コード例 #1
 $session['user']['seenmaster'] = 0;
 $session['user']['fedmount'] = 0;
 if ($resurrection != "true") {
     $session['user']['soulpoints'] = 50 + 5 * $session['user']['level'];
     $session['user']['gravefights'] = getsetting("gravefightsperday", 10);
 $session['user']['boughtroomtoday'] = 0;
 $session['user']['recentcomments'] = $session['user']['lasthit'];
 $session['user']['lasthit'] = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
 if ($session['user']['hashorse']) {
     $msg = $playermount['newday'];
     require_once "lib/substitute.php";
     $msg = substitute_array("`n`&" . $msg . "`0`n");
     require_once "lib/mountname.php";
     list($name, $lcname) = getmountname();
     $mff = (int) $playermount['mountforestfights'];
     $session['user']['turns'] += $mff;
     $turnstoday .= ", Mount: {$mff}";
     if ($mff > 0) {
         $state = translate_inline("gain");
         $color = "`^";
     } elseif ($mff < 0) {
         $state = translate_inline("lose");
         $color = "`\$";
     $mff = abs($mff);
     if ($mff != 0) {
         output("`n`&Because of %s`&, you %s%s %s`& forest %s for today!`n`0", $lcname, $color, $state, $mff, translate_inline($mff == 1 ? 'fight' : 'fights'));
 } else {
function grassyfield_runevent($type)
    require_once "lib/buffs.php";
    require_once "lib/commentary.php";
    global $session, $playermount;
    // We assume this event only shows up in the forest currently.
    $from = "forest.php?";
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:grassyfield";
    $op = httpget('op');
    if ($op == "return") {
        $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        redirect($from, "Redirected to " . $from . " from Grassy Field module");
    output("`n`c`#You Stumble Upon a Grassy Field`c`n`n");
    addnav("Return to the forest", $from . "op=return");
    require_once "lib/mountname.php";
    list($name, $lcname) = getmountname();
    if ($session['user']['specialmisc'] != "Nothing to see here, move along.") {
        if ($session['user']['hashorse'] > 0) {
            list($max, $cur) = grassyfield_getrounds();
            if ($cur > $max * 0.5) {
                // XXX: this message really should be a module objpref
                if ($playermount['partrecharge']) {
                } else {
                    output("`&You allow %s`& to frolic and gambol in the field.", $lcname);
            } else {
                // XXX: this message really should be a module objpref
                if ($playermount['recharge']) {
                } else {
                    output("`&You allow %s`& to hunt and rest in the field.", $lcname);
            $buff = unserialize($playermount['mountbuff']);
            if (!isset($buff['schema']) || $buff['schema'] == "") {
                $buff['schema'] = "mounts";
            apply_buff('mount', $buff);
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']) {
                output("`n`^Your nap leaves you completely healed!");
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'];
            $args = array('soberval' => 0.8, 'sobermsg' => "`n`&Naps are quite a sobering experience!`n", 'schema' => "module-grassyfield");
            modulehook("soberup", $args);
            output("`n`n`^You spend some time - and Stamina - lying around.");
        } else {
            output("`&Deciding to take a moment and a load off your poor weary feet you take a quick break from your ventures to take in the beautiful surroundings.");
            output("`n`n`^Your break leaves you completely healed!");
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < $session['user']['maxhitpoints']) {
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'];
        $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "Nothing to see here, move along.";
    } else {
        output("`&You relax a while in the fields enjoying the sun and the shade.");
    commentdisplay("`n`n`@Talk with the others lounging here.`n", "grassyfield", "Speak lazily", 10);
function darkhorse_runevent($type, $link)
    global $session;
    $from = $link;
    $gameret = substr($link, 0, -1);
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:darkhorse";
    require_once "lib/sanitize.php";
    $iname = get_module_setting("tavernname");
    rawoutput("<span style='color: #787878'>");
    output_notl("`c`b%s`b`c", $iname);
    $op = httpget('op');
    switch ($op) {
        case "":
        case "search":
            output("A cluster of trees nearby looks familiar...");
            output("You're sure you've seen this place before.");
            output("As you approach the grove, a strange mist creeps in around you; your mind begins to buzz, and you're no longer sure exactly how you got here.");
            if (darkhorse_tavernmount()) {
                require_once "lib/mountname.php";
                list($name, $lcname) = getmountname();
                output("%s`0 seems to have known the way, however.", $name);
            output("`n`nThe mist clears, and before you is a log building with smoke trailing from its chimney.");
            output("A sign over the door says `7\"%s.\"`0", $iname);
            addnav("Enter the tavern", $from . "op=tavern");
            addnav("Leave this place", $from . "op=leaveleave");
        case "tavern":
            output("You stand near the entrance of the tavern and survey the scene before you.");
            output("Whereas most taverns are noisy and raucous, this one is quiet and nearly empty.");
            output("In the corner, an old man plays with some dice.");
            output("You notice that the tables have been etched on by previous adventurers who have found this place before, and behind the bar, a stick of an old man hobbles around, polishing glasses, as though there were anyone here to use them.");
            addnav("Talk to the old man", $from . "op=oldman");
            addnav("Talk to the bartender", $from . "op=bartender");
            // Special case here.  go and see if the comment area is blocked and
            // if so, don't put the link in.
            $args = modulehook("blockcommentarea", array("section" => "darkhorse"));
            if (!isset($args['block']) || $args['block'] != 'yes') {
                addnav("Examine the tables", $from . "op=tables");
            addnav("Exit the tavern", $from . "op=leave");
        case "tables":
            require_once "lib/commentary.php";
            commentdisplay("You examine the etchings in the table:`n`n", "darkhorse", "Add your own etching:");
            addnav("Return to the Main Room", $from . "op=tavern");
        case "bartender":
        case "oldman":
            addnav("Old Man");
            modulehook("darkhorsegame", array("return" => $gameret));
            output("The old man looks up at you, his eyes sunken and hollow.");
            output("His red eyes make it seem that he may have been crying recently so you ask him what is bothering him.");
            if ($session['user']['sex'] == SEX_MALE) {
                output("\"`7Aah, I met an adventurer in the woods, and figured I'd play a little game with her, but she won and took almost all of my money.`0\"`n`n");
            } else {
                output("\"`7Aah, I met an adventurer in the woods, and figured I'd play a little game with him, but he won and took almost all of my money.`0\"`n`n");
            $c = navcount();
            if ($c != 0) {
                output("`0\"`7Say... why not do an old man a favor and let me try to win some of it back from you?");
                if ($c > 1) {
                    output(" I can play several games!`0\"");
                } else {
                    output(" Shall we play a game?`0\"");
            $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
            addnav("Return to the Main Room", $from . "op=tavern");
        case "leave":
            output("You duck out of the tavern, and wander into the thick foliage around you.");
            output("That strange mist revisits you, making your mind buzz.");
            output("The mist clears, and you find yourself again where you were before the mist first covered you.");
            if (!darkhorse_tavernmount()) {
                output(" How exactly you got to the tavern is not exactly clear.");
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        case "leaveleave":
            output("You decide that the tavern holds no appeal for you today.");
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
function goldmine_runevent($type)
    global $session;
    // The only type of event we care about are the forest.
    $from = "forest.php?";
    $hashorse = $session['user']['hashorse'];
    $horsecanenter = 0;
    $horsecandie = 0;
    $horsecansave = 0;
    if ($hashorse) {
        $horsecanenter = get_module_objpref('mounts', $hashorse, 'entermine');
        // See if we automatically tether;
        if (e_rand(1, 100) <= get_module_setting("alwaystether")) {
            $horsecanenter = 0;
        if ($horsecanenter) {
            // The mount cannot die or save you if it cannot enter
            $horsecandie = get_module_objpref('mounts', $hashorse, 'dieinmine');
            $horsecansave = get_module_objpref('mounts', $hashorse, 'saveplayer');
        require_once "lib/mountname.php";
        list($mountname, $lcmountname) = getmountname();
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:goldmine";
    $op = httpget('op');
    if ($op == "" || $op == "search") {
        output("`2You found an old abandoned mine in the depths of the forest.");
        output("There is some old mining equipment nearby.`n`n");
        output("`^As you look around you realize that this is going to be a lot of work.");
        output("So much so in fact that you will lose a forest fight for the day if you attempt it.`n`n");
        output("`^Looking around a bit more, you do notice what looks like evidence of occasional cave-ins in the mine.`n`n");
        addnav("Mine for gold and gems", $from . "op=mine");
        addnav("Return to the forest", $from . "op=no");
    } elseif ($op == "no") {
        output("`2You decide you don't have time for this slow way to gain gold and gems, and so leave the old mine behind and go on your way...`n");
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
    } elseif ($op == "mine") {
        if ($session['user']['turns'] <= 0) {
            output("`2You are too tired to mine anymore..`n");
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        } else {
            // Horsecanenter is a percent, so, if rand(1-100) > enterpercent,
            // tether it.  Set enter percent to 0 (the default), to always
            // tether.
            if (e_rand(1, 100) > $horsecanenter && $hashorse) {
                $msg = get_module_objpref('mounts', $hashorse, 'tethermsg');
                if ($msg) {
                } else {
                    output("`&Seeing that the mine entrance is too small for %s`&, you tether it off to the side of the entrance.`n", $lcmountname);
                // The mount it tethered, so it cannot die nor save the player
                $horsecanenter = 0;
                $horsecandie = 0;
                $horsecansave = 0;
            output("`2You pick up the mining equipment and start mining for gold and gems...`n`n");
            $rand = e_rand(1, 20);
            switch ($rand) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                case 4:
                case 5:
                    output("`2After a few hours of hard work you have only found worthless stones and one skull...`n`n");
                    output("`^You lose one forest fight while digging.`n`n");
                    if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
                    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                case 6:
                case 7:
                case 8:
                case 9:
                case 10:
                    $gold = e_rand($session['user']['level'] * 5, $session['user']['level'] * 20);
                    output("`^After a few hours of hard work, you find %s gold!`n`n", $gold);
                    $session['user']['gold'] += $gold;
                    debuglog("found {$gold} gold in the goldmine");
                    output("`^You lose one forest fight while digging.`n`n");
                    if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
                    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                case 11:
                case 12:
                case 13:
                case 14:
                case 15:
                    $gems = e_rand(1, round($session['user']['level'] / 7) + 1);
                    output("`^After a few hours of hard work, you find `%%s %s`^!`n`n", $gems, translate_inline($gems == 1 ? "gem" : "gems"));
                    $session['user']['gems'] += $gems;
                    debuglog("found {$gems} gems in the goldmine");
                    output("`^You lose one forest fight while digging.`n`n");
                    if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
                    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                case 16:
                case 17:
                case 18:
                    $gold = e_rand($session['user']['level'] * 10, $session['user']['level'] * 40);
                    $gems = e_rand(1, round($session['user']['level'] / 3) + 1);
                    output("`^You have found the mother lode!`n`n");
                    output("`^After a few hours of hard work, you find `%%s %s`^ and %s gold!`n`n", $gems, translate_inline($gems == 1 ? "gem" : "gems"), $gold);
                    $session['user']['gems'] += $gems;
                    $session['user']['gold'] += $gold;
                    debuglog("found {$gold} gold and {$gems} gems in the goldmine");
                    output("`^You lose one forest fight while digging.`n`n");
                    if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
                    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                case 19:
                case 20:
                    output("`2After a lot of hard work you believe you have spotted a `&huge`2 `%gem`2 and some `6gold`2.`n");
                    output("`2Anxious to be rich, you rear back and slam the pick home, knowing that the harder you hit, the quicker you will be done....`n");
                    output("`7Unfortunately, you are quickly done in.`n");
                    output("Your over-exuberant hit caused a massive cave in.`n");
                    // Find the chance of dying based on race
                    $vals = modulehook("raceminedeath");
                    $dead = 0;
                    $racesave = 1;
                    if (isset($vals['racesave']) && $vals['racesave']) {
                        if ($vals['schema']) {
                        $racemsg = translate_inline($vals['racesave']);
                        if ($vals['schema']) {
                    if (isset($vals['chance']) && e_rand(1, 100) < $vals['chance']) {
                        $dead = 1;
                        $racesave = 0;
                        $racemsg = "";
                    if ($dead) {
                        // The player has died, see if their horse saves them
                        if (isset($horsecansave) && e_rand(1, 100) <= $horsecansave) {
                            $dead = 0;
                            $horsesave = 1;
                    // If we are still dead, see if the horse dies too.
                    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                    if ($dead) {
                        if (e_rand(1, 100) <= $horsecandie) {
                            $horsedead = 1;
                        output("You have been crushed under a ton of rock.`n`nPerhaps the next adventurer will recover your body and bury it properly.`n");
                        if ($horsedead) {
                            $msg = get_module_objpref('mounts', $hashorse, 'deathmsg');
                            if ($msg) {
                            } else {
                                output("%s`7's bones were buried right alongside yours.", $mountname);
                            global $playermount;
                            $debugmount = $playermount['mountname'];
                            debuglog("lost their mount, a {$debugmount}, in a mine collapse.");
                            $session['user']['hashorse'] = 0;
                            if (isset($session['bufflist']['mount'])) {
                        } elseif ($hashorse) {
                            if ($horsecanenter) {
                                output("%s`7 managed to escape being crushed.", $mountname);
                                output("You know that it is trained to return to the village.`n");
                            } else {
                                output("Fortunately you left %s`7 tethered outside.", $lcmountname);
                                output("You know that it is trained to return to the village.`n");
                        $exp = round($session['user']['experience'] * 0.1, 0);
                        output("At least you learned something about mining from this experience and have gained %s experience.`n`n", $exp);
                        output("`3You may continue to play tomorrow`n");
                        $session['user']['experience'] += $exp;
                        $session['user']['alive'] = false;
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 0;
                        $gemlost = round(get_module_setting("percentgemloss") / 100 * $session['user']['gems'], 0);
                        $goldlost = round(get_module_setting("percentgoldloss") / 100 * $session['user']['gold'], 0);
                        debuglog("lost {$goldlost} gold and {$gemlost} gems by dying in the goldmine");
                        output("`^%s gold `&and `%%s %s`& were lost when you were buried!", $goldlost, $gemlost, translate_inline($gemlost == 1 ? "gem" : "gems"));
                        $session['user']['gold'] -= $goldlost;
                        $session['user']['gems'] -= $gemlost;
                        addnav("Daily News", "news.php");
                        addnews("%s was completely buried after becoming greedy digging in the mines.", $session['user']['name']);
                    } else {
                        if (isset($horsesave) && $horsesave) {
                            $msg = get_module_objpref('mounts', $hashorse, 'savemsg');
                            if ($msg) {
                            } else {
                                output("%s`7 managed to drag you to safety in the nick of time!`n", $mountname);
                        } elseif ($racesave) {
                            if (isset($racemsg) && $racemsg) {
                            } else {
                                output("Through sheer luck, you manage to escape the cave-in intact!`n");
                        output("`n`&Your close call scared you so badly that you cannot face any more opponents today.`n");
                        debuglog("`&has lost all turns for the day due to a close call in the mine.");
                        $session['user']['turns'] = 0;