コード例 #1
ファイル: pg2mysql.inc.php プロジェクト: Crondale/pg2mysql
function pg2mysql(&$input, $header = true)
    global $config;
    if (is_array($input)) {
        $lines = $input;
    } else {
        $lines = split("\n", $input);
    if ($header) {
        $output = "# Converted with " . PRODUCT . "-" . VERSION . "\n";
        $output .= "# Converted on " . date("r") . "\n";
        $output .= "# " . COPYRIGHT . "\n\n";
        $output .= "SET SQL_MODE=\"NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO\";\nSET time_zone=\"+00:00\";\n\n";
    } else {
        $output = "";
    $in_create_table = $in_insert = FALSE;
    $linenumber = 0;
    $tbl_extra = "";
    while (isset($lines[$linenumber])) {
        $line = $lines[$linenumber];
        if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "CREATE TABLE") {
            $in_create_table = true;
            $line = str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
            $output .= $line;
        if (substr($line, 0, 2) == ");" && $in_create_table) {
            $in_create_table = false;
            $line = ") ENGINE={$config['engine']};\n\n";
            $output .= $tbl_extra;
            $output .= $line;
            $tbl_extra = "";
        if ($in_create_table) {
            $line = str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" integer", " int(11)", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" int_unsigned", " int(11) UNSIGNED", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" smallint_unsigned", " smallint UNSIGNED", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" bigint_unsigned", " bigint UNSIGNED", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" serial ", " int(11) auto_increment ", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" bytea", " BLOB", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" boolean", " bool", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" bool DEFAULT true", " bool DEFAULT 1", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" bool DEFAULT false", " bool DEFAULT 0", $line);
            $line = str_replace("` `text`", "` text", $line);
            // fix because pg_dump quotes text type for some reason
            if (ereg(" character varying\\(([0-9]*)\\)", $line, $regs)) {
                $num = $regs[1];
                if ($num <= 255) {
                    $line = ereg_replace(" character varying\\([0-9]*\\)", " varchar({$num})", $line);
                } else {
                    $line = ereg_replace(" character varying\\([0-9]*\\)", " text", $line);
            //character varying with no size, we will default to varchar(255)
            if (ereg(" character varying", $line)) {
                $line = ereg_replace(" character varying", " varchar(255)", $line);
            if (ereg("DEFAULT \\('([0-9]*)'::int", $line, $regs) || ereg("DEFAULT \\('([0-9]*)'::smallint", $line, $regs) || ereg("DEFAULT \\('([0-9]*)'::bigint", $line, $regs)) {
                $num = $regs[1];
                $line = ereg_replace(" DEFAULT \\('([0-9]*)'[^ ,]*", " DEFAULT {$num} ", $line);
            if (ereg("DEFAULT \\(([0-9\\-]*)\\)", $line, $regs)) {
                $num = $regs[1];
                $line = ereg_replace(" DEFAULT \\(([0-9\\-]*)\\)", " DEFAULT {$num} ", $line);
            $line = ereg_replace(" DEFAULT nextval\\(.*\\) ", " auto_increment ", $line);
            $line = ereg_replace("::.*,", ",", $line);
            $line = ereg_replace("::.*\$", "\n", $line);
            if (ereg("character\\(([0-9]*)\\)", $line, $regs)) {
                $num = $regs[1];
                if ($num <= 255) {
                    $line = ereg_replace(" character\\([0-9]*\\)", " varchar({$num})", $line);
                } else {
                    $line = ereg_replace(" character\\([0-9]*\\)", " text", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" timestamp with time zone", " timestamp", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" timestamp without time zone", " timestamp", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" time with time zone", " time", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" time without time zone", " time", $line);
            $line = str_replace(" timestamp DEFAULT now()", " timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP", $line);
            $line = preg_replace("/ timestamp( NOT NULL)?(,|\$)/", ' timestamp DEFAULT 0${1}${2}', $line);
            if (strstr($line, "auto_increment")) {
                $field = getfieldname($line);
                $tbl_extra .= ", PRIMARY KEY(`{$field}`)\n";
            $specialfields = array("repeat", "status", "type", "call", "key", "regexp");
            $field = getfieldname($line);
            if (in_array($field, $specialfields)) {
                $line = str_replace("{$field} ", "`{$field}` ", $line);
            //text/blob fields are not allowed to have a default, so if we find a text DEFAULT, change it to varchar(255) DEFAULT
            if (strstr($line, "text DEFAULT")) {
                $line = str_replace(" text DEFAULT ", " varchar(255) DEFAULT ", $line);
            //just skip a CONSTRAINT line
            if (strstr($line, " CONSTRAINT ")) {
                $line = "";
                //and if the previous output ended with a , remove the ,
                $lastchr = substr($output, -2, 1);
                //	echo "lastchr=$lastchr";
                if ($lastchr == ",") {
                    $output = substr($output, 0, -2) . "\n";
            $output .= $line;
        if (substr($line, 0, 11) == "INSERT INTO") {
            //this insert spans multiple lines, so keep dumping the lines until we reach a line
            //that ends with  ");"
            list($before, $after) = explode("VALUES", $line, 2);
            //we only replace the " with ` in what comes BEFORE the VALUES
            //(ie, field names, like INSERT INTO table ("bla","bla2") VALUES ('s:4:"test"','bladata2');
            //should convert to      INSERT INTO table (`bla`,`bla2`) VALUES ('s:4:"test"','bladata2');
            $before = str_replace("\"", "`", $before);
            //in after, we need to watch out for escape format strings, ie (E'escaped \r in a string'), and ('bla',E'escaped \r in a string')
            //ugh i guess its possible these strings could exist IN the data as well, but the only way to solve that is to process these lines one character
            //at a time, and thats just stupid, so lets just hope this doesnt appear anywhere in the actual data
            //also there is a situation where string ends with \ (backslash). For example, 'C:\' and it's valid for pg, but not for mysql.
            //the regexp looks odd, the preblem is that in PHP regexps we have to use 4 (four!) backslashes to represend one real!
            //here is the regexp without escaping: (([^\]|^)(\\)*\)'
            $after = preg_replace(array("/(, | \\()E'/", "/(([^\\\\]|^)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\)'/"), array('\\1\'', '\\1\\\''), $after);
            $c = substr_count($line, "'");
            //we have an odd number of ' marks
            if ($c % 2 != 0) {
                $inquotes = true;
            } else {
                $inquotes = false;
            $output .= $before . "VALUES" . $after;
            while (substr($lines[$linenumber], -3, -1) != ");" || $inquotes) {
                $line = $lines[$linenumber];
                //in after, we need to watch out for escape format strings, ie (E'escaped \r in a string'), and ('bla',E'escaped \r in a string')
                //ugh i guess its possible these strings could exist IN the data as well, but the only way to solve that is to process these lines one character
                //at a time, and thats just stupid, so lets just hope this doesnt appear anywhere in the actual data
                //also there is a situation where string ends with \ (backslash). For example, 'C:\' and it's valid for pg, but not for mysql.
                //the regexp looks odd, the preblem is that in PHP regexps we have to use 4 (four!) backslashes to represend one real!
                //here is the regexp without escaping: (([^\]|^)(\\)*\)'
                $line = preg_replace(array("/, E'/", "/(([^\\\\]|^)(\\\\\\\\)*\\\\)'/"), array(", '", '\\1\\\''), $line);
                $output .= $line;
                //					printf("inquotes: %d linenumber: %4d line: %s\n",$inquotes,$linenumber,$lines[$linenumber]);
                $c = substr_count($line, "'");
                //we have an odd number of ' marks
                if ($c % 2 != 0) {
                    if ($inquotes) {
                        $inquotes = false;
                    } else {
                        $inquotes = true;
                    //						echo "inquotes=$inquotes\n";
        if (substr($line, 0, 16) == "ALTER TABLE ONLY") {
            $line = preg_replace('/ ONLY/', '', $line);
            $line = str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
            $pkey = $line;
            if (isset($lines[$linenumber])) {
                $line = $lines[$linenumber];
                if (strstr($line, " PRIMARY KEY ") && substr($line, -3, -1) == ");") {
                    //looks like we have a single line PRIMARY KEY definition, lets go ahead and add it
                    $output .= $pkey;
                    //MySQL and Postgres syntax are similar here, minus quoting differences
                    $output .= str_replace("\"", "`", $line);
        //while we're here, we might as well catch CREATE INDEX as well
        if (substr($line, 0, 12) == "CREATE INDEX") {
            preg_match('/CREATE INDEX "?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)"? ON "?([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)"? USING btree \\((.*)\\);/', $line, $matches);
            if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[2]) && isset($matches[3])) {
                $indexname = $matches[1];
                $tablename = $matches[2];
                $columns = str_replace("\"", "`", $matches[3]);
                $output .= "ALTER TABLE `{$tablename}` ADD INDEX ( {$columns} ) ;\n";
        if (substr($line, 0, 13) == 'DROP DATABASE') {
            $output .= $line;
        if (substr($line, 0, 15) == 'CREATE DATABASE') {
            preg_match('/CREATE DATABASE ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*) .* ENCODING = \'(.*)\'/', $line, $matches);
            $output .= "CREATE DATABASE `{$matches['1']}` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET {$matches['2']};\n\n";
        if (substr($line, 0, 8) == '\\connect') {
            preg_match('/connect ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/', $line, $matches);
            $output .= "USE `{$matches['1']}`;\n\n";
        if (substr($line, 0, 5) == 'COPY ') {
            preg_match('/COPY (.*) FROM stdin/', $line, $matches);
            $heads = str_replace('"', "`", $matches[1]);
            $values = array();
            $in_insert = TRUE;
        } elseif ($in_insert) {
            if ($line == "\\.\n") {
                $in_insert = FALSE;
                if ($values) {
                    $output .= "INSERT INTO {$heads} VALUES\n" . implode(",\n", $values) . ";\n\n";
            } else {
                $vals = explode('	', $line);
                foreach ($vals as $i => $val) {
                    $val = trim($val);
                    switch ($val) {
                        case '\\N':
                            $vals[$i] = 'NULL';
                        case 't':
                            $vals[$i] = 'true';
                        case 'f':
                            $vals[$i] = 'false';
                            $vals[$i] = "'" . str_replace("'", "\\'", trim($val)) . "'";
                $values[] = '(' . implode(',', $vals) . ')';
                if (count($values) >= 1000) {
                    $output .= "INSERT INTO {$heads} VALUES\n" . implode(",\n", $values) . ";\n";
                    $values = array();
    return $output;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pg2mysql.inc.php プロジェクト: nyaa/UbuntuScript
function pg2mysql($input)
		//  Lines have \n\r termination - from web
		$ssoff = -3;
		$sslen = -1;
		//  Lines have no \r - file input
		$ssoff = -2;
		$sslen = 2;


		if(substr($line,0,12)=="CREATE TABLE")

		if(substr($line,0,2)==");" && $in_create_table)
			$line=") TYPE=MyISAM;\n\n";



			$line=str_replace(" integer"," int(11)",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" serial"," int(11) auto_increment",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" bytea"," BLOB",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" boolean"," bool",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" bool DEFAULT true"," bool DEFAULT 1",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" bool DEFAULT false"," bool DEFAULT 0",$line);
			if(ereg(" character varying\(([0-9]*)\)",$line,$regs))
					$line=ereg_replace(" character varying\([0-9]*\)"," varchar($num)",$line);
					$line=ereg_replace(" character varying\([0-9]*\)"," text",$line);
			//character varying with no size, we will default to varchar(255)
			if(ereg(" character varying",$line))
				$line=ereg_replace(" character varying"," varchar(255)",$line);

			$line=ereg_replace(" DEFAULT nextval\(.*\) "," auto_increment ",$line);
					$line=ereg_replace(" character\([0-9]*\)"," varchar($num)",$line);
					$line=ereg_replace(" character\([0-9]*\)"," text",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" timestamp with time zone"," timestamp",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" timestamp without time zone"," timestamp",$line);

			$line=str_replace(" time with time zone"," time",$line);
			$line=str_replace(" time without time zone"," time",$line);

			$line=str_replace(" timestamp DEFAULT now()"," timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",$line);

				$tbl_extra.=", PRIMARY KEY(`$field`)\n";


		if(substr($line,0,11)=="INSERT INTO")
				//we have a complete insert on one line
				//this insert spans multiple lines, so keep dumping the lines until we reach a line
				//that ends with  ");"
				} while(substr($lines[$linenumber],$ssoff,$sslen)!=");" && isset($lines[$linenumber]));
	return $output;