install_vsftpd_server(); #infomail('_5_vsftpd install finished'); if (isset($version) && $version != "12.10") { install_nginx_webserver(); } else { echo "Ubuntu 12.10 is not compatible with nginx due to bugs. Installing apache2 only. Upgrade to Ubuntu 13.04 for this functionality.\n"; } installapacheserver(); # scandb(); no more need to scan db since ver. 0.29.15 install_net2ftp(); installfinish(); $message = ''; exec('ifconfig', $msg); exec('ps aux ', $msg); foreach ($msg as $m) { $message .= $m . "\n"; } #infomail("_6_install finished.mail from inside php.user:$user_name,$user_email,$yesno",$message); $msg = "\nyour ehcp install finished. if you have questions or need help, please visit, ehcp forums or email me to\n\nehcp kurulumunuz tamamlandı. tebrikler. eğer sorularınız varsa ya da yardıma ihtiyacınız varsa, deki forum kısmına soru yazın veya adresine eposta gönderin.\n bu adresi de kullanabilirsiniz.\n\nehcp developer..\n"; if ($user_email != '' and $emailenable) { mail($user_email, 'your ehcp install finished..have fun', $msg, 'From:'); } $realip = getlocalip2(); if (!$app->isPrivateIp($ip)) { $realip .= "-realip"; } # change subject if this is a server with real ip... $ip2 = trim(file_get_contents("")); $message .= "\noutside Ip detected:{$ip2}"; infomail("_7_install finished.{$realip}.{$ip2}.mail from inside php.user:{$user_name},{$user_email},{$yesno}", $message); #infomailusingwget("7_ehcp_install2.php.finished");
function infomailusingwget($str) { global $user_name, $user_email, $localip, $ehcpversion, $emailenable; if (!$emailenable) { return False; } echo "please wait...\n"; $ip = getlocalip2(); $str = str_replace(" ", "_", $str); # because in url, space breaks variable msg in url #$command="wget -q -O /dev/null --timeout=15 \"$ehcpversion-ip:$ip,$str&name=$user_name&email=$user_email&ip=$ip\""; $url = "{$ehcpversion}-ip:{$ip},{$str}&name={$user_name}&email={$user_email}&ip={$ip}"; //echo "command: $command \n"; #passthru($command); file_get_contents($url); }