function wpdev_calendar_overview_buttons_navigations() { if (isset($_REQUEST['view_days_num'])) { $view_days_num = $_REQUEST['view_days_num']; } else { $view_days_num = get_bk_option('booking_view_days_num'); } if (isset($_REQUEST['wh_booking_type']) && strpos($_REQUEST['wh_booking_type'], ',') !== false) { $is_show_resources_matrix = true; } else { $is_show_resources_matrix = false; } if (!$is_show_resources_matrix) { switch ($view_days_num) { case '90': if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } else { $scroll_day = 0; } $scroll_params = array('&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 4 * 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 7), '&scroll_day=0', '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 4 * 7)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 4 weeks', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 4 weeks', 'wpdev-booking')); break; case '30': if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } else { $scroll_day = 0; } $scroll_params = array('&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 4 * 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 7), '&scroll_day=0', '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 4 * 7)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 4 weeks', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 4 weeks', 'wpdev-booking')); break; default: // 365 if (!isset($_REQUEST['scroll_month'])) { $_REQUEST['scroll_month'] = 0; } $scroll_month = $_REQUEST['scroll_month']; $scroll_params = array('&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month - 3), '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month - 1), '&scroll_month=0', '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month + 1), '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month + 3)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 3 months', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 3 months', 'wpdev-booking')); break; } } else { // Matrix switch ($view_days_num) { case '1': //Day if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } else { $scroll_day = 0; } $scroll_params = array('&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 1), '&scroll_day=0', '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 1), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 7)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 7 days', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous day', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current day', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next day', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 7 days', 'wpdev-booking')); break; case '7': //Week if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } else { $scroll_day = 0; } $scroll_params = array('&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 4 * 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day - 7), '&scroll_day=0', '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 7), '&scroll_day=' . intval($scroll_day + 4 * 7)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 4 weeks', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next week', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 4 weeks', 'wpdev-booking')); break; case '30': case '60': case '90': //3 months if (!isset($_REQUEST['scroll_month'])) { $_REQUEST['scroll_month'] = 0; } $scroll_month = $_REQUEST['scroll_month']; $scroll_params = array('&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month - 3), '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month - 1), '&scroll_month=0', '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month + 1), '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month + 3)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 3 months', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 3 months', 'wpdev-booking')); break; default: // 30, 60, 90... if (!isset($_REQUEST['scroll_month'])) { $_REQUEST['scroll_month'] = 0; } $scroll_month = $_REQUEST['scroll_month']; $scroll_params = array('&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month - 3), '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month - 1), '&scroll_month=0', '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month + 1), '&scroll_month=' . intval($scroll_month + 3)); $scroll_titles = array(__('Previous 3 months', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Previous month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Current month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next month', 'wpdev-booking'), __('Next 3 months', 'wpdev-booking')); break; } } $bk_admin_url = get_params_in_url(array('scroll_month', 'scroll_day')); ?> <div class="btn-toolbar"> <div class="btn-group"> <a data-original-title="<?php echo $scroll_titles[0]; ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button button-secondary " href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url . $scroll_params[0] . ''; ?> " /><i class="icon-backward"></i></a> <a data-original-title="<?php echo $scroll_titles[1]; ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button button-secondary" href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url . $scroll_params[1] . ''; ?> " /><i class="icon-chevron-left"></i></a> <?php $bk_admin_url_today = get_params_in_url(array('scroll_month', 'scroll_day', 'scroll_start_date')); wpdevbk_date_selection_for_navigation('start_date_selection_in_navigation', $bk_admin_url_today, $scroll_titles, $scroll_params); ?> <!-- <a data-original-title="<?php echo $scroll_titles[2]; ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top btn btn" href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url . $scroll_params[2]; ?> " /><i class="icon-screenshot"></i></a>--> <a data-original-title="<?php echo $scroll_titles[3]; ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button button-secondary" href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url . $scroll_params[3] . ''; ?> " /><i class="icon-chevron-right"></i></a> <a data-original-title="<?php echo $scroll_titles[4]; ?> " rel="tooltip" class="tooltip_top button button-secondary" href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url . $scroll_params[4] . ''; ?> " /><i class="icon-forward"></i></a> </div> <p class="help-block" style="margin:27px 0 0;"><?php _e('Calendar Navigation', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </p> </div> <?php }
function wpdev_bk_timeline($dates_array, $bookings, $booking_types, $time_array_new = array()) { if (isset($_REQUEST['wh_booking_type']) && strpos($_REQUEST['wh_booking_type'], ',') !== false) { $is_show_resources_matrix = true; } else { $is_show_resources_matrix = false; } $scroll_day = 0; $scroll_month = 0; $start_year = date("Y"); // 2012 $start_month = date("m"); // 09 // Set the correct start date, if was selected the stard date different from the today in the Filters Tab. if (!empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { // scroll_start_date=2013-07-01 $scroll_start_date = explode('-', $_REQUEST['scroll_start_date']); $start_year = $scroll_start_date[0]; //2012 $start_month = $scroll_start_date[1]; //09 $start_day = $scroll_start_date[2]; //date("d");//1; //31 } $view_days_num = $_REQUEST['view_days_num']; // Get start date and number of rows, which is depend from the view days mode //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Start Date and Scroll Day/Month Variables /////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($is_show_resources_matrix) { // MATRIX VIEW //debuge($_REQUEST['wh_booking_type']); $bk_resources_id = explode(',', $_REQUEST['wh_booking_type']); $max_rows_number = count($bk_resources_id); //debuge($bk_resources_id); switch ($view_days_num) { case '1': if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = date("d"); } break; case '30': case '60': if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_month'])) { $scroll_month = $_REQUEST['scroll_month']; } if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = 1; } break; case '7': // 7 Week - start from Monday (or other start week day) if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = date("d"); } $start_week_day_num = date("w"); $start_day_weeek = get_bk_option('booking_start_day_weeek'); //[0]:Sun .. [6]:Sut if ($start_week_day_num != $start_day_weeek) { for ($d_inc = 1; $d_inc < 8; $d_inc++) { // Just get week back $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day - $d_inc, $start_year); $start_week_day_num = date("w", $real_date); if ($start_week_day_num == $start_day_weeek) { $start_day = date("d", $real_date); $start_year = date("Y", $real_date); $start_month = date("m", $real_date); $d_inc = 9; } } } break; default: //30 if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_month'])) { $scroll_month = $_REQUEST['scroll_month']; } if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = 1; } break; } } else { // SINGLE Resource VIEW switch ($view_days_num) { case '90': if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } else { $scroll_day = 0; } $max_rows_number = 12; if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = date("d"); } $start_week_day_num = date("w"); $start_day_weeek = get_bk_option('booking_start_day_weeek'); //[0]:Sun .. [6]:Sut if ($start_week_day_num != $start_day_weeek) { for ($d_inc = 1; $d_inc < 8; $d_inc++) { // Just get week back $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day - $d_inc, $start_year); $start_week_day_num = date("w", $real_date); if ($start_week_day_num == $start_day_weeek) { $start_day = date("d", $real_date); $start_year = date("Y", $real_date); $start_month = date("m", $real_date); $d_inc = 9; } } } break; case '365': if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_month'])) { $scroll_month = $_REQUEST['scroll_month']; } else { $scroll_month = 0; } $max_rows_number = 12; if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = 1; } break; default: // 30 if (isset($_REQUEST['scroll_day'])) { $scroll_day = $_REQUEST['scroll_day']; } else { $scroll_day = 0; } $max_rows_number = 31; if (empty($_REQUEST['scroll_start_date'])) { $start_day = date("d"); } break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <div class="bookings_overview_in_calendar_frame"> <table class="bookings_overview_in_calendar booking_table table table-striped" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th style="width:200px;"><?php if ($is_show_resources_matrix) { _e('Resources', 'wpdev-booking'); } ?> </th> <th style="text-align:center;"><?php _e('Dates', 'wpdev-booking'); //wpdev_calendar_overview_buttons_navigations(); ?> </th> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr> <tr> <td class="bk_resource_selector"></td> <td style="padding:0px;"><?php // Header above the calendar table $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day, $start_year); if ($is_show_resources_matrix) { // MATRIX VIEW switch ($view_days_num) { // Set real start date for the each rows in calendar case '1': case '7': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $scroll_day, $start_year); break; case '30': case '60': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month + $scroll_month, $start_day, $start_year); break; default: // 30 $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month + $scroll_month, $start_day, $start_year); break; } } else { // Single Resource View switch ($view_days_num) { // Set real start date for the each rows in calendar case '90': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $scroll_day, $start_year); break; case '365': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month + $scroll_month, $start_day, $start_year); break; default: // 30 $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $scroll_day, $start_year); break; } } wpdev_bk_timeline_header_row($real_date); ?> </td> </tr><?php for ($d_inc = 0; $d_inc < $max_rows_number; $d_inc++) { // Ger Start Date to real_date variabale ///////////////////// if ($is_show_resources_matrix) { // MATRIX VIEW switch ($view_days_num) { // Set real start date for the each rows in calendar case '1': case '7': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $scroll_day, $start_year); break; case '30': case '90': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month + $scroll_month, $start_day, $start_year); break; default: // 30 $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month + $scroll_month, $start_day, $start_year); break; } } else { // Single Resource View switch ($view_days_num) { // Set real start date for the each rows in calendar case '90': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $d_inc * 7 + $scroll_day, $start_year); break; case '365': $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month + $d_inc + $scroll_month, $start_day, $start_year); break; default: // 30 $real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $d_inc + $scroll_day, $start_year); break; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ?> <tr> <td style="border-right:2px solid #CC5544;"> <div class="resource_title"><?php // Title in first collumn of the each row in calendar ////// if ($is_show_resources_matrix && isset($bk_resources_id[$d_inc]) && isset($booking_types[$bk_resources_id[$d_inc]])) { // Matrix - resource titles $resource_value = $booking_types[$bk_resources_id[$d_inc]]; $bk_admin_url = get_params_in_url(array('wh_booking_type')); ?> <div class="resource_title <?php if (isset($resource_value->parent)) { if ($resource_value->parent == 0) { echo 'parent'; } else { echo 'child'; } } ?> "> <a href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url . '&wh_booking_type=' . $bk_resources_id[$d_inc]; ?> " /><?php echo $resource_value->title; ?> </a> </div><?php } else { // Single Resource - Dates titles switch ($view_days_num) { case '90': $end_real_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $start_month, $start_day + $d_inc * 7 + $scroll_day + 6, $start_year); $date_format = ' j, Y'; //get_bk_option( 'booking_date_format'); echo __(date_i18n("M", $real_date)) . date($date_format, $real_date) . ' - ' . __(date_i18n("M", $end_real_date)) . date($date_format, $end_real_date); break; case '365': echo __(date("F", $real_date)) . ', ' . date("Y", $real_date); break; default: // 30 $date_format = 'd / m / Y'; echo __(date("D", $real_date)) . ', ' . date($date_format, $real_date); break; } } ?> </div> </td> <td style="padding:0px;"> <div class="resource_dates"><?php if ($is_show_resources_matrix) { $resource_id = $bk_resources_id[$d_inc]; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['wh_booking_type'])) { $resource_id = $_REQUEST['wh_booking_type']; } elseif (isset($_GET['booking_type'])) { $resource_id = $_GET['booking_type']; } else { $resource_id = ''; } } wpdev_bk_timeline_booking_row($resource_id, $real_date, array($dates_array, $bookings, $booking_types, $time_array_new)); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table></div><?php }
function wpdevbk_show_pagination($summ_number_of_items, $active_page_num, $num_items_per_page, $only_these_parameters = false) { if (empty($num_items_per_page)) { $num_items_per_page = '10'; } $pages_number = ceil($summ_number_of_items / $num_items_per_page); if ($pages_number < 2) { return; } $bk_admin_url = get_params_in_url(array('page_num'), $only_these_parameters); ?> <div class="pagination pagination-centered" style="height:auto;"> <ul> <?php if ($pages_number > 1) { ?> <li <?php if ($active_page_num == 1) { echo ' class="disabled" '; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url; ?> &page_num=<?php if ($active_page_num == 1) { echo $active_page_num; } else { echo $active_page_num - 1; } ?> "> <?php _e('Prev', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php for ($pg_num = 1; $pg_num <= $pages_number; $pg_num++) { ?> <li <?php if ($pg_num == $active_page_num) { echo ' class="active" '; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url; ?> &page_num=<?php echo $pg_num; ?> "> <?php echo $pg_num; ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php if ($pages_number > 1) { ?> <li <?php if ($active_page_num == $pages_number) { echo ' class="disabled" '; } ?> > <a href="<?php echo $bk_admin_url; ?> &page_num=<?php if ($active_page_num == $pages_number) { echo $active_page_num; } else { echo $active_page_num + 1; } ?> "> <?php _e('Next', 'wpdev-booking'); ?> </a> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> </div> <?php }