コード例 #1
ファイル: func.php プロジェクト: bas2/diary

//require(str_repeat('../', substr_count($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], "/")) . 'includes/functions.php');
// Added 08/01/2010 when getting PHP warnings
$d_date1 = date('l jS F, Y', h99());
// Friday 26th December, 2003
$d_date5 = date('Y-m-d');
// 2003-12-26          # mysql_style date
$d_date6 = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', h99());
// 2003-12-26 21:06:19 # mysql-style date time
$d_date10 = date('H:i:s', h99());
// 21:06:19
$d_date11 = date('H:i', h99());
// 21:06
// Configuration
$textarea_rows = 15;
$textarea_cols = 105;
$textarea_rows2 = 10;
$textarea_cols2 = 125;
// Define our preferred colours
//define('TODAY_COL', '#609');
define('SEL_COL', '#c00');
define('THREE_COL', '#f60');
define('FOUR_COL', '#c90');
define('TOOLS_SCRIPT', 'inc/tools2.php');
// Script that handles all AJAX server output
define('SECSINADAY', 86400);
// Number of seconds in one day (60*60*24)
$arr_d = array('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun');
// 009966
コード例 #2
ファイル: tools2.php プロジェクト: bas2/diary
function upd($link)
    $row_imp = @$_POST['row_imp'];
    //echo $row_imp;
    //$info = magicquotes_check($_POST['info'], 1); // addslashes
    $info = $_POST['info'];
    $pst_dt = $_POST['dt'];
    if (!isset($info) or !isset($pst_dt)) {
    $dt_pst_dt = formatmydate($pst_dt, 1);
    $r_dateinfo = $link->prepare("SELECT id FROM diary_main WHERE d=?");
    $r_dateinfo->execute(array((string) $pst_dt));
    $dy1 = date("D", strtotime($pst_dt));
    $iscurwk = isCurWk($pst_dt);
    //$nm_dateinfo = $r_dateinfo->rowCount();
    $str = '';
    // Check if entry exists for date
    if ($r_dateinfo->rowCount() == 0) {
        // Entry for date does not exist
        $ins_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', h99());
        // Date does not exist in database - create a row for it
        $r_ins = $link->prepare("INSERT INTO diary_main (d, info, ins_date) VALUES (?, '', ?)");
        $r_ins->execute(array((string) $pst_dt, (string) $ins_date));
        // Keep a text record of diary entries
        $file_path2 = "../temp/{$pst_dt}" . '_' . time() . '.php';
        $fp2 = fopen($file_path2, 'w');
        $write_file2 = fwrite($fp2, '');
        if (!$r_ins->rowCount()) {
            $str .= '<span class="updfail">The entry for ' . "{$dt_pst_dt} could not be CREATED at {$ins_date} </span>";
            //} else {
    // End if.
    // Update existing row
    $ch_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', h99());
    // Get the number of edits:
    $r_nme = $link->prepare("SELECT numedit FROM diary_main WHERE d=?");
    $r_nme->execute(array((string) $pst_dt));
    $rw = $r_nme->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
    $nme = $rw[0] + 1;
    $r_upd = $link->prepare("UPDATE diary_main SET info=?, important=?, ch_date=?, numedit=? where d=?");
    $r_upd->execute(array((string) $info, (int) $row_imp, (string) $ch_date, (int) $nme, (string) $pst_dt));
    // Keep a text 'snapshot' record of updated diary entries
    list($uy, $um, $ud) = explode('-', $pst_dt);
    $uym = "{$uy}-{$um}";
    if (!is_dir("../temp/{$uym}")) {
    if (!is_dir("../temp/{$uym}/{$ud}")) {
    $file_path2 = "../temp/{$uym}/{$ud}/" . time() . '.txt';
    $fp2 = fopen($file_path2, 'w');
    $write_file2 = fwrite($fp2, stripslashes($info));
    if ($r_upd->rowCount() == 1) {
        // Record updated
        if (isset($r_ins)) {
            // New record created
            echo "<span class=\"updsuccess\">The entry for {$dt_pst_dt} was CREATED at " . formatmydate($ins_date, 0) . "</span>|{$ins_date}|None";
        } else {
            $str .= "<span class=\"updsuccess\">The entry for {$dt_pst_dt} was UPDATED at " . formatmydate($ch_date, 0) . "</span>|{$ch_date}";
        // End if.
    } else {
        $str .= '<span class="updfail">RECORD WAS NOT UPDATED</span>';
    // End if.
    $str .= "|{$pst_dt}|{$dy1}|{$iscurwk}";
    echo $str;