function drunkard_runevent($type)
    global $session;
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $chance = get_module_setting("spillchance");
    $roll = e_rand(1, 100);
    $seen = get_module_pref("seen");
    set_module_pref("seen", $seen + 1);
    output("`5A very drunk patron stumbles into you as you make your way across the crowded room.`n`n");
    if ($roll < $chance) {
        // He spills on you
        output("`5He is carrying a nearly full glass of ale.");
        output("As he collides with you, it spills all over your nearly clean clothes!");
        output("As you look up, you notice %s`5 watching you and become acutely embarrassed.", $partner);
        output("You notice %s`5 is trying to keep from laughing out loud at your mishap.", $partner);
        output("`n`n`&You `\$lose 1`& charm point.");
        if ($session['user']['charm'] > 0) {
    } else {
        // You're safe
        output("`5Fortunately his glass was already empty.");
        output("You escort him over to a chair where he can sit without running into everyone else.");
        output("As you stand up, you catch %s's`5 eye and receive a big smile for your kindness.", $partner);
        output("`n`n`&You gain `^1`& charm.");
function drinks_run_private()
    require_once "modules/drinks/misc_functions.php";
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    global $session;
    $partner = get_partner();
    $act = httpget('act');
    if ($act == "editor") {
    } elseif ($act == "buy") {
        $texts = drinks_gettexts();
        $drinktext = modulehook("drinks-text", $texts);
        rawoutput("<span style='color: #9900FF'>");
        $drunk = get_module_pref("drunkeness");
        $end = ".";
        if ($drunk > get_module_setting("maxdrunk")) {
            $end = ",";
        $remark = translate_inline($drinktext['demand']);
        $remark = str_replace("{lover}", $partner . "`0", $remark);
        $remark = str_replace("{barkeep}", $drinktext['barkeep'] . "`0", $remark);
        output_notl("%s{$end}", $remark);
        $drunk = get_module_pref("drunkeness");
        if ($drunk > get_module_setting("maxdrunk")) {
            $remark = translate_inline($drinktext['toodrunk']);
            $remark = str_replace("{lover}", $partner . "`0", $remark);
            $remark = str_replace("{barkeep}", $drinktext['barkeep'] . "`0", $remark);
        } else {
            $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("drinks") . " WHERE drinkid='" . httpget('id') . "'";
            $result = db_query($sql);
            $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            $drinkcost = $session['user']['level'] * $row['costperlevel'];
            if ($session['user']['gold'] >= $drinkcost) {
                $drunk = get_module_pref("drunkeness");
                $drunk += $row['drunkeness'];
                set_module_pref("drunkeness", $drunk);
                $session['user']['gold'] -= $drinkcost;
                debuglog("spent {$drinkcost} on {$row['name']}");
                $remark = str_replace("{lover}", $partner . "`0", $row['remarks']);
                $remark = str_replace("{barkeep}", $drinktext['barkeep'] . "`0", $remark);
                if (count($drinktext['drinksubs']) > 0) {
                    $keys = array_keys($drinktext['drinksubs']);
                    $vals = array_values($drinktext['drinksubs']);
                    $remark = preg_replace($keys, $vals, $remark);
                if ($row['harddrink']) {
                    $drinks = get_module_pref("harddrinks");
                    set_module_pref("harddrinks", $drinks + 1);
                $givehp = 0;
                $giveturn = 0;
                if ($row['hpchance'] > 0 || $row['turnchance'] > 0) {
                    $tot = $row['hpchance'] + $row['turnchance'];
                    $c = e_rand(1, $tot);
                    if ($c <= $row['hpchance'] && $row['hpchance'] > 0) {
                        $givehp = 1;
                    } else {
                        $giveturn = 1;
                if ($row['alwayshp']) {
                    $givehp = 1;
                if ($row['alwaysturn']) {
                    $giveturn = 1;
                if ($giveturn) {
                    $turns = e_rand($row['turnmin'], $row['turnmax']);
                    $oldturns = $session['user']['turns'];
                    $session['user']['turns'] += $turns;
                    // sanity check
                    if ($session['user']['turns'] < 0) {
                        $session['user']['turns'] = 0;
                    if ($oldturns < $session['user']['turns']) {
                        output("`&You feel vigorous!`n");
                    } else {
                        if ($oldturns > $session['user']['turns']) {
                            output("`&You feel lethargic!`n");
                if ($givehp) {
                    $oldhp = $session['user']['hitpoints'];
                    // Check for percent increase first
                    if ($row['hppercent'] != 0.0) {
                        $hp = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * ($row['hppercent'] / 100), 0);
                    } else {
                        $hp = e_rand($row['hpmin'], $row['hpmax']);
                    $session['user']['hitpoints'] += $hp;
                    // Sanity check
                    if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < 1) {
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
                    if ($oldhp < $session['user']['hitpoints']) {
                        output("`&You feel healthy!`n");
                    } else {
                        if ($oldhp > $session['user']['hitpoints']) {
                            output("`&You feel sick!`n");
                $buff = array();
                $buff['name'] = $row['buffname'];
                $buff['rounds'] = $row['buffrounds'];
                if ($row['buffwearoff']) {
                    $buff['wearoff'] = $row['buffwearoff'];
                if ($row['buffatkmod']) {
                    $buff['atkmod'] = $row['buffatkmod'];
                if ($row['buffdefmod']) {
                    $buff['defmod'] = $row['buffdefmod'];
                if ($row['buffdmgmod']) {
                    $buff['dmgmod'] = $row['buffdmgmod'];
                if ($row['buffdmgshield']) {
                    $buff['damageshield'] = $row['buffdmgshield'];
                if ($row['buffroundmsg']) {
                    $buff['roundmsg'] = $row['buffroundmsg'];
                if ($row['buffeffectmsg']) {
                    $buff['effectmsg'] = $row['buffeffectmsg'];
                if ($row['buffeffectnodmgmsg']) {
                    $buff['effectnodmgmsg'] = $row['buffeffectnodmgmsg'];
                if ($row['buffeffectfailmsg']) {
                    $buff['effectfailmsg'] = $row['buffeffectfailmsg'];
                $buff['schema'] = "module-drinks";
                apply_buff('buzz', $buff);
            } else {
                output("You don't have enough money.  How can you buy %s if you don't have any money!?!", $row['name']);
        if ($drinktext['return'] > "") {
            addnav($drinktext['return'], $drinktext['returnlink']);
        } else {
            addnav("I?Return to the Inn", "inn.php");
            addnav(array("Go back to talking to %s`0", getsetting("barkeep", "`tCedrik")), "inn.php?op=bartender");
        require_once "lib/villagenav.php";
function breakin_run()
    global $session, $pvptimeout, $pvptime;
    $op = httpget("op");
    $danger = get_module_setting("danger");
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    // Need to include this in here so we pick up the pvptimeout/etc in
    // the right scope.
    require_once "lib/pvplist.php";
    // this is a variable in case an admin changes the name of the inn
    $iname = getsetting("innname", LOCATION_INN);
    output("`&`c`bThe Ivy-Covered Door`b`c");
    if ($op == "") {
        addnav("D?Force the Door", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=force");
        addnav("F?Forget it", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=leave");
        output("`7As you approach the door, you hear the sounds of drunken revelry.");
        output("You realize that this door must be a back entrance to the Inn.`n`n");
        output("`7As you pull some of the vines away, you discover that the door is flimsy and moves as you push at it.");
        output("The realization dawns that you could sneak upstairs for free and slay another player as they sleep!");
        output("`7Merick tends to his animals and pays you no attention.");
        output("Will you break in?`n`n");
    } elseif ($op == "leave") {
        addnav("Return from whence you came", "stables.php");
        output("`7You really don't want to break the door down, so you quietly walk back over to the stables.`n`n");
    } elseif ($op == "go") {
        addnav("Return from whence you came", "stables.php");
        output("`7You really don't think it is worth the risk, so you quietly go back outside and walk over to the stables.`n`n");
    } elseif ($op == "ledger-safe") {
        output("You begin to scan the names in the ledger, trying to decide who to attack.`n`n");
        pvplist($iname, "pvp.php", "?act=attack&inn=1");
        addnav("List Warriors", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=ledger-safe");
        addnav("Forget it", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=go");
    } elseif ($op == "ledger") {
        $danger = get_module_setting("danger");
        $bchance = e_rand(0, 100);
        output("You begin to scan the names in the ledger, trying to decide who to attack.`n`n");
        if ($bchance > $danger) {
            // I hate doing a redirect here, but if we don't, the ledger list
            // won't be 'safe' if you view a bio and then return.
        } else {
            output("Before you can do anything, a powerful blow to the head knocks you to the ground.");
            output("Cedrik stands over you, a wine bottle in one hand, scowling angrily.`n`n");
            if (get_module_setting("stocks")) {
                output("He yells for a guard, and before you can collect your senses, the two of them have hoisted you out the front door of the Inn, and into the stocks.`n");
                set_module_setting("victim", $session['user']['acctid'], "stocks");
                set_module_setting("thisID", $session['user']['acctid']);
            } else {
                output("He yells for a guard, and before you can collect your senses, the two of them have 'escorted' you out the front door of the Inn.`n");
            if (get_module_setting("robloss")) {
                output("As you struggle to retain conciousness, you feel the guard relieving you of some of your possessions.`n");
                $losspercent = get_module_setting("robloss") / 100;
                $gems = round($session['user']['gems'] * $losspercent, 0);
                $gold = round($session['user']['gold'] * $losspercent, 0);
                if ($gems) {
                    if ($gems == 1) {
                        output("`&The guard `\$takes `%%s`& gem.`n", $gems);
                    } else {
                        output("`&The guard `\$takes `%%s`& gems.`n", $gems);
                    $session['user']['gems'] -= $gems;
                    debuglog("lost {$gems} gems to the gaurd when caught breaking in to the Inn");
                if ($gold) {
                    output("`&The guard `\$takes `^%s`& gold.`n", $gold);
                    $session['user']['gold'] -= $gold;
                    debuglog("lost {$gold} gold to the gaurd when caught breaking in to the Inn");
            if (get_module_setting("losecharm")) {
                output("`7%s`7 watches the whole thing with a frown.`n`n", $partner);
                output("`^You `\$lose`^ some charm!`n");
                if ($session['user']['charm'] >= 3) {
                    $session['user']['charm'] -= 3;
                } else {
                    $session['user']['charm'] = 0;
            if (get_module_setting("hploss")) {
                output("`^Your head throbs, and you feel weak.`n");
                $hp = round($session['user']['hitpoints'] * get_module_setting("hploss") / 100, 0);
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] -= $hp;
                if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < 1) {
                    $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            output("Moments later, you pass out from the pain in your head.`n`n");
            if (get_module_setting("wipepvp")) {
                $session['user']['playerfights'] = 0;
                output("`n`nYou don't feel like you can attack anyone today.`n`n");
                debuglog("lost all their player fights after being caught breaking into the Inn");
            addnews("`&%s `7tried to break into the Inn, and was caught by Cedrik.", $session['user']['name']);
            addnav("Wake Up", "village.php");
            if (get_module_setting("guilt")) {
                set_module_pref("guilt", 2);
    } else {
        set_module_pref("breaktoday", 1);
        if (get_module_setting("guilt")) {
            set_module_pref("guilt", 2);
        output("`7You lean on the door heavily with one shoulder, and it gives way with a crack as the wood splinters around the lock.`n`n");
        $ringchance = e_rand(1, 20);
        output("You find yourself in a small office.");
        if (get_module_pref("ring") == 0 && $ringchance == 1) {
            output("On the desk in front of you, there is a set of labeled keys, a diamond ring, and a small ledger listing the guests in each room. ");
            set_module_pref("ring", 1);
            output("You take the ring and slip it quickly into your pocket.`n`n");
            // need to check if module exists on this server
            if (is_module_active("matthias")) {
                $astute = get_module_pref("astuteness", "matthias");
                set_module_pref("astuteness", $astute, "matthias");
        } else {
            output("On the desk in front of you, there is a set of labeled keys and a small ledger listing the guests in each room. ");
        output("Beyond an open doorway to one side, you hear the inn patrons talking, and you realize how dangerous this idea is!`n`n");
        addnav("Forget it", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=go");
        //		if (is_module_active("pvpimmunity") && !get_module_pref("check_willing","pvpimmunity")){
        //			output("You are repelled by the idea of sneaking into somebody else's room, so you find nothing else of interest here.`n`n");
        //		} else {
        addnav("Look at the Ledger", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=ledger");
        //		}
        // Help the superusers debug
        if ($session['user']['superuser'] & SU_EDIT_USERS) {
            addnav("Safe look", "runmodule.php?module=breakin&op=ledger-safe");
function dragonplace_run()
    global $session;
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $op = httpget('op');
    page_header('The Forest');
    switch ($op) {
        case "scry":
            $cost = get_module_setting("scrygems");
            if ($session['user']['gems'] < $cost) {
                page_header("Gypsy Seer's tent");
                addnav("Continue looking around", "gypsy.php");
                if ($session['user']['gems'] == 0) {
                    output("`5You turn out your pockets looking for gems, but don't find any.`n");
                } else {
                    output("`5You turn out your pockets looking for gems, but only find %s, which is not enough.`n", $session['user']['gems']);
                output("Disenheartened, you step away from the dragon's eye.");
            } else {
                $session['user']['gems'] -= $cost;
                page_header("Gypsy Seer's tent");
                addnav("Continue looking around", "gypsy.php");
                $vloc = modulehook("validforestloc", array());
                while (1) {
                    // Don't look at the same place twice in a row.
                    $vil = array_rand($vloc);
                    if ($vil != get_module_pref("lastscry")) {
                set_module_pref("lastscry", $vil);
                output("`5Bending forward, you peer intently into the eye of the dragon.`n");
                output("As you stare, the tent around you seems to fade away and is replaced by a vision of %s.`n`n", $vil);
                if ($vil == get_module_pref("dragonloc") || $vil == get_module_pref("dragonloc2")) {
                    output("%sFrom high above, you see the villagers of %s walking to and fro, and even some adventurers entering and leaving the gates to go into the forest.`n", "`\$", $vil);
                    output("As you continue to watch, the villagers get closer and closer and then one of them is right in front of you as you swoop down into a forest clearing outside a cave.");
                    output("You see the villager turn and scream just before being engulfed in flames!!`5`n`n");
                    output("Stunned at the death you have just witnessed, you lift your eyes from the orb and the tent regains focus.");
                } else {
                    output("%sFrom high above, you see the villagers of %s walking to and fro, and even some adventurers entering and leaving the gates to go into the forest.`n", "`^", $vil);
                    output("As you continue to watch, the village disappears in the distance behind you.`5`n");
                    output("Obviously the dragon isn't hunting in %s today.`n`n", $vil);
                    output("You lift your eyes from the orb, and the tent regains focus.");
        case "dragon":
            addnav("Enter the cave", "runmodule.php?module=dragonplace&op=cave");
            addnav("Run away like a baby", "inn.php?op=fleedragon");
            output("`\$You approach the blackened entrance of a cave deep in the forest, though the trees are scorched to stumps for a hundred yards all around.");
            output("A thin tendril of smoke escapes the roof of the cave's entrance, and is whisked away by a suddenly cold and brisk wind.");
            output("The mouth of the cave lies up a dozen feet from the forest floor, set in the side of a cliff, with debris making a conical ramp to the opening.");
            output("Stalactites and stalagmites near the entrance trigger your imagination to inspire thoughts that the opening is really the mouth of a great leech.`n`n");
            output("You cautiously approach the entrance of the cave, and as you do, you hear, or perhaps feel a deep rumble that lasts thirty seconds or so, before silencing to a breeze of sulfur-air which wafts out of the cave.");
            output("The sound starts again, and stops again in a regular rhythm.`n`n");
            output("You clamber up the debris pile leading to the mouth of the cave, your feet crunching on the apparent remains of previous heroes, or perhaps hors d'oeuvres.`n`n");
            output("Every instinct in your body wants to run, and run quickly, back to the warm inn, and the even warmer %s`\$.", $partner);
            output("What do you do?`0");
            if (get_module_setting('sdrag')) {
                $session['user']['seendragon'] = 1;
                set_module_pref("search", get_module_pref("search") + 1);
        case "cave":
            // Okay, if this is the REAL dragon cave, redirect them to dragon.php
            if ($session['user']['location'] == get_module_pref('dragonloc') || $session['user']['location'] == get_module_pref('dragonloc2')) {
                redirect('dragon.php', 'Redirecting to dragon.php from dragonplace.php');
            // We could get here from a module (peerpressure) so let's make sure
            // that since they have gone into the cave, we are nice to them and
            // don't force them back in again and again.
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            // Otherwise, empty cave.
            output("`@You enter the cave.... `%and it's empty!`n");
            output("It may have been a dragon's cave once, but now... there are only a few bones, and a flaming pile of logs.`n");
            output("A giant Stag runs out of the cave.... so much for heavy breathing!");
            output("`n`@`iMaybe in another village?`i");
            debuglog("found an empty dragon cave in " . $session['user']['location']);
            $num = e_rand(1, 4);
            $found = false;
            $max = get_module_setting("maxsearch");
            switch ($num) {
                case 1:
                    if (get_module_setting('gold') > 0 && (get_module_pref('gold') == 0 || $max)) {
                        $gold = get_module_setting('gold');
                        output("`n`n`c`^You find %s gold!`c", $gold);
                        $session['user']['gold'] += $gold;
                        set_module_pref('gold', 1);
                        $found = true;
                        debuglog("found {$gold} gold in an empty dragon cave");
                case 2:
                    if (get_module_setting('gems') > 0 && (get_module_pref('gems') == 0 || $max)) {
                        $gems = get_module_setting('gems');
                        if ($gems == 1) {
                            output("`n`n`c`^You find a `%gem`^!`c");
                        } else {
                            output("`n`n`c`^You find `%%s gems`^!`c", $gems);
                        $session['user']['gems'] += $gems;
                        set_module_pref('gems', 1);
                        debuglog("found {$gems} gems in an empty dragon cave");
                        $found = true;
                case 3:
                    if (get_module_setting('hp') > 0 && (get_module_pref('hp') == 0 || $max)) {
                        output("`n`n`c`^You trip over a bone, and lose some hitpoints!`c");
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] -= get_module_setting('hp');
                        if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] <= 1) {
                            $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
                        set_module_pref('hp', 1);
                        $found = true;
            if (!$found) {
                output("`n`n`c`\$Nothing happens...`c");
            $isforest = 0;
            $vloc = modulehook('validforestloc', array());
            foreach ($vloc as $i => $l) {
                if ($l == $session['user']['location']) {
                    $isforest = 1;
            if ($isforest) {
            } else {
                require_once "lib/villagenav.php";
    } else {
        output("`c`b`\$You failed to flee your opponent!`0`b`c");
if ($op == "dragon") {
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    addnav("Enter the cave", "dragon.php");
    addnav("Run away like a baby", "inn.php?op=fleedragon");
    output("`\$You approach the blackened entrance of a cave deep in the forest, though the trees are scorched to stumps for a hundred yards all around.");
    output("A thin tendril of smoke escapes the roof of the cave's entrance, and is whisked away by a suddenly cold and brisk wind.");
    output("The mouth of the cave lies up a dozen feet from the forest floor, set in the side of a cliff, with debris making a conical ramp to the opening.");
    output("Stalactites and stalagmites near the entrance trigger your imagination to inspire thoughts that the opening is really the mouth of a great leech.`n`n");
    output("You cautiously approach the entrance of the cave, and as you do, you hear, or perhaps feel a deep rumble that lasts thirty seconds or so, before silencing to a breeze of sulfur-air which wafts out of the cave.");
    output("The sound starts again, and stops again in a regular rhythm.`n`n");
    output("You clamber up the debris pile leading to the mouth of the cave, your feet crunching on the apparent remains of previous heroes, or perhaps hors d'oeuvres.`n`n");
    output("Every instinct in your body wants to run, and run quickly, back to the warm inn, and the even warmer %s`\$.", get_partner());
    output("What do you do?`0");
    $session['user']['seendragon'] = 1;
if ($op == "search") {
    if ($session['user']['turns'] <= 0) {
        output("`\$`bYou are too tired to search the forest any longer today.  Perhaps tomorrow you will have more energy.`b`0");
        $op = "";
        httpset('op', "");
    } else {
        modulehook("forestsearch", array());
        $args = array('soberval' => 0.9, 'sobermsg' => "`&Faced with the prospect of death, you sober up a little.`n", 'schema' => 'forest');
        modulehook("soberup", $args);
        if (module_events("forest", getsetting("forestchance", 15)) != 0) {
            if (!checknavs()) {
     // $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET marriedto=0 WHERE acctid='{$row['marriedto']}'";
     // db_query($sql);
     // }
     // }
     // $list=get_module_pref('flirtssent');
     // $list=unserialize($list);
     // require_once("./modules/marriage/marriage_func.php");
     // if (!is_array($list)) break;
     // while (list($who,$amount)=each($list)) {
     // marriage_removeplayer($who,$session['user']['acctid']);
     // }
 case "charstats":
     if ($session['user']['marriedto'] != 0 && get_module_pref('user_stats')) {
         require_once "lib/partner.php";
         $partner = get_partner(true);
         setcharstat("Personal Info", "Marriage", "`^" . translate_inline("Married to ") . $partner);
 case "faq-toc":
     $t = translate_inline("`@Frequently Asked Questions on Marriage`0");
     output_notl("&#149;<a href='runmodule.php?module=marriage&op=faq'>{$t}</a><br/>", true);
     addnav("", "runmodule.php?module=marriage&op=faq");
 case "biostat":
     $char = httpget('char');
     $sql = "SELECT a.acctid as userid, a.marriedto as married, as partnername, as gender FROM " . db_prefix('accounts') . " as a LEFT JOIN " . db_prefix('accounts') . " as b ON a.marriedto=b.acctid WHERE a.acctid='{$char}'";
     $results = db_query($sql);
     $row = db_fetch_assoc($results);
     if ($row['married'] != 0 && $row['partnername'] != "") {
         if (!get_module_pref('user_bio', "marriage", $row['userid'])) {
function riddles_runevent($type)
    require_once "lib/increment_specialty.php";
    global $session;
    // We assume this event only shows up in the forest currently.
    $from = "forest.php?";
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:riddles";
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $op = httpget('op');
    if ($op == "" || $op == "search") {
        output("You come across a tall man wearing an immaculate white Victorian suit, a top hat, and the sort of smile that you only ever see on tigers who want you to believe that they're kittens.  He leans on a handsome walking stick as he eyes you up and down.`n`n\"Good afternoon,\" says the gentleman.  \"Would you care to play a game with me?\"`n`nYou're pretty sure this guy is a Joker.  They like stuff like this.  And the glowing green eyes were a dead giveaway.`n`n\"What sort of game?\" you ask warily.`n`n\"Well,\" says the gentleman, smartly rapping his staff upon the floor and sauntering towards you, \"I've always been fond of riddles, you see.  Cryptic questions, as it were.  How about if I ask you a riddle, and if you get it right, I'll give you something rather nice?\"`n`nYou smirk.  \"And I presume that if I get it wrong, you'll do something horrible to me.\"`n`n\"Oh,\" says the Joker, smiling even wider, \"`iquite`i horrible, I assure you.  All a part of the service, you know!\"`n`nWhat will you do?");
        addnav("Cryptic Joker");
        addnav("Play his game", $from . "op=yes");
        addnav("Run like hell", $from . "op=no");
        $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
    } elseif ($op == "yes") {
        $subop = httpget('subop');
        if ($subop != "answer") {
            $rid = $session['user']['specialmisc'];
            if (!strpos($rid, "Riddle")) {
                $sq1 = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("riddles") . " ORDER BY rand(" . e_rand() . ")";
            } else {
                // 6 letters in "Riddle"
                $rid = substr($rid, -1 * (strlen($rid) - 6));
                $sq1 = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("riddles") . " WHERE id={$rid}";
            $result = db_query($sq1);
            $riddle = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "Riddle" . $riddle['id'];
            output("The Joker smiles, leans in close, and whispers to you:`n`n");
            output("`6\"`@%s`6\"`n`n", $riddle['riddle']);
            output("What is your guess?");
            rawoutput("<form action='" . $from . "op=yes&subop=answer' method='POST'>");
            rawoutput("<input name='guess'>");
            $guess = translate_inline("Guess");
            rawoutput("<input type='submit' class='button' value='{$guess}'>");
            addnav("", $from . "op=yes&subop=answer");
        } else {
            $rid = substr($session['user']['specialmisc'], 6);
            $sq1 = "SELECT * FROM " . db_prefix("riddles") . " WHERE id={$rid}";
            $result = db_query($sq1);
            $riddle = db_fetch_assoc($result);
            //*** Get and filter correct answer
            // there can be more than one answer in the database,
            // separated by semicolons (;)
            $answer = explode(";", $riddle['answer']);
            foreach ($answer as $key => $answer1) {
                // changed "" to " " below, I believe this is the correct
                // implementation.
                $answer[$key] = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]]/", " ", $answer1);
                $answer[$key] = riddles_filterwords($answer1);
            //*** Get and filter players guess
            $guess = httppost('guess');
            $guess = preg_replace("/[^[:alnum:]]/", " ", $guess);
            $guess = riddles_filterwords($guess);
            $correct = 0;
            //changed to 2 on the levenshtein just for compassion's
            // sake :-)  --MightyE
            foreach ($answer as $answer1) {
                // Only allow spelling mistakes if te word is long enough
                if (strlen($answer1) > 2) {
                    if (levenshtein($guess, $answer1) <= 2) {
                        // Allow two letter to be off to compensate for silly
                        // spelling mistakes
                        $correct = 1;
                } else {
                    // Otherwise, they have to be exact
                    if ($guess == $answer1) {
                        $correct = 1;
            // make sure an empty response from the player is never correct.
            if (!$guess) {
                $correct = 0;
            if ($correct) {
                if (is_module_active("medals")) {
                    require_once "modules/medals.php";
                    medals_award_medal("crypticjoker", "Cryptic Answers", "This player correctly answered a question from the Cryptic Questions Joker!", "medal_crypticjoker.png");
                output("`nThe Joker's face splits into a wide grin.  \"I see you're no stranger to cryptic questions!  Very well, here is your prize.\"`n`nHe produces a long, thin hypodermic needle from his sleeve and, moving with the speed of a cat, slides it into your arm...`n`n`6");
                // It would be nice to have some more consequences
                $rand = e_rand(1, 7);
                switch ($rand) {
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        output("You feel the chemical beginning to toughen your skin!  Within moments, your defensive powers are dramatically increased!");
                        apply_buff("riddlejoker1", array("name" => "`7Cryptic Questions Joker Needle`0", "defmod" => "1.2", "rounds" => 20, "wearoff" => "`4The effects of the Riddling Joker's hypodermic have faded...`0", "schema" => "module-riddles"));
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                        output("You feel the chemical beginning to heighten your perception!  Within moments, you feel a lot more dangerous!");
                        apply_buff("riddlejoker2", array("name" => "`7Cryptic Questions Joker Needle`0", "atkmod" => "1.2", "rounds" => 20, "wearoff" => "`4The effects of the Riddling Joker's hypodermic have faded...`0", "schema" => "module-riddles"));
                    case 5:
                    case 6:
                        output("You feel the chemical beginning to quicken your heartbeat!  Within moments, you feel you have the energy to take on a couple more jungle fights!  You gain some Stamina!");
                    case 7:
                        output("You feel a burning in your extremities as your muscles begin to knit back together...");
                        apply_buff("riddlejoker3", array("name" => "`7Cryptic Questions Joker Needle`0", "regen" => e_rand(1, 12), "rounds" => 20, "effectmsg" => "`4The chemical contained in the Riddle Joker's hypodermic surprise heals you for {damage} points.", "wearoff" => "`4The effects of the Riddling Joker's hypodermic have faded...`0", "schema" => "module-riddles"));
            } else {
                output("`nThe Joker smiles.  \"I see.  Well, then, let's see what we have for you...\"`n`nHe produces a slender, wickedly sharp hypodermic needle from an inner pocket and jabs it into your neck before you even have time to react.`n`n`4");
                // It would be nice to have some more consequences
                $rand = e_rand(1, 7);
                switch ($rand) {
                    case 1:
                    case 2:
                        output("You feel the chemical beginning to slow you down!  Within moments, your defensive powers are dramatically reduced!");
                        apply_buff("riddlejoker4", array("name" => "`7Cryptic Questions Joker Needle`0", "defmod" => "0.8", "rounds" => 10, "wearoff" => "`4The effects of the Riddling Joker's hypodermic have faded...`0", "schema" => "module-riddles"));
                    case 3:
                    case 4:
                        output("You feel the chemical beginning to weaken your muscles!  Within moments, you feel a lot less dangerous!");
                        apply_buff("riddlejoker5", array("name" => "`7Cryptic Questions Joker Needle`0", "atkmod" => "0.8", "rounds" => 10, "wearoff" => "`4The effects of the Riddling Joker's hypodermic have faded...`0", "schema" => "module-riddles"));
                    case 5:
                    case 6:
                        output("You suddenly feel drowsy!  You lose some Stamina!");
                    case 7:
                        output("Your muscles begin to decay inside your skin as you live and breathe!");
                        apply_buff("riddlejoker6", array("name" => "`7Cryptic Questions Joker Needle`0", "regen" => e_rand(-1, -12), "rounds" => 10, "effectmsg" => "`4The chemical contained in the Riddle Joker's hypodermic surprise damages you for {damage} points.", "effectfailmsg" => "`4The chemical contained in the Riddle Joker's hypodermic surprise damages you for {damage} points.", "wearoff" => "`4The effects of the Riddling Joker's hypodermic have faded...`0", "schema" => "module-riddles"));
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
    } elseif ($op == "no") {
        output("`n`6Afraid to look the fool, you decline his challenge.");
        output("He was a little bit creepy anyway.`n");
        output("`6The strange man waves goodbye as you stroll, a little quickly but hating to show it, into the depths of the jungle.");
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        $session['user']['specialmisc'] = "";
function oldman_runevent($type)
    global $session;
    // We assume this event only shows up in the forest currently.
    $from = "forest.php?";
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:oldman";
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $op = httpget('op');
    if ($op == "" || $op == "search") {
        output("`@You encounter a strange old man!`n`n");
        output("He beckons you over to talk with you.");
        output("He looks harmless enough, but you have heard tales of the evil creatures which lurk in this forest disguised as normal people.`n`n");
        addnav("Old Man");
        addnav("Talk with him", $from . "op=talk");
        addnav("Back away", $from . "op=chicken");
    } elseif ($op == "chicken") {
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        output("`@You back away slowly, and then when you are out of sight, turn and move quickly to another part of the forest.`n`n");
        if (e_rand(1, 2) == 2) {
            output("`@You are quite sure that your paranoia saved your life today.");
        } else {
            output("`@You are quite sure that %s`@ would think you are a wuss for being scared of an old man.", $partner);
            if ($session['user']['sex'] == SEX_MALE) {
                output("Fortunately, she isn't here to see your cowardice.");
            } else {
                output("Fortunately, he isn't here to see your cowardice.");
    } elseif ($op == "talk") {
        // Okay.. now we get to have fun.  Which old man do they get?
        switch (e_rand(1, 5)) {
            case 1:
                // This is the pretty stick.
                $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                output("`@As you approach, he pulls out his Pretty Stick, whacks you on the temple, giggles, and runs away!`n`n");
                output("`^You `%gain one`^ charm point!");
            case 2:
                // The ugly stick
                $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                if ($session['user']['charm'] > 0) {
                    output("`@As you approach, he pulls out his Ugly Stick, whacks you on the nose, giggles, and runs away!`n`n");
                    output("`^You `%lose one`^ charm point!");
                } else {
                    output("`@As you approach, he pulls out his Ugly Stick, whacks you on the nose, then gasps as his stick `%loses one`@ charm point.`n`n");
                    output("`@He quickly recovers his composure and runs away!`n`n");
                    output("Dang! You're even uglier than his Ugly Stick!");
            case 3:
                // The lost man.
                output("`@\"`#I am lost,`@\" he says, \"`#can you lead me back to town?`@\"`n`n");
                output("You know that if you do, you will lose time for a forest fight for today.`n`n");
                output("Will you help out this poor old man?");
                addnav("Old Man");
                addnav("Walk him to town", $from . "op=walk");
                addnav("Leave him here", $from . "op=leavehim");
            case 4:
                // The betting game
                output("`@\"`#Would you like to play a little guessing game?`@\", he asks.");
                output("Knowing his sort, you know he will probably insist on a small wager if you do.`n`n");
                output("`@Do you wish to play his game?`n`n");
                addnav("Old Man");
                addnav("Play game", $from . "op=game");
                addnav("Leave", $from . "op=nogame");
            case 5:
                // The necromancer
                output("`@As you approach the old man, his face twists into a maniacal, evil grin.");
                switch (e_rand(1, 15)) {
                    case 1:
                        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                        output("`@When you reach him, he mutters, \"`#Didn't y' own mother teach you never t' talk t' strangers?`@\"");
                        output("The old necromancer cackles and pulls out a black wand, waving it quickly over your head.`n`n");
                        output("`@You feel a searing pain as your soul is forcibly ripped from your body and cast into the underworld to fuel his evil spells!`n`n");
                        output("`^Your spirit has been ripped from your body!`n");
                        output("`^That treacherous old man searches your body and takes all of your gold.`n");
                        output("You lose 5% of your experience!`n");
                        output("You may continue playing again tomorrow.");
                        $session['user']['alive'] = false;
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 0;
                        $session['user']['experience'] *= 0.95;
                        $session['user']['gold'] = 0;
                        addnav("Daily News", "news.php");
                        addnews("The body of %s was found in the woods, stripped of all gold and with dark symbols drawn upon it.", $session['user']['name']);
                    case 2:
                    case 3:
                        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                        output("`@When you reach him, he mutters, \"`#Aye, me %s, come a wee bit closer.  That's it, just a bit CLOSER!`@\"`n`n", translate_inline($session['user']['sex'] ? "lass" : "lad"));
                        output("As the old necromancer screams that last word, he pulls out a black wand and your body twists in agony as if molten fire has replaced your blood.`n`n");
                        output("Your vision goes dark and you feel the hand of %s`@ closing around your heart.", getsetting("deathoverlord", '`$Ramius'));
                        output("Just as you are sure you will die, the pain stops as quickly as it began.`n`n");
                        output("You climb to your feet, shaking and weak.");
                        output("The old necromancer is nowhere to be seen.`n`n");
                        output("`@You feel you will never be quite the %s you were before.`n`n", translate_inline($session['user']['sex'] ? "woman" : "man"));
                        if ($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] > $session['user']['level'] * 10) {
                            set_module_pref("extrahps", get_module_pref("extrahps") - 1);
                            $hptype = "permanently";
                            if (!get_module_setting("carrydk") || is_module_active("globalhp") && !get_module_setting("carrydk", "globalhp")) {
                                $hptype = "temporarily";
                            $hptype = translate_inline($hptype);
                            output("`^You `b%s`b `\$lose`^ one hitpoint!`n", $hptype);
                        $loss = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * 0.25, 0);
                        if ($loss > $session['user']['hitpoints']) {
                            $loss = $session['user']['hitpoints'] - 1;
                        output("`^You have taken `\$%s`^ damage from wounds.", $loss);
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] -= $loss;
                        if ($session['user']['sex']) {
                            $msg = "%s came home from the forest, a bit less the woman than she was before.";
                        } else {
                            $msg = "%s came home from the forest, a bit less the man than he was before.";
                        addnews($msg, $session['user']['name']);
                    case 4:
                    case 5:
                    case 6:
                    case 7:
                    case 8:
                    case 9:
                    case 10:
                        output("`@When you reach him, he mutters, \"`#A gem for me own self, yes?`@\"`n`n");
                        output("Do you give him a gem?");
                        addnav("Old Man");
                        addnav("Give him a gem", $from . "op=givegem");
                        addnav("Keep your gems", $from . "op=keepgem");
                    case 11:
                    case 12:
                    case 13:
                    case 14:
                    case 15:
                        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
                        output("`@You are almost in front of him, when you hear a crashing sound coming from your right.`n`n");
                        output("You turn to look and see one of the bodyguards from the Inn walking through the woods heading your direction.");
                        output("You turn back to the old man, but he seems to have vanished.`n`n");
                        output("Oh well, you'll never know what he wanted now.");
    } elseif ($op == "walk") {
        // Walking the oldman (#3) to town
        output("`@You take the time to lead the old man back to town.`n`n");
        if (e_rand(0, 1) == 0) {
            output("`@In exchange, he whacks you with his Pretty Stick and you `%gain one`@ charm point.");
        } else {
            output("`@In exchange, he gives you `%a gem`@!");
            debuglog("gained 1 gem for walking old man to village");
    } elseif ($op == "leavehim") {
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        // Being a cruel insensitive clod who hates old men.
        output("`@You tell the old man that you are far too busy to aid him.`n`n");
        output("`@Not a big deal, he should be able to find his way back to town on his own, he made his way out here, didn't he?");
        output("A wolf howls in the distance to your left, and a few seconds later one howls somewhere closer to your right.");
        output("Yep, he should be fine.");
    } elseif ($op == "nogame") {
        // Penny-pincher :)
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        output("`@Afraid to part with your precious precious money, you decline the old man his game.`n`n");
        output("There wasn't much point to it anyhow, as you certainly would have won.`n`n");
        output("Yep, definitely not afraid of the old man, nope.");
    } elseif ($op == "game") {
        if ($session['user']['gold'] <= 0) {
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            output("`@The old man reaches out with his stick and pokes your coin purse.  \"`#Empty?!?!  How can you bet with no money??`@\" he shouts.");
            output("With that, he turns with a HARUMPH, and disappears into the underbrush.");
        } else {
    } elseif ($op == "givegem") {
        if ($session['user']['gems'] <= 0) {
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            output("`@You reach into your pack to find that you have no gems.");
            output("The old man looks at you expectantly.`n`n");
            output("When he sees you have no gems, he starts to frown.");
            output("Sensing trouble, you turn to flee toward the forest.`n`n");
            output("From behind you, you hear an evil laugh and feel a sharp pain in your back!`n`n");
            $loss = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * 0.2, 0);
            if ($loss > $session['user']['hitpoints']) {
                $loss = $session['user']['hitpoints'] - 1;
            output("`^You have taken `\$%s`^ damage from wounds.", $loss);
            $session['user']['hitpoints'] -= $loss;
        } else {
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            output("`@Feeling sorry for the old man, you reach into your pack and extract a gem which he snatches eagerly from your hand.`n");
            switch (e_rand(1, 6)) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
                    output("`@He cackles with glee.");
                    output("He turns to you and says, \"`#Since y' made such a fine bargain w' me, me %s, I'll be puttin' in a good word for y' with m' ol' friend %s`#.`@\"`n`n", translate_inline($session['user']['sex'] ? "deary" : "lad"), getsetting("deathoverlord", '`$Ramius'));
                    output("`@The necromancer pulls out a black wand, raps you thrice on the head, and runs off into the forest.`n`n");
                    $favor = e_rand(5, 20);
                    output("`^You gain `&%s`^ favor with `\$Ramius`^.", $favor);
                    $session['user']['deathpower'] += $favor;
                case 4:
                case 5:
                    if (is_module_active("specialtydarkarts")) {
                        output("`@He cackles with glee.");
                        output("He turns to you and says, \"`#Since y' made such a fine bargain w' me, me %s, I'll be teachin' y' a bit of m' art!`@\"`n`n", translate_inline($session['user']['sex'] ? "deary" : "lad"));
                        output("`@The necromancer pulls out a black wand, raps you thrice on the head, and runs off into the forest.`n`n");
                        output("`^You feel knowledge of the `\$Dark Arts`^ settle into your brain like a stain of blood into straw.`n");
                        require_once "lib/increment_specialty.php";
                        increment_specialty('`$', 'DA');
                    // Fall through if we don't have dark arts enabled.
                // Fall through if we don't have dark arts enabled.
                case 6:
                    output("`@He runs off into the forest.`n`n");
                    output("That greedy old man stole your gem!");
    } elseif ($op == "keepgem") {
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        output("`@Not wanting to part with one of your precious gems, you turn around and march back toward the forest.`n`n");
        output("From behind you, you hear an evil laugh and feel a sharp pain in your back!`n`n");
        $loss = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * 0.1, 0);
        if ($loss > $session['user']['hitpoints']) {
            $loss = $session['user']['hitpoints'] - 1;
        output("`^You have taken `\$%s`^ damage from wounds.", $loss);
        $session['user']['hitpoints'] -= $loss;
function lovers_seth()
    global $session;
    $seenlover = get_module_pref("seenlover");
    $partner = get_partner();
    if ($seenlover == 0) {
        //haven't seen lover
        if ($session['user']['marriedto'] == INT_MAX) {
            $seenlover = 1;
            if (e_rand(1, 4) == 1) {
                switch (e_rand(1, 4)) {
                    case 1:
                        $msg = translate_inline("being too busy tuning his lute,");
                    case 2:
                        $msg = translate_inline("\"that time of month,\"");
                    case 3:
                        $msg = translate_inline("\"a little cold...  *cough cough* see?\"");
                    case 4:
                        $msg = translate_inline("wanting you to fetch him a beer,");
                output("You head over to snuggle up to %s`0 and kiss him about the face and neck, but he grumbles something about %s and with a comment like that, you storm away from him!", $partner, $msg);
                output("`n`n`^You LOSE a charm point!");
            } else {
                output("You and %s`0 take some time to yourselves, and you leave the inn, positively glowing!", $partner);
                apply_buff('lover', lovers_getbuff());
                output("`n`n`^You gain a charm point!");
        } else {
            //not married.
            if (httpget("flirt") == "") {
                //haven't flirted yet
                addnav("Wink", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=1");
                addnav("Flutter Eyelashes", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=2");
                addnav("Drop Hanky", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=3");
                addnav("Ask him to buy you a drink", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=4");
                addnav("Kiss him soundly", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=5");
                addnav("Completely seduce him", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=6");
                addnav("Marry him", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=7");
            } else {
                //flirting now
                $c = $session['user']['charm'];
                $seenlover = 1;
                switch (httpget('flirt')) {
                    case 1:
                        if (e_rand($c, 2) >= 2) {
                            output("%s`0 grins a big toothy grin.", $partner);
                            output("My, isn't the dimple in his chin cute??");
                            if ($c < 4) {
                        } else {
                            output("%s`0 raises an eyebrow at you, and asks if you have something in your eye.", $partner);
                    case 2:
                        if (e_rand($c, 4) >= 4) {
                            output("%s`0 smiles at you and says, \"`^My, what pretty eyes you have.`0\"", $partner);
                            if ($c < 7) {
                        } else {
                            output("%s`0 smiles, and waves... to the person standing behind you.", $partner);
                    case 3:
                        if (e_rand($c, 7) >= 7) {
                            output("%s`0 bends over and retrieves your hanky, while you admire his firm posterior.", $partner);
                            if ($c < 11) {
                        } else {
                            output("%s`0 bends over and retrieves your hanky, wipes his nose with it, and gives it back.", $partner);
                    case 4:
                        if (e_rand($c, 11) >= 11) {
                            output("%s`0 places his arm around your waist, and escorts you to the bar where he buys you one of the Inn's fine swills.", $partner);
                            if ($c < 14) {
                        } else {
                            output("%s`0 apologizes, \"`^I'm sorry m'lady, I have no money to spare,`0\" as he turns out his moth-riddled pocket.", $partner);
                            if ($c > 0 && $c < 10) {
                    case 5:
                        if (e_rand($c, 14) >= 14) {
                            output("You walk up to %s`0, grab him by the shirt, pull him to his feet, and plant a firm, long kiss right on his handsome lips.", $partner);
                            output("He collapses after, hair a bit disheveled, and short on breath.");
                            if ($c < 18) {
                        } else {
                            output("You duck down to kiss %s`0 on the lips, but just as you do so, he bends over to tie his shoe.", $partner);
                            if ($c > 0 && $c < 13) {
                    case 6:
                        if (e_rand($c, 18) >= 18) {
                            output("Standing at the base of the stairs, you make a come-hither gesture at %s`0.", $partner);
                            output("He follows you like a puppydog.");
                            if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
                                output("You feel exhausted!");
                                $session['user']['turns'] -= 2;
                                if ($session['user']['turns'] < 0) {
                                    $session['user']['turns'] = 0;
                            addnews("`@%s`@ and %s`@ were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.`0", $session['user']['name'], $partner);
                            if ($c < 25) {
                        } else {
                            output("\"`^I'm sorry m'lady, but I have a show in 5 minutes`0\"");
                            if ($c > 0) {
                    case 7:
                        output("Walking up to %s`0, you simply demand that he marry you.`n`n", $partner);
                        output("He looks at you for a few seconds.`n`n");
                        if ($c >= 22) {
                            output("\"`^Of course my love!`0\" he says.");
                            output("The next weeks are a blur as you plan the most wonderous wedding, paid for entirely by %s`0, and head on off to the deep forest for your honeymoon.", $partner);
                            addnews("`&%s`& and %s`& are joined today in joyous matrimony!!!", $session['user']['name'], $partner);
                            $session['user']['marriedto'] = INT_MAX;
                            apply_buff('lover', lovers_getbuff());
                        } else {
                            output("%s`0 says, \"`^I'm sorry, apparently I've given you the wrong impression, I think we should just be friends.`0\"", $partner);
                            output("Depressed, you feel very disinclined to do much for the rest of today.");
                            $session['user']['turns'] = 0;
                            debuglog("lost all turns after being rejected for marriage.");
                //end switch
                if ($c > $session['user']['charm']) {
                    output("`n`n`^You gain a charm point!");
                if ($c < $session['user']['charm']) {
                    output("`n`n`\$You LOSE a charm point!");
                $session['user']['charm'] = $c;
            //end if
        //end if
    } else {
        //have seen lover
        output("You think you had better not push your luck with %s`0 today.", $partner);
    set_module_pref("seenlover", $seenlover);
    $session['user']['location'] = $vname;
page_header(array("%s", sanitize($iname)));
$skipinndesc = handle_event("inn");
if (!$skipinndesc) {
    rawoutput("<span style='color: #9900FF'>");
$subop = httpget('subop');
$com = httpget('comscroll');
$comment = httppost('insertcommentary');
require_once "lib/partner.php";
$partner = get_partner();
addnav("I?Return to the Inn", "inn.php");
switch ($op) {
    case "":
    case "strolldown":
    case "fleedragon":
        require "lib/inn/inn_default.php";
    case "converse":
        commentdisplay("You stroll over to a table, place your foot up on the bench and listen in on the conversation:`n", "inn", "Add to the conversation?", 20);
    case "bartender":
        require "lib/inn/inn_bartender.php";
function get_effect($item = false, $noeffecttext = "", $giveoutput = true)
    global $session;
    $out = array();
    if ($item === false) {
        if ($noeffecttext == "") {
            $args = modulehook("item-noeffect", array("msg" => "`&Nothing happens.`n", "item" => $item));
            $out[] = sprintf_translate($args['msg']);
        } else {
            $out[] = sprintf_translate($noeffecttext);
    } else {
        if (isset($hitpoints) && $hitpoints != 0) {
            if (!isset($override_maxhitpoints)) {
                $override_maxhitpoints = false;
            if ($hitpoints > 0) {
                if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] >= $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] && $override_maxhitpoints == false) {
                } else {
                    if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] + $hitpoints > $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] && $override_maxhitpoints == false) {
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'];
                        $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your hitpoints have been `@fully`^ restored.`n");
                    } else {
                        if ($override_maxhitpoints == false) {
                            $hitpoints = min($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] - $session['user']['hitpoints'], $hitpoints);
                        if ($hitpoints > 0) {
                            $session['user']['hitpoints'] += $hitpoints;
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You have been `@healed`^ for %s points.`n", $hitpoints);
            } else {
                if ($hitpoints < 0) {
                    if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] + $hitpoints > 0) {
                        output("`^You `4loose`^ %s hitpoints.", abs($hitpoints));
                        $session['user']['hitpoints'] += $hitpoints;
                    } else {
                        if (!$killable) {
                            $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You were `\$almost`^ killed.`n");
                        } else {
                            $experience = -$killable / 100;
                            $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 0;
                            $session['user']['alive'] = 0;
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`\$You die.`n");
        if (isset($turns) && $turns != 0) {
            $session['user']['turns'] += $turns;
            debuglog("'s turns were altered by {$turns} by item {$item['itemid']}.");
            if ($turns > 0) {
                if ($turns == 1) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ one turn.`n");
                } else {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s turns.`n", $turns);
            } else {
                if ($session['user']['turns'] <= 0) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ all your turns.`n");
                    $session['user']['turns'] = 0;
                } else {
                    if ($turns == -1) {
                        $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ one turn.`n");
                    } else {
                        $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s turns.`n", abs($turns));
        if (isset($attack) && $attack != 0) {
            $session['user']['attack'] += $attack;
            debuglog("'s attack was altered by {$attack} by item {$item['itemid']}.");
            if ($attack > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your attack is `@increased`^ by %s.`n", $attack);
            } else {
                if ($session['user']['attack'] <= 1) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ all your attack except the strength of your bare fists.`n");
                    $session['user']['attack'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your attack is `\$decreased`^ by %s.`n", abs($attack));
        if (isset($defense) && $defense != 0) {
            $session['user']['defense'] += $defense;
            debuglog("'s defense was altered by {$defense} by item {$item['itemid']}.");
            if ($defense > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your defense is `@increased`^ by %s.`n", $defense);
            } else {
                if ($session['user']['defense'] <= 1) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ all your defense except the durability of your everpresent T-Shirt.`n");
                    $session['user']['defense'] = 1;
                } else {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your defense is `\$decreased`^ by %s.`n", abs($defense));
        if (isset($charm) && $charm != 0) {
            $session['user']['charm'] += $turns;
            if ($charm > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your charm is `@increased`^ by %s.`n", $charm);
            } else {
                if ($session['user']['charm'] <= 0) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ all your charm.`n");
                    $session['user']['charm'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your charm is `\$decreased`^ by %s.`n", abs($charm));
        if (isset($maxhitpoints) && $maxhitpoints != 0) {
            if ($maxhitpoints > 0) {
                $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] += $maxhitpoints;
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your maximum hitpoints are permanently `@increased`^ by %s.`n", $maxhitpoints);
            } else {
                $hp = 0;
                while (list($key, $val) = each($session['user']['dragonpoints'])) {
                    if ($val == "hp") {
                $minhp = $session['user']['level'] * 10 + $hp * 5;
                if ($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] + $maxhitpoints < $minhp) {
                    $maxhitpoints = $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] - $minhp;
                if ($maxhitpoints < 0) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Your maximum hitpoints are permanently `\$decreased`^ by %s.`n", abs($maxhitpoints));
                    $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] += $maxhitpoints;
        if (isset($uses)) {
            $modules = modulehook("specialtymodules");
            $names = modulehook("specialtynames");
            if (is_array($uses)) {
                while (list($key, $val) = each($uses)) {
                    if ($val > 0) {
                        if ($val == 1) {
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ one point in %s.`n", $val, $names[$key]);
                        } else {
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s points in %s.`n", $val, $names[$key]);
                    } else {
                        $val = min(abs($val), get_module_pref("uses", $modules[$key]));
                        if ($val == 1) {
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ one point in %s.`n", $val, $names[$key]);
                        } else {
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s points in %s.`n", $val, $names[$key]);
                        $val *= -1;
                    increment_module_pref("uses", $val, $modules[$key]);
            } else {
                if ($uses == 'looseall') {
                    while (list($key, $val) = each($modules)) {
                        set_module_pref("uses", 0, $val);
                    $out[] = "`^You `\$lose all`^ uses in `\$all`^ specialties.`n";
                } else {
                    if (is_numeric($uses) && $uses > 0 && $session['user']['specialty'] != "") {
                        increment_module_pref("uses", $uses, $modules[$session['user']['specialty']]);
                        $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s points in %s.`n", $uses, $names[$session['user']['specialty']]);
                    } else {
                        if (is_numeric($uses) && $session['user']['specialty'] != "") {
                            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s points in %s.`n", $uses, $names[$key]);
        if (isset($increment_specialty) && $increment_specialty > 0) {
            require_once "lib/increment_specialty.php";
            while ($increment_specialty) {
            $giveoutput = false;
        if (isset($gems) && $gems != 0) {
            $session['user']['gems'] += $gems;
            debuglog("'s gems were altered by {$gems} by item {$item['itemid']}.");
            if ($gems > 0) {
                if ($gems == 1) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ one gem.`n");
                } else {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s gems.`n", $gems);
            } else {
                $gems = min(abs($gems), $session['user']['gems']);
                if ($gems == 1) {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ one gem.`n", $gems);
                } else {
                    $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s gems.`n", $gems);
        if (isset($gold) && $gold != 0) {
            $session['user']['gold'] += $gold;
            debuglog("'s gold were altered by {$gold} by item {$item['itemid']}.");
            if ($gold > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s gold.`n", $gold);
            } else {
                $gold = min(abs($gold), $session['user']['gold']);
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s gold.`n", $gold);
        if (isset($experience) && $experience != 0) {
            if (is_float($experience)) {
                $bonus = round($session['user']['experience'] * $experience, 0);
            } else {
                $bonus = $experience;
            $session['user']['experience'] += $experience;
            debuglog("'s experience was altered by {$bonus} by item {$item['itemid']}.");
            if ($bonus > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s experience.`n", $bonus);
            } else {
                $bonus = min(abs($bonus), $session['user']['experience']);
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s experience.`n", $bonus);
        if (isset($deathpower) && $deathpower != 0) {
            $session['user']['deathpower'] += $deathpower;
            if ($deathpower > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s favor with `\$Ramius`0.`n", $deathpower);
            } else {
                $deathpower = min(abs($deathpower), $session['user']['deathpower']);
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s favor with `\$Ramius`0.`n", $deathpower);
        if (isset($gravefights) && $gravefights != 0) {
            $session['user']['gravefights'] += $gravefights;
            if ($gravefights > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `@gain`^ %s gravefights.`n", $gravefights);
            } else {
                $deathpower = min(abs($gravefights), $session['user']['gravefights']);
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You `\$lose`^ %s gravefights.`n", $gravefights);
        if (isset($extraflirt) && is_module_active("lovers") && $extraflirt == true && get_module_pref("seenlover", "lovers")) {
            set_module_pref("seenlover", false, "lovers");
            $him = sprintf_translate("him");
            $her = sprintf_translate("her");
            require_once "lib/partner.php";
            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You miss %s`^ and want to see %s again.`n", get_partner(), $session['user']['sex'] ? $him : $her);
        if (isset($extratravel) && is_module_active("cities") && $extratravel != 0) {
            increment_module_pref("traveltoday", -$extratravel, "cities");
            if ($extratravel > 0) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You feel `@refreshed`^.");
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You may travel %s times `@more`^ today.`n", $extratravel);
            } else {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You feel `\$tired`^.");
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You may travel %s times `\$less`^ today.`n", $extratravel);
        if (isset($buff) && is_array($buff)) {
            require_once "lib/buffs.php";
            apply_buff("item-{$item['itemid']}", $buff);
            $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^Something feels strange within your body.`n");
        if (isset($extrabuff) && is_array($extrabuff)) {
            require_once "lib/buffs.php";
            while (list($key, $val) = each($extrabuff)) {
                if (has_buff($key)) {
                    while (list($vkey, $vval) = each($val)) {
                        $session['bufflist'][$key][$vkey] += $vval;
                        $things = true;
            if ($things) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You feel something strange happening.`n");
        if (isset($strip)) {
            require_once "lib/buffs.php";
            if (has_buff($strip)) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate("`^You have a weird feeling.`n");
    foreach ($out as $index => $text) {
        if (is_array($text)) {
            foreach ($text as $sec => $text2) {
                $newout[] = $text2;
        } else {
            $newout[] = $text;
    $args = modulehook("itemeffect", array("out" => $newout, "item" => $item));
    $out = $args['out'];
    if (count($out) == 0) {
        if ($noeffecttext == "") {
            $args = modulehook("item-noeffect", array("msg" => "`&Nothing happens.`n", "item" => $item));
            $out[] = sprintf_translate($args['msg']);
        } else {
            if ($giveoutput) {
                $out[] = sprintf_translate($noeffecttext);
    $effect_text = join($out, "");
    return $effect_text;
function oldhouse_scare()
    global $session;
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $person = "";
    if (is_module_active("stafflist")) {
        $sql = "SELECT FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " AS a, " . db_prefix("module_userprefs") . " AS m WHERE m.modulename = 'stafflist' AND m.setting = 'rank' AND m.value > 0 AND m.userid = a.acctid ORDER by rand(" . e_rand() . ") LIMIT 1";
        $result = db_query($sql);
        $row = db_fetch_assoc($result);
        $person = $row['name'];
    // Talk will be empty if we don't have a stafflist or if noone is set
    // as staff
    if ($person == "") {
        // These don't get translated since they are proper names.
        $people = array(getsetting("barkeep", "`tCedrik"), "MightyE");
        $person = $people[e_rand(0, count($people) - 1)];
    $suits = array("`)ghost`7", "`4ghoul`7", "huge blow-up `Qpumpkin`7", "`\$pirate`7", "`&skeleton`7", "`%cheerleader`7", "`#clown`7");
    $suits = translate_inline($suits);
    $suit = $suits[e_rand(0, count($suits) - 1)];
    $result = e_rand(1, 10);
    switch ($result) {
        case 1:
            output("You look carefully, but see nothing of interest.`n`n");
            output("As you turn to leave, something glistens in the corner of your eye.`n`n");
            output("You find a `5gem!");
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:
            output("You look carefully, but see nothing of interest.`n`n");
            output("As you gaze about, you are amazed to find `^100 gold!");
            $session['user']['gold'] += 100;
        case 5:
            output("A hollow laugh echoes out from somewhere close by.`n`n");
            output("The sound is oddly familiar, and you decide to investigate.`n`n");
            output("Behind a nearby door, you discover `&%s`7, in a rather awful `&%s `7suit.`n`n", $person, $suit);
            output("You laugh in good humor and make your way back outside.`n`n");
            output("You are `@amused!");
            $session['user']['hitpoints'] *= 1.05;
        case 6:
            output("You have found a pile of heart-shaped chocolates!`n`n");
            output("You help yourself to one for yourself, and a second one for %s`7.", $partner);
            output("You feel `5charming!");
        case 7:
            output("Before you can even blink, you are confronted by a bizarrely-dressed dancing queen who runs towards you, yelling, \"`&KISS ME!!!`7\"`n`n");
            output("You high-tail it out of there and away from the disturbing creature.`n`n");
            output("You `4lose `7some charm!");
            set_module_pref("scaretoday", 1);
        case 8:
            output("Just as you begin to relax, `&%s`7 jumps out from another doorway and laughs at you, and you nearly wet your pants in fright.`n`n", $person);
            output("`7You run out of there in a hurry.`n`n");
            output("You `4lose `7some of your hitpoints!");
            $session['user']['hitpoints'] *= 0.9;
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < 1) {
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            set_module_pref("scaretoday", 1);
        case 9:
            output("You look to one side, only to discover a wizened, decaying head that laughs at you as you run away in terror.");
            output("You `4lose `7some of your hitpoints!");
            $session['user']['hitpoints'] *= 0.95;
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < 1) {
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            set_module_pref("scaretoday", 1);
        case 10:
            output("An icy hand appears from nowhere, then clutches at your throat and tries to drag you towards it.`n`n");
            output("Sobbing in terror, you flee blindly out onto the street.`n`n");
            output("You `4lose `7some of your hitpoints!");
            $session['user']['hitpoints'] *= 0.9;
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] < 1) {
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            set_module_pref("scaretoday", 1, "oldhouse");
    return $args;
コード例 #13
function abigail_runevent($type, $link)
    require_once 'lib/partner.php';
    global $session;
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:abigail";
    $partner = get_partner(true);
    $cost = get_module_setting('cost');
    $trinket = get_module_pref('trinket');
    $op = httpget('op');
    switch ($op) {
        case 'leave':
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = '';
            output("`5Not having any gems to buy a gift for `^%s`5, you wander sadly away.`n`n`0", $partner);
            addnav('Return to whence you came', $link);
        case 'nope':
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = '';
            output("`7You decide not to buy the %s from Abigail. You are sure that `^%s `7would not like something like that anyways...`n`0", $trinket, $partner);
            addnav('Return to whence you came', $link);
        case 'shout':
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = '';
            output("Abigail just shakes her head and walks away, leaving you with a feeling of great relief.");
            set_module_pref('angry', rand(1, 10));
            set_module_pref('bought', 1);
        case 'shop':
            set_module_pref('bought', 1);
            $session['user']['gems'] -= $cost;
            debuglog("spent {$cost} gems on a gift for their lover");
            output("`7Agreeing to buy the %s, you hand Abigail her payment. ", $trinket);
            output("`7She beems with glee and darts off, `5\"Do not worry, `^%s`5, I will make sure that `^%s`5 receives your gift!\"`n`n`0", $session['user']['name'], $partner);
            if ($session['user']['marriedto'] != INT_MAX && $session['user']['marriedto'] != 0) {
                require_once 'lib/systemmail.php';
                $subject = '`%Abigail has delivered a gift to you!';
                $body = ["`^%s`2 has delivered a %s as a gift.", $session['user']['name'], $trinket];
                systemmail($session['user']['marriedto'], $subject, $body);
                if (e_rand(1, 100) <= get_module_setting('charm_chance')) {
                } else {
                    set_module_pref('liked', -1);
            addnav('Return to whence you came', $link);
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = '';
            $gifts[SEX_FEMALE] = ['pair of cufflinks', 'leather belt', 'hat', 'pair of boots'];
            $gifts[SEX_MALE] = ['pair of earrings', 'pair of satin slippers', 'jeweled necklace', 'pretty bracelet'];
            $gifts = modulehook('abigail-gifts', ['gifts' => $gifts]);
            $gifts[SEX_FEMALE] = translate_inline($gifts['gifts'][SEX_FEMALE]);
            $gifts[SEX_MALE] = translate_inline($gifts['gifts'][SEX_MALE]);
            $randomGift = e_rand(0, count($gifts[$session['user']['sex']]) - 1);
            $trinket = $gifts[$session['user']['sex']][$randomGift];
            set_module_pref('trinket', $trinket);
            output("`7While you are wandering idly, minding your own business, you are approached by a diminutive elf in a green cloak. `n`n`0");
            $greeting = translate_inline($session['user']['sex'] ? 'Madam' : 'Sir');
            output("\"`&Happy day to ye, %s!", $greeting);
            output("Can I interest you in a lovely %s for somebody special?", $trinket);
            output("It's a fine gift, crafted with care and skill!");
            if ($cost == 1) {
                output("And, for you, only `%%s`& gem!`7\"`n`n`0", $cost);
            } else {
                output("And, for you, only `%%s`& gems!`7\"`n`n`0", $cost);
            output("`7You survey the %s, admiring the fine craftsmanship, and try to imagine `^%s`7 wearing such a gift.", $trinket, $partner);
            if ($session['user']['gems'] > $cost) {
                addnav('Purchase this gift', $link . 'op=shop');
                addnav('Do not buy anything', $link . 'op=nope');
            } else {
                addnav('Walk away', $link . 'op=leave');
            addnav('Shout at Abigail', $link . 'op=shout');
function lovers_getbuff()
    global $session;
    $partner = get_partner();
    $buff = array("name" => "`!Lover's Protection", "rounds" => 60, "wearoff" => array("`!You miss %s`!.`0", $partner), "defmod" => 1.2, "roundmsg" => "Your lover inspires you to keep safe!", "schema" => "module-lovers");
    return $buff;
function crying_runevent($type)
    global $session;
    $innname = getsetting("innname", LOCATION_INN);
    $op = httpget('op');
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:crying";
    $from = "inn.php?";
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    if ($op == "") {
        output("`7As you are standing in %s, minding your own business, a woman begins to sob loudly.", $innname);
        output("You watch as she walks away from %s`7 and over to where her husband is sitting, crying, \"I lost it, and now HE has lost it too! We shall never afford another ring as beautiful as that one!\"`n`n", getsetting("barkeep", "`tCedrik"));
        output("You watch her as she wrings her hands and cries inconsolably.`n`n");
        output("Your hand strays to the piece of jewelry in your pocket, and you wonder whether you should return the ring to her.");
        output("After all, it might be very valuable, and perhaps you could sell it for gems.");
        output("You struggle with your conscience, wondering what to do.");
        set_module_pref("seentoday", 1);
        addnav("Return the Ring", $from . "op=give");
        addnav("Ignore the Lady", $from . "op=ignore");
    } elseif ($op == "give") {
        set_module_pref("ring", 0, "breakin");
        $whathappens = e_rand(1, 5);
        output("You approach the lady and gently touch her shoulder.");
        output("As she turns around and faces you with teary eyes, you extend your hand and offer the ring.`n`n");
        output("Her eyes become saucers, and she grabs the ring in gratitude, before throwing her arms about you in ecstatic gratitude.`n`n");
        output("`&\"You are indeed a warrior of true noble heart! Please, accept this gift of my gratitude, and wear it with pride!\"");
        output("`7She grabs your wrist, and around it ties a leather band that carries a tiger's tooth.");
        output("You're a little hesitant to accept such a strange gift, but you don't want to offend her, so you thank her and walk away from her table.");
        set_module_pref("hasbracelet", 1);
        $upmatt = get_module_pref("upmatt");
        // need to check if matthias module exists on this server, and only award astute once
        if (is_module_active("matthias") && $upmatt == 0) {
            $astute = get_module_pref("astuteness", "matthias");
            $astute += 2;
            set_module_pref("astuteness", $astute, "matthias");
            set_module_pref("upmatt", 1);
        if ($whathappens <= 2) {
            // Seth/Violet sees and approves
            output("`n`nFrom the other side of the room, %s`7 is watching.`n`n", $partner);
            if ($session['user']['sex'] == SEX_MALE) {
                output("She beams at you for your kindheartedness.`n`n");
            } else {
                output("He beams at you for your kindheartedness.`n`n");
            output("`&You gain a charm point!");
        } elseif ($whathappens == 3) {
            // Seth/Violet sees and disapproves
            output("`n`nFrom the other side of the room, %s`7 is watching.`n`n", $partner);
            if ($session['user']['sex'] == SEX_MALE) {
                output("She glares at you in jealous anger.`n`n");
            } else {
                output("He glares at you in jealous anger.`n`n");
            output("You `4lose`7 a charm point!");
            if ($session['user']['charm'] > 0) {
        } elseif ($whathappens >= 4) {
            output("You are so tremendously happy at her reaction, that you feel fantastic!");
            // gain feelgood vibes (buff)
            apply_buff('feelgood', array("name" => "`%Feelgood Vibes", "rounds" => 15, "wearoff" => "You feel normal again.", "atkmod" => 1.05, "roundmsg" => "Your positivity helps you hit harder!", "schema" => "module-crying"));
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
    } elseif ($op == "ignore") {
        output("`n`7The lady is still sobbing, but hey, you're a heartless warrior, and you don't care. Right?`n");
        $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
function tatmonster_runevent($type, $link)
    global $session;
    // Handle the case where Petra gets deactivated.
    if (!is_module_active("petra")) {
        output("You hear a rustling in the underbrush, which dies away after a few moments.`n`n");
        output("When nothing at all happens after a couple of minutes, you continue on your way.");
    $op = httpget('op');
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $session['user']['specialinc'] = "module:tatmonster";
    $battle = false;
    switch ($op) {
        case "":
        case "search":
            output("`3Walking down a deserted trail, you hear a rustling sound coming from the bushes.");
            output("You can smell something burning, and hear something churning.");
            output("You have no idea if you should check it out, but your curiosity is getting the upper hand.");
            output("`3As you step closer and closer to the bush, the burning scent gets more pronounced and the churning grows louder and louder.`n`n");
            if (get_module_pref("tatnumber", "petra") > 0) {
                output("You feel a brief burning sensation from the tattoos on your arm, as if they are reacting to something!`n`n");
            output("`3There is a feeling of dread, deep in your bones.");
            output("Do you want to wait and see what is making the noise, or flee?");
            addnav("W?Wait", $link . "op=wait");
            addnav("R?Run", $link . "op=flee");
        case "flee":
            $charmloss = e_rand(get_module_setting("mincharmloss") * 2, get_module_setting("maxcharmloss") * 2);
            output("`3Turning around, you hasten back the way you came.");
            output("With a glance backwards, you see a stray cat come out of the trees.`n`n");
            output("Face red with shame, you don't know if you'll ever be able to let %s`3 know that you got scared by a cat!`n`n", $partner);
            output("You lose %s charm from the shame of your cowardice.", $charmloss);
            debuglog("lost {$charmloss} charm from cowardice to the tatmonster");
            $session['user']['charm'] -= $charmloss;
            if ($session['user']['charm'] < 0) {
                $session['user']['charm'] = 0;
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        case "wait":
            output("`3You wait for a moment to see what transpires.`n`n");
            output("`3Out from the bushes springs the Mighty `#%s`3.", get_module_setting("name"));
            output("It lashes out with its three slobbering maws, each of them snarling and growling.");
            output("As you rear back in fear, one of the powerful heads narrowly misses you with its teeth.`n");
            output("Circling around you, the beast blocks your escape!`n");
            addnav("Fight", $link . "op=pre");
        case "pre":
            $op = "fight";
            httpset("op", $op);
            // accommodate for data left from older versions of petra
            require_once "modules/petra.php";
            // Lets build the Tat Monster NOW!
            $numtats = get_module_pref("tatpower", "petra");
            if ($session['user']['dragonkills'] <= get_module_setting("dk")) {
                $numtats += get_module_setting("grace");
            $hpl = get_module_setting("hploss") * $numtats;
            // the test needs to be changed so that it no longer
            // either assumes that one can only obtain ten tattoos,
            // or that $numtats is an integer
            // JT: changed to 8.4 so existing behaviour was preserved.
            if (floor($numtats) == $session['user']['dragonkills'] || $numtats >= 8.4) {
                $monhp = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * 1.1) - $hpl;
                $monatk = round($session['user']['attack'] * 1.05);
                $mondef = round($session['user']['defense'] * 1.05);
            } else {
                $monhp = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * 1.5) - $hpl;
                $monatk = round($session['user']['attack'] * 1.15);
                $mondef = round($session['user']['defense'] * 1.15);
            // If we have too small hp, then just set the monster = to
            // the players hitpoints + 20 %.
            if ($monhp <= 10) {
                $monhp = round($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] * 1.2);
            // even out his strength a bit
            $badguylevel = $session['user']['level'] + 1;
            if ($session['user']['level'] > 9) {
                $monhp *= 1.05;
            if ($session['user']['level'] > 3) {
            $badguy = array("creaturename" => translate_inline(get_module_setting("name")), "creatureweapon" => translate_inline("Slobbering Maws"), "creaturelevel" => $session['user']['level'] + 1, "creaturehealth" => round($monhp), "creatureattack" => $monatk, "creaturedefense" => $mondef, "noadjust" => 1, "diddamage" => 0);
            $attackstack = array("enemies" => array($badguy), "options" => array("type" => "tattoomonster"));
            $session['user']['badguy'] = createstring($attackstack);
    if ($op == "fight") {
        $battle = true;
    if ($battle) {
        include "battle.php";
        if ($victory) {
            output("`n`n`3You have overcome the beast!");
            output("The sensation in your arms slowly fades, and you return to normal.`n`n");
            output("You approach this three-headed monstrosity, to ensure that it truly is dead.");
            output("As you near it, one of its heads slowly opens an eye!");
            if (get_module_pref("tatnumber", "petra") > 0) {
                output("It catches sight of the tattoos on your arms and recoils in horror!");
            output("It twitches some more, and you realize that you have done well even to subdue it, and you had best not remain to give it another chance when it recovers.`n`n");
            if ($session['user']['hitpoints'] <= 0) {
                output("`^With the last of your energy, you press a piece of cloth to your wounds, stopping your bloodloss before you are completely dead.`n");
                $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
            $exp = round($session['user']['experience'] * get_module_setting("expgain"));
            // even out the gain a bit... it was too huge at the top and pathetic at the bottom
            if ($session['user']['level'] > 9) {
                $exp *= 0.8;
            if ($session['user']['level'] < 6) {
                $exp *= 1.2;
            if ($session['user']['level'] == 1) {
                $exp += 20;
            // to stop people sometimes gaining 2 xp
            $exp = round($exp);
            output("`3Achieving this grand feat, you receive `^%s `3experience.`0", $exp);
            $session['user']['experience'] += round($exp);
            $badguy = array();
            $session['user']['badguy'] = "";
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
        } elseif ($defeat) {
            $badguy = array();
            $session['user']['badguy'] = "";
            $session['user']['specialinc'] = "";
            output("`n`n`3With one final crushing blow, the beast levels you.");
            if ($session['user']['gold'] > 10) {
                output("As the blood escapes your body, your purse splits and yields some of your gold.");
                $lost = round($session['user']['gold'] * 0.2, 0);
                $session['user']['gold'] -= $lost;
                debuglog("lost {$lost} gold to the tatmonster");
            $exp = round($session['user']['experience'] * get_module_setting("expgain"));
            output("Feeling the pain of loss, you lose `^%s `3experience.`0", $exp);
            $session['user']['experience'] -= $exp;
            if (e_rand(0, 2) == 2) {
                $charmloss = e_rand(get_module_setting("mincharmloss"), get_module_setting("maxcharmloss"));
                output("The beast leaves a long, jagged scar on your skin, causing you to lose `5%s `3charm.`0", $charmloss);
                $session['user']['charm'] -= $charmloss;
                debuglog("lost {$charmloss} charm to the tatmonster");
                if ($session['user']['charm'] < 0) {
                    $session['user']['charm'] = 0;
            output("You are able to cling to life... but just barely.`0");
            $session['user']['hitpoints'] = 1;
        } else {
            require_once "lib/fightnav.php";
            if ($type == "forest") {
                fightnav(true, false);
            } else {
                fightnav(true, false, $link);
function ella_run()
    global $session;
    $op = httpget("op");
    require_once "lib/partner.php";
    $partner = get_partner();
    $candance = get_module_pref("candance");
    $dkhp = 0;
    while (list($key, $val) = each($session['user']['dragonpoints'])) {
        if ($val == "hp") {
    $maxhitpoints = 10 * $session['user']['level'] + $dkhp * 5;
    if ($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] < $maxhitpoints + get_module_setting("hitpointcost")) {
        $notenough = true;
    } else {
        $notenough = false;
    page_header("Dance Studio");
    output("`&`c`bLady Ella's Dance Studio`b`c");
    if (!$candance) {
        output("`7Your muscles are still too stiff and sore from your last lesson.`n");
        output("`7Perhaps in a day or so, you'll feel up to another lesson.");
    } elseif ($notenough) {
        output("`7You don't feel like you could take a lesson with Ella today.`n");
        output("`7Perhaps if your constitution has risen a bit.");
    } elseif ($op == "") {
        output("`7A statuesque teacher in intricately-beaded garb stands at one end of a small studio, intently watching the movements of the  dancers in the room.");
        output("Partnered and solo dancers sway and spin in fast rhythms, matching their movements to the piano that sings from one side of the room, where a delicate Felyne moves her paws to create the sound.`n`n");
        output("Noting your interest, Lady Ella smiles at you as she walks towards you.`n`n");
        output("\"`&Lovely movement, everyone, keep going, I'll have you all as polished performers yet!`7\"`n`n");
        output("`7She approaches you and beckons you into her office.");
        $cost = get_module_setting("turncost");
        if ($session['user']['turns'] >= $cost) {
            output("Once there, she explains what she can offer.");
            output("\"`&You'll like our lessons very much.");
            output("We pride ourselves in making sure it's fun AND helpful.");
            output("Who knows, you might land the %s of your dreams!`n`n", translate_inline($session['user']['sex'] ? "man" : "girl"));
            output("Now, it takes a lot of time and effort to learn to dance, so you can't expect to have nearly as much time for galivanting around the forest.");
            if ($session['user']['sex']) {
                output("So, are you sure you want to make that commitment and learn to make the men chase you?`7\"");
            } else {
                output("So, are you sure you want to make that commitment and learn to sweep the ladies off their feet?`7\"");
            output("`qYou realize she's asking for a sacrifice of time you would normally spend hunting in the forest.");
            output("`qYou ponder for a moment on whether you want to make that large a commitment.");
            addnav(array("Take Lesson (%s %s)", $cost, translate_inline($cost == 1 ? "turn" : "turns")), "runmodule.php?module=ella&op=dance");
        } else {
            output("Once there, she regards you gravely.");
            output("\"`&Darling, there's nothing I love more than teaching someone the love of the dance.");
            output("I'd be more than happy to let you watch, but by the looks of how tired out you are, you'd fall over from the exertion of actually dancing with us today.`7\"`n`n");
            output("You nod your understanding, that you perhaps need more free time to get the most out of the strenuous training she has to offer.");
    } else {
        output("`7You agree to take a dancing lesson today, and eagerly move forward to join the other dancers.`n`n");
        output("The music begins slowly, giving you the chance to start gradually, but it quickly becomes difficult and tiring.");
        output("You're not sure how impressed %s`7 would be with your efforts, but you're determined not to give up too easily.`n`n", $partner);
        output("After the lesson concludes, you feel weary, and wonder whether you have the strength to keep this up for many weeks to come.");
        output("You sure hope %s`7 appreciates your efforts today.`n`n", $partner);
        output("You feel `5charming!`n");
        $turncost = (int) get_module_setting("turncost");
        $hitpointcost = (int) get_module_setting("hitpointcost");
        if ($turncost > 0 && $hitpointcost > 0) {
            output("Your efforts had their price.");
            output("You feel a little tired and not that enduring anymore.");
        } else {
            if ($turncost > 0) {
                output("Your efforts had their price.");
                output("You feel a little tired.");
            } else {
                if ($hitpointcost > 0) {
                    output("Your efforts had their price.");
                    output("You feel not that enduring anymore.");
        debuglog("lost {$turncost} turns and {$hitpointcost} maxhitpoints for taking a dancing lesson.");
        $session['user']['turns'] -= $turncost;
        $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] -= $hitpointcost;
        if ($session['user']['maxhitpoints'] < $session['user']['level'] * 10) {
            $session['user']['maxhitpoints'] = $session['user']['level'] * 10;
        $session['user']['charm'] += get_module_setting("charmgain");
        set_module_pref("candance", 0);
        $danceday = get_module_setting("danceday");
        set_module_pref("dayswait", $danceday);
function lovers_violet()
    global $session;
    $seenlover = get_module_pref("seenlover");
    $partner = get_partner();
    if ($seenlover == 0) {
        if ($session['user']['marriedto'] == INT_MAX) {
            if (e_rand(1, 4) == 1) {
                switch (e_rand(1, 4)) {
                    case 1:
                        $msg = translate_inline("being too busy serving these pigs,");
                    case 2:
                        $msg = translate_inline("\"that time of month,\"");
                    case 3:
                        $msg = translate_inline("\"a little cold...  *cough cough* see?\"");
                    case 4:
                        $msg = translate_inline("men all being pigs,");
                output("You head over to cuddle %s`0 and kiss her about the face and neck, but she grumbles something about %s and with a comment like that, you storm away from her!`n`n", $partner, $msg);
                output("`^You LOSE a charm point!");
            } else {
                output("You and %s`0 take some time to yourselves, and you leave the inn, positively glowing!", $partner);
                apply_buff('lover', lovers_getbuff());
                output("`n`n`^You gain a charm point!");
            $seenlover = 1;
        } elseif (httpget('flirt') == "") {
            output("You stare dreamily across the room at %s`0, who leans across a table to serve a patron a drink.", $partner);
            output("In doing so, she shows perhaps a bit more skin than is necessary, but you don't feel the need to object.");
            addnav("Wink", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=1");
            addnav("Kiss her hand", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=2");
            addnav("Peck her on the lips", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=3");
            addnav("Sit her on your lap", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=4");
            addnav("Grab her backside", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=5");
            addnav("Carry her upstairs", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=6");
            addnav("Marry her", "runmodule.php?module=lovers&op=flirt&flirt=7");
        } else {
            $c = $session['user']['charm'];
            $seenlover = 1;
            switch (httpget('flirt')) {
                case 1:
                    if (e_rand($c, 2) >= 2) {
                        output("You wink at %s`0, and she gives you a warm smile in return.", $partner);
                        if ($c < 4) {
                    } else {
                        output("You wink at %s`0, but she pretends not to notice.", $partner);
                case 2:
                    output("You stroll confidently across the room toward %s`0.", $partner);
                    if (e_rand($c, 4) >= 4) {
                        output("Taking hold of her hand, you kiss it gently, your lips remaining for only a few seconds.");
                        output("%s`0 blushes and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear as you walk away, then presses the back side of her hand longingly against her cheek while watching your retreat.", $partner);
                        if ($c < 7) {
                    } else {
                        output("You reach out to grab her hand, but %s`0 takes her hand back and asks if perhaps you'd like a drink.", $partner);
                case 3:
                    output("Standing with your back against a wooden column, you wait for %s`0 to wander your way when you call her name.", $partner);
                    if (e_rand($c, 7) >= 7) {
                        output("She approaches, a hint of a smile on her face.");
                        output("You grab her chin, lift it slightly, and place a firm but quick kiss on her plump lips.");
                        if ($c < 11) {
                    } else {
                        output("She smiles and apologizes, insisting that she is simply too busy to take a moment from her work.");
                case 4:
                    output("Sitting at a table, you wait for %s`0 to come your way.", $partner);
                    if (e_rand($c, 11) >= 11) {
                        output("When she does so, you reach up and grab her firmly by the waist, pulling her down on to your lap.");
                        output("She laughs and throws her arms around your neck in a warm hug before thumping you on the chest, standing up, and insisting that she really must get back to work.");
                        if ($c < 14) {
                    } else {
                        output("When she does so, you reach up to grab her by the waist, but she deftly dodges, careful not to spill the drink that she's carrying.");
                        if ($c > 0 && $c < 10) {
                case 5:
                    output("Waiting for %s`0 to brush by you, you firmly palm her backside.", $partner);
                    if (e_rand($c, 14) >= 14) {
                        output("She turns and gives you a warm, knowing smile.");
                        if ($c < 18) {
                    } else {
                        output("She turns and slaps you across the face. Hard.");
                        output("Perhaps you should go a little slower.");
                        if ($c > 0 && $c < 13) {
                case 6:
                    if (e_rand($c, 18) >= 18) {
                        output("Like a whirlwind, you sweep through the inn, grabbing %s`0, who throws her arms around your neck, and whisk her upstairs to her room there.", $partner);
                        output("Not more than 10 minutes later you stroll down the stairs, smoking a pipe, and grinning from ear to ear.");
                        if ($session['user']['turns'] > 0) {
                            output("You feel exhausted!  ");
                            $session['user']['turns'] -= 2;
                            if ($session['user']['turns'] < 0) {
                                $session['user']['turns'] = 0;
                        addnews("`@%s`@ and %s`@ were seen heading up the stairs in the inn together.`0", $session['user']['name'], $partner);
                        if ($c < 25) {
                    } else {
                        output("Like a whirlwind, you sweep through the inn, and grab for %s`0.", $partner);
                        output("She turns and slaps your face!");
                        output("\"`%What sort of girl do you think I am, anyhow?`0\" she demands! ");
                        if ($c > 0) {
                case 7:
                    output("%s`0 is working feverishly to serve patrons of the inn.", $partner);
                    output("You stroll up to her and take the mugs out of her hand, placing them on a nearby table.");
                    output("Amidst her protests you kneel down on one knee, taking her hand in yours.");
                    output("She quiets as you stare up at her and utter the question that you never thought you'd utter.");
                    output("She stares at you and you immediately know the answer by the look on her face.`n`n");
                    if ($c >= 22) {
                        output("It is a look of exceeding happiness.");
                        output("\"`%Yes!`0\" she says, \"`%Yes, yes yes!!!`0\"");
                        output("Her final confirmations are buried in a flurry of kisses about your face and neck.`n`n");
                        output("The next days are a blur; you and %s`0 are married in the abbey down the street, in a gorgeous ceremony with many frilly girly things.", $partner);
                        addnews("`&%s`& and %s`& are joined today in joyous matrimony!!!", $session['user']['name'], $partner);
                        $session['user']['marriedto'] = INT_MAX;
                        apply_buff('lover', lovers_getbuff());
                    } else {
                        output("It is a look of sadness.");
                        output("\"`%No`0,\" she says, \"`%I'm not yet ready to settle down`0.\"`n`n");
                        output("Disheartened, you no longer possess the will to do much of anything today.");
                        $session['user']['turns'] = 0;
                        debuglog("lost all turns after being rejected for marriage.");
            if ($c > $session['user']['charm']) {
                output("`n`n`^You gain a charm point!");
            if ($c < $session['user']['charm']) {
                output("`n`n`\$You LOSE a charm point!");
            $session['user']['charm'] = $c;
    } else {
        output("You think you had better not push your luck with %s`0 today.", $partner);
    set_module_pref("seenlover", $seenlover);
function marriage_divorce()
    global $session;
    $who = $session['user']['marriedto'];
    if ($who == 0) {
    } else {
        if ($who == INT_MAX) {
            require_once "lib/partner.php";
            $getpartner = get_partner(false);
            $session['user']['marriedto'] = 0;
            addnews("`&%s`% and `&%s`% were divorced today...", $session['user']['name'], $getpartner);
            debuglog("got divorced from {$getpartner} today.");
    $session['user']['marriedto'] = 0;
    $sql = "SELECT name,sex FROM " . db_prefix("accounts") . " WHERE acctid='{$who}' AND locked=0";
    $res = db_query($sql);
    if (db_num_rows($res) < 1) {
    $row = db_fetch_assoc($res);
    $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET marriedto='0' WHERE acctid='{$who}'";
    if (get_module_setting("dmoney") > 0) {
        $gold = round($session['user']['gold'] * get_module_setting("dmoney") / 100);
    $mailmessage = array("`^%s`@ has divorced you.", $session['user']['name']);
    $mailmessagg = array("`^%s`@ has divorced you.`n`nYou get `^%s gold`@.", $session['user']['name'], $gold);
    $t = array("`@Divorce!");
    addnews("`&%s`0`% and `&%s`% were divorced today...", $session['user']['name'], $row['name']);
    debuglog($session['user']['login'] . " got a divorce from {$row['name']}", $who, $session['user']['acctid']);
    debuglog($session['user']['login'] . " got a divorce from {$row['name']}", $session['user']['acctid'], $who);
    require_once "lib/systemmail.php";
    if (get_module_setting('dmoney') > 0 && $gold > 0) {
        $sql = "UPDATE " . db_prefix("accounts") . " SET gold=gold + " . $gold . " WHERE acctid='{$who}'";
        $session['user']['gold'] = 0;
        systemmail($who, $t, $mailmessagg);
        output("`@You notice also that all your gold at hand is gone... \"`&I need this to make myself a new home, thanks...`@\"`n");
    } else {
        systemmail($who, $t, $mailmessage);
    output("`n`@You feel guilty about the divorce.");
    set_module_objpref("marriage", $who, "marriagedate", "0000-00-00 00:00:00");
    set_module_objpref("marriage", $session['user']['acctid'], "marriagedate", "0000-00-00 00:00:00");
    //Check to make sure the divorced gets a negative buff the next day; otherwise no more marriage buff anymore
    $allprefsr = unserialize(get_module_pref('allprefs', 'marriage', $who));
    if (get_module_setting("acceptbuff") == 1) {
        $allprefsr['received'] = 2;
    } else {
        $allprefsr['received'] = 0;
    set_module_pref('allprefs', serialize($allprefsr), 'marriage', $who);
    //prevent from getting the marriage buff anymore
    $allprefs = unserialize(get_module_pref('allprefs'));
    $allprefs['received'] = 0;
    set_module_pref('allprefs', serialize($allprefs));
    apply_buff('marriage-divorce', array("name" => "`4Divorce Guilt", "rounds" => 100, "wearoff" => "`\$You feel no longer guilty about your divorce.", "defmod" => 0.83, "survivenewday" => 1, "roundmsg" => "`\$Guilt haunts you."));