function zgm_flexible_content() { global $post; global $postid; global $pagetemplateclass; global $template; $postid = $post->ID; // get the global post and set the post id for use in get field calls and get_the_title() $template = explode('.', basename(get_page_template()))[0]; // get template base name minus extension $pagetemplateclass = ''; // set default for section class $showAlways = false; // set default for always show based on pre-existing setup incase felx content isnt set $gracefull = true; // check if the flexible content field has rows of data ob_start(); if (have_rows('page_builder', $postid)) { $gracefull = false; // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('page_builder', $postid)) { the_row(); // locate and insert templates for layouts locate_template('templates/flexible/' . get_row_layout() . '.php', true, false); } } ob_end_flush(); // end flex content }
/** * Set classes for the cover image container. These can be overridden or added to with a filter like the following: * add_filter( 'cover_media_set_classes', 'custom_cover_classes' ); * function custom_cover_classes($classes) { * if(is_page_template('template-landing-page.php') { * $classes[] = 'on-landing-page'; * } * return $classes; * } * * @return string string of classes */ function ci_classes() { $classes = array(); $classes[] = 'cover-media-container'; $classes[] = 'cover-media-' . get_row_layout(); $classes = array_filter(array_map('trim', $classes)); echo trim(implode(' ', apply_filters('cover_media_set_classes', $classes))); }
/** * Retrieves all the section HTML * @param String $name The slug used for the sections. Is 'sections' by default * @return String The final HTML */ public function getSectionsHTML($name, $post_id) { if (!$this->acf_active) { return ''; } if (have_rows($name, $post_id)) { $s = 1; $this->html = '<div id="acfpb_sections">'; while (have_rows($name, $post_id)) { the_row(); $layout = get_row_layout(); if (method_exists(get_class(), 'getSection_' . $layout)) { $id = 'section_' . $s; $class = 'acfpb_section section-' . $layout; $style = get_sub_field('bg') ? 'background-color:' . get_sub_field('bg') : ''; $contained = (bool) get_sub_field('contained', false); if (!$this->use_bs && $contained) { $contained = false; } $wrapper = get_sub_field('wrapper_class'); $this->html .= '<div id="' . $id . '" class="' . $class . '" style="' . $style . '">'; if ($contained) { $this->html .= '<div class="container">'; } if ($contained) { $this->html .= '<div class="row">'; } if ($wrapper !== '') { $this->html .= '<div class="' . $wrapper . '">'; } $this->html .= $this->{'getSection_' . $layout}(); if ($wrapper !== '') { $this->html .= '</div>'; } // Wrapper finish if ($this->use_bs) { $this->html .= '<div class="clearfix"></div>'; } if ($contained) { $this->html .= '</div>'; } // Row finish if ($contained) { $this->html .= '</div>'; } // Container finish $this->html .= '</div>'; // Section finish $s++; } } $this->html .= '</div>'; // Main Wrapper finish return $this->html; } else { return ''; } }
/** * @return string */ public static function get_sub_field_brick_class_name() { $row_layout = get_row_layout(); $class_name = get_sub_field($row_layout . '_brick_class'); if (is_null($class_name)) { die('get_sub_field_brick_instance() could not find a hidden field named ' . $row_layout . '_brick_class .'); } return $class_name; }
function the_modules_loop($modules_field = 'modules') { // Loop through rows of flexible content field while (the_flexible_field($modules_field)) { // Render module template based on the row layout's name $module_name = str_replace('_', '-', get_row_layout()); the_module($module_name); } }
/** * GRID: Half-Half Editor * * @param $languarge */ function feature_grid_2_2_editor($language) { if (get_row_layout() == 'half-half') { $maxWidth = get_sub_field('22_width'); $backgroundColor = 'background-color: ' . get_sub_field('22_background_color') . '; '; $padding = 'padding: ' . get_sub_field('22_padding') . '; '; $center = get_sub_field('22_center'); $css = '<style>' . get_sub_field('22_box_css') . '</style>'; $hash = md5(get_sub_field('grid_left_de')); # uk-margin-large-top | uk-margin-large-bottom $selected = get_sub_field('22_easy_margin'); if (in_array('top', $selected)) { $top = 'uk-margin-large-top'; } if (in_array('bottom', $selected)) { $bottom = 'uk-margin-large-bottom'; } if ($top != '' || $bottom != '') { $margin = ' class="' . $top . ' ' . $bottom . '"'; } if ($center != 'no') { $center_1 = '<center>'; $center_2 = '</center>'; } if (get_sub_field('22_animation_left') != 'no') { $animation_left = get_sub_field('22_animation_left'); $a_left = 'data-uk-scrollspy="{cls:\'uk-animation-' . $animation_left . '\', repeat: false}"'; } if (get_sub_field('22_animation_right') != 'no') { $animation_right = get_sub_field('22_animation_right'); $a_right = 'data-uk-scrollspy="{cls:\'uk-animation-' . $animation_right . '\', repeat: false}"'; } echo '<div id="ultraschall-box-' . $hash . '" style="' . $backgroundColor . '"' . $margin . '>'; echo '<div class="uk-container uk-container-center" style="max-width: ' . $maxWidth . 'px;' . $backgroundColor . '' . $padding . '">'; echo '<div class="uk-grid" data-uk-grid-margin="">'; echo '<div class="uk-width-medium-1-2" ' . $a_left . ' data-uk-grid-margin="">'; echo the_sub_field('grid_left_' . $language); echo '</div>'; echo '<div class="uk-width-medium-1-2" ' . $a_right . ' data-uk-grid-margin="">'; echo the_sub_field('grid_right_' . $language); echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } }
function show_article() { ?> <article id="<?php the_sub_field('id'); ?> " class="Section__article <?php the_sub_field('class'); ?> "> <?php if (get_row_layout() == 'html') { Show_html(); } ?> </article> <?php // }
function bw_process_queue() { $content = ''; $content = get_field('intro'); if (have_rows('queue_content')) { // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('queue_content')) { the_row(); if (get_row_layout() == 'question_and_answer') { $content .= '<div class="bw_queue_question">' . "\n"; $content .= '<div class="bw_queue_question_from">' . get_sub_field('from') . '</div>' . "\n"; $content .= '<div class="bw_queue_question_body">' . get_sub_field('question') . '</div>' . "\n"; $content .= '</div>' . "\n"; $content .= get_sub_field('answer'); } elseif (get_row_layout() == 'generic_content') { $content .= get_sub_field('generic_content_block'); } } } else { // no layouts found } $content .= get_field('outro'); return $content; }
function acf_get_sub_field($selector, $field) { // sub fields if ($field['type'] == 'repeater') { // extract sub fields $sub_fields = acf_extract_var($field, 'sub_fields'); if (!empty($sub_fields)) { foreach ($sub_fields as $sub_field) { if ($sub_field['name'] == $selector || $sub_field['key'] == $selector) { // return return $sub_field; } // if } // foreach } // if } elseif ($field['type'] == 'flexible_content') { // vars $layouts = acf_extract_var($field, 'layouts'); $current = get_row_layout(); if (!empty($layouts)) { foreach ($layouts as $layout) { // skip layout if the current layout key does not match if ($current && $current !== $layout['name']) { continue; } // extract sub fields $sub_fields = acf_extract_var($layout, 'sub_fields'); if (!empty($sub_fields)) { foreach ($sub_fields as $sub_field) { if ($sub_field['name'] == $selector || $sub_field['key'] == $selector) { // return return $sub_field; } // if } // foreach } // if } // foreach } // if } // if // return return false; }
<?php /******************************** * Regular Content ********************************/ ?> <?php $id = isset($id) ? $id : $post->ID; $i = 0; if (get_field('content', $id)) { while (has_sub_field('content', $id)) { ?> <?php $layout = get_row_layout(); switch ($layout) { case 'row': if (get_sub_field('columns')) { ?> <div <?php if (get_sub_field('anchor_id')) { ?> id="<?php the_sub_field('anchor_id'); ?> "<?php } ?> <?php if (get_sub_field('anchor_label')) {
the_sub_field("block_simple_title_button_link"); ?> " class="button uppercase background-<?php the_sub_field('block_simple_title_button_color_button'); ?> color-white font-size-16 margin-top-30 display-inline-block"> <?php the_sub_field("block_simple_title_button_label_button"); ?> </a> </div> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() == "block_simple_button") { // layout: Block simple avec bouton mais pas de titre ?> <div class="site-banner background-<?php the_sub_field('block_simple_button_background'); ?> has-padding text-center position-relative <?php if (get_sub_field('block_simple_title_button_illustration')) { ?> has-illustration<?php } ?> "> <div class="site-banner__content-inner-full site-banner__content-inner display-inline-block"> <p class="site-banner__content-inner__text color-<?php
} elseif (get_row_layout() == 'energy_savings_link') { ?> <div class="box link bank"> <?php the_field('bank_text', 'option'); ?> <a href="<?php the_field('bank_link', 'option'); ?> " ></a> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() == 'call_before_you_dig_information') { ?> <div class="box dig"> <?php the_field('dig_text', 'option'); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <?php } } } else { // no layouts found } ?>
?> <?php // Vars $sectionName = get_sub_field('section_name'); $left = get_sub_field('one_third_left'); $right = get_sub_field('two_thirds_right'); echo '<section class="third-split left-text ' . $sectionName . '"><figure><figcaption class="left slide-left">' . $left . '</figcaption><span style="background-image: url(' . $right . ');"></span></figure></section>'; ?> <?php } ?> <?php // No Container One Third Right Text if (get_row_layout() == 'no_container_third_right') { ?> <?php // Vars $sectionName = get_sub_field('section_name'); $left = get_sub_field('two_thirds_left'); $right = get_sub_field('one_third_right'); echo '<section class="third-split right-text ' . $sectionName . '"><figure><span style="background-image: url(' . $left . ');"></span><figcaption class="right slide-right">' . $right . '</figcaption></figure></section>'; ?> <?php } ?> <?php }
<?php include "template-parts/acf-modules/top-content.php"; ?> <?php $thepages = array('tabbed_page_1', 'tabbed_page_2', 'tabbed_page_3', 'tabbed_page_4', 'tabbed_page_5', 'tabbed_page_6', 'tabbed_page_7'); echo '<div class="tabbedPageMenu"><ul class="tabbedPageMenu-list">'; foreach ($thepages as $thepage) { if (have_rows($thepage)) { while (have_rows($thepage)) { the_row(); ?> <?php if (get_row_layout() == 'tab_info') { ?> <?php $tab_title = get_sub_field('tab_title'); ?> <?php $tab_hash = get_sub_field('tab_hash'); ?> <li><a class="<?php echo $tab_hash; ?> " href="#<?php echo $tab_hash; ?>
<a class="right carousel-control" href="#promo-carousel-m" role="button" data-slide="next"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class="sr-only">Next</span> </a> </div> <!-- /carousel --> </div> <?php } ?> <!--end carousel--> <!--Post Carousel--> <!--Check for slide show--> <?php if (get_row_layout() == 'post_carousel') { ?> <div class="news_and_events_carousel col-md-12 no-gutter content-section light-grey-bg "> <div class="news_and_events_carousel-header"> <div class="clearfix row"> <?php if (get_sub_field('title')) { ?> <span class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3"><h4><?php the_sub_field('title'); ?> </h4></span> <?php }
// echo $iframe echo $iframe; ?> </div> <div class="caption"><?php the_sub_field("image-caption"); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() == 'gallery') { ?> <?php $images = get_sub_field('gallery'); if ($images) { ?> <div class="media"> <div id="slider" class="flexslider <?php if (get_sub_field('drop-shadow')) { ?> drop-shadow-slider<?php } ?> ">
<?php if (have_rows('sections')) { while (have_rows('sections')) { the_row(); ?> <?php get_template_part('templates/sections/_' . get_row_layout()); ?> <?php } }
while (have_rows('flexible_content_section')) { the_row(); // !1 COL LAYOUT if (get_row_layout() == '1_col_layout') { get_template_part('/template-parts/flexible', '1col-layout'); } // end 1 col layout // !2 COL LAYOUT // Check if this row layout is in use if (get_row_layout() == '2_col_layout') { // get the corresponding template part if it is get_template_part('/template-parts/flexible', '2col-layout'); } // end 2 col layout // !TESTIMONIAL LAYOUT if (get_row_layout() == 'testimonial_layout') { get_template_part('/template-parts/flexible', 'testimonial-layout'); } // end testimonial layout } } ?> </div><!-- end inner --> </section><!-- end flexible-content-wrapper --> <?php } } ?> <!-- end repeater field --> </main> <?php
echo $bgimg['sizes']['module-img']; } ?> )"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <?php } ?> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() == "testimonial") { $post_object = get_sub_field('testimonial_to_display'); if ($post_object) { $post = $post_object; setup_postdata($post); $sideimg = ''; $bgimg = get_field('side_image'); if (isset($bgimg['sizes']['module-img'])) { $sideimg = $bgimg['sizes']['module-img']; } ?> <section class="features-intro"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="dotted-line gray"></div>
<?php // check if the flexible content field has rows of data if (have_rows('flexible_content')) { // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('flexible_content')) { the_row(); // check current row layout if (get_row_layout() == 'paragraph_with_headline') { echo '<h2 class="flex">'; the_sub_field('headline'); echo '</h2>'; the_sub_field('body'); } // check current row layout if (get_row_layout() == 'button_with_link') { echo '<a class="btn" href="'; the_sub_field('button_link'); echo '">'; the_sub_field('button_text'); echo '</a>'; the_sub_field('body'); } } } else { // no layouts found } ?> <?php
</div> <?php // open the WordPress loop if (have_posts()) { while (have_posts()) { the_post(); // are there any rows within within our flexible content? if (have_rows('product_page_content')) { // loop through all the rows of flexible content while (have_rows('product_page_content')) { the_row(); if (get_row_layout() == 'banner') { get_template_part('partials/stripe', 'banner'); } if (get_row_layout() == 'secondary_nav') { get_template_part('partials/section', 'products'); } } // close the loop of flexible content } // close flexible content conditional } } // close the WordPress loop ?> <?php get_template_part('partials/section', 'client-logos'); ?>
<?php cfb_template('blocks/parts/block-media', get_row_layout()); cfb_template('blocks/parts/block-cta', get_row_layout());
?> " alt="merete-bundgaard"> <div class="aside-about-content"> <p class="h3"><?php the_field('sidebar_about_title', 'options'); ?> </p> <p><?php the_field('sidebar_about_desc', 'options'); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() == 'contactbox') { ?> <div class="aside-item aside-contact"> <h3><?php the_field('sidebar_contact_title', 'options'); ?> </h3> <p><?php the_field('sidebar_contact_description', 'options'); ?> </p> <a href="mailto:<?php the_field('email', 'options'); ?> "><?php
while (have_rows('inhaltszeilen', get_the_id())) { the_row(); ?> <div id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?> " class="container rowno<?php echo $subrowCounter; ?> row-<?php echo get_row_layout(); ?> "> <?php get_template_part('template-parts/row', get_row_layout()); ?> </div> <?php $subrowCounter++; ?> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php
function hbmi_display_fc() { // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('flexible_content')) { the_row(); // "Hero" Layout if (get_row_layout() === 'hero_row') { $bg_image = get_sub_field('hero_image'); ?> <section class="row content-section hero-row <?php the_sub_field('css_class'); ?> " style="background: url(<?php echo $bg_image['url']; ?> ); background-size: cover;"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="heading-container-wrap"> <div class="hero-content"> <?php if (get_sub_field('hero_content')) { the_sub_field('hero_content'); } ?> </div> </div> </div> </section> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() === 'row_with_heading') { $bg_color = get_sub_field('background_color'); ?> <section class="row content-section <?php echo the_sub_field('css_class'); ?> " style="background-color: <?php echo $bg_color; ?> ;"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="heading-wrap"> <h2 class="section-heading"> <?php if (get_sub_field('section_heading')) { the_sub_field('section_heading'); } ?> </h2> </div> <div class="content-area"> <?php if (get_sub_field('content_area')) { the_sub_field('content_area'); } ?> </div> </div> </section> <?php } elseif (get_row_layout() === 'row_without_heading') { $background_image = get_sub_field('background_image') ? get_sub_field('background_image') : ''; ?> <section class="row content-section <?php the_sub_field('css_class'); ?> " style="background: url(<?php echo $background_image['url']; ?> ); background-size: cover;"> <div class="wrap"> <div class="content-area"> <?php if (get_sub_field('content_area')) { the_sub_field('content_area'); } ?> </div> </div> </section> <?php } } }
<?php // check if the flexible content field has rows of data if (have_rows('page_widgets')) { // loop through the rows of data while (have_rows('page_widgets')) { the_row(); ?> <?php // check current row layout get_template_part('parts/page/widgets/widget', get_row_layout()); ?> <?php } } else { // no layouts found }
<figure class="block-addon block-figure"> <?php cfb_template('blocks/parts/media/media-gallery', get_row_layout()); ?> </figure>
echo $imageRight['url']; ?> " alt="" width="<?php echo $imageRight['width']; ?> " height="<?php echo $imageRight['width']; ?> "> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (get_row_layout() == 'custom_section') { ?> <?php $customSection = get_sub_field('section'); if ($customSection == "areamap") { get_template_part('template-partials/area-map'); } else { if ($customSection == "venuemap") { get_template_part('template-partials/venue-map'); } else { if ($customSection == "googlemap") { get_template_part('template-partials/google-map'); } else { if ($customSection == "capacities") { get_template_part('template-partials/capacities'); }
} } } ?> <?php // various while (have_rows('participants')) { the_row(); $image = get_sub_field('image'); $name = get_sub_field('name'); $life = get_sub_field('life_short'); $bio = get_sub_field('bio'); if (get_row_layout() == 'participant') { echo '<div class="participant float-container L-2-3 M-1-1">'; echo '<div class="portrait L-1-4 gutters"><img src="' . $image['sizes']['large'] . '"></div>'; echo '<div class="L-3-4 gutters">'; echo '<h2 class="">' . $name . '</h2>'; echo '<p class="life">' . $life . '</p>'; echo '<p>' . $bio . '</p>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; } } ?> </div><!-- .entry-content -->
function content_blocks() { if (have_rows('content_blocks')) { while (have_rows('content_blocks')) { the_row(); if (get_row_layout() == 'full_width_text_block') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $full_width_headline = get_sub_field('full_width_headline'); $full_width_paragraph = get_sub_field('full_width_paragraph'); echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . '"><div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>' . $full_width_headline . '</h2>'; echo '<div>' . $full_width_paragraph . '</div>'; echo '</div></section>'; } if (get_row_layout() == 'cta_block') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $headline = get_sub_field('headline'); $paragraph = get_sub_field('full_width_paragraph'); echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="' . $sectionClass . '"><div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>' . $headline . '</h2>'; echo '<div>' . $paragraph . '</div>'; echo '</div></section>'; } if (get_row_layout() == 'team_block') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $team_block_intro = get_sub_field('team_block_intro'); echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . '"><div class="flexible-widgets"><div class="wrap">'; echo '<header>' . $team_block_intro . '</header>'; if (have_rows('team_member')) { while (have_rows('team_member')) { the_row(); // $author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $team_member_image = get_sub_field('team_member_image'); $team_member_name = get_sub_field('team_member_name'); $team_member_title = get_sub_field('team_member_title'); $team_member_story = get_sub_field('team_member_story'); $team_member_social = get_sub_field('team_member_social'); $author_id = get_sub_field('author_id'); $author_link = $author_id[ID]; $profile_link = get_author_posts_url($author_link); $team_member_phone = get_sub_field('phone'); $team_member_email = get_sub_field('email'); echo '<article class="team-member">'; echo '<a href="' . $profile_link . '">'; echo '<img src="' . $team_member_image . '"/></a>'; echo '<div class="team-header"><h3>' . $team_member_name . '</h3>'; echo '<h4>' . $team_member_title . '</h4></div>'; echo '<div id="social">' . $team_member_social . '</div>'; echo '<div id="contact"><span>' . $team_member_email . '</span><span>' . $team_member_phone . '</span></div>'; echo '<div class="team-content"><p>' . $team_member_story . '</p><p>' . $author_link[ID] . '</p></div>'; echo '</article>'; } } echo '</div></div></section>'; } if (get_row_layout() == 'full_width_image') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $image = get_sub_field('image_full_width'); echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . ' secondary-full-width-image image-section" style="background: url('; echo $image; echo '); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; background-size: cover; background-color: #FFFFFF;"><div class="wrap">'; echo '</div></section>'; } if (get_row_layout() == 'two_column_text_block') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $headline = get_sub_field('full_width_headline'); $first_column = get_sub_field('first_column'); $second_column = get_sub_field('second_column_again'); echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . ' flexible-widgets"><div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>' . $headline . '</h2>'; echo '<div class="one-half first">' . $first_column . '</div>'; echo '<div class="one-half">' . $second_column . '</div>'; echo '</div></section>'; } if (get_row_layout() == 'three_column_text_block') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $headline = get_sub_field('full_width_headline'); $first_column = get_sub_field('first_column'); $second_column = get_sub_field('second_column_again'); $third_column = get_sub_field('third_column_again'); echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . '"><div class="wrap">'; echo '<h2>' . $headline . '</h2>'; echo '<div class="one-third first">' . $first_column . '</div>'; echo '<div class="one-third">' . $second_column . '</div>'; echo '<div class="one-third">' . $third_column . '</div>'; echo '</div></section>'; } if (get_row_layout() == 'content_block') { $sectionId = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); if (have_rows('content_text_block')) { $count = 0; while (have_rows('content_text_block')) { the_row(); $count = $count + 1; $class = ''; if ($count == 1) { $class .= ' widget-full'; } elseif ($count % 3 == 1) { $class .= ' widget-thirds'; } elseif ($count % 4 == 1) { $class .= ' widget-fourths'; } elseif ($count % 2 == 0) { $class .= ' widget-halves uneven'; } else { $class .= ' widget-halves'; } // return $class; } echo '<section id="' . $sectionId . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . '"><div class="flexible-widgets widget-area' . $class . '"><div class="wrap">'; while (have_rows('content_text_block')) { the_row(); echo '<article class="widget ">'; the_sub_field('text_block'); echo '</article>'; } echo '</div></div></section>'; } } if (get_row_layout() == 'google_map') { $sectionID = get_sub_field('section_id'); $sectionClass = get_sub_field('section_class'); $map_text = get_sub_field('map_text'); $location = get_sub_field('map'); //echo '<section class="secondary-full-width-map">'; echo '<section id="' . $sectionID . '" class="content-block ' . $sectionClass . '">'; echo '<article class="secondary-full-width-map widget">'; echo '<h3>' . $map_text . '</h3>'; echo '<p>' . $location['address'] . '</p>'; echo '<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 350px;"></div> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>'; echo '<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function load() { var lat =' . $location['lat'] . '; var lng =' . $location['lng'] . '; // coordinates to latLng var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng); // map Options var myOptions = { scrollwheel: false, zoom: 14, center: latlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }; //draw a map var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), myOptions); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: map.getCenter(), map: map }); } // call the function load(); //]]> </script>'; //echo '</section>'; echo '</article>'; echo '</section>'; } } } }