コード例 #1
function save_seo_meta($postid)
    $bapisync = new BAPISync();
    $perma = get_permalink();
    $permaPath = parse_url($perma);
    $relativePerma = get_relative($perma);
    $pageID = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'bapi_page_id');
    if ($relativePerma == '/' && $pageID[0] != 'bapi_home') {
    $seo = $bapisync->getSEOFromUrl($relativePerma);
    $meta_words = get_post_custom($post->ID, '', true);
    $myPageId = $seo['ID'];
    $myType = $seo['entity'];
    $myPkId = $seo['pkid'];
    if ($myType === null) {
        $myType = 0;
    if ($myPageId === null) {
        $myPageId = 0;
    if ($myPkId === null) {
        $myPkId = 0;
    $apiKey = getbapiapikey();
    $bapi = getBAPIObj();
    if (!$bapi->isvalid()) {
    $keywor = sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords']);
    $metle = sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_title']);
    $meta_desc = sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_description']);
    // save old value if keyword empty or null
    if ($metle === null || empty($metle)) {
        $metle = $meta_words['bapi_meta_title'][0];
    if ($meta_desc === null || empty($meta_desc)) {
        $meta_desc = $meta_words['bapi_meta_description'][0];
    if ($keywor === null || empty($keywor)) {
        $keywor = $meta_words['bapi_meta_keywords'][0];
    //saves to wordpress database
    if (isset($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords'])) {
        if ($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords'] !== $meta_words['bapi_meta_keywords'][0]) {
        update_post_meta($postid, 'bapi_meta_keywords', sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords']));
    if (isset($_POST['bapi_meta_title']) && $_POST['bapi_meta_title'] !== $meta_words['bapi_meta_title'][0]) {
        update_post_meta($postid, 'bapi_meta_title', sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_title']));
    if (isset($_POST['bapi_meta_description']) && $_POST['bapi_meta_description'] !== $meta_words['bapi_meta_description'][0]) {
        update_post_meta($postid, 'bapi_meta_description', sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_description']));
    $metaArr = array('MetaKeywords' => $keywor, 'PageTitle' => $metle, 'MetaDescrip' => $meta_desc, 'ID' => $myPageId, 'pkid' => $myPkId, 'Keyword' => $relativePerma, 'entity' => $myType);
    $jsify = json_encode($metaArr);
    $jsonObj = 'data=' . (string) $jsify;
    // entety: tyoe and language  needs to be
    $bapi->save($jsonObj, $apiKey);
    update_option('bapi_keywords_lastmod', 0);
コード例 #2
 public function __construct($force_full_sync = false)
     // Reload all option to correspond to the right site/blog
     $this->_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
     $this->_api_key = getbapiapikey();
     // Retrieve the correct bapi object
     // In this case all bapi calls (diff, get etc..) during cron execution are going to be called on this endpoint
     if (defined('BAPI_CRON_ENDPOINT') && is_string(BAPI_CRON_ENDPOINT) && strlen($cron_host = BAPI_CRON_ENDPOINT)) {
         //Check if "http(s)://" is included
         if (0 !== strpos($cron_host, 'http://') || 0 !== strpos($cron_host, 'https://')) {
             $cron_host = 'http://' . $cron_host;
         $this->_bapi = new BAPI($this->_api_key, $cron_host);
     } else {
         $this->_bapi = getBAPIObj();
     // Get the stored diff ids/methods for each entity and merge it with the default (allow to add entity in future)
     if ($force_full_sync || !is_array($entity_diff_meth_ids = json_decode(get_option(self::KIGO_CRON_DIFF_OPTION), true))) {
         $this->_entity_diff_meth_ids = $this->_default_entity_diff_meth_ids;
         // Special case: if cron has never been executed and full sync is asked we need to set first_cron_execution = 1 otherwise it wont actually sync
         if ($force_full_sync) {
             foreach ($this->_default_entity_diff_meth_ids as $entity => $info) {
                 $this->_entity_diff_meth_ids[$entity]['first_cron_execution'] = 1;
     } else {
         $this->_entity_diff_meth_ids = array_merge($this->_default_entity_diff_meth_ids, $entity_diff_meth_ids);
コード例 #3
ファイル: widgets.php プロジェクト: alfiedawes/WP-InstaSites
 public function widget($args, $instance)
     $title = apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']);
     //echo $before_widget;
     $apikey = getbapiapikey();
     if (!empty($apikey)) {
         $t = '{{#site.HasMultiSites}}<span class="siteselector widget">{{#site.Sites}}&nbsp;<a href="http://{{Url}}"><i class="flag flag-{{Language}}"><span style="display:none">{{RegionInfo.DisplayName}}</span></i></a>{{/site.Sites}}</span>{{/site.HasMultiSites}}';
         $m = new Mustache_Engine();
         $wrapper = getbapisolutiondata();
         $string = $m->render($t, $wrapper);
         echo $string;
     //echo $after_widget;
コード例 #4
ファイル: sync.php プロジェクト: alfiedawes/WP-InstaSites
function get_doc_template($docname, $setting)
    global $bapi_all_options;
    $docmod = $bapi_all_options[$setting . '_lastmod'];
    //settings must be registered w/ this consistent format.
    $doctext = $bapi_all_options[$setting];
    if (time() - 60 - $docmod > 0) {
        // FIXME: WHY NOT USING BAPI object?
        $getopts = array('http' => array('method' => "GET", 'header' => "User-Agent: InstaSites Agent\r\nReferer: http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "\r\n"));
        $stream = stream_context_create($getopts);
        $url = getbapiurl() . '/ws/?method=get&ids=0&entity=doctemplate&docname=' . urlencode($docname) . '&apikey=' . getbapiapikey();
        $d = file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $stream);
        $darr = json_decode($d);
        $doctext = $darr->result[0]->DocText;
        /* Temporary Hack For Tag Substitution */
        $siteurl = parse_url($bapi_all_options['bapi_site_cdn_domain'], PHP_URL_HOST);
        $solution = $bapi_all_options['blogname'];
        $doctext = str_replace("#Solution.Solution#", $solution, $doctext);
        $doctext = str_replace("#Site.PrimaryURL#", $siteurl, $doctext);
        /* End Temporary Hack */
        update_option($setting, $doctext);
        update_option($setting . '_lastmod', time());
    return $bapi_all_options[$setting];