<?php // Main entry for the NUnitLite website, now being moved // to it's own location, outside of NUnit.com // Define Home and PHP diretories $here = dirname(__FILE__); $php = $here . '/php'; define("HOME_DIR", "{$here}/"); // Add Home directory and PHP directory to the include path $current_path = ini_get("include_path"); ini_set("include_path", "{$current_path}:{$here}:{$php}"); // Set HOME_PATH using the url for this page. if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) { define("HOME_PATH", dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . '/'); } else { define("HOME_PATH", '/'); } // Include required routines require_once "display_page.php"; require_once "html_funcs.php"; // Get any arguments passed $name = getarg("p", "home"); // Display the requested page displayPage($name, array($here, "{$here}/docs", "{$here}/dev"));
// Define base directory locations used $here = dirname(__FILE__); define("HOME_DIR", "{$here}/"); // Add Home directory and PHP directory to the include path $current_path = ini_get("include_path"); if (!defined("PATH_SEPARATOR")) { if (strpos($_ENV["OS"], "Win") !== false) { define("PATH_SEPARATOR", ";"); } else { define("PATH_SEPARATOR", ":"); } } ini_set("include_path", $current_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . $here . PATH_SEPARATOR . $here . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "php"); // Set NUNIT_PATH using the url for this page. /*if ( isset( $_SERVER[ "PHP_SELF" ] ) ) define( "NUNIT_PATH", dirname( $_SERVER[ "PHP_SELF" ] ) . '/' ); else define( "NUNIT_PATH", '/' );*/ // Include required routines require_once "display_page.php"; require_once "html_funcs.php"; // Get any arguments passed $name = getarg("p", "home"); $rel = getarg("r", ""); $NUnitRelease = $rel; $html_dirs = array($here); if ($rel != "") { array_push($html_dirs, "{$here}/docs/{$rel}"); } // Display the requested page displayPage($name, $html_dirs);
case "part": echo '<h2>HTML Generation - Single Release Site</h2>'; break; case "docs": echo '<h2>HTML Generation - Release Documentation</h2>'; break; case "print": echo '<h2>HTML Generation - Documentation for Printing</h2>'; break; } ?> <form> <input type="hidden" name="p" value="generate"> <input type="hidden" name="m" value="<?php echo getarg("m", "docs"); ?> "> <table> <tr height="40"> <td> </td> <td>Select Release: <select name="r" width="30" > <?php $docsdir = opendir(NUNIT_DOCS_DIR); $releases = array(); while ($release = readdir($docsdir)) { if (is_dir(NUNIT_DOCS_DIR . $release) && $release > '2.1') { array_push($releases, $release); }
/** * Handler for calls to the site API * * @param string $command Site command to run * @param array $args Arguments for command * * @return void */ function site($command, $args) { echo "*** Site: {$command} ***\n"; switch ($command) { case 'status': $string = getarg($args, 0, 'apiv1 test'); call_api('site', 'status', array("test_string" => $string)); break; default: echo "ERROR: invalid command\n"; return; } }
if (strpos($_ENV["OS"], "Win") !== false) { define("PATH_SEPARATOR", ";"); } else { define("PATH_SEPARATOR", ":"); } } ini_set("include_path", $current_path . PATH_SEPARATOR . $here . PATH_SEPARATOR . $here . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "php"); // Set NUNIT_PATH using the url for this page. if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) { define("NUNIT_PATH", dirname($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . '/'); } else { define("NUNIT_PATH", '/'); } // The following are only used for file generation define("NUNIT_FILES_DIR", HOME_DIR . "files/"); define("NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR", HOME_DIR . "img/"); define("NUNIT_DOCS_DIR", HOME_DIR . "docs/"); // Target directories for Generating Static content define("TARGET_DIR", HOME_DIR . "static/"); define("TARGET_FILES_DIR", TARGET_DIR . "files/"); define("TARGET_IMAGE_DIR", TARGET_DIR . "img/"); define("TARGET_DOCS_DIR", TARGET_DIR . "docs/"); // URL for viewing the generated html define("TARGET_PATH", NUNIT_PATH . "static/"); // Include required routines require_once "display_page.php"; require_once "html_funcs.php"; // Get any arguments passed $name = getarg("p", "controlPanel"); // Display the requested page include "control/{$name}.php";
{ echo "<h4>Processing Images</h4>\n<blockquote>\n"; CreateDir(TARGET_IMAGE_DIR); if ($mode == "docs" || $mode == 'print') { CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "logo.gif"); CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "langfilter.gif"); CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "bulletOn.gif"); CopyFile(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR, "bulletOff.gif"); } else { CopyDirectory(NUNIT_IMAGE_DIR, TARGET_IMAGE_DIR); } echo "</blockquote>\n"; } // Main Program handles each type of build separately $mode = getarg("m", "full"); $release = getarg("r", "2.2"); switch ($mode) { case "full": echo "<h2>Generate Static HTML - Full Site</h2>"; ProcessMainDirectory($mode); ProcessImageDirectory($mode); ProcessAllDocumentation(); break; case "part": echo "<h2>Generate Static HTML - NUnit {$release} Site</h2>"; ProcessMainDirectory($mode); ProcessImageDirectory($mode); CopyDocumentation($release, $mode, TARGET_DIR); break; case "docs": echo "<h2>Generate Static HTML - NUnit {$release} Docs</h2>";
$acc = $masterkey; } $linkstr = "lang=" . $lang . "&acc=" . $acc; $count_galleries = 0; $first_t = ''; $t = getarg('t'); foreach ($TTPDS_galleries as $key => $value) { if (strpos($acc, $value["key"]) !== false) { $count_galleries = $count_galleries + 1; if ($first_t == '') { $first_t = $key; } $TTPDS_galleries[$key]["access"] = 1; if ($t == $key) { $mode = $key; $f = getarg('f'); if (is_numeric($f)) { sendFile($TTPDS_datafolder . '/' . $TTPDS_galleries[$mode]["folder"], $f); } } } } if ($t == 'help') { $mode = 'default'; } else { if ($t == "disclaimer") { $mode = "disclaimer"; } else { if ($mode == 'default' && $count_galleries == 1) { $mode = $first_t; }