public function index() { if ($_POST) { $opmode = $_POST["opmode"]; $model = D("UserTag"); if (false === $model->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } if ($opmode == "add") { $model->module = MODULE_NAME; $model->user_id = get_user_id(); $list = $model->add(); } if ($opmode == "edit") { $model->user_id = get_user_id(); $list = $model->save(); } if ($opmode == "del") { $model->user_id = get_user_id(); $tag_id = $model->id; $model->del_tag($tag_id); } } $model = D("UserTag"); $tag_list = $model->get_tag_list("id,pid,name"); $tree = list_to_tree($tag_list); $this->assign('menu', sub_tree_menu($tree)); $tag_list = $model->get_tag_list(); $this->assign("tag_list", $tag_list); $this->assign('js_file', "UserTag:js/index"); $this->display('UserTag:index'); }
private function _upload() { import("@.ORG.Util.UploadFile"); $module = strtolower($_REQUEST["module"]); $upload = new UploadFile(); $upload->subFolder = $module; $upload->savePath = C("SAVE_PATH"); $upload->saveRule = uniqid; $upload->autoSub = true; $upload->subType = "date"; if (!$upload->upload()) { $this->error($upload->getErrorMsg()); } else { //取得成功上传的文件信息 $uploadList = $upload->getUploadFileInfo(); $File = M("File"); $File->create($uploadList[0]); $File->create_time = time(); $user_id = get_user_id(); $File->user_id = $user_id; $fileId = $File->add(); $fileInfo = $uploadList[0]; $fileInfo['id'] = $fileId; $fileInfo['error'] = 0; $fileInfo['url'] = $fileInfo['savepath'] . $fileInfo['savename']; //header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); exit(json_encode($fileInfo)); //$this->success ('上传成功!'); } }
function do_wysiwygs() { $editor_name = html_editor_name($this->site_info->id()); $params = html_editor_params($this->site_info->id()); if (strpos($editor_name, 'loki') === 0) { if (!empty($this->username) && ($user_id = get_user_id($this->username))) { if ($editor_name == 'loki') { $params['widgets'] = array('strong', 'em', 'link'); } else { $params['widgets'] = array('strong', 'em', 'link', 'blockquote'); } if (function_exists('reason_user_has_privs')) { $params['user_is_admin'] = reason_user_has_privs($user_id, 'edit_html'); } } else { if ($editor_name == 'loki') { $params['widgets'] = array('strong', 'em'); } else { $params['widgets'] = array('strong', 'em', 'blockquote'); } if (isset($params['paths'])) { unset($params['paths']['site_feed']); unset($params['paths']['finder_feed']); unset($params['paths']['default_site_regexp']); unset($params['paths']['default_type_regexp']); } } } $this->change_element_type('comment_content', $editor_name, $params); }
public function index() { header("Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); $widget['jquery-ui'] = true; $this->assign("widget", $widget); $config = D("UserConfig")->get_config(); $this->assign("home_sort", $config['home_sort']); $flow_type = M("flow_type"); $data['tag'] = 88; $flowlist = $flow_type->where($data)->select(); $this->assign("flowlist", $flowlist); $flow = M("flow"); //追踪流程 $this->show = $flow->where('user_id ="' . (int) get_user_id() . '" AND (type=69 or type=70 or type=71 or type=72 or type=73)')->limit(50)->select(); //已审批 $this->show1 = $flow->where('user_id ="' . (int) get_user_id() . '" AND (type=69 or type=70 or type=71 or type=72 or type=73) AND step=40')->limit(50)->select(); //待审批的列表 $user_id = get_user_id(); $emp_no = get_emp_no(); $FlowLog = M("FlowLog"); $model = D('Flow'); $where['emp_no'] = $emp_no; $where['result'] = 3; $log_list = $FlowLog->where($where)->getField('flow_id id,flow_id'); // dump($where); $map['id'] = array('in', $log_list); $map['type'] = array('in', '69,70,71,72,73'); $todo_flow_list = $model->where($map)->limit(50)->order("create_time desc")->select(); $this->assign("todo_flow_list", $todo_flow_list); $this->display(); }
public function save() { $data['create_time'] = time(); $data['create_user'] = get_user_id(); $data['name'] = $_POST['name']; $data['num'] = $_POST['num']; $data['touying'] = $_POST['touying']; $data['place'] = $_POST['place']; $data['mai'] = $_POST['mai']; $id = $_POST['id']; if ($id) { $result = D('Room')->where('id=' . $id)->save($data); } else { $result = D('Room')->add($data); } if ($result === false) { $da['info'] = "操作失败!"; $da['status'] = 0; $da['data'] = $_POST; $this->ajaxReturn($da); } else { $da['info'] = "操作成功!"; $da['status'] = 1; $this->ajaxReturn($da); } }
function _before_update(&$data, $options) { $old_data = M("Crm")->find($data['id']); $diff = array_diff_assoc($data, $old_data); $diff = array_keys($diff); $desc = array('name' => '姓名', 'mobile_tel' => '手机', 'district' => '小区', 'need' => '客户需求', 'source' => '客户来源', 'age' => '年龄', 'work' => '职业'); if (!empty($diff)) { foreach ($diff as $val) { $model->need = implode(",", $model->need); if (is_array($data[$val])) { $new = implode(",", $data[$val]); } else { $new = $data[$val]; } $comment .= $desc[$val] . ":" . $old_data[$val] . "->" . $new . " ; "; } $model = D("CrmLog"); $log['user_id'] = get_user_id(); $log['user_name'] = get_user_name(); $log['create_time'] = time(); $log['crm_id'] = $data['id']; $log['emp_no'] = get_emp_no(); $log['comment'] = $comment; $model->add($log); } }
function json_latest_event() { $sql = new DBAccess(); $user_id = (int) get_user_id(); $events = $sql->FetchAll("select event_id, message as event, date, send_to, send_from, unread, uname as sender from events join players on player_id = send_from where send_to = '" . sql($user_id) . "' order by date desc limit 1"); return '{"event":' . json_encode(reset($events)) . '}'; }
function generate() { $url = site_url() . 'home/preview' . '?' . http_build_query($this->users->get_user_by_id(get_user_id())); $name = md5(date('ymdHis')); if ($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') { $dir = $this->config->item('static_path'); if (shell_exec('xvfb-run -a wkhtmltopdf "' . $url . '" "' . $dir . 'uploads/business-cards/' . $name . '.pdf"')) { header('Location: ' . site_url() . 'uploads/business-cards/' . $name . '.pdf'); } exit; } require 'application/libraries/pdfcrowd.php'; try { // create an API client instance $client = new Pdfcrowd("elshafey", "1386e8072e4b1bc2b82e6f3a8a166205"); // convert a web page and store the generated PDF into a $pdf variable $pdf = $client->convertURI($url); // set HTTP response headers header("Content-Type: application/pdf"); header("Cache-Control: max-age=0"); header("Accept-Ranges: none"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"{$name}.pdf\""); // send the generated PDF echo $pdf; } catch (PdfcrowdException $why) { echo "Pdfcrowd Error: " . $why; } }
public function share($user_id, $post_id) { $post_mapper = new Application_Model_PostMapper(); $user_mapper = new Application_Model_UserMapper(); $shared_post = $post_mapper->find($post_id); $user = $user_mapper->find($shared_post['user_id']); $share_elm = $this->findByTwoColumns('user_id', $user_id, 'post_id', $post_id); $db = Zend_Registry::get('db'); if (empty($share_elm)) { $sql = "insert into post_share VALUES(" . $user_id . "," . $post_id . ");"; $db->query($sql); $post_model = new Application_Model_Post(); $username = $user['username']; $post_model->_fields['user_id'] = get_user_id(); $post_model->_fields['content'] = "The Post originally shared by {$username}: \n" . $shared_post['content']; $post_model->_fields['comment_number'] = 0; $post_model->_fields['is_reported'] = 0; $post_model->_fields['updated_at'] = time(); $new_id = $post_mapper->save($post_model); $path = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public/post_pic/" . "{$post_id}.png"; $path2 = APPLICATION_PATH . "/../public/post_pic/{$new_id}.png"; copy($path, $path2); return true; } return false; }
protected function _update() { $id = $_POST["id"]; $model = M("MailOrganize"); $model->where("id={$id}")->delete(); $model = D("MailOrganize"); if (false === $model->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } if (in_array('user_id', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->user_id = get_user_id(); } if (in_array('user_name', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->user_name = get_user_name(); } //保存当前数据对象 $list = $model->add(); if ($list !== false) { //保存成功 $this->assign('jumpUrl', get_return_url()); $this->success('编辑成功!'); } else { //失败提示 $this->error('编辑失败!'); } }
function dept() { $widget['date'] = true; $this->assign("widget", $widget); $model = M("Dept"); $list = $model->where('is_del=0')->order('sort asc')->getField('id,name'); $this->assign('dept_list', $list); $where = $this->_search("User"); if (method_exists($this, '_search_filter')) { $this->_search_filter($where); if ($where['is_del'] == "") { $where['is_del'] = 0; } } $where['id'] = array('gt', '1'); $model = D("user"); $userId = get_user_id(); $userInfo = get_user_info($userId, 'id,name,emp_no,dept_id,phone'); $where['dept_id'] = array("eq", $userInfo[$userId]['dept_id']); // if (!empty($model)) { // $this -> _list($model, $where,"emp_no",true); // } $info = $model->where($where)->order("emp_no desc")->select(); for ($i = 0; $info[$i]; $i++) { $info[$i]['dept'] = D("dept")->where("id=" . $info[$i]['dept_id'])->getField("name"); $info[$i]['position'] = D("position")->where("id=" . $info[$i]['position_id'])->getField("name"); } $this->assign("list", $info); $this->display(); }
/** Upgrade database from given version to the latest. */ static function upgrade($country, $version = null) { if ($version === null) { $version = Installer::getVersion(); if ($version === null) { // Assume it's an old v4 with the old id $version = 4; } } while ($version != PT::DB_LEVEL) { $uid = get_user_id(); $type = get_db_type($uid); $pdo = PDOBuilder::getPDO(); // Load generic sql update for current version $file = PT::$ABSPATH . "/install/database/" . $type . "/upgrade-" . $version . ".sql"; $fileContent = \file_get_contents($file); if (!Installer::loadFile($pdo, $fileContent)) { return false; } // Check for localized update data for current version $file = PT::$ABSPATH . "/install/database/" . $type . "upgrade-" . $version . "_" . $country . ".sql"; if (\file_exists($file)) { $fileContent = \file_get_contents($file); if (!Installer::loadFile($pdo, $fileContent)) { return false; } } $version++; } }
public function node() { $node_model = M("Node"); if (!empty($_POST['eq_pid'])) { $eq_pid = $_POST['eq_pid']; } else { $eq_pid = $node_model->where('pid=0')->order('sort asc')->getField('id'); } //dump($node_model -> select()); if (get_user_id() == 1) { $node_list = $node_model->order('sort asc')->select(); } else { $node_list = $node_model->where('id <> 84')->order('sort asc')->select(); } // $node_list = $node_model -> order('sort asc') -> select(); $node_list = tree_to_list(list_to_tree($node_list, $eq_pid)); $node_list = rotate($node_list); //dump($node_list); $node_list = implode(",", $node_list['id']) . ",{$eq_pid}"; $where['id'] = array('in', $node_list); $menu = $node_model->field('id,pid,name,url')->where($where)->order('sort asc')->select(); $tree = list_to_tree($menu); $this->assign('eq_pid', $eq_pid); $list = tree_to_list($tree); $this->assign('node_list', $list); //$this->assign('menu',sub_tree_menu($list)); $role = M("Role")->select(); $this->assign('list', $role); $list = $node_model->where('pid=0 and is_del = 0')->order('sort asc')->getField('id,name'); $this->assign('groupList', $list); $this->display(); }
function try_add_user($login, $pass, $pass2, $realname, $session, $is_admin, $antispam) { $return_val = false; // Help prevent robot registrations if (!check_antispam($antispam)) { display_error("Invalid security code"); } else { if ($session != md5(session_id() . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { display_error("Invalid session."); } else { if ($pass != $pass2) { display_warning("Password mismatch"); } else { if ($realname == '' || $pass == '' || $pass2 == '' || $login == '') { display_warning("Please fill out all fields"); } else { if (get_user_id($login) > 0) { display_error("The user <strong>{$login}</strong> already exists."); } else { add_user($login, $realname, $pass, $is_admin); $return_val = display_success("<strong>{$login}</strong> has been successfully created"); } } } } } return $return_val; }
function TPSession() { // define the DB store. if (!$this->store) { $this->store = OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', get_db_options()); } // determine who this user is (from this site's cookie alone) $this->user_id = get_user_id(COOKIE_NAME); debug("[TPSession::TPSesssion], user_id = " . $this->user_id); // If there's no user_id in the cookie, then there's no session -- not logged in. if (!$this->user_id) { return 0; } // This method look up the OAuth token in one of two ways: // 1. the _GET parameters -- if this is the last step of the OAuth dance. // 2. the Database -- if the user already completed the OAuth dance. $this->oauth_token = get_oauth_token(COOKIE_NAME, $_GET, $this->store); // debug ("OAUTH TOKEN = " . $this->oauth_token); // Somebody wanted to log out! You should let them. if (array_key_exists('logout', $_GET)) { $this->log_out(); } else { if (array_key_exists('oauth_verifier', $_GET)) { $this->verify_access_token(); } } // Also update the local author record if all goes well... if (!$this->author and $this->is_logged_in()) { $this->update_author_record(); } }
public function approve() { $model = D("FlowLog"); if (false === $model->create()) { $this->error($model->getError()); } $model->result = 1; if (in_array('user_id', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->user_id = get_user_id(); } if (in_array('user_name', $model->getDbFields())) { $model->user_name = $this->_session("user_name"); } $flow_id = $model->flow_id; $step = $model->step; //保存当前数据对象 $list = $model->add(); if ($list !== false) { //保存成功 D("Flow")->next_step($flow_id, $step); $this->assign('jumpUrl', $this->_get_return_url()); $this->success('新增成功!'); } else { //失败提示 $this->error('新增失败!'); } }
function forword($step, $task_id, $task_type, $executor_list, $limit_time) { $executor_list = array_filter(explode(';', $executor_list)); if (!empty($executor_list)) { foreach ($executor_list as $key => $val) { $tmp = explode('|', $val); $executor_name = $tmp[0]; $executor = $tmp[1]; if (strpos($executor, "dept_") !== false) { $type = 2; $executor = str_replace('dept_', '', $executor); } else { $type = 1; } $log_data['executor'] = $executor; $log_data['executor_name'] = $executor_name; $log_data['type'] = $type; $log_data['step'] = $step; $log_data['limit_time'] = $limit_time; $log_data['task_type'] = $task_type; $log_data['assigner'] = get_user_id(); $log_data['task_id'] = $task_id; M("TaskLog")->add($log_data); } } }
public function get_list() { $user_id = get_user_id(); $sql .= "select t2.*, t3.count "; $sql .= " from " . $this->tablePrefix . "message t2, "; $sql .= " ( select max(id) id, count(*) count "; $sql .= " from (select id, "; $sql .= " sender_id, "; $sql .= " receiver_id, "; $sql .= " create_time "; $sql .= " from " . $this->tablePrefix . "message "; $sql .= " where is_del = '0' "; $sql .= " and owner_id = '{$user_id}' "; $sql .= " and receiver_id = '{$user_id}' "; $sql .= " union "; $sql .= " select id, "; $sql .= " a.receiver_id, "; $sql .= " a.sender_id, "; $sql .= " create_time "; $sql .= " from " . $this->tablePrefix . "message a "; $sql .= " where a.is_del = 0 and owner_id = '{$user_id}' and sender_id = '{$user_id}') "; $sql .= " t1 "; $sql .= " where t1.receiver_id = '{$user_id}' "; $sql .= " group by t1.sender_id) t3 "; $sql .= " where = order by t2.create_time desc"; $rs = $this->db->query($sql); return $rs; }
function can_upload($session) { if ($session['authenticator']) { $auth = $session['authenticator']; $reason_session =& get_reason_session(); $username = $reason_session->get("username"); if (isset($_REQUEST['user_id']) && !empty($_REQUEST['user_id'])) { $username = $reason_session->get('username'); $param_cleanup_rules = array('user_id' => array('function' => 'turn_into_int', 'extra_args' => array('zero_to_null' => 'true'))); $cleanRequest = array_merge($_REQUEST, carl_clean_vars($_REQUEST, $param_cleanup_rules)); $nametag = $cleanRequest['user_id']; $id = get_user_id($username); if (reason_user_has_privs($id, 'pose_as_other_user')) { $user = new Entity($nametag); $username = $user->get_value("name"); } } if ($auth['file']) { require_once $auth['file']; } $args = array_merge(array($username), $auth['arguments']); if (!call_user_func_array($auth['callback'], $args)) { return false; } } return true; }
public function _before_read() { $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $user_id = get_user_id(); $model = M("Notice"); $folder_id = $model->where("id={$id}")->getField('folder'); $this->assign("auth", $auth = D("Folder")->_get_folder_auth($folder_id)); }
function print_login_button() { if (is_logged_in()) { echo '<a href="userprofile.php?userid=' . get_user_id() . '">' . get_user_name() . '</a> | <a href="./twitteroauth/clearsessions.php">Log out</a>'; } else { echo '<a href="./twitteroauth/redirect.php">Sign in with Twitter</a>'; } }
/** * Add the sender to the message_user table * @param int $id */ function after_add($id = 0) { $message = $this->load($id); /* Don't deal with message recipients on replies */ if (!$message->parent_id) { $this->add_message_user($id, get_user_id()); } }
function get_courses_by_userid($user_id = 0) { global $cmdb; if (empty($user_id)) { $user_id = get_user_id(); } $courses = $cmdb->get_results($cmdb->prepare("SELECT {$cmdb->courses}.* from {$cmdb->courses} join {$cmdb->users_join} on {$cmdb->courses}.ID={$cmdb->users_join}.course_id where user_id=%d", $user_id)); return $courses; }
/** * Add the sender to the meeting_user table * @param int $id */ function after_add($id = 0) { $meeting = $this->load($id); /* Add the creator as a meeting participant */ $this->add_meeting_user($id, get_user_id()); /* Create the shortened url */ $short_url = google_short_url($this->config->item('webapp_url') . '#/meeting/' . $meeting->uuid); $this->update($id, array('share_link' => $short_url)); }
public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request) { if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') { return; } $acl = new Zend_Acl(); // add the roles $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('guest')); $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('user'), 'guest'); $acl->addRole(new Zend_Acl_Role('admin'), 'user'); // add the resources $acl->addResource(new Zend_Acl_Resource('index')); $acl->addResource(new Zend_Acl_Resource('error')); $acl->addResource(new Zend_Acl_Resource('user')); $acl->addResource(new Zend_Acl_Resource('profile')); $acl->addResource(new Zend_Acl_Resource('post')); $acl->addResource(new Zend_Acl_Resource('*')); // set up the access rules $acl->allow(null, array('index', 'error')); // a guest can only sign up content and login $acl->allow('guest', 'user', array('login', 'register', 'unique', 'search')); // user $acl->allow('user', 'user', array('edit', 'logout')); $acl->allow('user', 'profile', array('edit', 'profile', 'getxml', 'viewxml', 'more')); $acl->allow('user', 'post', array('new', 'postxml', 'getposts', 'like', 'share', 'comment', 'home', 'edit', 'allcomment', 'notification', 'report')); $acl->allow('admin', null); // Fetch the current user $auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance(); if ($auth->hasIdentity()) { $id = get_user_id(); $role = "user"; if ($id == 2) { $role = "admin"; } } else { $role = 'guest'; } // Authorization $controller = $request->controller; $action = $request->action; try { if (!$acl->isAllowed($role, $controller, $action)) { if ($role == 'guest') { $redirector = new Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Redirector(); $redirector->gotoSimple('login', 'user'); } else { // User with role $role is not authorized for $controller/$action" $request->setControllerName('error'); $request->setActionName('notauthorized'); } } } catch (Exception $e) { $request->setControllerName('error'); $request->setActionName('notfound'); } }
function login($username, $password) { $user_key = get_user_id($username); $results = mysql_db_query("rowanprep", "SELECT user_key FROM users WHERE username = '******' AND password = '******'"); if (empty($results)) { return false; } else { return $user_key; } }
function do_wysiwygs() { $editor_name = html_editor_name($this->site_info->id()); $params = html_editor_params($this->site_info->id()); if (function_exists('reason_user_has_privs') && strpos($editor_name, 'loki') === 0 && ($user_id = get_user_id($this->user_netID))) { $params['user_is_admin'] = reason_user_has_privs($user_id, 'edit_html'); } $this->change_element_type('post_content', $editor_name, $params); $this->change_element_type('description', $editor_name, $params); }
function add($status, $info, $data) { $user_id = get_user_id(); $model = M("Push"); $model->user_id = $user_id; $model->data = $data; $model->status = $status; $model->info = $info; $model->add(); }
function _search_filter(&$map) { $map['name'] = array('like', "%" . $_POST['name'] . "%"); $map['letter'] = array('like', "%" . $_POST['letter'] . "%"); $map['is_del'] = array('eq', '0'); if (!empty($_POST['tag'])) { $map['group'] = $_POST['tag']; } $map['user_id'] = array('eq', get_user_id()); }
function send_event($from_id, $to_id, $msg) { global $sql; if (!$to_id) { $to_id = get_user_id(); } if (!is_numeric($from_id) || !is_numeric($to_id)) { throw new Exception('A player id wasn\'t sent in to the send_event function.'); } $sql->Insert("INSERT INTO events (event_id, send_from, send_to, message, date) \n VALUES \n (default, '" . sql($from_id) . "','" . sql($to_id) . "','" . sql($msg) . "',now())"); }