden');
headers_content_mightcache('text/html', 0);
// Do NOT cache error messages! (Users would not see they fixed them)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
echo T_('Access denied');
	<div style="background-color:#fee; border: 1px solid red; text-align:center;">
echo T_('Access denied');
echo T_('Sorry, you have no permission to access this section.');
コード例 #10

 * This page displays an error message when we have detected access to the stats.
 * @package evocore
if (!defined('EVO_MAIN_INIT')) {
    die('Please, do not access this page directly.');
// Note: if you have a really really good reason to bypass this, uncomment the following line:
// return;
header_http_response('410 Gone');
header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1');
// no translation
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<title>410 Gone</title>
		<h1>410 Gone</h1>
echo $app_name;
 does no longer publish referer statistics publicly in order not to attract spam robots.</p>
コード例 #11
 * Sends HTTP header to redirect to the previous location (which
 * can be given as function parameter, GET parameter (redirect_to),
 * is taken from {@link Hit::$referer} or {@link $baseurl}).
 * {@link $Debuglog} and {@link $Messages} get stored in {@link $Session}, so they
 * are available after the redirect.
 * NOTE: This function {@link exit() exits} the php script execution.
 * @todo fp> do NOT allow $redirect_to = NULL. This leads to spaghetti code and unpredictable behavior.
 * @param string Destination URL to redirect to
 * @param boolean|integer is this a permanent redirect? if true, send a 301; otherwise a 303 OR response code 301,302,303
 * @param boolean is this a redirected post display? This param may be true only if we should redirect to a post url where the post status is 'redirected'!
function header_redirect($redirect_to = NULL, $status = false, $redirected_post = false)
     * put your comment there...
     * @var Hit
    global $Hit;
    global $baseurl, $Blog, $htsrv_url_sensitive, $ReqHost, $ReqURL, $dispatcher;
    global $Session, $Debuglog, $Messages;
    global $http_response_code, $allow_redirects_to_different_domain;
    // TODO: fp> get this out to the caller, make a helper func like get_returnto_url()
    if (empty($redirect_to)) {
        // see if there's a redirect_to request param given:
        $redirect_to = param('redirect_to', 'url', '');
        if (empty($redirect_to)) {
            if (!empty($Hit->referer)) {
                $redirect_to = $Hit->referer;
            } elseif (isset($Blog) && is_object($Blog)) {
                $redirect_to = $Blog->get('url');
            } else {
                $redirect_to = $baseurl;
        } elseif ($redirect_to[0] == '/') {
            // relative URL, prepend current host:
            $redirect_to = $ReqHost . $redirect_to;
    // <fp
    $Debuglog->add('Preparing to redirect to: ' . $redirect_to, 'request');
    // Determine if this is an external or internal redirect:
    $external_redirect = true;
    // Start with worst case, then whitelist:
    if ($redirect_to[0] == '/' || $redirect_to[0] == '?') {
        // We stay on the same domain or same page:
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (strpos($redirect_to, $dispatcher) === 0) {
        // $dispatcher is DEPRECATED and pages should use $admin_url URL instead, but at least we're staying on the same site:
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (strpos($redirect_to, $baseurl) === 0) {
        $Debuglog->add('Redirecting within $baseurl, all is fine.', 'request');
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (strpos($redirect_to, $htsrv_url_sensitive) === 0) {
        $Debuglog->add('Redirecting within $htsrv_url_sensitive, all is fine.', 'request');
        $external_redirect = false;
    } elseif (!empty($Blog) && strpos($redirect_to, $Blog->gen_baseurl()) === 0) {
        $Debuglog->add('Redirecting within current collection URL, all is fine.', 'request');
        $external_redirect = false;
    // Remove login and pwd parameters from URL, so that they do not trigger the login screen again (and also as global security measure):
    $redirect_to = preg_replace('~(?<=\\?|&) (login|pwd) = [^&]+ ~x', '', $redirect_to);
    if ($external_redirect == false) {
        // (blueyed>) Remove "confirm(ed)?" from redirect_to so it doesn't do the same thing twice
        // TODO: fp> confirm should be normalized to confirmed
        $redirect_to = preg_replace('~(?<=\\?|&) (confirm(ed)?) = [^&]+ ~x', '', $redirect_to);
    $allow_collection_redirect = false;
    if ($external_redirect && $allow_redirects_to_different_domain == 'all_collections_and_redirected_posts' && !$redirected_post) {
        // If a redirect is external and we allow to redirect to all collection domains:
        $BlogCache =& get_BlogCache();
        $redirect_to_domain = preg_replace('~https?://([^/]+)/?.*~i', '$1', $redirect_to);
        foreach ($BlogCache->cache as $url_Blog) {
            $blog_domain = preg_replace('~https?://([^/]+)/?.*~i', '$1', $url_Blog->gen_baseurl());
            if ($blog_domain == $redirect_to_domain) {
                // We found current redirect goes to a collection domain, so it is not external
                $allow_collection_redirect = true;
    // Check if we're trying to redirect to an external URL:
    if ($external_redirect && $allow_redirects_to_different_domain != 'always' && !$allow_collection_redirect && !(in_array($allow_redirects_to_different_domain, array('all_collections_and_redirected_posts', 'only_redirected_posts')) && $redirected_post)) {
        // Force header redirects into the same domain. Do not allow external URLs.
        $Messages->add(T_('A redirection to an external URL was blocked for security reasons.'), 'error');
        syslog_insert('A redirection to an external URL ' . $redirect_to . ' was blocked for security reasons.', 'error', NULL);
        $redirect_to = $baseurl;
    if (is_integer($status)) {
        $http_response_code = $status;
    } else {
        $http_response_code = $status ? 301 : 303;
    $Debuglog->add('***** REDIRECT TO ' . $redirect_to . ' (status ' . $http_response_code . ') *****', 'request');
    if (!empty($Session)) {
        // Session is required here
        // Transfer of Debuglog to next page:
        if ($Debuglog->count('all')) {
            // Save Debuglog into Session, so that it's available after redirect (gets loaded by Session constructor):
            $sess_Debuglogs = $Session->get('Debuglogs');
            if (empty($sess_Debuglogs)) {
                $sess_Debuglogs = array();
            $sess_Debuglogs[] = $Debuglog;
            $Session->set('Debuglogs', $sess_Debuglogs, 60);
            // echo 'Passing Debuglog(s) to next page';
            // pre_dump( $sess_Debuglogs );
        // Transfer of Messages to next page:
        if ($Messages->count()) {
            // Set Messages into user's session, so they get restored on the next page (after redirect):
            $Session->set('Messages', $Messages);
            // echo 'Passing Messages to next page';
        // If we don't save now, we run the risk that the redirect goes faster than the PHP script shutdown.
    // see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html
    switch ($http_response_code) {
        case 301:
            // This should be a permanent move redirect!
            header_http_response('301 Moved Permanently');
        case 303:
            // This should be a "follow up" redirect
            // Note: Also see http://de3.php.net/manual/en/function.header.php#50588 and the other comments around
            header_http_response('303 See Other');
        case 302:
            header_http_response('302 Found');
    // debug_die($redirect_to);
    if (headers_sent($filename, $line)) {
        debug_die(sprintf('Headers have already been sent in %s on line %d.', basename($filename), $line) . '<br />Cannot <a href="' . htmlspecialchars($redirect_to) . '">redirect</a>.');
    header('Location: ' . $redirect_to, true, $http_response_code);
    // explictly setting the status is required for (fast)cgi
コード例 #12
ファイル: getfile.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
// TODO: dh> this failed with filenames containing multiple dots!
if (false !== strpos(urldecode($path), '..')) {
    debug_die('Relative pathnames not allowed!');
// Load fileroot info:
$FileRootCache =& get_FileRootCache();
$FileRoot =& $FileRootCache->get_by_ID($root);
// Load file object (not the file content):
$File = new File($FileRoot->type, $FileRoot->in_type_ID, $path);
// Check if the request has an If-Modified-Since date
if (array_key_exists('HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE', $_SERVER)) {
    $if_modified_since = strtotime(preg_replace('/;.*$/', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']));
    $file_lastmode_ts = $File->get_lastmod_ts();
    if ($file_lastmode_ts <= $if_modified_since) {
        // file was not modified since if_modified_since ts
        header_http_response('304 Not Modified');
if (!empty($size) && $File->is_image()) {
    // We want a thumbnail:
    // fp> TODO: for more efficient caching, this should probably redirect to the static file right after creating it (when $public_access_to_media=true OF COURSE)
    global $thumbnail_sizes;
    $size_name = $size;
    if (!isset($thumbnail_sizes[$size])) {
        // this file size alias is not defined, use default:
        // TODO: dh> this causes links for e.g. "fit-50x50" to work also, but with the drawback of images not getting served from the
        //           .evocache directory directly. I think invalid $size params should bark out here.
        // fp> ok.
        $size_name = 'fit-80x80';