function mono_display_fetch_data() { global $dbh; $requete = "SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id='" . $this->notice_id . "' "; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $this->notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); } $this->langues = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 0); // langues de la publication $this->languesorg = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 1); // langues originales //Récupération titre de série if ($this->notice->tparent_id) { $parent = new serie($this->notice->tparent_id); $this->tit_serie = $parent->name; $this->tit_serie_lien_gestion = $parent->isbd_entry_lien_gestion; } $this->isbn = $this->notice->code; return pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery); }
function fetch_analysis_data() { global $dbh; global $fonction_auteur; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query("SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id='" . $this->analysis_id . "' LIMIT 1", $dbh); $myAnalysis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); // type du document $this->analysis_typdoc = $myAnalysis->typdoc; // statut $this->analysis_statut = $myAnalysis->statut; $this->analysis_commentaire_gestion = $myAnalysis->commentaire_gestion; $this->analysis_thumbnail_url = $myAnalysis->thumbnail_url; // mentions de titre $this->analysis_tit1 = $myAnalysis->tit1; $this->analysis_tit2 = $myAnalysis->tit2; $this->analysis_tit3 = $myAnalysis->tit3; $this->analysis_tit4 = $myAnalysis->tit4; // libelle des auteurs $this->responsabilites_dep = get_notice_authors($this->analysis_id); // Mention de pagination $this->analysis_pages = $myAnalysis->npages; // zone des notes $this->analysis_n_gen = $myAnalysis->n_gen; $this->analysis_n_contenu = $myAnalysis->n_contenu; $this->analysis_n_resume = $myAnalysis->n_resume; // mise à jour des catégories $this->analysis_categories = get_notice_categories($this->analysis_id); // indexation interne if ($myAnalysis->indexint) { $this->analysis_indexint = $myAnalysis->indexint; $indexint = new indexint($this->analysis_indexint); if ($indexint->comment) { $this->analysis_indexint_lib = $indexint->name . " - " . $indexint->comment; } else { $this->analysis_indexint_lib = $indexint->name; } } // indexation libre $this->analysis_index_l = $myAnalysis->index_l; // libelle des langues $this->analysis_langues = get_notice_langues($this->analysis_id, 0); // langues de la publication $this->analysis_languesorg = get_notice_langues($this->analysis_id, 1); // langues originales $this->analysis_indexation_lang = $myAnalysis->indexation_lang; $this->analysis_is_new = $myAnalysis->notice_is_new; $this->analysis_date_is_new = $myAnalysis->notice_date_is_new; $this->notice_link = array(); //liens vers autres notices $requete = "SELECT * FROM notices_relations WHERE num_notice=" . $this->analysis_id . " OR linked_notice=" . $this->analysis_id . " ORDER BY rank"; $result_rel = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_rel)) { $i = 0; while ($r_rel = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_rel)) { if ($r_rel->linked_notice == $this->analysis_id) { //notice en cours est notice fille $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['relation_direction'] = 'down'; $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['id_notice'] = $r_rel->num_notice; $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['title_notice'] = $this->get_notice_title($r_rel->num_notice); $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['rank'] = $r_rel->rank; $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['relation_type'] = $r_rel->relation_type; } elseif ($r_rel->num_notice == $this->analysis_id) { //notice en cours est notice mere $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['relation_direction'] = 'up'; $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['id_notice'] = $r_rel->linked_notice; $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['title_notice'] = $this->get_notice_title($r_rel->linked_notice); $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['rank'] = $r_rel->rank; $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['relation_type'] = $r_rel->relation_type; } $i++; } } // lien vers une ressource électronique $this->analysis_lien = $myAnalysis->lien; if ($this->analysis_lien) { $this->analysis_eformat = $myAnalysis->eformat; } else { $this->analysis_eformat = ""; } $this->analysis_create_date = $myAnalysis->create_date; $this->analysis_update_date = $myAnalysis->update_date; return $myQuery->nbr_rows; }
function serial_display($id, $level = '1', $action_serial = '', $action_analysis = '', $action_bulletin = '', $lien_suppr_cart = "", $lien_explnum = "", $bouton_explnum = 1, $print = 0, $show_explnum = 1, $show_statut = 0, $show_opac_hidden_fields = true, $draggable = 0, $ajax_mode = 0, $anti_loop = '', $no_link = false, $show_map = 1) { global $pmb_recherche_ajax_mode; $this->show_map = $show_map; if ($pmb_recherche_ajax_mode) { $this->ajax_mode = $ajax_mode; if ($this->ajax_mode) { if (is_object($id)) { $param['id'] = $id->notice_id; } else { $param['id'] = $id; } $param['function_to_call'] = "serial_display"; //if($level)$param['level']=$level; //6 if ($action_serial) { $param['action_serial'] = $action_serial; } if ($action_analysis) { $param['action_analysis'] = $action_analysis; } if ($action_bulletin) { $param['action_bulletin'] = $action_bulletin; } // if($lien_suppr_cart)$param['lien_suppr_cart']=$lien_suppr_cart; if ($lien_explnum) { $param['lien_explnum'] = $lien_explnum; } if ($bouton_explnum) { $param['bouton_explnum'] = $bouton_explnum; } if ($print) { $param['print'] = $print; } // if($show_explnum)$param['show_explnum']=$show_explnum; //if($show_statut)$param['show_statut']=$show_statut; //if($show_opac_hidden_fields)$param['show_opac_hidden_fields']=$show_opac_hidden_fields; //if($draggable)$param['draggable']=$draggable;//1 $this->mono_display_cmd = serialize($param); } } $this->lien_explnum = $lien_explnum; $this->bouton_explnum = $bouton_explnum; $this->print_mode = $print; $this->show_explnum = $show_explnum; $this->show_statut = $show_statut; $this->anti_loop = $anti_loop; $this->no_link = $no_link; if (!$id) { return; } else { if (is_object($id)) { $this->notice_id = $id->notice_id; $this->notice = $id; } else { $this->notice_id = $id; $this->serial_display_fetch_data(); } } $this->show_opac_hidden_fields = $show_opac_hidden_fields; if (!$this->ajax_mode) { $this->p_perso = new parametres_perso("notices"); } $this->responsabilites = get_notice_authors($this->notice_id); // mise à jour des catégories if (!$this->ajax_mode) { $this->categories = get_notice_categories($this->notice_id); } //récupération des langues $this->langues = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 0); // langues de la publication $this->languesorg = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 1); // langues originales $this->level = $level; $this->lien_suppr_cart = $lien_suppr_cart; // si la notice est a2 (dépouillement), on récupère les données du bulletinage if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $this->notice->niveau_hierar == 2) { $this->get_bul_info(); } // mise à jour des liens if (SESSrights & CATALOGAGE_AUTH) { $this->action_serial_org = $action_serial; $this->action_analysis = $action_analysis; $this->action_bulletin = $action_bulletin; if ($action_serial && $this->notice->niveau_biblio == 's' && $this->notice->niveau_hierar == '1') { $this->action_serial = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->notice_id, $action_serial); } if ($action_analysis && $this->notice->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $this->notice->niveau_hierar == '2') { $this->action_analysis = str_replace('!!id!!', $this->notice_id, $this->action_analysis); $this->action_analysis = str_replace('!!bul_id!!', $this->bul_id, $this->action_analysis); } $this->lien_explnum = str_replace('!!serial_id!!', $this->notice_id, $this->lien_explnum); $this->lien_explnum = str_replace('!!analysis_id!!', $this->notice_id, $this->lien_explnum); $this->lien_explnum = str_replace('!!bul_id!!', $this->bul_id, $this->lien_explnum); $this->drag = $draggable; } else { $this->action_serial_org = ""; $this->action_analysis = ""; $this->action_bulletin = ""; $this->action_serial = ""; $this->lien_explnum = ""; $this->drag = ""; } $this->do_header(); if ($level) { $this->init_javascript(); } $this->isbd = 'ISBD'; if (!$this->ajax_mode) { $this->childs = array(); $requete = "select num_notice as notice_id,relation_type from notices_relations,notices where linked_notice=" . $this->notice_id . " and num_notice=notice_id order by relation_type, rank,create_date"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { while ($r = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $this->childs[$r->relation_type][] = $r->notice_id; } } } switch ($level) { case 0: // là, c'est le niveau 0 : juste le header //$this->do_header(); $this->result = $this->header; break; default: global $pmb_map_activate; $this->map = array(); if ($pmb_map_activate) { $ids[] = $this->notice_id; $this->map = new map_objects_controler(TYPE_RECORD, $ids); $this->map_info = new map_info($this->notice_id); } // niveau 1 et plus : header + isbd à générer //$this->do_header(); if (!$this->ajax_mode) { $this->do_isbd(); } if (!$this->ajax_mode) { $this->finalize(); } break; } return; }
function fetch_data() { global $base_path, $charset; global $opac_show_book_pics; global $opac_book_pics_url; global $opac_book_pics_msg; global $opac_url_base, $use_opac_url_base; global $opac_sur_location_activate; global $fonction_auteur, $msg; global $tdoc, $icon_doc, $biblio_doc; global $pmb_map_activate; global $pmb_url_base; if (!$this->notice_id) { return false; } //Recuperation des infos de la notice $requete = "select * from notices where notice_id=" . $this->notice_id; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $res = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat); $this->notice = $res; $this->memo_isbn = $this->notice->code; $this->memo_typdoc = $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]; //Icone type de Document $icon = $icon_doc[$this->notice->niveau_biblio . $this->notice->typdoc]; if ($icon) { $info_bulle_icon = $biblio_doc[$this->notice->niveau_biblio] . " : " . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc]; if ($use_opac_url_base) { $this->memo_icondoc = "<img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/{$icon}\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" align='top' />"; } else { $this->memo_icondoc = "<img src=\"" . $pmb_url_base . "images/{$icon}\" alt=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" title=\"{$info_bulle_icon}\" align='top' />"; } } if ($use_opac_url_base) { if (isset($_SESSION["cart"]) && in_array($this->notice_id, $_SESSION["cart"])) { $this->memo_iconcart = "<span id='baskets" . $this->notice_id . "'><a href='#' class=\"img_basket_exist\" title=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket_exist'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/basket_exist.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket_exist'] . "\" /></a></span>"; } else { $title = $this->notice_header; if (!$title) { $title = $this->notice->tit1; } $this->memo_iconcart = "<span id='baskets" . $this->notice_id . "'><a href=\"cart_info.php?id=" . $this->notice_id . "&header=" . rawurlencode(strip_tags($title)) . "\" target=\"cart_info\" class=\"img_basket\" title=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $opac_url_base . "images/basket_small_20x20.gif\" border=\"0\" title=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket'] . "\" alt=\"" . $msg['notice_title_basket'] . "\" /></a></span>"; } } else { $this->memo_iconcart = "<img src=\"" . $pmb_url_base . "images/basket_small_20x20.gif\" align='absmiddle' border='0' title='" . $msg["400"] . "' alt='" . $msg["400"] . "' />"; } $this->niveau_biblio = $this->notice->niveau_biblio; $this->niveau_hierar = $this->notice->niveau_hierar; //Recherche des infos du périodique $this->fetch_analysis_info(); //Recherche des etats de collection $this->fetch_collstate(); //Titres //Titre de serie et composition du titre $this->memo_series[] = array(); if ($res->tparent_id) { $requete = "select * from series where serie_id=" . $res->tparent_id; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($serie = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $this->memo_series[] = $serie; $this->memo_titre = $serie->serie_name; $this->memo_titre_serie = $serie->serie_name; $this->isbd = $this->serie_name; if ($this->notice->tnvol) { $this->memo_titre .= ', ' . $res->tnvol; $this->memo_titre_serie .= ', ' . $res->tnvol; $this->isbd .= ', ' . $this->tnvol; } } } elseif ($this->notice->tnvol) { $this->memo_titre .= $res->tnvol; } $this->memo_titre ? $this->memo_titre .= '. ' . $res->tit1 : ($this->memo_titre = $res->tit1); $this->isbd ? $this->isbd .= '. ' . $this->notice->tit1 : ($this->isbd = $this->notice->tit1); $tit2 = $this->notice->tit2; $tit3 = $this->notice->tit3; $tit4 = $this->notice->tit4; if ($tit3) { $this->isbd .= " = {$tit3}"; } if ($tit4) { $this->isbd .= " : {$tit4}"; } if ($tit2) { $this->isbd .= " ; {$tit2}"; } $this->isbd .= ' [' . $tdoc->table[$this->notice->typdoc] . ']'; $this->memo_notice_bulletin = new stdClass(); $this->memo_bulletin = new stdClass(); if ($res->niveau_biblio == 'b') { $rqt = "select tit1, date_format(date_date, '" . $msg["format_date"] . "') as aff_date_date, bulletin_numero as num_bull,bulletin_notice from bulletins,notices where bulletins.num_notice='" . $this->notice_id . "' and notices.notice_id=bulletins.bulletin_notice"; $execute_query = pmb_mysql_query($rqt); $row = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($execute_query); $this->memo_titre .= " " . (!$row->aff_date_date ? sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"], $row->tit1) : sprintf($msg["bul_titre_perio"], $row->tit1 . ", " . $row->num_bull . " [" . $row->aff_date_date . "]")); // recherche editeur de la notice de perio $rqt_perio = "select * from notices where notice_id=" . $row->bulletin_notice; $execute_query_perio = pmb_mysql_query($rqt_perio); $row_perio = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($execute_query_perio); if (!$this->notice->ed1_id) { $this->notice->ed1_id = $row_perio->ed1_id; } //issn pour les notices de bulletin if (!$this->notice->code) { $this->memo_isbn = $row_perio->code; } } elseif ($res->niveau_biblio == 'a' && $res->niveau_hierar == 2) { $requete = "SELECT b.* "; $requete .= "from analysis a, notices b, bulletins c"; $requete .= " WHERE a.analysis_notice=" . $this->notice_id; $requete .= " AND c.bulletin_id=a.analysis_bulletin"; $requete .= " AND c.bulletin_notice=b.notice_id"; $requete .= " LIMIT 1"; $myQuery = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $row_perio = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); if (!$this->notice->ed1_id) { $this->notice->ed1_id = $row_perio->ed1_id; } //issn pour les notice de dépouillement if (!$this->notice->code) { $this->memo_isbn = $row_perio->code; } } // info du bulletin de ce dépouillement $req_bulletin = "SELECT c.* from analysis a, bulletins c WHERE c.bulletin_id=a.analysis_bulletin AND analysis_notice=" . $res->notice_id; $result_bull = pmb_mysql_query($req_bulletin); if ($bull = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_bull)) { $this->memo_bulletin = $bull; $this->memo_notice_bulletin = $bull; $this->bulletin_mention_date = $bull->mention_date; $this->bulletin_date_date = formatdate($bull->date_date); $this->bulletin_numero = $bull->bulletin_numero; } } $this->memo_complement_titre = $res->tit4; $this->memo_titre_parallele = $res->tit3; $this->memo_notice = $res; //mention d'édition $this->memo_mention_edition = $res->mention_edition; //Titre du pério pour les notices de bulletin if ($res->niveau_biblio == 'b' && $res->niveau_hierar == '2') { $req_bulletin = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero, tit1 as titre from bulletins, notices WHERE bulletin_notice=notice_id AND num_notice=" . $res->notice_id; $result_bull = pmb_mysql_query($req_bulletin); while ($bull = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_bull)) { $this->memo_notice_bulletin = $bull; $this->memo_bulletin = $bull; $this->serial_title = $bull->titre; $this->bulletin_mention_date = $bull->mention_date; $this->bulletin_date_date = formatdate($bull->date_date); $this->bulletin_numero = $bull->bulletin_numero; $this->bulletin_id = $bull->bulletin_id; } } //Langage $this->memo_lang = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 0); // langues de la publication $this->memo_lang_or = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 1); // langues originales //Auteurs $this->authors = array(); //Recherche des auteurs; $this->responsabilites = get_notice_authors($this->notice_id); $mention_resp = $mention_resp_1 = $mention_resp_2 = array(); $isbd_entry_1 = $isbd_entry_2 = array(); $as = array_search("0", $this->responsabilites["responsabilites"]); if ($as !== FALSE && $as !== NULL) { $auteur_0 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$as]; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_0["id"]); $auteur->fonction = $fonction_auteur[$auteur_0["fonction"]]; $this->authors[] = $auteur; if ($this->print_mode) { $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry; } else { $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry_lien_gestion; } if (!$this->print_mode) { $mention_resp_lib .= $auteur->author_web_link; } if ($auteur_0["fonction"]) { $mention_resp_lib .= ", " . $fonction_auteur[$auteur_0["fonction"]]; } $mention_resp[] = $mention_resp_lib; $this->memo_auteur_principal = $auteur->isbd_entry; } $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "1"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; $auteur_1 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_1["id"]); $auteur->fonction = $fonction_auteur[$auteur_1["fonction"]]; $this->authors[] = $auteur; if ($this->print_mode) { $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry; } else { $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry_lien_gestion; } if (!$this->print_mode) { $mention_resp_lib .= $auteur->author_web_link; } if ($auteur_1["fonction"]) { $mention_resp_lib .= ", " . $fonction_auteur[$auteur_1["fonction"]]; } $mention_resp[] = $mention_resp_lib; $mention_resp_1[] = $mention_resp_lib; $isbd_entry_1[] = $auteur->isbd_entry; } $this->memo_mention_resp_1 = implode("; ", $mention_resp_1); $this->memo_auteur_autre_tab = $isbd_entry_1; $this->memo_auteur_autre = implode("; ", $isbd_entry_1); $as = array_keys($this->responsabilites["responsabilites"], "2"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($as); $i++) { $indice = $as[$i]; $auteur_2 = $this->responsabilites["auteurs"][$indice]; $auteur = new auteur($auteur_2["id"]); $auteur->fonction = $fonction_auteur[$auteur_2["fonction"]]; $this->authors[] = $auteur; if ($this->print_mode) { $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry; } else { $mention_resp_lib = $auteur->isbd_entry_lien_gestion; } if (!$this->print_mode) { $mention_resp_lib .= $auteur->author_web_link; } if ($auteur_2["fonction"]) { $mention_resp_lib .= ", " . $fonction_auteur[$auteur_2["fonction"]]; } $mention_resp[] = $mention_resp_lib; $mention_resp_2[] = $mention_resp_lib; $isbd_entry_2[] = $auteur->isbd_entry; } $this->memo_mention_resp_2 = implode("; ", $mention_resp_2); $this->memo_auteur_secondaire_tab = $isbd_entry_2; $this->memo_auteur_secondaire = implode("; ", $isbd_entry_2); $this->memo_libelle_mention_resp = implode("; ", $mention_resp); if ($this->memo_libelle_mention_resp) { $this->isbd .= " / {$this->memo_libelle_mention_resp}"; } // on récupère la collection au passage, si besoin est if ($this->notice->subcoll_id) { $collection = new subcollection($this->notice->subcoll_id); $info = $this->get_info_editeur($collection->editeur); $this->memo_collection = $collection->isbd_entry; $this->memo_ed1 = $info["isbd_entry"]; $this->memo_ed1_name = $info["name"]; $this->memo_ed1_place = $info["place"]; $editeurs = $info["isbd_entry"]; } elseif ($this->notice->coll_id) { $collection = new collection($this->notice->coll_id); $info = $this->get_info_editeur($collection->parent); $this->memo_collection = $collection->isbd_entry; $this->memo_ed1 = $info["isbd_entry"]; $this->memo_ed1_name = $info["name"]; $this->memo_ed1_place = $info["place"]; $editeurs = $info["isbd_entry"]; } elseif ($this->notice->ed1_id) { $info = $this->get_info_editeur($this->notice->ed1_id); $this->memo_ed1 = $info["isbd_entry"]; $this->memo_ed1_name = $info["name"]; $this->memo_ed1_place = $info["place"]; $editeurs = $info["isbd_entry"]; } if ($this->notice->ed2_id) { $info = $this->get_info_editeur($this->notice->ed2_id); $this->memo_ed2 = $info["isbd_entry"]; $this->memo_ed2_name = $info["name"]; $this->memo_ed2_place = $info["place"]; $editeurs ? $editeurs .= ' ; ' . $info["isbd_entry"] : ($editeurs = $info["isbd_entry"]); } if ($this->notice->year) { $editeurs ? $editeurs .= ', ' . $this->notice->year : ($editeurs = $this->notice->year); } elseif ($this->notice->niveau_biblio != 'b') { $editeurs ? $editeurs .= ', [s.d.]' : ($editeurs = "[s.d.]"); } $this->memo_year = $this->notice->year; if ($editeurs) { $this->isbd .= ". - {$editeurs}"; } // zone de la collation (ne concerne que a2) if ($this->notice->npages) { $collation = $this->notice->npages; } if ($this->notice->ill) { $collation .= ': ' . $this->notice->ill; } if ($this->notice->size) { $collation .= '; ' . $this->notice->size; } if ($this->notice->accomp) { $collation .= '+ ' . $this->notice->accomp; } if ($collation) { $this->isbd .= ". - {$collation}"; } $this->memo_collation = $collation; // map $this->memo_map_isbd = ""; $this->memo_map_id = 0; $this->memo_map_echelle = ""; $this->memo_map_projection = ""; $this->memo_map_ref = ""; $this->memo_map_equinoxe = ""; $this->memo_map = ""; if ($pmb_map_activate) { $ids[] = $this->notice_id; $this->map = new map_objects_controler(TYPE_RECORD, $ids); $this->map_info = new map_info($this->notice_id); $this->memo_map_isbd = $this->map_info->get_isbd(); if ($this->memo_map_isbd) { $this->isbd .= ". - " . $this->memo_map_isbd; } $this->memo_map_id = $this->map_info->map['id']; $this->memo_map_echelle = $this->map_info->map['echelle']; $this->memo_map_projection = $this->map_info->map['projection']; $this->memo_map_ref = $this->map_info->map['ref']; $this->memo_map_equinoxe = $this->map_info->map['equinoxe']; $this->memo_map = $this->map->get_map(); } //Recherche du code dewey $requete = "select * from indexint where indexint_id=" . $res->indexint; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($code_dewey = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $this->memo_dewey = $code_dewey; } if ($collections = $this->memo_collection) { if ($this->notice->nocoll) { $collections .= '; ' . $this->notice->nocoll; } $this->isbd .= ". - ({$collections})" . ' '; } if (substr(trim($this->isbd), -1) != ".") { $this->isbd .= '.'; } //Traitement des exemplaires $this->memo_exemplaires = array(); $requete = "select expl_id, expl_cb, expl_cote, expl_statut,statut_libelle, expl_typdoc, tdoc_libelle, expl_note, expl_comment, expl_section, section_libelle, "; $requete .= "expl_owner, lender_libelle, expl_codestat, codestat_libelle, expl_date_retour, expl_date_depot, expl_note, pret_flag, expl_location, location_libelle, expl_prix "; if ($opac_sur_location_activate) { $requete .= ", ifnull(surloc_id,0) as surloc_id, ifnull(surloc_libelle,'') as surloc_libelle "; } $requete .= "from exemplaires, docs_statut, docs_type, docs_section, docs_codestat, lenders, docs_location "; if ($opac_sur_location_activate) { $requete .= "left join sur_location on surloc_num=surloc_id "; } $requete .= "where expl_notice=" . $res->notice_id . " and expl_statut=idstatut and expl_typdoc=idtyp_doc and expl_section=idsection and expl_owner=idlender and expl_codestat=idcode "; $requete .= "and expl_location=idlocation "; $requete .= "union "; $requete .= "select expl_id, expl_cb, expl_cote, expl_statut,statut_libelle, expl_typdoc, tdoc_libelle, expl_note, expl_comment, expl_section, section_libelle, "; $requete .= "expl_owner, lender_libelle, expl_codestat, codestat_libelle, expl_date_retour, expl_date_depot, expl_note, pret_flag, expl_location, location_libelle, expl_prix "; if ($opac_sur_location_activate) { $requete .= ", ifnull(surloc_id,0) as surloc_id, ifnull(surloc_libelle,'') as surloc_libelle "; } $requete .= "from exemplaires, bulletins, docs_statut, docs_type, docs_section, docs_codestat, lenders, docs_location "; if ($opac_sur_location_activate) { $requete .= "left join sur_location on surloc_num=surloc_id "; } $requete .= "where bulletins.num_notice=" . $res->notice_id . " and expl_bulletin=bulletin_id and expl_statut=idstatut and expl_typdoc=idtyp_doc and expl_section=idsection and expl_owner=idlender and expl_codestat=idcode "; $requete .= "and expl_location=idlocation"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); while ($ex = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { //Champs perso d'exemplaires $parametres_perso = array(); $mes_pp = new parametres_perso("expl"); if (!$mes_pp->no_special_fields) { $mes_pp->get_values($ex->expl_id); $values = $mes_pp->values; foreach ($values as $field_id => $vals) { $parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["TITRE"] = $mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["TITRE"]; foreach ($vals as $value) { $parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["VALUE"][] = $mes_pp->get_formatted_output(array($value), $field_id); } } } $ex->parametres_perso = $parametres_perso; $this->memo_exemplaires[] = $ex; } //Descripteurs $requete = "SELECT libelle_categorie FROM categories, notices_categories WHERE notcateg_notice=" . $res->notice_id . " and categories.num_noeud = notices_categories.num_noeud ORDER BY ordre_categorie"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $this->memo_categories = array(); while ($cat = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $this->memo_categories[] = $cat; } $authperso = new authperso_notice($this->notice_id); $this->memo_authperso_all_isbd .= $authperso->get_notice_display(); $this->memo_authperso_all_isbd_list = $authperso->get_notice_display_list(); foreach ($authperso->auth_info as $fields) { foreach ($fields["info_fields"] as $field) { if (is_array($field["values"]) && count($field["values"])) { $tvalues = array(); foreach ($field["values"] as $values) { $tvalues[] = $values["format_value"]; } $this->parametres_auth_perso[$field["name"]]["TITRE"][] = $field["label"]; $this->parametres_auth_perso[$field["name"]]["VALUE"][] = $tvalues; } } } //Champs perso de notice traite par la table notice_custom $mes_pp = new parametres_perso("notices"); $mes_pp->get_values($res->notice_id); $values = $mes_pp->values; $this->parametres_perso = array(); foreach ($values as $field_id => $vals) { $this->parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["TITRE"] = $mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["TITRE"]; foreach ($vals as $value) { $this->parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["VALUE"][] = $mes_pp->get_formatted_output(array($value), $field_id); $this->parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["VALUE_IN_DATABASE"][] = $value; } } //Notices liées, relations entre notices //les notices mères $requete = "SELECT num_notice, linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where num_notice=" . $res->notice_id . " order by num_notice, rank asc"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $i = 0; while ($notice_fille = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $this->memo_notice_mere[$i] = $notice_fille->linked_notice; $this->memo_notice_mere_relation_type[$i] = $notice_fille->relation_type; $i++; } // les notices filles $requete = "SELECT num_notice, linked_notice, relation_type, rank from notices_relations where linked_notice=" . $res->notice_id . " order by num_notice, rank asc"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); $i = 0; while ($notice_mere = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $this->memo_notice_fille[$i] = $notice_mere->num_notice; $this->memo_notice_fille_relation_type[$i] = $notice_mere->relation_type; $i++; } // liens vers les périodiques pour les notices d'article $req_perio_link = "SELECT notice_id, tit1, code from bulletins,analysis,notices WHERE bulletin_notice=notice_id and bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin and analysis_notice=" . $res->notice_id; $result_perio_link = pmb_mysql_query($req_perio_link); while ($notice_perio_link = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_perio_link)) { $this->memo_notice_article[] = $notice_perio_link->notice_id; } // bulletinage pour les notices de pério $req_bulletinage = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins, notices WHERE bulletin_notice = notice_id AND notice_id=" . $res->notice_id; $result_bulletinage = pmb_mysql_query($req_bulletinage); while ($notice_bulletinage = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_bulletinage)) { $this->memo_bulletinage[] = $notice_bulletinage->bulletin_id; } // liens vers les bulletins pour les notices d'article $req_bull_link = "SELECT bulletin_id, bulletin_numero, date_date, mention_date, bulletin_titre, bulletin_numero from bulletins, analysis WHERE bulletin_id=analysis_bulletin and analysis_notice=" . $res->notice_id; $result_bull_link = pmb_mysql_query($req_bull_link); while ($notice_bull_link = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_bull_link)) { $this->memo_article_bulletinage[] = $notice_bull_link->bulletin_id; } $paramaff["mine_type"] = 1; $this->memo_explnum_assoc = show_explnum_per_notice($res->notice_id, 0, "", $paramaff); if ($this->notice->code || $this->notice->thumbnail_url) { if ($opac_show_book_pics == '1' && ($opac_book_pics_url || $this->notice->thumbnail_url)) { $code_chiffre = pmb_preg_replace('/-|\\.| /', '', $this->notice->code); $url_image = $opac_book_pics_url; $url_image = $opac_url_base . "getimage.php?url_image=" . urlencode($url_image) . "&noticecode=!!noticecode!!&vigurl=" . urlencode($this->notice->thumbnail_url); if ($this->notice->thumbnail_url) { $url_image_ok = $this->notice->thumbnail_url; $title_image_ok = ""; } else { $url_image_ok = str_replace("!!noticecode!!", $code_chiffre, $url_image); $title_image_ok = htmlentities($opac_book_pics_msg, ENT_QUOTES, $charset); } $this->memo_image = "<img class='vignetteimg' src='" . $url_image_ok . "' title=\"" . $title_image_ok . "\" align='right' hspace='4' vspace='2' style='max-width : 140px; max-height: 200px;' >"; $this->memo_url_image = $url_image_ok; } else { $this->memo_image = ""; $this->memo_url_image = ""; } } //calcul du permalink... if ($this->notice->niveau_biblio != "b") { $this->permalink = $opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=notice_display&id=" . $this->notice_id; } else { $this->permalink = $opac_url_base . "index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=" . $this->bulletin_id; } //Traitement des avis $this->memo_avis = array(); $requete = "SELECT id_avis,note,sujet,commentaire,DATE_FORMAT(dateajout,'" . $msg['format_date'] . "') as ladate,empr_login,empr_nom, empr_prenom, valide\n\t\tfrom avis left join empr on id_empr=num_empr where num_notice='" . $res->notice_id . "' and valide=1 order by avis_rank, dateajout desc"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($resultat) { while ($avis = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $avis->note_textuelle = $msg['avis_detail_note_' . $avis->note]; if ($charset != "utf-8") { $avis->commentaire = cp1252Toiso88591($avis->commentaire); } $avis->commentaire = do_bbcode($avis->commentaire); $this->memo_avis[] = $avis; } } //Titres uniformes $requete = "select * from notices_titres_uniformes where ntu_num_notice=" . $res->notice_id . " order by ntu_ordre"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { while ($tu = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat)) { $tu_memo = new titre_uniforme($tu->ntu_num_tu); $tu_memo->parametres_perso = array(); $mes_pp = new parametres_perso("tu"); $mes_pp->get_values($tu->ntu_num_tu); $values = $mes_pp->values; foreach ($values as $field_id => $vals) { $tu_memo->parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["TITRE"] = $mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["TITRE"]; foreach ($vals as $value) { $tu_memo->parametres_perso[$mes_pp->t_fields[$field_id]["NAME"]]["VALUE"][] = $mes_pp->get_formatted_output(array($value), $field_id); } } $this->memo_tu[] = $tu_memo; } } //statut $this->memo_statut['id_notice_statut'] = $res->statut; $this->memo_statut['gestion_statut_libelle'] = ''; $this->memo_statut['opac_statut_libelle'] = ''; if ($this->memo_statut['id_notice_statut']) { $requete = "SELECT * FROM notice_statut WHERE id_notice_statut=" . $this->memo_statut['id_notice_statut'] * 1; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if ($resultat) { $statut = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($resultat); $this->memo_statut['gestion_statut_libelle'] = $statut->gestion_libelle; $this->memo_statut['opac_statut_libelle'] = $statut->opac_libelle; } } return true; }
function notice($id = 0, $cb = '') { global $dbh; global $msg; global $include_path, $class_path; global $deflt_notice_is_new; //On nettoie la variable de liens entre notices $this->notice_link = array(); if ($id) { $fonction = new marc_list('function'); $this->id = $id; $this->libelle_form = $msg[278]; // libelle du form : modification d'une notice $requete = "SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id='{$id}' LIMIT 1 "; $result = @pmb_mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if ($result) { $notice = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result); $this->type_doc = $notice->typdoc; // type du document $this->tit1 = $notice->tit1; // titre propre $this->tit2 = $notice->tit2; // titre propre 2 $this->tit3 = $notice->tit3; // titre parallele $this->tit4 = $notice->tit4; // complement du titre $this->tparent_id = $notice->tparent_id; // id du titre parent // libelle du titre parent if ($this->tparent_id) { $serie = new serie($this->tparent_id); $this->tparent = $serie->name; } else { $this->tparent = ''; } $this->tnvol = $notice->tnvol; // numero de partie $this->responsabilites = get_notice_authors($this->id); $this->subcoll_id = $notice->subcoll_id; // id sous collection $this->coll_id = $notice->coll_id; // id collection $this->ed1_id = $notice->ed1_id; // id editeur 1 require_once "{$class_path}/editor.class.php"; if ($this->subcoll_id) { require_once "{$class_path}/subcollection.class.php"; require_once "{$class_path}/collection.class.php"; $collection = new subcollection($this->subcoll_id); $this->subcoll = $collection->name; } if ($this->coll_id) { require_once "{$class_path}/collection.class.php"; $collection = new collection($this->coll_id); $this->coll = $collection->name; } if ($this->ed1_id) { $editeur = new editeur($this->ed1_id); $this->ed1 = $editeur->display; } $this->year = $notice->year; // annee de publication $this->nocoll = $notice->nocoll; // no. dans la collection $this->mention_edition = $notice->mention_edition; // mention d'edition (1ere, deuxieme...) $this->ed2_id = $notice->ed2_id; // id editeur 2 if ($this->ed2_id) { // libelle editeur 2 $editeur = new editeur($this->ed2_id); $this->ed2 = $editeur->display; } $this->code = $notice->code; // ISBN, code barre commercial ou no. commercial $this->npages = $notice->npages; // importance materielle (nombre de pages, d'elements...) $this->ill = $notice->ill; // mention d'illustration $this->size = $notice->size; // format $this->prix = $notice->prix; // Prix du document $this->accomp = $notice->accomp; // materiel d'accompagnement $this->n_gen = $notice->n_gen; // note generale $this->n_contenu = $notice->n_contenu; // note de contenu $this->n_resume = $notice->n_resume; // resume/extrait $this->categories = get_notice_categories($this->id); $this->indexint = $notice->indexint; // indexation interne $this->index_l = $notice->index_l; // indexation libre $this->langues = get_notice_langues($this->id, 0); // langues de la publication $this->languesorg = get_notice_langues($this->id, 1); // langues originales $this->lien = $notice->lien; // URL de la ressource electronique associee $this->eformat = $notice->eformat; // format de la ressource electronique associee $this->biblio_level = $notice->niveau_biblio; // niveau bibliographique $this->hierar_level = $notice->niveau_hierar; // niveau hierarchique $this->statut = $notice->statut; $this->date_parution = notice::get_date_parution($notice->year); $this->indexation_lang = $notice->indexation_lang; $this->is_new = $notice->notice_is_new; $this->date_is_new = $notice->notice_date_is_new; //liens vers autres notices $requete = "SELECT * FROM notices_relations WHERE num_notice=" . $this->id . " OR linked_notice=" . $this->id . " order by rank"; $result_rel = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (pmb_mysql_num_rows($result_rel)) { $i = 0; while ($r_rel = pmb_mysql_fetch_object($result_rel)) { if ($r_rel->linked_notice == $this->id) { //notice en cours est notice fille $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['relation_direction'] = 'down'; $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['id_notice'] = $r_rel->num_notice; $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['title_notice'] = $this->get_notice_title($r_rel->num_notice); $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['rank'] = $r_rel->rank; $this->notice_link['down'][$i]['relation_type'] = $r_rel->relation_type; } elseif ($r_rel->num_notice == $this->id) { //notice en cours est notice mere $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['relation_direction'] = 'up'; $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['id_notice'] = $r_rel->linked_notice; $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['title_notice'] = $this->get_notice_title($r_rel->linked_notice); $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['rank'] = $r_rel->rank; $this->notice_link['up'][$i]['relation_type'] = $r_rel->relation_type; } $i++; } } $this->commentaire_gestion = $notice->commentaire_gestion; $this->thumbnail_url = $notice->thumbnail_url; $this->create_date = $notice->create_date; $this->update_date = $notice->update_date; } else { require_once "{$include_path}/"; error_message("", $msg[280], 1, "./catalog.php"); $this->ok = 0; } return; } else { // initialisation des valeurs (vides) $this->libelle_form = $msg[270]; // libelle du form : creation d'une notice $this->id = 0; $this->code = $cb; // initialisation avec les parametres du user : global $value_deflt_lang, $value_deflt_relation; if ($value_deflt_lang) { $lang = new marc_list('lang'); $this->langues[] = array('lang_code' => $value_deflt_lang, 'langue' => $lang->table[$value_deflt_lang]); } global $deflt_notice_statut; if ($deflt_notice_statut) { $this->statut = $deflt_notice_statut; } else { $this->statut = 1; } global $xmlta_doctype; $this->type_doc = $xmlta_doctype; global $notice_parent; //relation montante ou descendante global $notice_parent_direction; if ($notice_parent) { if (!$notice_parent_direction) { // Si pas de sens, on force a relation descendante $notice_parent_direction = 'down'; } $this->notice_link[$notice_parent_direction][0]['relation_direction'] = $notice_parent_direction; $this->notice_link[$notice_parent_direction][0]['id_notice'] = $notice_parent; $this->notice_link[$notice_parent_direction][0]['title_notice'] = $this->get_notice_title($notice_parent); $this->notice_link[$notice_parent_direction][0]['rank'] = 1; //Recherche d'un type plausible $requete = "SELECT relation_type FROM notices_relations WHERE num_notice='{$notice_parent}' ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 1"; $resultat = pmb_mysql_query($requete); if (@pmb_mysql_num_rows($resultat)) { $this->notice_link[$notice_parent_direction][0]['relation_type'] = pmb_mysql_result($resultat, 0, 0); } elseif (preg_match('/' . $notice_parent_direction . '$/', $value_deflt_relation)) { $this->notice_link[$notice_parent_direction][0]['relation_type'] = $value_deflt_relation; } else { /* * Comment forcer le sens ? * peut-etre l'inverse de la valeur par defaut si celle-ci ne va pas dans le bon sens ... */ } } $this->is_new = $deflt_notice_is_new; // penser au test d'existence de la notice sur code-barre return; } }
function mono_display_fetch_data() { global $dbh; $requete = "SELECT * FROM notices WHERE notice_id='" . $this->notice_id . "' "; $myQuery = mysql_query($requete, $dbh); if (mysql_num_rows($myQuery)) { $this->notice = mysql_fetch_object($myQuery); } $this->langues = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 0); // langues de la publication $this->languesorg = get_notice_langues($this->notice_id, 1); // langues originales $this->isbn = $this->notice->code; return mysql_num_rows($myQuery); }