function cron_merge_template($form, $entry, $fileid, $invoice_number = "") { $return = ""; $formid = $entry['form_id']; $where = 'form_id =' . $formid; $params = array('where' => $where); $templates = gettplList($params); $fieldmap = gettplFieldMap($params); //echo print_r($templates,true); echo "LeadID : " . $entry['id'] . " msg: <br/>" . print_r($templates['meta']['files'], true); if (!empty($templates['meta']['files'])) { echo '<br/>File ID: ' . print_r($fileid, true); $return = cron_tpl_combine($entry, $templates, $fieldmap, $fileid); echo 'Return: ' . $return; } else { echo 'empty'; // exit; } $letters = ""; $invoices = ""; if ($return != "") { echo "Doc : " . $return . "<br>"; $letters = cron_LettersMerge($entry, $fieldmap); $invoices = cron_InvoicesMerge($entry, $fieldmap, $invoice_number); $doc_email_msg = TriggerDocumentEmail($entry['id']); if (!empty($doc_email_msg) && $doc_email_msg['status'] == "success") { $status = 1; $message = $doc_email_msg['msg']; cron_statusUpdate($entry['id'], $status, $message); } else { $status = 2; $message = "Email Sent Failed"; cron_statusUpdate($entry['id'], $status, $message); } return true; } else { $status = 2; $message = "Document generation Failed"; cron_statusUpdate($entry['id'], $status, $message); return false; } }
<?php if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { check_admin_referer('gforms_save_entry', 'gforms_save_entry'); //Loading files that have been uploaded to temp folder $files = GFCommon::json_decode(stripslashes(RGForms::post("gform_uploaded_files"))); if (!is_array($files)) { $files = array(); } GFFormsModel::$uploaded_files[$form_id] = $files; GFFormsModel::save_lead($form, $lead); do_action("gform_after_update_entry", $form, $lead["id"]); do_action("gform_after_update_entry_{$form["id"]}", $form, $lead["id"]); $lead = RGFormsModel::get_lead($lead["id"]); $lead = GFFormsModel::set_entry_meta($lead, $form); $formid = $lead['form_id']; $where = 'form_id =' . $formid; $params = array('where' => $where); $templates = gettplList($params); $fieldmap = gettplFieldMap($params); if (!empty($templates['meta']['files'])) { $return = tpl_combine($lead, $templates, $fieldmap); } }
function merge_template($confirmation, $form, $entry, $ajax) { if (isset($_POST['gform_save_state_' . $form['id']])) { return $confirmation; } /* this should never happend */ global $wpdb; $return = ""; $formid = $entry['form_id']; $where = 'form_id =' . $formid; $params = array('where' => $where); $templates = gettplList($params); $fieldmap = gettplFieldMap($params); $data_title = RGFormsModel::get_form($formid); $form_title = $data_title->title; if (!empty($templates['meta']['files'])) { $return = tpl_combine($entry, $templates, $fieldmap); } $letters = ""; $invoices = ""; if ($return != "") { $letters = LettersMerge($entry, $fieldmap); $invoices = InvoicesMerge($entry, $fieldmap); //TriggerOrderEmail($entry['id']); $doc_email_msg = TriggerDocumentEmail($entry['id']); if (!empty($doc_email_msg) && $doc_email_msg['status'] == 'success') { $confirmation .= $doc_email_msg['msg']; } $return = str_replace("\\", "/", $return); //$confirmation .= " <a href='".$return."' target='_blank'>You can also download the document here</a>"; $confirmation .= " or You can Click and Download the links below: "; $confirmation .= "<ol><li><a href='" . $return . "' target='_blank'>" . $form_title . "</a>.</li>"; if (!empty($invoices)) { $invoices = str_replace("\\", "/", $invoices); //$confirmation .= " And also <a href='".$invoices."' target='_blank'>download your Invoice document here.</a>"; $confirmation .= "<li><a href='" . $invoices . "' target='_blank'>Tax Invoice</a></li>"; } if (!empty($letters)) { $letters = str_replace("\\", "/", $letters); //$confirmation .= " And also <a href='".$letters."' target='_blank'>download your Letter document here.</a>"; $confirmation .= "<li><a href='" . $letters . "' target='_blank'>Cover Letter</a></li>"; } $confirmation .= "</ol>"; if (isset($_GET["q"]) && $_GET["type"] == "edit") { $id = decrypt_doc_url(rgget("q")); TemplateData::delete_confirmation_saved($id); } } return $confirmation; }