function show_share_buttons($content) { // globals global $post, $sssPO; // variables $htmlContent = $content; $htmlShareButtons = ''; $arrSettings = $sssPO->sssp_options; // placement on posts if (is_single()) { //Enable only for Post page // post id $intPostID = get_the_ID(); // if post type is download (EDD clashes) if (get_post_type($intPostID) == "download") { // check for and remove added text preg_match_all("/>(.*?)>/", $strPageTitle, $matches); $title = $matches[0][0]; $title = ltrim($title, '>'); $title = rtrim($title, '</span>'); $strPageTitle = $title; } // ssba div $htmlShareButtons = '<!-- Start Simple Share --><div class="sssp-wrap">'; if (!empty($arrSettings['sssp_title'])) { $htmlShareButtons .= '<h3>' . $arrSettings['sssp_title'] . '</h3>'; } // left align by default $htmlShareButtons .= '<div class="share-links">'; // use wordpress functions for page/post details $urlCurrentPage = get_permalink($post->ID); $strPageTitle = get_the_title($post->ID); // the buttons! $htmlShareButtons .= get_share_buttons($arrSettings, $urlCurrentPage, $strPageTitle, $intPostID); // close center if set $htmlShareButtons .= '</div>'; $htmlShareButtons .= '</div>'; // switch for placement of ssba switch ($arrSettings['sssp_position']) { case 'before': // before the content $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons . $content; break; case 'after': // after the content $htmlContent = $content . $htmlShareButtons; break; case 'both': // before and after the content $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons . $content . $htmlShareButtons; break; } } // return content and share buttons return $htmlContent; }
function show_share_buttons($content, $booShortCode = FALSE, $atts = '') { // globals global $post; // variables $htmlContent = $content; $pattern = get_shortcode_regex(); // ssba_hide shortcode is in the post content and instance is not called by shortcode ssba if (isset($post->post_content) && preg_match_all('/' . $pattern . '/s', $post->post_content, $matches) && array_key_exists(2, $matches) && in_array('ssba_hide', $matches[2]) && $booShortCode == FALSE) { // exit the function returning the content without the buttons return $content; } // get sbba settings $arrSettings = get_ssba_settings(); // placement on pages/posts/categories/archives/homepage if (!is_home() && !is_front_page() && is_page() && $arrSettings['ssba_pages'] == 'Y' || is_single() && $arrSettings['ssba_posts'] == 'Y' || is_category() && $arrSettings['ssba_cats_archs'] == 'Y' || is_archive() && $arrSettings['ssba_cats_archs'] == 'Y' || (is_home() || is_front_page()) && $arrSettings['ssba_homepage'] == 'Y' || $booShortCode == TRUE) { // if not shortcode if (isset($atts['widget']) && $atts['widget'] == 'Y') { // use widget share text $strShareText = $arrSettings['ssba_widget_text']; } else { // use normal share text $strShareText = $arrSettings['ssba_share_text']; } // post id $intPostID = get_the_ID(); // ssba div $htmlShareButtons = '<!-- Simple Share Buttons Adder (' . SSBA_VERSION . ') --><div class="ssba ssba-wrap">'; // center if set so $htmlShareButtons .= '<div style="text-align:' . $arrSettings['ssba_align'] . '">'; // add custom text if set and set to placement above or left if ($strShareText != '' && ($arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'above' || $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'left')) { // check if user has left share link box checked if ($arrSettings['ssba_link_to_ssb'] == 'Y') { // share text with link $htmlShareButtons .= '<a href="" target="_blank">' . $strShareText . '</a>'; } else { // share text $htmlShareButtons .= $strShareText; } $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'above' ? $htmlShareButtons .= '<br/>' : NULL; } // if running standard if ($booShortCode == FALSE) { // use wordpress functions for page/post details $urlCurrentPage = get_permalink($post->ID); $strPageTitle = get_the_title($post->ID); } else { // using shortcode // set page URL and title as set by user or get if needed $urlCurrentPage = isset($atts['url']) ? $atts['url'] : ssba_current_url($atts); $strPageTitle = isset($atts['title']) ? $atts['title'] : get_the_title(); } // strip any unwanted tags from the page title $strPageTitle = esc_attr(strip_tags($strPageTitle)); // the buttons! $htmlShareButtons .= get_share_buttons($arrSettings, $urlCurrentPage, $strPageTitle, $intPostID); // add custom text if set and set to placement right or below if ($strShareText != '' && ($arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'right' || $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'below')) { $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'below' ? $htmlShareButtons .= '<br/>' : NULL; // check if user has checked share link option if ($arrSettings['ssba_link_to_ssb'] == 'Y') { // share text with link $htmlShareButtons .= '<a href="" target="_blank">' . $strShareText . '</a>'; } else { // share text $htmlShareButtons .= $strShareText; } } // close center if set $htmlShareButtons .= '</div>'; $htmlShareButtons .= '</div>'; // if not using shortcode if ($booShortCode == FALSE) { // switch for placement of ssba switch ($arrSettings['ssba_before_or_after']) { case 'before': // before the content $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons . $content; break; case 'after': // after the content $htmlContent = $content . $htmlShareButtons; break; case 'both': // before and after the content $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons . $content . $htmlShareButtons; break; } } else { // just return buttons $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons; } } // return content and share buttons return $htmlContent; }
function show_share_buttons($content, $booShortCode = FALSE, $atts = '') { // globals global $post; // variables $htmlContent = $content; $htmlShareButtons = ''; $strIsWhatFunction = ''; $pattern = get_shortcode_regex(); // ssba_hide shortcode is in the post content and instance is not called by shortcode ssba if (preg_match_all('/' . $pattern . '/s', $post->post_content, $matches) && array_key_exists(2, $matches) && in_array('ssba_hide', $matches[2]) && $booShortCode == FALSE) { // exit the function returning the content without the buttons return $content; } // get sbba settings $arrSettings = get_ssba_settings(); // placement on pages/posts/categories/archives/homepage if (is_page() && $arrSettings['ssba_pages'] == 'Y' || is_single() && $arrSettings['ssba_posts'] == 'Y' || is_category() && $arrSettings['ssba_cats_archs'] == 'Y' || is_archive() && $arrSettings['ssba_cats_archs'] == 'Y' || is_home() && $arrSettings['ssba_homepage'] == 'Y' || $booShortCode == TRUE) { // ssba div $htmlShareButtons .= '<!-- I got these buttons from --><div id="ssba">'; // center if set so $htmlShareButtons .= $arrSettings['ssba_align'] == 'center' ? '<center>' : NULL; // add custom text if set and set to placement above or left if ($arrSettings['ssba_share_text'] != '' && ($arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'above' || $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'left')) { // check if user has left share link box checked if ($arrSettings['ssba_link_to_ssb'] == 'Y') { // share text with link $htmlShareButtons .= '<a href="" target="_blank" class="ssba_tooptip" id="ssba_tooptip""><span></span>' . $arrSettings['ssba_share_text']; } else { // share text $htmlShareButtons .= $arrSettings['ssba_share_text']; } $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'above' ? $htmlShareButtons .= '<br/>' : NULL; } // if running standard if ($booShortCode == FALSE) { // use wordpress functions for page/post details $urlCurrentPage = get_permalink($post->ID); $strPageTitle = get_the_title($post->ID); } else { if ($booShortCode == TRUE) { // if using shortcode // if custom attributes have been set if ($atts['url'] != '') { // set page URL and title as set by user $urlCurrentPage = isset($atts['url']) ? $atts['url'] : ssba_current_url(); $strPageTitle = isset($atts['title']) ? $atts['title'] : NULL; } else { // get page name and url from functions $urlCurrentPage = ssba_current_url(); $strPageTitle = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]; } } } // the buttons! $htmlShareButtons .= get_share_buttons($arrSettings, $urlCurrentPage, $strPageTitle); // add custom text if set and set to placement right or below if ($arrSettings['ssba_share_text'] != '' && ($arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'right' || $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'below')) { $arrSettings['ssba_text_placement'] == 'below' ? $htmlShareButtons .= '<br/>' : NULL; // check if user has left share link box checked if ($arrSettings['ssba_link_to_ssb'] == 'Y') { // share text with link $htmlShareButtons .= '<a href="" target="_blank" class="ssba_tooptip" id="ssba_tooptip""><span></span>' . $arrSettings['ssba_share_text']; } else { // share text $htmlShareButtons .= $arrSettings['ssba_share_text']; } } // close center if set $htmlShareButtons .= $arrSettings['ssba_align'] == 'center' ? '</center>' : NULL; $htmlShareButtons .= '</div>'; // if not using shortcode if ($booShortCode == FALSE) { // switch for placement of ssba switch ($arrSettings['ssba_before_or_after']) { case 'before': // before the content $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons . $content; break; case 'after': // after the content $htmlContent = $content . $htmlShareButtons; break; case 'both': // before and after the content $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons . $content . $htmlShareButtons; break; } } else { // just return buttons $htmlContent = $htmlShareButtons; } } // return content and share buttons return $htmlContent; }