} // cleanup if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["lastquery"])) { $HTTP_GET_VARS["lastquery"] = clean_param($HTTP_GET_VARS["lastquery"], PARAM_HOST); } // check if it is the user's ip, or another host if (!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["address"]) || $HTTP_GET_VARS["address"] == "") { $address = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR']; $local = 1; } else { $HTTP_GET_VARS["address"] = clean_param($HTTP_GET_VARS["address"], PARAM_HOST); $address = $HTTP_GET_VARS["address"]; $local = 0; } // this is the most important function, gets lat/lon and description of location $values = getstuff($address, $local) or die("Error in plot.inc"); if (isset($logging) && is_writable("plotlog.txt")) { $log = @fopen("plotlog.txt", "a") or print ""; @fputs($log, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "\t" . date("F j, Y, g:i a") . "\t{$address}\t{$values['address']}\t{$values['lat']}\t{$values['lon']}\n") or print ""; @fclose($log); } if (isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"]) && validcookie($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"])) { list(, , , $imagething) = split(":", $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"]); $imagething = clean_param($imagething, PARAM_FILE); $earthimage = isvalidimage($imagething, $earthimages, $defaultimage); } else { $earthimage = $earthimages[$defaultimage]; } if (strstr($earthimage, ":")) { list($earthimage, , , ) = split(":", $earthimage); }
$stuff_mass = $row["mass"]; //弥撒 $stuff_med = $row["med"]; //日祷 $stuff_comp = $row["comp"]; //夜祷 $stuff_let = $row["let"]; //诵读 $stuff_lod = $row["lod"]; //晨祷 $stuff_thought = $row["thought"]; //反省 $stuff_ordo = $row["ordo"]; //礼仪 $stuff_ves = $row["ves"]; //晚祷 $stuff_saint = $row["saint"]; //圣人传记 gotoend(); } else { if ($row['lastupdate'] == date('Y-m-d')) { $errorcode = 2; error(); } else { getstuff(); } } } else { getstuff(); } // echo json_encode($retArray,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);