<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "", "比赛成绩"); $p = new DataAccess(); $r = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select comptime.starttime,comptime.endtime,compbase.contains,comptime.showscore from compbase,comptime where comptime.cbid=compbase.cbid and comptime.ctid={$_GET[ctid]}"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); if (!$cnt) { 异常("未查询到记录!"); } $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); if (!$d['showscore'] && !有此权限('查看比赛')) { 异常("成绩还未公布!"); } if (time() < $d['starttime'] && !有此权限('查看比赛')) { 异常("比赛尚未开始,不能查看关于题目的任何信息!"); } $end = time() > $d['endtime']; $q = new DataAccess(); $pbs = explode(":", $d['contains']); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <table id="contest_report" class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <thead> <tr> <th style="min-width: 5ex;">名次</th> <th>用户</th> <?php $cnt_prob = 0; foreach ($pbs as $k => $v) {
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(0, "查看比赛", ""); chdir($SET['dir_competition']); $ctid = (int) $_GET['ctid']; $dir = "COGS_{$ctid}"; $src = "tmp.zip"; exec("rm {$src}"); exec("rm -R {$dir}"); $md = "mkdir {$dir}"; exec($md); $p = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select compscore.uid,userinfo.realname,userinfo.nickname,problem.filename from compscore,userinfo,problem where userinfo.uid=compscore.uid and compscore.pid=problem.pid and compscore.ctid={$_GET[ctid]} order by uid asc"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $tu = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) { $d = $p->rtnrlt($i); //if($d[uid]==$tu) continue; $tu = $d[uid]; exec("mkdir -p {$dir}/{$tu}.{$d['realname']}_/"); $mv = "cp {$ctid}/{$tu}/{$d['filename']}.* {$dir}/{$tu}.{$d['realname']}_/"; exec($mv); } exec("rm {$src}"); $zip = "zip -r {$src} {$dir}"; exec($zip); header("Content-type: application/zip"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$dir}.zip\""); if (file_exists($dir)) { exec("rm -R {$dir}");
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "sess", "评测"); if (!$_POST['pid']) { 异常("你来错地方了!"); } $LIB->hlighter(); $LIB->func_socket(); $p = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select * from problem where pid={$_POST['pid']}"; $p->dosql($sql); $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); if (!$d['submitable'] && !有此权限('查看题目')) { 异常("不可提交!", 取路径("problem/index.php")); } $lang = langstrtonum($_POST['lang']); $info = array(); $info['pid'] = $_POST['pid']; $info['sid'] = $_POST['sid']; $info['uid'] = $_SESSION['ID']; $info['language'] = $lang; $info['pname'] = $d['filename']; $info['datacnt'] = $d['datacnt']; $info['timelimit'] = $d['timelimit']; $ptitle = $d['probname']; $info['memorylimit'] = $d['memorylimit']; $info['plugin'] = $d['plugin']; $info['compiledir'] = $SET['dir_source']; $info['mode'] = "normal"; if ($_POST['testmode'] == '1' && 有此权限('测试题目')) {
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(8, "修改比赛", ""); if ($_REQUEST[action] == 'add') { $p = new DataAccess(); @($cons = implode(":", $_POST[cons])); $sql = "insert into compbase(cname,contains,ouid) values('{$_POST[cname]}','{$cons}',{$_SESSION[ID]})"; $p->dosql($sql); 提示("添加比赛 {$_POST[cname]} 成功!", 取路径("contest/compbase.php")); } if ($_REQUEST[action] == 'edit') { $p = new DataAccess(); @($cons = implode(":", $_POST[cons])); $sql = "update compbase set cname='{$_POST[cname]}',contains='{$cons}' where cbid={$_REQUEST[cbid]}"; $p->dosql($sql); 提示("修改比赛 {$_POST[cname]} 成功!", 取路径("contest/compbase.php")); }
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "超级用户", "备份与恢复"); ?> <div class="page"> <form method="post" action="dobackup.php" class='form-inline'> <input name="backtype" type="hidden" value="showback" /> <button type="submit" class='btn btn-success'>查看已备份的数据</button> </form> <hr /> <form method="post" action="dobackup.php" class='form-inline'> <h4>数据库 (database)</h4> <input name="backtype" type="hidden" value="database" /> <div class="input-prepend input-append"> <span class="add-on"><?php echo $SET['dir_databackup'] . "database/"; ?> </span> <input type="text" name="filename" value="<?php echo date('Ymd', time()); ?> " /> <span class="add-on">_<时间>.sql.gz</span> </div> <button type="submit" class='btn btn-primary pull-right'>备份数据库</button> </form>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(8, "sess", ""); 过滤(); $p = new DataAccess(); if (!$_POST['pid']) { 异常("没有选择题目!", 取路径("problem/index.php")); } if (!$_POST['title']) { 异常("没有填写题解名称!", 取路径("problem/problem.php?pid={$_POST['pid']}")); } $sql = "select * from solution where `link`='' limit 1"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); if (!$cnt) { $sql1 = "insert into category(cname,memo) values('{$_POST['cname']}','{$_POST['memo']}')"; $p->dosql($sql1); } else { 提示("添加题目 {$_POST['pid']} 分类 “{$e['caid']}. {$_POST['cname']}” 成功,虽然它之前就已经存在了!", 取路径("problem/problem.php?pid={$_POST['pid']}")); }
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(8, "admin", ""); 过滤(); $p = new DataAccess(); $sql = "update settings set value='{$_POST[value]}' where ssid={$_REQUEST[ssid]}"; $p->dosql($sql); 提示("修改参数<code>{$_REQUEST[ssid]}</code>成功!", 取路径("admin/settings.php?settings=settings"));
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "查看比赛", "比赛场次评测"); $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select comptime.*,compbase.cname,groups.* from comptime,compbase,groups where comptime.cbid=compbase.cbid and comptime.ctid={$_GET[ctid]} and groups.gid=comptime.group"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); if (!$cnt) { 异常("未查询到记录!"); } $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <table class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <tr> <td width="90px">CTID</td> <td><?php echo $d[ctid]; ?> </td> <td width="90px">关联比赛</td> <td><?php echo $d[cname]; ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>开始时间</td> <td><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $d[starttime]);
function wq_lurupic($cretime) { include '../moni/xiaobai.php'; $xiaobai = getmessage($token, $cookie, $cookies); //将用户消息转换成变 $i = 0; for (; $i <= 19; $i++) { if ($xiaobai[$i]["date_time"] == $cretime && $xiaobai[$i]["type"] == '2') { break; } } $type = $xiaobai[$i]["type"]; if ($i == 20) { return 1; } else { if ($type == 2) { $fakeid = $xiaobai[$i]["fakeid"]; $nick_name = $xiaobai[$i]["nick_name"]; $messageid = $xiaobai[$i]["id"]; $content = $xiaobai[$i]["content"]; //以下获取用户性别 $details = sixi($token, $fakeid, $cookie, $cookies); parse_str($details); $sex = $gender; /*获取结束*/ $img = gethead($token, $fakeid, $cookie); $imgurl = makeimg($img, $fakeid . '_' . $messageid); /*以下为获取图片*/ $img = getimages($token, $messageid, $cookie); $picurl = makeimg($img, $messageid); //以下为写入wall $sql = "INSERT INTO `weixin_wall` (`id`,`messageid`,`fakeid`,`num`,`content`,`nickname`,`avatar`,`ret`,`image`,`datetime`) VALUES (NULL,'0','{$fakeid} ','-1','此消息为图片','{$nick_name}','{$imgurl}','0','{$picurl}','0')"; mysql_query($sql); } else { return 2; } } }
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(8, "普通用户", ""); if (!有此权限("查看比赛") && time() > $_POST['endtime']) { 异常("比赛已经结束,不可再提交!", 取路径("contest/problem.php?pid={$_POST['pid']}&ctid={$_POST['ctid']}")); } if ($_FILES['file']['size'] > 1024 * 100 || $_FILES['file']['size'] <= 0) { 异常("源代码上传失败。请检查文件大小。", 取路径("contest/problem.php?pid={$_POST['pid']}&ctid={$_POST['ctid']}")); } $fname = $_POST[filename]; switch ($_POST[lang]) { case 'pas': $fname .= ".pas"; $nlang = 0; break; case 'c': $fname .= ".c"; $nlang = 1; break; case 'cpp': $fname .= ".cpp"; $nlang = 2; break; case 'zip': $fname .= ".zip"; $nlang = 3; break; } chdir($SET['dir_competition']); if (!file_exists($_POST[ctid])) {
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; $pid = (int) $_GET['pid']; $uid = (int) $_GET['uid']; $aid = (int) $_GET['aid']; $ctid = (int) $_GET['ctid']; if ($uid) { gethead(1, "", "题目评论", $uid); } else { gethead(1, "", "题目评论"); } $LIB->hlighter(); $LIB->mathjax(); $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <form method="get" action="" class='form-search'> <?php if ($_SESSION['ID']) { if ($pid) { ?> <a class='btn btn-danger' href="comment.php?pid=<?php echo $pid; ?> ">发表评论</a> <?php } else { if ($aid) { ?>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "", "比赛列表"); $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <?php if (有此权限('修改比赛')) { ?> <a href="editcompbase.php?action=add" class="btn btn-info pull-left">添加新比赛</a> <a href="compbase.php?action=add" class="btn btn-info pull-left">比赛场次管理</a> <?php } ?> <a href="recent.php" class='btn btn-success'><i class="icon-list-alt icon-white"></i>最近在线竞赛</a> <?php $sql = "select comptime.*,compbase.*,userinfo.realname,userinfo.nickname,groups.* from comptime,compbase,userinfo,groups where comptime.readforce<={$_SESSION['readforce']} and comptime.cbid=compbase.cbid and userinfo.uid=compbase.ouid and comptime.group=groups.gid order by starttime desc"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $st = 检测页面($cnt, $_GET['page']); ?> <div id="nowtime" class='alert alert-success pull-right'> 现在时间:<?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()); ?> </div> <table id="contestlist" class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <thead><tr> <th style="width: 10em;">比赛</th> <th>场次介绍</th>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "分组管理", "修改分组"); $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); $d['adminuid'] = $_SESSION['ID']; $d['parent'] = 1; if ($_GET[action] == 'edit') { $sql = "select * from groups where gid={$_GET[gid]}"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); } ?> <div class='container'> <form method="post" action="doeditgroup.php?action=<?php echo $_GET[action]; ?> &gid=<?php echo $_GET[gid]; ?> " class='form-horizontal'> <div class='control-group'> <label class='control-label' for='gid'>GID</label> <div class='controls'> <span id='gid' class='uneditable-input' ><?php echo $d['gid'] ? $d['gid'] : "新建"; ?> </span> </div> </div>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "修改比赛", "修改比赛"); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <script type="text/JavaScript"> function MM_jumpMenu(targ,selObj,restore){ //v3.0 eval(targ+".location='"+selObj.options[selObj.selectedIndex].value+"'"); if (restore) selObj.selectedIndex=0; } </script> <a href="editcompbase.php?action=add" class="btn btn-info pull-left">添加新比赛</a> <?php $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select compbase.*,userinfo.nickname,userinfo.realname,userinfo.email from compbase,userinfo where userinfo.uid=compbase.ouid order by compbase.cbid desc"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $st = 检测页面($cnt, $_GET['page']); ?> <table class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <tr> <th width="80px">CBID</th> <th width="140px">比赛名</th> <th>包含题目</th> <th>关联场次</th> <th width="80px">组织者</th> <th width="60px">操作</th> </tr> <?php for ($i = $st; $i < $cnt && $i < $st + $SET['style_pagesize']; $i++) {
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "", "帮助"); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <div class='span3'> <div class='page'> <?php echo 输出文本($SET['global_about']); ?> </div> <div class='page'> <a href="map.php" class="btn btn-block btn-primary"><span class='icon-map-marker icon-white'></span>站点地图</a> </div> <table class='table table-striped table-condensed'> <?php $s = "APWTMECRD"; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) { ?> <tr><td><?php echo 评测结果($s[$i]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo 评测信息($s[$i]); ?> </td></tr> <?php } ?>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; $uid = (int) $_SESSION['ID']; if ($pid = (int) $_GET['pid']) { gethead(7, "sess", "修改题目"); } else { gethead(7, "sess", "新建题目"); } $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); if ($pid) { $sql = "select * from problem where pid={$pid}"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); if ($cnt) { $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); if (!有此权限("查看题目") && $uid != $d['addid']) { 异常("没有阅读权限!", 取路径("problem/index.php")); } } else { 异常("无此题目!!", 取路径("problem/index.php")); } } $LIB->editor("detail"); $LIB->htmldom(); ?> <script> function checkprobname(){ var probname = $("#probname").val(); $.get("checkprobname.php",{name: probname},function(txt){ if(txt == 0){$("#msg1").html("<span style='color:blue;'>OK</span>");}
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "sess", "登录日志", $_GET['uid']); $p = new DataAccess(); if ($_GET['uid'] != $_SESSION['ID'] && !有此权限("查看用户")) { 异常("不是本人并且没有权限查看!", 取路径("user/detail.php?uid={$_GET['uid']}")); } ?> <form action="" method="get" class='form-inline center'> 检索: 用户UID <input name="uid" type="number" value="<?php echo $_GET['uid']; ?> " class='span1' /> <button type="submit" class='btn btn-primary'>检索</button> </form> <?php $sql = "select login.*,userinfo.email,userinfo.realname from login,userinfo where login.uid=userinfo.uid"; if ($_GET['uid']) { $sql .= " and login.uid={$_GET['uid']}"; } $sql .= " order by ltime desc"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $st = 检测页面($cnt, $_GET['page']); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <table class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <thead><tr> <th width=40px>编号</th>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(8, "", ""); 过滤(); $_POST['usr'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['usr']); $_POST['nickname'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['nickname']); $_POST['realname'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['realname']); $_POST['email'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']); $_POST['user_style'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['user_style']); $_POST['memo'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['memo']); $regpage = 取路径("user/register.php?accept=1"); if ($_POST['VerifyCode'] != $_SESSION["IMGCODE"]) { 异常("验证码错误,请一律小写!", $regpage); } if (!preg_match('/([_a-z0-9]{1,24})/', $_POST['usr'])) { 异常("用户名长度必须在[1,24]中且只能使用英文字母、数字以及_。", $regpage); } $p = new DataAccess(); $LIB->cls_reg(); $rc = new RegisterCheck(); $sql = "select * from userinfo where usr='******'usr'] . "'"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); if ($cnt == 0) { if (!preg_match('/(.{0,24})/', $_POST['pwd'])) { 异常("密码长度必须在[0,24]中。", $regpage); } if ($_POST['pwd'] != $_POST['repwd']) { 异常("重复输入密码必须和密码相同。", $regpage); } if (!preg_match('/(\\S{1,20})/', $_POST['nickname'])) {
} else { if ($d[lang] == 2) { $ext = "cpp"; } } } $fp = fopen("{$SET['dir_competition']}{$d[ctid]}/{$d[uid]}/{$d[filename]}.{$ext}", "r"); if (is_resource($fp)) { $code = rfile($fp); } fclose($fp); $code = mb_convert_encoding($code, "utf-8", "gbk"); } else { 异常("提交记录不存在"); } gethead(1, "sess", "比赛代码", $d['uid']); $LIB->hlighter(); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <table class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <tr> <th width="60px">比赛</th> <td><b><?php echo $d['cname']; ?> </b></td> <th width="60px">评测结果</th> <td class='wrap'><?php 评测结果($d['result'], 100); ?> </td>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "修改页面", "修改页面"); $LIB->editor("detail"); ?> <script type = "text/javascript"> function checkprobname(){ var probname = $("#probname").val(); $.get("checkprobname.php",{name: probname},function(txt){ if(txt == 0){$("#msg1").html("<span style='color:blue;'>OK</span>");} else {$("#msg1").html("<b><span style='color:red;'>NO</span></b>");} }); } function checkfilename(){ var filename = $("#filename").val(); $.get("checkfilename.php",{name: filename},function(txt){ if(txt == 0){$("#msg2").html("<span style='color:blue;'>OK</span>");} else {$("#msg2").html("<b><span style='color:red;'>NO</span></b>");} }); } </script> <?php if ($_GET[action] == 'del') { echo "确认要删除该题目及与该题目相关所有内容吗(无法恢复)?<p><a href='doeditpage.php?action=del&aid={$_GET[aid]}'>确认删除</a>"; exit; } $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); if ($_GET[action] == 'edit') {
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "", "权限列表"); $p = new DataAccess(); $uid = (int) ($_POST['uid'] ? $_POST['uid'] : $_GET['uid']); $priv = (int) ($_POST['pri'] ? $_POST['pri'] : $_GET['pri']); $way = $_POST['way'] ? $_POST['way'] : $_GET['way']; ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <form method=post> <b>为用户添加权限</b> 用户编号:<input type='number' size=10 name="uid" value="<?php echo $uid; ?> " /> <input type=hidden name=way value="ins" /> 用户权限:<select name="pri"> <?php while (list($key, $val) = each($pri)) { if (isset($priv) && $priv == $val) { echo '<option value="' . $val . '" selected>' . $key . '</option>'; } else { echo '<option value="' . $val . '">' . $key . '</option>'; } } ?> </select> <input type='hidden' name='do' value='do' /> <button type=submit class='btn btn-primary' >添加权限</button> </form>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(0, "", ""); chdir($cfg['testdata']); $file = $_POST['filename']; $io = $_POST['io']; if (!$io) { $io = "in"; } $point = (int) $_POST['point']; $src = "{$file}/{$file}{$point}.{$io}"; header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file}{$point}.{$io}"); //header("Content-Disposition: inline; filename=$file$point.$io"); @readfile($src); ?>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "", "找回密码"); $p = new DataAccess(); if (empty($_POST[User]) && empty($_POST[ans])) { ?> <form method="post" action="lost.php" class='form-inline center'> <p>第一步</p> <p>请输入您的用户名 <input name="User" type="text" id="User" /> </p> <p> <button type="submit" class='btn'>下一步</button> </p> </form> <?php } else { if (empty($_POST[ans])) { ?> <form method="post" action="lost.php" class='form-inline center'> <p>第二步</p> <p>密码提示问题:<span class='label'> <?php $sql = "select pwdtipques from userinfo where usr='******'User'] . "'"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); if ($cnt == 0) { 异常("用户不存在!", 取路径("user/lost.php")); } else { $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); echo "{$d[pwdtipques]}?";
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "", "记录列表", $_GET['uid']); $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); ?> <div class='row-fluid'> <a class="btn btn-success pull-left" href="graderlist.php">评测机列表</a> <form id="search_submit" method="get" class='form-search center'> <span> 用户UID <input name="uid" type="number" value="<?php echo $_GET['uid']; ?> " class='span1' /> 题目PID <input name="pid" type="number" value="<?php echo $_GET['pid']; ?> " class='span1' /> <input name="show" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_GET['show']; ?> " /> <input name="display" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $_GET['display']; ?> " /> <button type="submit" class='btn btn-primary'>检索</button> </span>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(0, "sess", ""); $LIB->cls_compile(); $LIB->func_socket();
$Province = $province; $Sex = $gender; $Username = $user_name; $ReMarkName = $remark_name; $u_m = substr($bb, strpos($bb, "&groups=") + 4); $u_m = preg_replace('/[groups groups]+/i', '', $u_m); $u_m = str_replace("==", "", $u_m); $u_m = str_replace("&cnt=", "^", $u_m); $u_m = str_replace("&name", "", $u_m); $u_m = str_replace("id=", "id", $u_m); $u_m = '?' . $u_m; parse_str($u_m); $fenzhu = 'id' . $group_id; $fengzhu = ${$fenzhu}; $FakeId = $fakeid; $img = gethead($token, $fakeid, $cookie); //注意从此行开始以下代码无需更改 $filename = "{$fakeid}.jpg"; //要生成的图片名字 $jpg = $img; //得到post过来的二进制原始数据 $file = fopen("img/" . $filename, "w"); //打开文件准备写入 fwrite($file, $jpg); //写入 fclose($file); //关闭 $imgurl = $siurl . "/img/" . $filename; $voice = getvoice($token, $messageid, $cookie); //var_dump($voice); $sname = "{$messageid}.mp3";
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "sess", "邮件列表"); $uid = $_SESSION['ID']; $p = new DataAccess(); $q = new DataAccess(); if ($_GET['toid']) { $_POST['title'] = "给" . $_GET['toid'] . "的邮件"; } ?> <div class='center'> <a class='btn btn-success' href="#sendmail" data-toggle='modal'><i class='icon-envelope icon-white'></i>发送信件</a> </div> <div id='sendmail' class='modal hide fade in'> <form method="post" action="send.php" class='form-horizontal'> <fieldset> <div class='modal-header'> <button class='close' data-dismiss='modal'>×</button> <h3>发送信件</h3> </div> <div class='modal-body'> <input name="fromid" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $uid; ?> " /> <div class='control-group'> <label class='control-label' for='title'>邮件主题</label> <div class='controls'><input type='text' id='title' name="title" value="<?php echo $_POST['title']; ?>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "修改比赛", "修改比赛场次"); ?> <div class='container'> <?php $q = new DataAccess(); if ($_GET[action] == 'edit') { $p = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select comptime.*,compbase.cname from comptime,compbase where comptime.cbid=compbase.cbid and comptime.ctid={$_GET[ctid]}"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); } else { $now = time(); $d[starttime] = mktime(19, 0, 0, date('m', $now), date('d', $now), date('Y', $now)); $d[endtime] = mktime(22, 0, 0, date('m', $now), date('d', $now), date('Y', $now)); $d[cbid] = $_GET[cbid]; $d['group'] = 0; $d[showscore] = 1; } ?> <form method="post" action="doeditcomptime.php?action=<?php echo $_GET[action]; ?> &ctid=<?php echo $_GET[ctid]; ?> "> <table class='table table-striped table-condensed table-bordered fiexd'> <tr>
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; $uid = (int) $_SESSION['ID']; $pid = (int) $_GET['pid']; $p = new DataAccess(); $sql = "select problem.*,groups.* from problem,groups where pid=" . (int) $_GET[pid] . " and groups.gid=problem.group limit 1"; $cnt = $p->dosql($sql); $d = $p->rtnrlt(0); $title = $d['probname']; gethead(1, "", $pid . ". " . $title); $LIB->hlighter(); $LIB->mathjax(); $q = new DataAccess(); $r = new DataAccess(); if ($cnt) { if ($d[readforce] > $_SESSION[readforce]) { 异常("没有阅读权限!", 取路径("problem/index.php")); } if (!$d[submitable] && !有此权限('查看题目') && $d['addid'] != $uid) { 异常("该题目不可提交!", 取路径("problem/index.php")); } $subgroup = $LIB->getsubgroup($q, $d['gid']); $subgroup[0] = $d['gid']; $promise = false; if ($uid == $d['addid']) { $promise = true; } foreach ($subgroup as $value) { if ($value == (int) $_SESSION['group']) { $promise = true;
<?php require_once "../include/header.php"; gethead(1, "查看比赛", "比赛评测"); ?> <div class='container'> <?php if ($_POST['do'] == "评测选定") { echo "<h2>评测选定</h2>"; $list = $_POST['doit']; } else { if ($_POST['do'] == "评测全部") { echo "<h2>评测全部</h2>"; $list = $_POST['doall']; } } if (!is_array($list)) { $list = array(); } sort($list); ?> <script language="javascript"> var HTTP; var list = new Array(<?php $cnt = 0; foreach ($list as $k => $v) { echo "{$v},"; $cnt++; } echo 0;