function get_url($id = 0) { $app = Slim\Slim::getInstance(); if ($lang = $app->config('language') != '') { return $app->request()->getUrl() . $app->request()->getScriptName() . '/' . $lang . '/' . get_relative($id); } }
function urlHandler_bapidefaultpages() { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); $url = get_relative($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; exit(); if (strtolower($url) != "/bapi.init") { return; } header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); $menuname = "Main Navigation Menu"; $menu_id = initmenu($menuname); $change_logs = array(); foreach (get_default_pages_def() as $pagedef) { $change_logs[] = addpage($pagedef, $menu_id); } $qs = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (strtolower($qs) == 'mode=initial-setup') { if (defined('KIGO_SELF_HOSTED') && !KIGO_SELF_HOSTED) { switch_theme(WP_DEFAULT_THEME); } else { switch_theme('instatheme01'); $toptions = get_option('instaparent_theme_options'); $toptions['presetStyle'] = 'style01'; update_option('instaparent_theme_options', $toptions); setSlideshowImages(); } bapi_wp_site_options(); $blog_url = get_site_url(); update_option('bapi_first_look', 0); header("HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect"); header("Location: {$blog_url}"); exit; } foreach ($change_logs as $log) { if (is_array($log['add_to_nav'])) { echo "PageID=" . $log['add_to_nav']['page_id'] . ", Parent=" . $log['add_to_nav']['parent'] . ", navParentID=" . $log['add_to_nav']['nav_parent_id'] . "<br/>"; } echo '<div>' . $log['action'] . ' menu item <b>' . $log['post_title'] . '</b> post_id=' . $log['post_id'] . ', miid=' . $log['miid'] . ', menu_id=' . $log['menu_id'] . '</div>'; } exit; }
function save_seo_meta($postid) { $bapisync = new BAPISync(); $bapisync->init(); $perma = get_permalink(); $permaPath = parse_url($perma); $relativePerma = get_relative($perma); $pageID = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'bapi_page_id'); if ($relativePerma == '/' && $pageID[0] != 'bapi_home') { return; } $seo = $bapisync->getSEOFromUrl($relativePerma); $meta_words = get_post_custom($post->ID, '', true); $myPageId = $seo['ID']; $myType = $seo['entity']; $myPkId = $seo['pkid']; if ($myType === null) { $myType = 0; } if ($myPageId === null) { $myPageId = 0; } if ($myPkId === null) { $myPkId = 0; } $apiKey = getbapiapikey(); $bapi = getBAPIObj(); if (!$bapi->isvalid()) { return; } $keywor = sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords']); $metle = sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_title']); $meta_desc = sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_description']); // save old value if keyword empty or null if ($metle === null || empty($metle)) { $metle = $meta_words['bapi_meta_title'][0]; } if ($meta_desc === null || empty($meta_desc)) { $meta_desc = $meta_words['bapi_meta_description'][0]; } if ($keywor === null || empty($keywor)) { $keywor = $meta_words['bapi_meta_keywords'][0]; } //saves to wordpress database if (isset($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords'])) { if ($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords'] !== $meta_words['bapi_meta_keywords'][0]) { } update_post_meta($postid, 'bapi_meta_keywords', sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_keywords'])); } if (isset($_POST['bapi_meta_title']) && $_POST['bapi_meta_title'] !== $meta_words['bapi_meta_title'][0]) { update_post_meta($postid, 'bapi_meta_title', sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_title'])); } if (isset($_POST['bapi_meta_description']) && $_POST['bapi_meta_description'] !== $meta_words['bapi_meta_description'][0]) { update_post_meta($postid, 'bapi_meta_description', sanitize_text_field($_POST['bapi_meta_description'])); } $metaArr = array('MetaKeywords' => $keywor, 'PageTitle' => $metle, 'MetaDescrip' => $meta_desc, 'ID' => $myPageId, 'pkid' => $myPkId, 'Keyword' => $relativePerma, 'entity' => $myType); $jsify = json_encode($metaArr); $jsonObj = 'data=' . (string) $jsify; // entety: tyoe and language needs to be //print_r($jsonObj);exit(); $bapi->save($jsonObj, $apiKey); update_option('bapi_keywords_lastmod', 0); bapi_sync_coredata(); }
if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') { update_option('bapi_slideshow_image1', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_image1']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_image2', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_image2']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_image3', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_image3']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_image4', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_image4']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_image5', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_image5']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_image6', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_image6']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_caption1', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_caption1']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_caption2', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_caption2']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_caption3', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_caption3']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_caption4', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_caption4']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_caption5', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_caption5']); update_option('bapi_slideshow_caption6', $_POST['bapi_slideshow_caption6']); echo '<div id="message" class="updated"><p><strong>Settings saved.</strong></p></div>'; } define('WPIS_URL', get_relative(plugins_url('', __FILE__))); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $('input#bapi_slideshow_image1,input#image-pick1').click(function(){ //alert('test'); = function(props, attachment){ $('input#bapi_slideshow_image1').val(attachment.url); }; return false; }); $('input#bapi_slideshow_image2,input#image-pick2').click(function(){ //alert('test'); = function(props, attachment){ $('input#bapi_slideshow_image2').val(attachment.url);
/** * 支付完成返回页面 */ function paymentConfirm() { $notify_verify = file_get_contents('' . $this->company->config('alipay_partner_id') . '¬ify_id=' . $this->input->get('notify_id')); if ($notify_verify !== 'true') { throw new Exception('支付校验失败', 400); } $order_id = $this->input->get('out_trade_no'); $order = $this->object->fetch($order_id); $this->object->addMeta('支付宝流水号', $this->input->get('trade_no')); $this->object->addStatus('支付完成'); // 如果是卡,那么拿一张卡并写入订单信息 if (get_meta($order, '是否卡片') === '是') { $card = $this->object->getRow(array('type' => 'card', 'meta' => array('已绑定套餐' => '否'))); if (!$card) { throw new Exception('获得卡片错误,请联系客服处理', 500); } $this->object->id = $card['id']; $this->object->authorize(array('read' => true, 'write' => true), null, false); $this->object->updateMeta('已绑定套餐', '是'); $this->object->addMeta(array('套餐' => get_meta($order, '套餐'), '价格档次' => get_meta($order, '价格档次'), '内容分类' => get_meta($order, '内容分类'), '次数' => get_meta($order, '次数'))); $this->object->addRelative('package', get_relative($order, 'package', 'id')); $this->object->authorize('public', null, false); $this->object->id = $order['id']; $this->object->addRelative('card', $card['id']); // 购买的卡并不立即充入用户账户,最终用户拿到卡,导入到自己的账号,才完成关联(直接导入“餐”,并不关联“卡”本身) } else { $this->user->getMeta(); $bought = isset($this->user->meta['已购']) ? json_decode($this->user->meta['已购'][0], JSON_OBJECT_AS_ARRAY) : false; if (!$bought) { $bought = array(); } if (array_key_exists(get_meta($order, '价格档次'), $bought)) { $bought[get_meta($order, '价格档次')] += get_meta($order, '次数'); } else { $bought[get_meta($order, '价格档次')] = get_meta($order, '次数'); } $this->user->updateMeta('已购', json_encode($bought)); $this->user->updateMeta('套餐', get_meta($order, '套餐')); $this->user->updateMeta('下次送餐日期', get_meta($order, '首次送货日期')); } redirect('user/order'); }
echo $relative[0]['name']; ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> <?php if (get_meta($order, '是否卡片') === '是') { ?> <?php if (!get_relative($order, 'card')) { ?> <div class="well well-small"> 该订单尚未关联到卡片 </div> <?php } else { ?> 卡片发送信息:<input type="text" name="card_delivery_comment"> <button type="submit" name="deliver_card" class="btn">发卡</button> <?php } ?> <?php } ?>
<th>下单时间</th> <th>状态</th> <th>操作</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($orders['data'] as $order) { ?> <tr> <td><?php echo $order['id']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_relative($order, 'package', 'name'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_meta($order, '次数'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_status($order, '下单'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_status($order); ?> </td> <td><a href="/user/order/<?php
foreach ($meals['data'] as $meal) { ?> <tr> <td> <input type="checkbox" name="checked[]" value="<?php echo $meal['id']; ?> "> <a href="/admin/logistic/<?php echo $meal['id']; ?> "><?php echo get_relative($meal, 'user', 'name'); ?> 的 <?php echo get_relative($meal, 'package', 'name'); ?> </a> </td> <td><?php echo get_meta($meal, '送货日期'); ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_status($meal); ?> </td> <td> <?php if (get_meta($meal, '物流供应商')) { ?>
</table> <?php submit_button(); ?> </form> </div> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo get_relative(plugins_url('/js/jquery.ibutton.min.js', __FILE__)); ?> " ></script> <link type="text/css" href="<?php echo get_relative(plugins_url('/css/jquery.ibutton.min.css', __FILE__)); ?> " rel="stylesheet" media="all" /> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php /* the sort options map: ByCategory = 0 ByBedrooms = 1 ByPriceLoHi = 2 ByPriceHiLo = 3 ByLocation = 4 ByRandom = 5 ByHeadline = 6 ByImages = 7*/ if (!empty($sitesettings)) { echo 'var settings=' . stripslashes($sitesettings) . ';';
function kigo_login_logo() { ?> <style type="text/css"> body.login div#login h1 a { background-image: url(<?php echo is_newapp_website() ? get_relative(plugins_url('img/logo_kigo.png', __FILE__)) : get_relative(plugins_url('img/wp-login-im-logo.png', __FILE__)); ?> ); background-size:auto auto; width:auto; } </style> <?php }
<input type="text" name="code"> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if (!isset($card) || get_meta($card, '已激活') !== '是') { ?> <div class="control-group"> <label class="control-label"> 绑定套餐: </label> <div class="controls"> <select name="package"><?php echo options(array_column($packages['data'], 'name', 'id'), isset($card) ? get_relative($card, 'package', 'id') : '', '未绑定', true, false, false); ?> </select> 数量: <input type="number" name="amount" value="<?php echo set_value('amount', isset($card) ? get_meta($card, '次数') : ''); ?> "> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="control-group"> <div class="controls"> <button type="submit" name="submit" class="btn">保存</button>