<?php /* $qstring = "SELECT fio as label, id as value FROM users where status='1' and login !='system' order by fio ASC;"; $result = mysql_query($qstring);//query the database for entries containing the term while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC)){ */ $stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('SELECT fio as label, id as value FROM users where status=:n and login !=:system order by fio ASC'); $stmt->execute(array(':n' => '1', ':system' => 'system')); $res1 = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach ($res1 as $row) { //echo($row['label']); $row['label'] = $row['label']; $row['value'] = (int) $row['value']; if (get_user_status_text($row['value']) == "online") { $s = "status-online-icon"; } else { if (get_user_status_text($row['value']) == "offline") { $s = "status-offline-icon"; } } ?> <option data-foo="<?php echo $s; ?> " value="<?php echo $row['value']; ?> "><?php echo nameshort($row['label']); ?> </option>
print json_encode($results); } if ($mode == "get_users_list") { $idzz = $_POST['unit']; $stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('SELECT fio, id, unit FROM users where id != 1 and status =1'); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach ($result as $row) { $un = $row['fio']; $ud = (int) $row['id']; $u = explode(",", $row['unit']); if (in_array($idzz, $u)) { if (get_user_status_text($ud) == "online") { $s = "status-online-icon"; } else { if (get_user_status_text($ud) == "offline") { $s = "status-offline-icon"; } } $results[] = array('name' => nameshort($un), 'stat' => $s, 'co' => $ud); } } print json_encode($results); } if ($mode == "edit_helper") { $hn = $_POST['hn']; $stmt = $dbConnection->prepare('select id, user_init_id, unit_to_id, dt, title, message, hashname from helper where hashname=:hn'); $stmt->execute(array(':hn' => $hn)); $fio = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $u = $fio['unit_to_id']; ?>