function show_page($page) { $template = ''; $posts_per_page = 5; $page_nr = isset($_GET['page_nr']) ? $_GET['page_nr'] : '0'; $limit = $page_nr * $posts_per_page . ", {$posts_per_page}"; // $template_file = select_from_db(array('blogs.template'), array('blogs'), array("'$page'")); // $template = "view/templates/" . $template_file[0]['template']; $template = "view/templates/default_template.php"; if (file_exists($template) && is_file($template)) { require_once $template; } else { require_once "view/templates/default_template.php"; } echo get_document_head(); echo get_header(); echo get_menu(); if ($page == "startpage") { echo "startpage"; } else { if ($page == "search") { echo get_searchbar(); echo get_search_results(); echo get_thechosen(); } else { if ($page == "fileupload") { echo get_fileupload(); } else { if ($page == "nyheter") { echo get_news(); } else { if ($page == "receipes") { $recipe = "Hallonmums"; echo get_recipes($recipe); } else { echo get_default("Välkommen"); } } } } } echo get_footer(); echo get_document_end(); }
"> </div> <button name="search" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Search"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span> Search</button> <p class="help-block">You can use * as a wildcard character. Tip: search for * alone to retrieve all of your experiments.</p> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['search'])) { /** * get results */ $experiments = get_search_results(); //var_dump($experiments[0]); if (sizeof($experiments) == 0) { print_warning_message('No results found. Please try again.'); } else { echo ' <div class="table-responsive"> <table class="table"> <tr> <th>Name</th> <th>Application</th> <th>Description</th> <!--<th>Resource</th>--> <th>Creation Time</th> <th>Status</th> </tr>
} // Work out the settings for pagination if ($show_as == 'posts') { $forum_page['per_page'] = $forum_user['disp_posts']; } else { if ($show_as == 'topics') { $forum_page['per_page'] = $forum_user['disp_topics']; } else { if ($show_as == 'forums') { $forum_page['per_page'] = 0; } } } // Show all // We now have a query that will give us our results in $query, lets get the data! $num_hits = get_search_results($query, $search_set); ($hook = get_hook('se_post_results_fetched')) ? eval($hook) : null; // No search results? if ($num_hits == 0) { no_search_results($action); } // // Output the search results // // Setup breadcrumbs and results header and footer $forum_page['crumbs'][] = array($forum_config['o_board_title'], forum_link($forum_url['index'])); $action = isset($action) ? $action : null; generate_search_crumbs($action); // Generate paging links if ($show_as == 'posts' || $show_as == 'topics') { $forum_page['page_post']['paging'] = '<p class="paging"><span class="pages">' . $lang_common['Pages'] . '</span> ' . paginate($forum_page['num_pages'], $forum_page['page'], $url_type, $lang_common['Paging separator'], $search_id) . '</p>';
// check token for most action types if (!in_array($action, array('search', 'login'))) { $user_id = check_auth_token($_POST['user_id'], $_POST['token']); if (!$user_id) { throw new Exception('Incorrect token'); } } try { switch ($action) { case 'search': if (isset($_GET['all_forms'])) { $all_forms = (bool) $_GET['all_forms']; } else { $all_forms = false; } $answer['answer'] = get_search_results($_GET['query'], !$all_forms); foreach ($answer['answer']['results'] as &$res) { $parts = array(); foreach (get_book_parents($res['book_id'], true) as $p) { $parts[] = $p['title']; } $res['text_fullname'] = join(': ', array_reverse($parts)); } break; case 'login': $user_id = user_check_password($_POST['login'], $_POST['password']); if ($user_id) { $token = remember_user($user_id, false, false); $answer['answer'] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'token' => $token); } else { $answer['error'] = 'Incorrect login or password';
} function saveToLog($query, $elapsed, $results) { global $mysql_table_prefix; if ($results == "") { $results = 0; } $query = "insert into " . $mysql_table_prefix . "query_log (query, time, elapsed, results) values ('{$query}', now(), '{$elapsed}', '{$results}')"; mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); } switch ($search) { case 1: if (!isset($results)) { $results = ""; } $search_results = get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $type, $results, $domain); require "{$template_dir}/{$template}/search_results.html"; break; default: if ($show_categories) { if ($_REQUEST['catid'] && is_numeric($catid)) { $cat_info = get_category_info($catid); } else { $cat_info = get_categories_view(); } require "{$template_dir}/{$template}/categories.html"; } break; } include "{$template_dir}/{$template}/footer.html";
} } else { // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ // | tags section | // +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ if ($page['section'] == 'tags') { $page['tag_ids'] = array(); foreach ($page['tags'] as $tag) { $page['tag_ids'][] = $tag['id']; } $items = get_image_ids_for_tags($page['tag_ids']); $page = array_merge($page, array('title' => get_tags_content_title(), 'items' => $items)); } else { if ($page['section'] == 'search') { include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/'; $search_result = get_search_results($page['search'], @$page['super_order_by']); //save the details of the query search if (isset($search_result['qs'])) { $page['qsearch_details'] = $search_result['qs']; } $page = array_merge($page, array('items' => $search_result['items'], 'title' => '<a href="' . duplicate_index_url(array('start' => 0)) . '">' . l10n('Search results') . '</a>')); } else { if ($page['section'] == 'favorites') { check_user_favorites(); $page = array_merge($page, array('title' => l10n('Favorites'))); if (!empty($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'remove_all_from_favorites') { $query = ' DELETE FROM ' . FAVORITES_TABLE . ' WHERE user_id = ' . $user['id'] . ' ;'; pwg_query($query);
if ($search_in != 'all') { if (isset($used_modules[$search_in]) && isset($modules_args[$search_in])) { $used_modules = array($search_in => $used_modules[$search_in]); $modules_args = array($search_in => $modules_args[$search_in]); } else { $used_modules = array(); $modules_args = array(); } } else { // We remove modules that we're not searching in foreach ($modules_args as $module_id => $module_args) { if (!$query_mode && (!in_array($module_id, $selected_modules) || !isset($modules_args[$module_id]))) { unset($modules_args[$module_id]); unset($used_modules[$module_id]); } } } // Génération des résultats et passage aux templates $nbResults = get_search_results($search, $used_modules, $modules_args, $results, $idsSearch); foreach ($used_modules as $module_id => $extension_point) { $tpl->assign_block_vars('results', array('MODULE_NAME' => $module_id, 'L_MODULE_NAME' => ucfirst(ModulesManager::get_module($module_id)->get_configuration()->get_name()), 'ID_SEARCH' => $idsSearch[$module_id])); } $all_html_result = ''; if ($nbResults > 0) { get_html_results($results, $all_html_result, $search_in); } $tpl->assign_vars(array('NB_RESULTS_PER_PAGE' => NB_RESULTS_PER_PAGE, 'L_TITLE_ALL_RESULTS' => $LANG['title_all_results'], 'L_RESULTS' => $LANG['results'], 'L_RESULTS_CHOICE' => $LANG['results_choice'], 'L_PRINT' => $LANG['print'], 'L_NB_RESULTS_FOUND' => $nbResults > 1 ? $LANG['nb_results_found'] : ($nbResults == 0 ? $LANG['no_results_found'] : $LANG['one_result_found']), 'L_SEARCH_RESULTS' => $LANG['search_results'], 'NB_RESULTS' => $nbResults, 'ALL_RESULTS' => $all_html_result, 'SEARCH_IN' => $search_in, 'C_SIMPLE_SEARCH' => $search_in == 'all')); $tpl->display(); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Footer require_once '../kernel/footer.php';
function getSearchResultString($query) { $search_results = get_search_results("{$query}", "", "", "and", "", ""); extract($search_results); global $urlRequestRoot, $cmsFolder; $resultHTML = "<link rel='stylesheet' media='print' type='text/css' href=\"{$urlRequestRoot}/{$cmsFolder}/templates/common/search.css\" />"; if ($search_results['did_you_mean']) { $dym = quote_replace(addmarks($search_results['did_you_mean'])); $resultHTML .= <<<DIDYOUMEAN \t\t\t<div id="did_you_mean"> \t\t\t\tDid You Mean: <a href="./+search&query={$dym}&search=1">{$search_results['did_you_mean_b']}</a> \t\t\t</div> DIDYOUMEAN; } if ($search_results['ignore_words']) { $resultHTML .= '<div id="common_report">'; $ignored = ''; while ($thisword = each($ignore_words)) { $ignored .= " " . $thisword[1]; } $resultHTML .= '</div>'; } if ($search_results['total_results'] == 0) { $resultHTML .= '<div id ="result_report">'; $resultHTML .= str_replace('%query', $ent_query, "Sorry! No matches found."); $resultHTML .= '</div>'; } if ($total_results != 0 && $from <= $to) { $resultHTML .= '<div id ="result_report">'; $res = 'Results'; $res = str_replace('%from', $from, $res); $res = str_replace('%to', $to, $res); $res = str_replace('%all', $total_results, $res); $matchword = "matches"; if ($total_results == 1) { $matchword = "match"; } else { $matchword = "matches"; } $res = str_replace('%matchword', $matchword, $res); $res = str_replace('%secs', $time, $res); $resultHTML .= $res; $resultHTML .= '</div>'; } if (isset($qry_results)) { $resultHTML .= '<div id="results">'; foreach ($qry_results as $_key => $_row) { $last_domain = $domain_name; extract($_row); if ($sph_show_query_scores == 0) { $weight = ''; } else { $weight = "[{$weight}%]"; } if ($domain_name == $last_domain && $sph_merge_site_results == 1 && $domain == "") { $resultHTML .= '<div class="idented">'; } $resultHTML .= "<b>{$num}.</b> {$weight} \n"; $resultHTML .= "<a href=\"{$url}\" class=\"sph_title\">" . ($title ? $title : 'Untitled') . "</a><br/>\n"; $resultHTML .= "<div class=\"description\">{$fulltxt}</div>\n"; $resultHTML .= "<div class=\"url\">{$url2} - {$page_size}</div>\n"; if ($domain_name == $last_domain && $sph_merge_site_results == 1 && $domain == "") { $q = quote_replace(addmarks($query)); $resultHTML .= "[ <a href=\"./+search&query={$q}&search=1&results={$results_per_page}&domain={$domain_name}\">More results from {$domain_name}</a> ]"; $resultHTML .= "</div class=\"idented\">\n"; } $resultHTML .= "<br />\n"; } $resultHTML .= '</div>'; } if (isset($other_pages)) { if ($adv == 1) { $adv_qry = "&adv=1"; } if ($type != "") { $type_qry = "&type={$type}"; } $resultHTML .= "<div id=\"other_pages\">\nResult page: "; if ($start > 1) { $q = quote_replace(addmarks($query)); $resultHTML .= "<a href=\"./+search&query={$q}&start={$prev}&search=1&results={$results_per_page}{$type_qry}{$adv_qry}&domain={$domain}\">Previous</a>"; } foreach ($other_pages as $page_num) { if ($page_num != $start) { $q = quote_replace(addmarks($query)); $resultHTML .= "<a href=\"./+search&query={$q}&start={$page_num}&search=1&results={$results_per_page}{$type_qry}{$adv_qry}&domain={$domain}\">{$page_num}</a>"; } else { $resultHTML .= "<b>{$page_num}</b>"; } } if ($next <= $pages) { $q = quote_replace(addmarks($query)); $resultHTML .= "<a href=\"./+search&query={$q}&start={$next}&search=1&results={$results_per_page}{$type_qry}{$adv_qry}&domain={$domain}\">Next</a>"; } $resultHTML .= '</div>'; } return $resultHTML; }
<?php require 'lib/header.php'; require 'lib/lib_annot.php'; if (isset($_GET['q'])) { $search = trim(mb_strtolower($_GET['q'])); $smarty->assign('search', get_search_results($search, isset($_GET['exact_form']))); $smarty->display('search.tpl'); } else { show_error("Не задан поисковый запрос"); } log_timing();
foreach ($search_modules as $id => $extension_point) { if ($form_module->has_search_options()) { // Récupération de la liste des paramètres $form_module_args = $extension_point->get_search_args(); // Ajout des paramètres optionnels sans les sécuriser. // Ils sont sécurisés à l'intérieur de chaque module. foreach ($form_module_args as $arg) { if ($request->has_postparameter($arg)) { $modules_args[$id][$arg] = $request->get_postvalue($arg); } } } } $results = array(); $ids_search = array(); get_search_results($search_txt, $search_modules, $modules_args, $results, $ids_search, true); if (empty($ids_search[$module_id])) { $ids_search[$module_id] = 0; } // Propagation des nouveaux id_search foreach ($ids_search as $module_name => $id_search) { $search->id_search[$module_name] = $id_search; echo 'idSearch[\'' . $module_name . '\'] = ' . $id_search . ';'; } } else { $search->id_search[$module_id] = $id_search; } echo 'var resultsAJAX = new Array();'; $nb_results = $search->get_results_by_id($results, $search->id_search[$module_id]); if ($nb_results > 0) { //$module = $modules->get_module($module_id);
} else { ?> <div class="disabled">»</div><?php } ?> <?php } ?> </div> <div style="clear:both;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="channel-content"> <ul> <?php get_search_results($search_terms, $offset); ?> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <?php include_once "includes/channel_preview.php"; ?> </div> </div>
<?php $word = htmlspecialchars($_GET["word"]); function get_search_results($word) { include 'dbconnect.php'; $query = "SELECT * FROM Notiz, Person WHERE " . " = Notiz.person_id" . " AND note_text LIKE '%" . $word . "%'"; $mysqli_result = mysqli_query($connection, $query); $search_results = array(); foreach ($mysqli_result as $row) { $search_results[] = $row; } return $search_results; } echo json_encode(get_search_results($word));
<?php $options = get_option(THEME_OPTIONS_NAME); if ($options['enable_google'] or $options['enable_google'] === null) { $domain = $options['search_domain']; $limit = (int) $options['search_per_page']; $start = is_numeric($_GET['start']) ? (int) $_GET['start'] : 0; $results = get_search_results($_GET['s'], $start, $limit, $domain); get_header(); ?> <div class="row page-content" id="search-results"> <div class="span9"> <article> <h1>Search Results</h1> <?php if (count($results['items'])) { ?> <ul class="result-list"> <?php foreach ($results['items'] as $result) { ?> <li class="item"> <h3> <a class="<?php echo mimetype_to_application($result['mime'] ? $result['mime'] : 'text/html'); ?> " href="<?php echo $result['url']; ?> "> <?php
$html .= '<tr><td>' . $lang->translate(509) . '</td><td><input type="text" id="handelsnaam" name="handelsnaam" value="' . $tempuser['handelsnaam'] . '"></td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td>' . $lang->translate(525) . '</td><td><input type="text" id="home_page" name="home_page" value="' . $tempuser['home_page'] . '"></td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td>' . $lang->translate(511) . '</td><td><input type="text" id="email" name="email" value="' . $tempuser['email'] . '"></td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td colspan="2"></td></tr>'; $html .= '</table></div><br /><div class="content"><p><input type="submit" value="' . $lang->translate(543) . '" id="submit" class="button" name="submit"></p></div></form><br><br>'; } else { $html .= '<br /><a href="?lang=' . lang_get_value_defaultlang() . '&page=klanten&type=rechten&id=' . $userdata2['id'] . '"><div class="content"><p>' . $lang->translate(546) . '</p></div></a><br /><br />'; } } else { $html .= '<br /><br />' . $lang->translate(542) . '<br /><br />'; } } elseif (get_value_get('type') == 'zoeken') { $html = '<div class="paginatitel">' . $lang->translate(531) . '</div>'; if (check_user_right(get_value_session('from_db', 'id'), 'klantzoeken', get_value_session('from_db', 'is_admin')) != FALSE) { if (get_value_post('submit')) { $temp = get_search_results(get_value_session('from_db', 'id'), get_value_post('search'), 'users', get_value_session('from_db', 'is_admin')); if ($temp == FALSE) { $html .= '<br /><p>' . $lang->translate(532) . '</p><br /><br />'; } else { $html .= '<DIV class="tablestop2"><table><tr><td align="right" colspan="10"><div style="width:665px;">'; $html .= '<div style="float: right;"> <form name="form2" method="post" action="?page=klanten&type=zoeken">'; $html .= '<input type="text" id="search" name="search" class="search">'; $html .= '<input type="submit" value="' . $lang->translate(533) . '" id="submit" name="submit" class="searchbutton"></form></div></div>'; $html .= '</td></tr>'; $html .= '<tr><td>' . $lang->translate(213) . ''; if (check_user_right(get_value_session('from_db', 'id'), 'klanttoevoegen', get_value_session('from_db', 'is_admin')) != FALSE) { $html .= '<div style="float: right;"><a href="?page=klanten&type=toevoegen"><img src="' . $template_dir . '/plus.png" border="0" valign="middle" title="' . $lang->translate(541) . '"></a></div>'; } $html .= '</td><td>' . $lang->translate(509) . '</td><td colspan="8">' . $lang->translate(630) . '</td></tr>'; foreach ($temp as $item) { $userdata = get_userdata($item['id']);
</div> <button name="search" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" value="Search"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span> Search</button> <p class="help-block">You can use * as a wildcard character. Tip: search for * alone to retrieve all of your projects.</p> </form> <?php if (isset($_POST['search'])) { /** * get results */ $projects = get_search_results(); /** * display results */ if (sizeof($projects) == 0) { print_warning_message('No results found. Please try again.'); } else { echo '<div class="table-responsive">'; echo '<table class="table">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>Name</th>'; echo '<th>Creation Time</th>'; echo '<th>Experiments</th>'; echo '</tr>'; foreach ($projects as $project) { echo '<tr>';