コード例 #1
function register_builder_widgets()
    $widgets['button'] = array('title' => __('Button', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'hand-up', 'desc' => __('Creates a colored button', 'redux-page-builder'), 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'label', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Button Label', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the text that appears on your button.', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'link', "title" => __("Button Link?", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Where should your button link to?", 'redux-page-builder'), "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "default" => "", "options" => array('no-link' => __('No Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'manually' => __('Set Manually', 'redux-page-builder'), 'single' => __('Single Entry', 'redux-page-builder'), 'taxonomy' => __('Taxonomy Overview Page', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'link_target', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Open Link in new Window?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select here if you want to open the linked page in a new window', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "", 'options' => array('' => __('No, open in same window', 'redux-page-builder'), '_blank' => __('Yes, open in new window', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'color', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Button Color', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose a color for your button here', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "", 'options' => array('btn-link' => __('Transparent', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-default' => __('Default (gray)', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-primary' => __('Main Color', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-info' => __('Light Blue', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-success' => __('Green', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-warning' => __('Orange', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-danger' => __('Red', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'size', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Button Size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose the size of your button here', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "btn-m", 'options' => array('btn-xs' => __('Extra small', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-sm' => __('Small', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-m' => __('Medium', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-lg' => __('Large', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'style', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Button Style', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose the style of your button here', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "rounded", 'options' => array('rounded' => __('Rounded', 'redux-page-builder'), 'circle' => __('Circle', 'redux-page-builder'), 'bootstrap' => __('Bootstrap', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'position', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Button Position', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose the alignment of your button here', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "center", 'options' => array('pull-left' => __('Align Left', 'redux-page-builder'), 'pull-center' => __('Align Center', 'redux-page-builder'), 'pull-right' => __('Align Right', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'icon_select', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Button Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'sub_desc' => __('Should an icon be displayed at the left side of the button', 'redux-page-builder'), 'on' => 'On', 'off' => 'Off', "default" => 0), array('id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'select', 'data' => 'elusive', 'required' => array('icon_select', '=', 1), 'title' => __('Button Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select an icon for your Button bellow', 'redux-page-builder'))));
    $widgets['gallery'] = array('title' => __('Gallery', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates a custom gallery', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'picture', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'widget_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Widget Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Leave empty if you do not want to display widget title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'ids', 'type' => 'gallery', 'title' => __('Add/Edit Gallery', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Create a new Gallery by selecting existing or uploading new images', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'thumb_size', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Gallery Preview Image Size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose image size for the small preview thumbnails', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "portfolio", 'options' => get_registered_image_sizes(array('logo'))), array('id' => 'columns', "title" => __("Gallery Columns", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Choose the column count of your Gallery", 'redux-page-builder'), "type" => "select", "default" => "5", "options" => number_array(1, 6, 1, array(5))), array('id' => 'animation', "title" => __("Gallery Fade in Animation", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Add a small animation to the gallery when the user first scrolls to the gallery position. This is only to add some 'spice' to the site and only works in modern browsers", 'redux-page-builder'), "type" => "select", "default" => "no-animation", "options" => array('no-animation' => __('No animation', 'redux-page-builder'), 'fade' => __('Fade In', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'imagelink', "title" => __("Use fancybox", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Do you want to activate the fancybox", 'redux-page-builder'), "type" => "select", "default" => "5", "options" => array('fancybox' => __('Yes', 'redux-page-builder'), '_self' => __('No, open the images in the browser window', 'redux-page-builder'), '_blank' => __('No, open the images in a new browser window/tab', 'redux-page-builder'), 'none' => __('No, don\'t add a link to the images at al', 'redux-page-builder')))));
    $widgets['horizontal'] = array('title' => __('Horizontal Ruler', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates a delimiter to separate elements', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'minus', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'class', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Horizontal Ruler Styling', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can set the styling and size of the HR element', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "", 'options' => array('default' => __('Default', 'redux-page-builder'), 'big' => __('Big Top and Bottom Margins, open in new window', 'redux-page-builder'), 'full' => __('Fullwidth Separator', 'redux-page-builder'), 'invisible' => __('Whitespace, open in new window', 'redux-page-builder'), 'short' => __('Short Separator', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'height', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Height', 'redux-page-builder'), 'required' => array('class', 'equals', 'invisible'), 'subtitle' => __('How much whitespace do you need? Enter a pixel value', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "50"), array('id' => 'shadow', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Section Top Shadow', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Display a small styling shadow at the top of the section', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "no-shadow", 'required' => array('class', 'equals', 'full'), 'options' => array('shadow' => __('Display shadow', 'redux-page-builder'), 'no-shadow' => __('Do not display shadow', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'position', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Position', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Set the position of the short ruler', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "center", 'required' => array('class', 'equals', 'short'), 'options' => array('center' => __('Center', 'redux-page-builder'), 'left' => __('Left', 'redux-page-builder'), 'right' => __('Right', 'redux-page-builder')))));
    $widgets['iconbox'] = array('title' => __('Icon box', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Create a content block with icon to left or above', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'flag', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'select', 'data' => 'elusive', 'title' => __('Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'sub_desc' => __('Select an Icon bellow', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'position', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Icon Position', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should the icon be positioned at the left or at the top?', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "left", 'options' => array('left' => __('Left', 'redux-page-builder'), 'top' => __('Top', 'redux-page-builder'), 'left-big' => __('Left with big icon', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'title', "title" => __("Title", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Add title here", 'redux-page-builder'), "type" => "text"), array('id' => 'link', "title" => __("Image Link?", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Where should your image link to?", 'redux-page-builder'), "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "default" => "", "options" => array('no-link' => __('No Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'manually' => __('Set Manually', 'redux-page-builder'), 'single' => __('Single Entry', 'redux-page-builder'), 'taxonomy' => __('Taxonomy Overview Page', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => '_content', "title" => __("Content", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Add some content", 'redux-page-builder'), 'class' => 'redux-editor', "type" => "editor")));
    $widgets['image'] = array('title' => __('Image', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Displays a simple image.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'picture', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'image', 'type' => 'media', 'title' => __('Choose image', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Either upload a new, or choose an existing image from your media library', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'size', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Image Size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose image size.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => '', 'options' => get_registered_image_sizes()), array('id' => 'align', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Image Alignment', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose here, how to align your image', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "center", 'options' => array('center' => __('Center', 'redux-page-builder'), 'pull-right' => __('Right', 'redux-page-builder'), 'pull-left' => __('Left', 'redux-page-builder'), '' => __('No special alignment', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'style', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Image style', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Style your image', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "center", 'options' => array('' => __('Default', 'redux-page-builder'), 'img-rounded' => __('Image rounded', 'redux-page-builder'), 'img-circle img-thumbnail' => __('Image circle', 'redux-page-builder'), 'img-thumbnail' => __('Image thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'animation', "title" => __("Image Fade in Animation", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Add a small animation to the image when the user first scrolls to the image position. This is only to add some 'spice' to the site and only works in modern browsers", 'redux-page-builder'), "type" => "select", "default" => "no-animation", "options" => array('no-animation' => __('No animation', 'redux-page-builder'), 'top-to-bottom' => __('Top to Bottom', 'redux-page-builder'), 'bottom-to-top' => __('Bottom to Top', 'redux-page-builder'), 'left-to-right' => __('Left to Right', 'redux-page-builder'), 'right-to-left' => __('Right to Left', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'link', "title" => __("Image Link?", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Where should your image link to?", 'redux-page-builder'), "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "default" => "", "options" => array('no-link' => __('No Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'manually' => __('Set Manually', 'redux-page-builder'), 'single' => __('Single Entry', 'redux-page-builder'), 'taxonomy' => __('Taxonomy Overview Page', 'redux-page-builder')))));
    $widgets['layerslider'] = array('title' => __('Advanced Layerslider', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Display a Layerslider Slideshow', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'play-circle', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'layerslider', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Layerslider', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can choose which slideshow to show', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "", 'data' => 'callback', 'args' => array('find_layersliders'))));
    $widgets['portfolio'] = array('title' => __('Portfolio Grid', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates a grid of portfolio excerpts', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'th', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'categories', 'type' => 'select', 'multi' => true, 'data' => 'categories', 'args' => array('taxonomy' => 'portfolio-category'), 'title' => __('Which categories should be used for the portfolio?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('You can select multiple categories here. The Page will then show posts from only those categories.', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => ''), array('id' => 'columns', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Columns', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('How many columns should be displayed?', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => '4', 'options' => array('2' => __('2 Columns', 'redux-page-builder'), '3' => __('3 Columns', 'redux-page-builder'), '4' => __('4 Columns', 'redux-page-builder'), '6' => __('6 Columns', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'items', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Post Number', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('How many items should be displayed per page?', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => '16', 'options' => number_array(1, 100, 1, array('-1' => __('All', 'redux-page-builder')))), array('id' => 'style', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Style', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Chose the style of portfolio to display', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => 'flip', 'options' => array('invisible anim-scale' => __('Invisible (Hide Title and excerpt)', 'redux-page-builder'), 'static anim-scale' => __('Static', 'redux-page-builder'), 'overlay anim-scale' => __('Overlay', 'redux-page-builder'), 'flip anim-flip' => __('Flip', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'contents', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Display Excerpt and Title bellow the preview image?', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => 'excerpt', 'options' => array('excerpt' => __('Title and Excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'), 'title' => __('Only Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'only_excerpt' => __('Only excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'), 'no' => __('No Title and no excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'preview_mode', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Preview Image Size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Set the image size of the preview images', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => 'auto', 'options' => array('auto' => __('Set the preview image size automatically based on column or layout width', 'redux-page-builder'), 'custom' => __('Choose the preview image size manually (select thumbnail size)', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'image_size', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Select custom preview image size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose image size for Preview Image', 'redux-page-builder'), "required" => array('preview_mode', 'equals', 'custom'), "default" => 'portfolio', 'options' => get_registered_image_sizes(array('logo', 'thumbnail', 'widget'))), array('id' => 'linking', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Link Handling', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('When clicking on a portfolio item you can choose to open the link to the single entry or show a bigger version of the image in a lightbox overlay', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => '', 'options' => array('' => __('Open the entry on a new page', 'redux-page-builder'), 'fancybox' => __('Display the big image in a fancybox', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'sort', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Sortable?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should the sorting options based on categories be displayed?', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'redux-page-builder'), 'no' => __('No', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'paginate', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Pagination', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should a pagination be displayed?', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'redux-page-builder'), 'no' => __('No', 'redux-page-builder')))));
    $widgets['testimonial'] = array('title' => __('Testimonials', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates a Testimonial Grid', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'comments', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'slides', 'type' => 'group', 'title' => __('Add/Edit Testimonial', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can add, remove and edit your Testimonials.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'groupname' => __('Testimonial', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subfields' => array(array('id' => 'src', 'type' => 'media', 'title' => __('Image', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Either upload a new, or choose an existing image from your media library', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Name', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the Name of the Person to quote', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'subtitle', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Subtitle bellow name', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Can be used for a job description', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => '_content', 'type' => 'textarea', 'title' => __('Quote', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the testimonial here', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'link', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Website Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Link to the Persons website', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'linktext', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Website Name', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Linktext for the above Link', 'redux-page-builder')))), array('id' => 'columns', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Testimonial Style', 'redux-page-builder'), 'sub_desc' => __('Here you can select how to display the testimonials. You can either create a testimonial slider or a testimonial grid with multiple columns
', 'redux-page-builder'), 'on' => 'Grid', 'off' => 'Slideshow', "default" => 0), array("title" => __("Testimonial Grid Columns", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("How many columns do you want to display", 'redux-page-builder'), "id" => "grid", 'required' => array('columns', '=', 1), "type" => "select", "default" => "2", "options" => array('1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4')), array("title" => __("Slideshow autorotation duration", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Slideshow will rotate every X seconds", 'redux-page-builder'), "id" => "interval", 'required' => array('columns', '=', 0), "type" => "select", "default" => "5", "options" => array('false' => __('No , Don not autorotation', 'redux-page-builder'), '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6', '7' => '7', '8' => '8', '9' => '9', '10' => '10', '15' => '15', '20' => '20', '30' => '30', '40' => '40', '60' => '60', '100' => '100'))));
    $widgets['textblock'] = array('title' => __('Text Block', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Create a simple block text.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'file-text', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'widget_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Widget Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Leave empty if you do not want to display widget title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => '_content', 'type' => 'editor', 'class' => 'redux-editor', 'title' => __('Content', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter some content for this textblock', 'redux-page-builder'))));
    $widgets['tabs'] = array('title' => __('Tabs', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates a tabbed content area', 'redux-page-builder'), 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'position', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Tab Position', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Where should the tabs be displayed', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'top_tab', 'options' => array('tabs-top' => 'Display tabs at the top', 'tabs-left' => 'Display Tabs on the left', 'tabs-right' => 'Display Tabs on the right')), array('id' => 'tabs', 'type' => 'group', 'title' => __('Add/Edit Tabs', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can add, remove and edit the Tabs you want to display.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'groupname' => __('Tab', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subfields' => array(array('id' => 'tab_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Tab Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the tab title here (Better keep it short)', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'Tab Title'), array('id' => 'icon_select', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Tab Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should an icon be displayed at the left side of the tab title?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 0, 'on' => __('Yes, display Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'off' => __('No Icon', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Tab Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select an icon for your tab title bellow', 'redux-page-builder'), 'data' => 'elusive', 'required' => array('icon_select', '=', 1)), array('id' => '_content', 'type' => 'textarea', 'title' => __('Tab Content', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter some content here', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => __('Tab Content goes here', 'redux-page-builder')))), array('id' => 'initial', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Initial Open', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the Number of the Tab that should be open initially.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => '1')));
    $widgets['accordion'] = array('title' => __('Accordion', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates toggles or accordions', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'align-justify', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'accordions', 'type' => 'group', 'title' => __('Add/Edit Toggles', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can add, remove and edit the toggles you want to display.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'groupname' => __('Accordion', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subfields' => array(array('id' => 'acc_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Toggle Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the toggle title here (Better keep it short)', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'Toggle Title'), array('id' => '_content', 'type' => 'textarea', 'title' => __('Toggle Content', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter some content here', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => __('Toggle Content goes here', 'redux-page-builder')))), array('id' => 'initial', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Initial Open', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the Number of the Accordion Item that should be open initially. Set to Zero if all should be close on page load', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => '1')));
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The Page will then show posts from only those categories.', 'redux-page-builder'), "required" => array('blog_type', 'equals', 'posts'), 'data' => 'categories', 'multi' => true), array('id' => 'link', 'type' => 'linkpicker', "fetchTMPL" => true, 'title' => __('Which Entries?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select which entries should be displayed by selecting a taxonomy', 'redux-page-builder'), "required" => array('blog_type', 'equals', 'taxonomy'), 'data' => 'categories', 'multiple' => 6, 'default' => 'posts,1', 'options' => array('taxonomy' => __('Display Entries from:', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'blog_style', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Blog Style', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose the default blog layout here.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'list-large', 'options' => array('list-large' => __('List View with Large Thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'), 'list-medium' => __('List View with Medium Thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'), 'list-small' => __('List View with Small Thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'), 'grid-medium' => __('Grid View with Medium Thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'), 'grid-small' => __('Grid View with Small Thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'), 'grid-mini' => __('Grid View with Mini Thumbnail', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'columns', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Blog Grid Columns', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('How many columns do you want to display?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => '3', "required" => array('blog_style', 'equals', 'blog-grid'), 'options' => number_array(1, 5, 1)), array('id' => 'contents', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Define Blog Grid layout', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Do you want to display a read more link?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'excerpt', "required" => array('blog_style', 'equals', 'blog-grid'), 'options' => array('excerpt' => __('Title and Excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'), 'excerpt_read_more' => __('Title and Excerpt + Read More Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'title' => __('Only Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'title_read_more' => __('Only Title + Read More Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'only_excerpt' => __('Only excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'), 'only_excerpt_read_more' => __('Only excerpt + Read More Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'no' => __('No Title and no excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'content_length', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Blog Content length', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should the full entry be displayed or just a small excerpt?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'content', "required" => array('blog_style', '=', array('list-small', 'list-medium', 'list-large')), 'options' => array('content' => __('Full Content', 'redux-page-builder'), 'excerpt' => __('Excerpt', 'redux-page-builder'), 'excerpt_read_more' => __('Excerpt With Read More Link', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'excerpt_length', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Excerpt Content length', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('How many words should be displayed in excerpt?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => '55', "required" => array('content_length', '=', array('excerpt', 'excerpt_read_more'))), array('id' => 'preview_mode', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Preview Image Size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Set the image size of the preview images', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'auto', 'options' => array('auto' => __('Set the preview image size automatically based on column or layout width', 'redux-page-builder'), 'custom' => __('Choose the preview image size manually (select thumbnail size)', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'image_size', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Select custom preview image size', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose image size for Preview Image', 'redux-page-builder'), "required" => array('preview_mode', 'equals', 'custom'), 'default' => 'auto', 'options' => get_registered_image_sizes(array('logo'))), array('id' => 'post_meta', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Display Post Meta', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should post meta be displayed?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 1, 'on' => __('Yes, display', 'redux-page-builder'), 'off' => __('No, Do not display', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'items', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Post Number', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('How many items should be displayed per page?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => '3', 'options' => number_array(1, 100, 1, array('All' => '-1'))), array('id' => 'paginate', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Pagination', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Should a pagination be displayed?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'yes', 'options' => array('yes' => __('Yes', 'redux-page-builder'), 'no' => __('No', 'redux-page-builder')))));
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    $widgets['iconlist'] = array('title' => __('Icon List', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Creates a list with nice icons beside', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'list', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'iconlist', 'type' => 'group', 'title' => __('Add/Edit List items', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can add, remove and edit the items of your item list.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'groupname' => __('Icon List', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subfields' => array(array('id' => 'list_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('List Item Title', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the list item title here (Better keep it short)', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'List Title'), array('id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('List Item Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select an icon for your list item below', 'redux-page-builder'), 'data' => 'elusive')))));
    $widgets['pricetable'] = array('title' => __('Price Table', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Create price table', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'table', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Plan Name', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the title at the top of your price table.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'price', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Pricing', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the price', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'duration', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Duration', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the Duration of the plan', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'features', 'type' => 'group', 'title' => __('Add/Edit List features', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can add, remove and edit the features of your plan.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'groupname' => __('Feature', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subfields' => array(array('id' => 'feature_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Plan Feature', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Here you can enter a list of your plan features', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => ''), array('id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Plan Feature Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select an icon for your feature', 'redux-page-builder'), 'data' => 'elusive'))), array('id' => 'label', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Button Label', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the text that appears on your button.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'Purchase Now'), array('id' => 'link', "title" => __("Button Link?", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Where should your button link to?", 'redux-page-builder'), "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "default" => "", "options" => array('no-link' => __('No Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'manually' => __('Set Manually', 'redux-page-builder'), 'single' => __('Single Entry', 'redux-page-builder'), 'taxonomy' => __('Taxonomy Overview Page', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'color', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Price Table Color', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose the color for your Price Table here', 'redux-page-builder'), 'default' => 'success', 'options' => array('default' => __('Default', 'redux-page-builder'), 'success' => __('Green', 'redux-page-builder'), 'primary' => __('Main Color', 'redux-page-builder'), 'danger' => __('Red', 'redux-page-builder')))));
    $widgets['team'] = array('title' => __('Team Member', 'redux-page-builder'), 'desc' => __('Displays a simple image.', 'redux-page-builder'), 'icon' => 'picture', 'fields' => array(array('id' => 'image', 'type' => 'media', 'title' => __('Choose image', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Either upload a new, or choose an existing image from your media library', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'name', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Name', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the Name of the Person', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'subtitle', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Subtitle bellow name', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Can be used for a job description', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => '_content', 'type' => 'textarea', 'title' => __('desc', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Enter the description here', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'label', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Button Label', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('This is the text that appears on your button.', 'redux-page-builder')), array('id' => 'link', "title" => __("Button Link?", 'redux-page-builder'), "subtitle" => __("Where should your button link to?", 'redux-page-builder'), "fetchTMPL" => true, "type" => "linkpicker", "default" => "", "options" => array('no-link' => __('No Link', 'redux-page-builder'), 'manually' => __('Set Manually', 'redux-page-builder'), 'single' => __('Single Entry', 'redux-page-builder'), 'taxonomy' => __('Taxonomy Overview Page', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'link_target', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Open Link in new Window?', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select here if you want to open the linked page in a new window', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => "", 'options' => array('' => __('No, open in same window', 'redux-page-builder'), '_blank' => __('Yes, open in new window', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'color', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Button Color', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Choose a color for your button here', 'redux-page-builder'), "default" => 'btn-primary', 'options' => array('btn-link' => __('Transparent', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-default' => __('Default (gray)', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-primary' => __('Main Color', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-info' => __('Light Blue', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-success' => __('Green', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-warning' => __('Orange', 'redux-page-builder'), 'btn-danger' => __('Red', 'redux-page-builder'))), array('id' => 'icon_select', 'type' => 'switch', 'title' => __('Button Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'sub_desc' => __('Should an icon be displayed at the left side of the button', 'redux-page-builder'), 'on' => 'On', 'off' => 'Off', "default" => 0), array('id' => 'icon', 'type' => 'select', 'data' => 'elusive', 'required' => array('icon_select', '=', 1), 'title' => __('Button Icon', 'redux-page-builder'), 'subtitle' => __('Select an icon for your Button bellow', 'redux-page-builder'))));
    return $widgets;
コード例 #2
ファイル: slide.php プロジェクト: tharindulucky/premium-demo
  * Render the widget in frontend
  * @param array $args
  * @param array $instance
  * @return string
 function get_widget($args, $instance)
     extract(wp_parse_args($instance, array('link' => '', 'link_target' => '', 'caption_title' => '', 'caption_text' => '', 'size' => '', 'size_option' => '1', 'width' => '', 'interval' => '5000')));
     if (is_admin()) {
         return "<center><i class='icon-youtube-play  icon-4x'></i></center>";
     $output = "";
     $class = "";
     if ($size_option == '1') {
         if (cadr_section_class('wrap')) {
             $output .= "</div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>";
         } else {
             $output .= "</div></div></div></div></div></div>";
     $use_width = '';
     if ($size_option == '0') {
         //check how large the slider is and change the classname accordingly
         global $_wp_additional_image_sizes;
         $_wp_additional_image_sizes = get_registered_image_sizes(array('thumbnail', 'logo', 'widget', 'slider_thumb'), true);
         $width = 1500;
         if (isset($_wp_additional_image_sizes[$size]['width'])) {
             $width = $_wp_additional_image_sizes[$size]['width'];
         } else {
             if ($size = get_option($size . '_size_w')) {
                 $width = $size;
         if ($width < 600) {
             $class = " small-width-slider";
         if ($width < 305) {
             $class = " super-small-width-slider";
         //$use_width = "style='width:{$width}px'";
         $use_width = "";
     //$size = $size_option == '1'?'full':$size;
     $id = "carousel-slide-" . rand();
     $output .= "\n        <div id='{$id}' class='carousel slide slideshow-{$size} {$class}' {$use_width}>\n            <!-- Indicators -->\n            <ol class='carousel-indicators'>\n            ";
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($slides as $key => $value) {
         $active = $i == 0 ? "class='active'" : '';
         $use_link_target = isset($link_target[$key]) && !empty($link_target[$key]) ? "target='" . $link_target[$key] . "'" : '';
         //$use_link = isset($link[$key]) && is_array($link[$key])?get_url($link[$key]):'#';
         $output .= "<li data-target='#{$id}' data-slide-to='{$i}' {$use_link_target} {$active}></li>";
     $output .= "\n            </ol>\n\n            <!-- Wrapper for slides -->\n            <div class='carousel-inner'>\n        ";
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($slides as $key => $value) {
         $active = $i == 0 ? "active" : '';
         $use_image = "";
         if (isset($image[$key]) && is_array($image[$key])) {
             $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image[$key]['id'], $size);
             $img_title = isset($caption_title[$key]) && !empty($caption_title[$key]) ? "{$caption_title[$key]}" : "";
             $use_image = "<img src='{$img[0]}' alt='{$img_title}' width='{$img[1]}' height='{$img[2]}' />";
         //$use_image = isset($image[$key]['url']) && !empty($image[$key]['url'])?"<img alt='' src='".$image[$key]['url']."' />":'';
         $use_caption_title = isset($caption_title[$key]) && !empty($caption_title[$key]) ? "<h3>{$caption_title[$key]}</h3>" : "";
         $use_caption_text = isset($caption_text[$key]) && !empty($caption_text[$key]) ? "<p>{$caption_text[$key]}</p>" : "";
         $output .= "\n                <div class='item {$active}'>\n                    {$use_image}\n                    <div class='carousel-caption'>\n                        {$use_caption_title}\n                        {$use_caption_text}\n                    </div>\n                </div>\n            ";
     $output .= "\n            </div>\n\n            <!-- Controls -->\n            <a class='left carousel-control' href='#{$id}' data-slide='prev'>\n                <span class='icon-prev'></span>\n            </a>\n            <a class='right carousel-control' href='#{$id}' data-slide='next'>\n                <span class='icon-next'></span>\n            </a>\n        </div>    \n        ";
     $use_interval = $interval == 'false' ? 'false' : $interval * 1000;
     $output .= "\n        <script>\n            !function (\$) {\n                \$(function(){\n                    \$('#{$id}').carousel({interval: {$use_interval} });\n                });\n            }(window.jQuery)\n        </script>\n        ";
     if ($size_option == '1') {
         $output .= new_section(array('open_structure' => true, 'open_color_wrap' => false, 'close' => false, 'id' => "after_full_slider"));
         $output .= "<div><div>";
         <script type="text/javascript">
             jQuery( document ).ready(function(){
                 jQuery('.slideshow-full_width').css({'width':jQuery( 'body' ).width()});
     return $output;