コード例 #1
// It's licensed under the AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE unless stated otherwise.
// You can get copies of the licenses here:
// 		http://www.affero.org/oagpl.html
// AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE is also included in the file called "COPYING".


header('Cache-Control: max-age=30');

$globals['ads'] = true;

$search = get_search_clause();
$search_txt = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_REQUEST['search']));
if($search) {
	do_header(_('búsqueda de'). ' "'.$search_txt.'"');
	do_navbar(_('noticias en la cola') . ' » ' . _('búsqueda'));
	echo '<div id="contents">'."\n";
	echo '<h2>'._('búsqueda en pendientes'). ': "'.$search_txt.'" </h2>';
	$order_by = '';
} else {
	do_header(_('noticias pendientes'));
	do_navbar(_('noticias en la cola'));
	echo '<div id="contents">'."\n";
	echo '<h2>'._('noticias pendientes').'</h2>'."\n";
	$order_by = " ORDER BY link_date DESC ";
コード例 #2
	// Prepare for times
	if(!($time = check_integer('time')))
	$sql = "SELECT link_id, count(*) as votes FROM votes, links WHERE  ";	
	if ($time > 0) {
		$from = time()-$time;
		$sql .= "vote_date > FROM_UNIXTIME($from) AND ";
	$sql .= "vote_link_id=link_id  AND link_status != 'discard' GROUP BY vote_link_id  ORDER BY votes DESC LIMIT $rows";
	$last_modified = time();
	$title = _('Menéame: más votadas en') . ' ' . txt_time_diff($from);
	//$link_date = "modified";
	$link_date = "";
} else {
	// All the others
	$search = get_search_clause('boolean');
	// The link_status to search
	if(!empty($_REQUEST['status'])) {
		$status = $db->escape(preg_replace('/ /', '', trim($_REQUEST['status'])));
	} else {
		// By default it searches on all
		if($search) $status = 'all';
		else $status = 'published';
	/*****  WARNING
		this function is to redirect to feed burner
		comment it out
		You have been warned ******/

	if (!$search && empty($_REQUEST['category'])) {