function DMR_DM_PRESTAMO_show() { global $db; global $sAction; global $sForm; global $sFileName; global $sPRESTAMOErr; global $styles; global $login_err; $fldPRES_ID = ""; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI = ""; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = ""; $fldDEPE_CODI = ""; $fldPRES_FECH_PEDI = ""; $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = ""; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = ""; $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = ""; $fldPRES_DESC = ""; $fldPRES_ESTADO = ""; //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show begin //------------------------------- $sFormTitle = "Devolución Masiva"; $sWhere = ""; $bPK = true; $fldPRES_FECH_DEVO = Date('d/m/Y h:i'); ?> <table class="FormTABLE"> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> " name="PRESTAMO"> <tr><td class="FormHeaderTD" colspan="2"><font class="FormHeaderFONT"><?php echo $sFormTitle; ?> </font></td></tr> <?php if ($sPRESTAMOErr) { ?> <tr><td class="DataTD" colspan="2"><font class="ErrorFONT"><?php echo $sPRESTAMOErr; ?> </font></td></tr> <?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($login_err)) { ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><font Class="ErrorFONT"><?php echo $login_err; ?> </font></td></tr> <?php } ?> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Fecha de devolución</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="PRES_FECH_DEVO" maxlength="15" value="<?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_DEVO); ?> " size="15" ><?php echo $fldPRES_FECH_DEVO; ?> </font> </td> </tr> <?php //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show Event begin // PRESTAMO Show Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load primary key and form parameters //------------------------------- if ($sPRESTAMOErr == "") { $rqd_PRES_ID = get_param("PRES_ID"); $pPRES_ID = get_param("PRES_ID"); $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = strip(strtoupper(get_param("usuario"))); } else { $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = strip(get_param("USUA_LOGIN_PRES")); $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = strip(get_param("USUA_LOGIN_ACTU")); $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = strip(get_param("PRES_FECH_PRES")); $pPRES_ID = get_param("PK_PRES_ID"); } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load all form fields //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Build WHERE statement //------------------------------- $usuario = get_param("usuario"); $usuario = strtoupper($usuario); if (!strlen($usuario)) { $bPK = false; } $sWhere .= "USUA_LOGIN_ACTU=" . tosql($usuario, "text") . " AND (PRES_ESTADO=2 OR PRES_ESTADO=5)"; // Prestado = 2... //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Open Event begin // PRESTAMO Open Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Build SQL statement and execute query //------------------------------- $radiATexto = $db->conn->numToString("RADI_NUME_RADI"); $sSQL = "select PRES_ID,\n\t\t\t{$radiATexto} as RADI_NUME_RADI,\n\t\t\tUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU,\n\t\t\tDEPE_CODI,\n\t\t\tUSUA_LOGIN_PRES,\n\t\t\tPRES_DESC,\n\t\t\tPRES_FECH_PRES,\n\t\t\tPRES_FECH_DEVO,\n\t\t\tPRES_FECH_PEDI,\n\t\t\tPRES_ESTADO,\n\t\t\tPRES_REQUERIMIENTO,\n\t\t\tPRES_DEPE_ARCH,\n\t\t\tPRES_FECH_VENC\n from PRESTAMO where " . $sWhere; // Execute SQL statement $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $rs = $db->query($sSQL); $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load lists of values //------------------------------- $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = split(";", "1;Documento;2;Anexo"); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load all fields into variables from recordset or input parameters //------------------------------- $contador = 0; while ($bPK && ($rs && !$rs->EOF)) { $contador++; $fldDEPE_CODI = $rs->fields["DEPE_CODI"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PEDI = $rs->fields["PRES_FECH_PEDI"]; $fldPRES_FECH_VENC = $rs->fields["PRES_FECH_VENC"]; $fldPRES_ID = $rs->fields["PRES_ID"]; $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = $rs->fields["PRES_REQUERIMIENTO"]; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI = $rs->fields["RADI_NUME_RADI"]; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = $rs->fields["USUA_LOGIN_ACTU"]; //------------------------------- // Load data from recordset when form displayed first time //------------------------------- if ($sPRESTAMOErr == "") { $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = $rs->fields["USUA_LOGIN_PRES"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = $rs->fields["PRES_FECH_PRES"]; $fldPRES_DESC = $rs->fields["PRES_DESC"]; $fldPRES_ESTADO = $rs->fields["PRES_ESTADO"]; } else { $fldPRES_DESC = strip(get_param("PRES_DESC_" . $contador)); $fldPRES_ESTADO = strip(get_param("PRES_ESTADO_" . $contador)); $fldPRES_ID = strip(get_param("PRES_ID_" . $contador)); } //------------------------------- // Set lookup fields //------------------------------- $fldDEPE_CODI = get_db_value("SELECT DEPE_NOMB FROM DEPENDENCIA WHERE DEPE_CODI=" . tosql($fldDEPE_CODI, "Number")); //------------------------------- // Show form field //------------------------------- ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><HR></td></tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Radicado</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldRADI_NUME_RADI); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Fecha de Vencimiento</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><?php echo $fldPRES_FECH_VENC; ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Requerimiento</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"> <?php $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = get_lov_value($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO, $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Observaciones extras</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"><?php $nombreCampo = "PRES_DESC_" . $contador; ?> <font class="DataFONT"><textarea name="<?php echo $nombreCampo; ?> " cols="50" rows="5"><?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_DESC); ?> </textarea></font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Estado</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"><?php $nombreCampo = "PRES_ESTADO_" . $contador; ?> <font class="DataFONT"><select name="<?php echo $nombreCampo; ?> "> <?php $LOV = split(";", "3;Devolver;1;No hacer nada;"); if (sizeof($LOV) % 2 != 0) { $array_length = sizeof($LOV) - 1; } else { $array_length = sizeof($LOV); } for ($i = 0; $i < $array_length; $i = $i + 2) { if ($LOV[$i] == $fldPRES_ESTADO) { $option = "<option SELECTED value=\"" . $LOV[$i] . "\">" . $LOV[$i + 1]; } else { $option = "<option value=\"" . $LOV[$i] . "\">" . $LOV[$i + 1]; } echo $option; } ?> </select></font> </td> </tr> <?php $nombreCampo = "PRES_ID_" . $contador; ?> <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $nombreCampo; ?> " value="<?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_ID); ?> "> <?php $rs->MoveNext(); } if ($contador == 0) { ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><HR></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><font class="DataFONT">No hay documentos para prestar</font></td></tr> <?php } ?> <tr><td colspan="2" align="right"> <?php if ($bPK && $contador != 0) { ?> <input type="hidden" value="update" name="FormAction"/> <input type="submit" value="Devolver/Cancelar" onclick="document.PRESTAMO.FormAction.value = 'update';"> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" value="No hacer nada" onclick="document.PRESTAMO.FormAction.value = 'cancel';"> <input type="hidden" name="FormName" value="DEVOLVER"> <input type="hidden" name="NumContador" value="<?php echo $contador; ?> "> </td></tr> </form> </table> <?php //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Close Event begin // PRESTAMO Close Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show end //------------------------------- }
function PRESTADOS_show() { //------------------------------- // Initialize variables //------------------------------- global $db; global $sPRESTADOSErr; global $sFileName; global $styles; $sWhere = ""; $sOrder = ""; $sSQL = ""; $sFormTitle = "Documentos Prestados"; $HasParam = false; $iRecordsPerPage = 100; $iCounter = 0; $iPage = 0; $bEof = false; $iSort = ""; $iSorted = ""; $sDirection = ""; $sSortParams = ""; $iTmpI = 0; $iTmpJ = 0; $sCountSQL = ""; $transit_params = ""; $form_params = "s_DEPE_CODI=" . tourl(get_param("s_DEPE_CODI")) . "&s_PRES_DESC=" . tourl(get_param("s_PRES_DESC")) . "&s_PRES_ESTADO=" . tourl(get_param("s_PRES_ESTADO")) . "&s_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO=" . tourl(get_param("s_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO")) . "&s_RADI_NUME_RADI=" . tourl(get_param("s_RADI_NUME_RADI")) . "&s_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU=" . tourl(get_param("s_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU")) . "&s_USUA_LOGIN_PRES=" . tourl(get_param("s_USUA_LOGIN_PRES")) . "&s_desde_dia=" . tourl(get_param("s_desde_dia")) . "&s_desde_mes=" . tourl(get_param("s_desde_mes")) . "&s_desde_ano=" . tourl(get_param("s_desde_ano")) . "&s_hasta_dia=" . tourl(get_param("s_hasta_dia")) . "&s_hasta_mes=" . tourl(get_param("s_hasta_mes")) . "&s_hasta_ano=" . tourl(get_param("s_hasta_ano")) . "&s_solo_nomb=" . tourl(get_param("s_solo_nomb")) . "&"; //------------------------------- // Build ORDER BY statement //------------------------------- $iSort = get_param("FormPRESTADOS_Sorting"); $iSorted = get_param("FormPRESTADOS_Sorted"); if (!$iSort) { $form_sorting = ""; $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_PEDI DESC"; } else { if ($iSort == $iSorted) { $form_sorting = ""; $sDirection = " DESC"; $sSortParams = "FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=" . $iSort . "&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=" . $iSort . "&"; } else { $form_sorting = $iSort; $sDirection = " ASC"; $sSortParams = "FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=" . $iSort . "&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=" . "&"; } if ($iSort == 1) { $sOrder = " order by P.RADI_NUME_RADI" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 2) { $sOrder = " order by P.USUA_LOGIN_ACTU" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 3) { $sOrder = " order by D.DEPE_NOMB" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 4) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_PEDI" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 5) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_REQUERIMIENTO" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 6) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_PRES" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 7) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_DESC" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 8) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_DEVO" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 9) { $sOrder = " order by P.USUA_LOGIN_PRES" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 10) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_ESTADO" . $sDirection; } } //------------------------------- // HTML column headers //------------------------------- ?> <table class="FormTABLE"> <tr> <td class="FormHeaderTD" colspan="10"><a name="PRESTADOS"><font class="FormHeaderFONT"><?php echo $sFormTitle; ?> </font></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=1&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Radicado</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=2&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Usuario</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=3&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Dependencia</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=4&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Fecha de Solicitud</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=5&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Requerimiento</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=6&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Fecha de Préstamo</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=7&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Descripción</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=8&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Fecha de Devolución</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=9&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Usuario Archivo/C.Docum</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Sorting=10&FormPRESTADOS_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Estado</font></a></td> </tr> <?php //------------------------------- // Build WHERE statement //------------------------------- // Se crea la $ps_desde_RADI_FECH_RADI con los datos ingresados. //------------------------------------ //$ps_desde_RADI_FECH_RADI = Date('d/m/Y H:i:s',mktime(0,0,0,get_param("s_desde_mes"),get_param("s_desde_dia"),get_param("s_desde_ano"))); $ps_desde_RADI_FECH_RADI = Date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(0, 0, 0, get_param("s_desde_mes"), get_param("s_desde_dia"), get_param("s_desde_ano"))); if (strlen($ps_desde_RADI_FECH_RADI)) { $HasParam = true; //$sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_FECH_PEDI>=to_date('" .$ps_desde_RADI_FECH_RADI . "','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')"; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_FECH_PEDI>=" . $db->conn->DBDate($ps_desde_RADI_FECH_RADI) . " "; } //----------------------- // Se reciben //----------------------- //$ps_hasta_RADI_FECH_RADI = Date('d/m/Y H:i:s',mktime(23,59,59,get_param("s_hasta_mes"),get_param("s_hasta_dia"),get_param("s_hasta_ano"))); $ps_hasta_RADI_FECH_RADI = Date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(23, 59, 59, get_param("s_hasta_mes"), get_param("s_hasta_dia") + 1, get_param("s_hasta_ano"))); if (strlen($ps_hasta_RADI_FECH_RADI)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; //$sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_FECH_PEDI<=to_date('" . $ps_hasta_RADI_FECH_RADI . "','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')"; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_FECH_PEDI<" . $db->conn->DBDate($ps_hasta_RADI_FECH_RADI) . " "; } //print ($ps_hasta_RADI_FECH_RADI); $ps_DEPE_CODI = get_param("s_DEPE_CODI"); if (is_number($ps_DEPE_CODI) && strlen($ps_DEPE_CODI)) { $ps_DEPE_CODI = tosql($ps_DEPE_CODI, "Number"); } else { $ps_DEPE_CODI = ""; } if (strlen($ps_DEPE_CODI)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.DEPE_CODI=" . $ps_DEPE_CODI; } $ps_PRES_DESC = get_param("s_PRES_DESC"); if (strlen($ps_PRES_DESC)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_DESC like " . tosql("%" . $ps_PRES_DESC . "%", "Text"); } $ps_PRES_ESTADO = get_param("s_PRES_ESTADO"); if (is_number($ps_PRES_ESTADO) && strlen($ps_PRES_ESTADO)) { $ps_PRES_ESTADO = tosql($ps_PRES_ESTADO, "Number"); } else { $ps_PRES_ESTADO = ""; } if (strlen($ps_PRES_ESTADO)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_ESTADO=" . $ps_PRES_ESTADO; } $ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO = get_param("s_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO"); if (is_number($ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO) && strlen($ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO)) { $ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO = tosql($ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO, "Number"); } else { $ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO = ""; } if (strlen($ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.PRES_REQUERIMIENTO=" . $ps_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO; } $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI = get_param("s_RADI_NUME_RADI"); if (is_number($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI) && strlen($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI)) { $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI = $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI; } else { $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI = ""; } if (strlen($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.RADI_NUME_RADI like ('%" . $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI . "%')"; } $ps_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU = get_param("s_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU"); if (strlen($ps_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU)) { if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.USUA_LOGIN_ACTU like " . tosql("%" . $ps_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU . "%", "Text"); } $ps_USUA_LOGIN_PRES = get_param("s_USUA_LOGIN_PRES"); if (strlen($ps_USUA_LOGIN_PRES)) { $ps_USUA_LOGIN_PRES = strtoupper($ps_USUA_LOGIN_PRES); if ($sWhere != "") { $sWhere .= " and "; } $HasParam = true; $sWhere = $sWhere . "P.USUA_LOGIN_PRES like " . tosql("%" . $ps_USUA_LOGIN_PRES . "%", "Text"); } if ($HasParam) { $sWhere = " AND (" . $sWhere . ")"; } //------------------------------- // Build base SQL statement //------------------------------- $radiATexto = $db->conn->numToString("P.RADI_NUME_RADI "); $sSQL = "select P.DEPE_CODI as P_DEPE_CODI, " . "P.PRES_DESC as P_PRES_DESC, " . "P.PRES_ESTADO as P_PRES_ESTADO, " . "P.PRES_FECH_DEVO as P_PRES_FECH_DEVO, " . "P.PRES_FECH_PEDI as P_PRES_FECH_PEDI, " . "P.PRES_FECH_PRES as P_PRES_FECH_PRES, " . "P.PRES_ID as P_PRES_ID, " . "P.PRES_REQUERIMIENTO as P_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO, " . "{$radiATexto} as P_RADI_NUME_RADI, " . "P.USUA_LOGIN_ACTU as P_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU, " . "P.USUA_LOGIN_PRES as P_USUA_LOGIN_PRES, " . "D.DEPE_CODI as D_DEPE_CODI, " . "D.DEPE_NOMB as D_DEPE_NOMB " . " from PRESTAMO P, DEPENDENCIA D" . " where D.DEPE_CODI=P.DEPE_CODI "; //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTADOS Open Event begin // PRESTADOS Open Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Assemble full SQL statement //------------------------------- $sSQL .= $sWhere . $sOrder; if ($sCountSQL == "") { $iTmpI = strpos(strtolower($sSQL), "select"); $iTmpJ = strpos(strtolower($sSQL), "from") - 1; $sCountSQL = str_replace(substr($sSQL, $iTmpI + 6, $iTmpJ - $iTmpI - 6), " count(*) ", $sSQL); $iTmpI = strpos(strtolower($sCountSQL), "order by"); if ($iTmpI > 1) { $sCountSQL = substr($sCountSQL, 0, $iTmpI - 1); } } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Execute SQL statement //------------------------------- $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $rs = $db->query($sSQL); $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); //------------------------------- // Process empty recordset //------------------------------- if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT">No hay Registros</font></td> </tr> <?php //------------------------------- // The insert link. //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" class="ColumnTD"><font class="ColumnFONT"> <?php ?> </table> <?php return; } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Prepare the lists of values //------------------------------- $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = split(";", "1;Documento;2;Anexo"); $aPRES_ESTADO = split(";", "1;Solicitado;2;Prestado;3;Devuelto;4;Cancelado;5:Prestamo Indefinido"); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Initialize page counter and records per page //------------------------------- $iRecordsPerPage = 100; $iCounter = 0; //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Process page scroller //------------------------------- $iPage = get_param("FormPRESTADOS_Page"); if (!strlen($iPage)) { $iPage = 1; } else { if ($iPage == "last") { $db_count = get_db_value($sCountSQL); $dResult = intval($db_count) / $iRecordsPerPage; $iPage = intval($dResult); if ($iPage < $dResult) { $iPage++; } } else { $iPage = intval($iPage); } } if (($iPage - 1) * $iRecordsPerPage != 0) { do { $iCounter++; $rs->MoveNext(); } while ($iCounter < ($iPage - 1) * $iRecordsPerPage && !$rs->EOF); } $iCounter = 0; //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Display grid based on recordset //------------------------------- while ($rs && !$rs->EOF && $iCounter < $iRecordsPerPage) { //------------------------------- // Create field variables based on database fields //------------------------------- $fldDEPE_CODI = $rs->fields["D_DEPE_NOMB"]; $fldPRES_DESC = $rs->fields["P_PRES_DESC"]; $fldPRES_ESTADO = $rs->fields["P_PRES_ESTADO"]; $fldPRES_FECH_DEVO = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_DEVO"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PEDI = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_PEDI"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_PRES"]; $fldPRES_ID = $rs->fields["P_PRES_ID"]; $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = $rs->fields["P_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO"]; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_URLLink = "detalle.php"; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_PRES_ID = $rs->fields["P_PRES_ID"]; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI = $rs->fields["P_RADI_NUME_RADI"]; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = $rs->fields["P_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU"]; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = $rs->fields["P_USUA_LOGIN_PRES"]; $rs->MoveNext(); //------------------------------- // PRESTADOS Show begin //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTADOS Show Event begin // PRESTADOS Show Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Process the HTML controls //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"><a href="<?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_URLLink; ?> ?PRES_ID=<?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_PRES_ID; ?> &<?php echo $transit_params; ?> "><font class="DataFONT"><?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI; ?> </font></a> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldDEPE_CODI); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_PEDI); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = get_lov_value($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO, $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_PRES); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_DESC); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_DEVO); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php $fldPRES_ESTADO = get_lov_value($fldPRES_ESTADO, $aPRES_ESTADO); ?> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_ESTADO); ?> </font></td> </tr><?php //------------------------------- // PRESTADOS Show end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Move to the next record and increase record counter //------------------------------- $iCounter++; } // print ("<br> $iCounter"); //------------------------------- // Grid. The insert link and record navigator. //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" class="ColumnTD"><font class="ColumnFONT"> <?php // PRESTADOS Navigation begin if ($rs && !$rs->EOF || $iPage != 1) { $iCounter = 1; $iHasPages = $iPage; $sPages = ""; $iDisplayPages = 0; $iNumberOfPages = 10; while ($rs && !$rs->EOF && $iHasPages < $iPage + $iNumberOfPages) { if ($iCounter == $iRecordsPerPage) { $iCounter = 0; $iHasPages = $iHasPages + 1; } $iCounter++; $rs->MoveNext(); } if ($rs->EOF && $iCounter > 1) { $iHasPages++; } if ($iHasPages - $iPage < intval($iNumberOfPages / 2)) { $iStartPage = $iHasPages - $iNumberOfPages; } else { $iStartPage = $iPage - $iNumberOfPages + intval($iNumberOfPages / 2); } if ($iStartPage < 0) { $iStartPage = 0; } for ($iPageCount = $iStartPage + 1; $iPageCount <= $iPage - 1; $iPageCount++) { $sPages .= "<a href=\"{$sFileName}?{$form_params}{$sSortParams}{$FormPRESTADOS_Page}={$iPageCount}#PRESTADOS\"><font " . "class=\"ColumnFONT\"" . ">" . $iPageCount . "</font></a> "; $iDisplayPages++; } $sPages .= "<font " . "class=\"ColumnFONT\"" . ">" . $iPage . "</font> "; $iDisplayPages++; $iPageCount = $iPage + 1; while ($iDisplayPages < $iNumberOfPages && $iStartPage + $iDisplayPages < $iHasPages) { $sPages .= "<a href=\"" . $sFileName . "?" . $form_params . $sSortParams . "FormPRESTADOS_Page=" . $iPageCount . "#PRESTADOS\"><font " . "class=\"ColumnFONT\"" . ">" . $iPageCount . "</font></a> "; $iDisplayPages++; $iPageCount++; } if ($iPage == 1) { ?> <font class="ColumnFONT">Primero</font> <font class="ColumnFONT">Anterior</font> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Page=1#PRESTADOS"><font class="ColumnFONT">Primero</font></a> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Page=<?php echo $iPage - 1; ?> #PRESTADOS"><font class="ColumnFONT">Anterior</font></a> <?php } echo " [ " . $sPages . "] "; if ($rs->EOF) { ?> <font class="ColumnFONT">Siguiente</font> <font class="ColumnFONT">Ultimo</font> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Page=<?php echo $iPage + 1; ?> #PRESTADOS"><font class="ColumnFONT">Siguiente</font></a> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTADOS_Page=last#PRESTADOS"><font class="ColumnFONT">Ultimo</font></a> <?php } } //------------------------------- // PRESTADOS Navigation end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Finish form processing //------------------------------- ?> </font></td></tr> </table> <?php //------------------------------- // PRESTADOS Close Event begin // PRESTADOS Close Event end //------------------------------- }
function PRESTAMO_show() { //------------------------------- // Initialize variables //------------------------------- global $db; global $sPRESTAMOErr; global $sFileName; global $styles; $sWhere = ""; $sOrder = ""; $sSQL = ""; $sFormTitle = "Documentos Prestados"; $HasParam = false; $iRecordsPerPage = 20; $iCounter = 0; $iPage = 0; $bEof = false; $iSort = ""; $iSorted = ""; $sDirection = ""; $sSortParams = ""; $iTmpI = 0; $iTmpJ = 0; $sCountSQL = ""; $transit_params = ""; $form_params = "s_RADI_NUME_RADI=" . tourl(get_param("s_RADI_NUME_RADI")) . "&"; //------------------------------- // Build ORDER BY statement //------------------------------- $iSort = get_param("FormPRESTAMO_Sorting"); $iSorted = get_param("FormPRESTAMO_Sorted"); if (!$iSort) { $form_sorting = ""; } else { if ($iSort == $iSorted) { $form_sorting = ""; $sDirection = " DESC"; $sSortParams = "FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=" . $iSort . "&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=" . $iSort . "&"; } else { $form_sorting = $iSort; $sDirection = " ASC"; $sSortParams = "FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=" . $iSort . "&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=" . "&"; } if ($iSort == 1) { $sOrder = " order by P.RADI_NUME_RADI" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 2) { $sOrder = " order by P.USUA_LOGIN_ACTU" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 3) { $sOrder = " order by D.DEPE_NOMB" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 4) { $sOrder = " order by P.USUA_LOGIN_PRES" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 5) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_DESC" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 6) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_PRES" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 7) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_DEVO" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 8) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_PEDI" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 9) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_ESTADO" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 10) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_REQUERIMIENTO" . $sDirection; } if ($iSort == 11) { $sOrder = " order by P.PRES_FECH_VENC" . $sDirection; } } //------------------------------- // HTML column headers //------------------------------- ?> <table class="FormTABLE"> <tr> <td class="FormHeaderTD" colspan="10"><a name="PRESTAMO"><font class="FormHeaderFONT"><?php echo $sFormTitle; ?> </font></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=1&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Radicado</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=2&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Solicitó</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=3&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Dependencia</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=4&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Prestó</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=5&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Descripción</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=8&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Solicitado el</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=6&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Prestado el</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=11&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Vence</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Sorting=10&FormPRESTAMO_Sorted=<?php echo $form_sorting; ?> &"><font class="ColumnFONT">Requerimiento</font></a></td> <td class="ColumnTD"><font class="ColumnFONT">Renovar</font></td> </tr> <?php //------------------------------- // Build WHERE statement //------------------------------- $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI = get_param("s_RADI_NUME_RADI"); if (is_number($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI) && strlen($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI)) { $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI = tosql($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI, "Number"); } else { $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI = ""; } if (strlen($ps_RADI_NUME_RADI)) { $HasParam = true; $sWhere = "P.RADI_NUME_RADI like ('%" . $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI . "%') or " . "P.USUA_LOGIN_ACTU like " . tosql("%" . $ps_RADI_NUME_RADI . "%", "Text"); } if ($HasParam) { $sWhere = " AND (" . $sWhere . ")"; } //------------------------------- // Build base SQL statement //------------------------------- $radiATexto = $db->conn->numToString("P.RADI_NUME_RADI"); $sSQL = "select P.DEPE_CODI as P_DEPE_CODI, " . "P.PRES_DESC as P_PRES_DESC, " . "P.PRES_ESTADO as P_PRES_ESTADO, " . "P.PRES_FECH_PEDI as P_PRES_FECH_PEDI, " . "P.PRES_FECH_PRES as P_PRES_FECH_PRES, " . "P.PRES_FECH_VENC as P_PRES_FECH_VENC, " . "P.PRES_ID as P_PRES_ID, " . "P.PRES_REQUERIMIENTO as P_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO, " . " {$radiATexto} as P_RADI_NUME_RADI, " . "P.USUA_LOGIN_ACTU as P_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU, " . "P.USUA_LOGIN_PRES as P_USUA_LOGIN_PRES, " . "D.DEPE_CODI as D_DEPE_CODI, " . "D.DEPE_NOMB as D_DEPE_NOMB " . " from PRESTAMO P, DEPENDENCIA D" . " where D.DEPE_CODI=P.DEPE_CODI "; //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Open Event begin $depe = get_session("Dependencia"); $sWhere .= " AND (P.PRES_ESTADO=2 OR P.PRES_ESTADO=5) AND PRES_DEPE_ARCH=" . $depe; // PRESTAMO Open Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Assemble full SQL statement //------------------------------- $sSQL .= $sWhere . $sOrder; if ($sCountSQL == "") { $iTmpI = strpos(strtolower($sSQL), "select"); $iTmpJ = strpos(strtolower($sSQL), "from") - 1; $sCountSQL = str_replace(substr($sSQL, $iTmpI + 6, $iTmpJ - $iTmpI - 6), " count(*) ", $sSQL); $iTmpI = strpos(strtolower($sCountSQL), "order by"); if ($iTmpI > 1) { $sCountSQL = substr($sCountSQL, 0, $iTmpI - 1); } } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Execute SQL statement //------------------------------- $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $rs = $db->query($sSQL); $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); //------------------------------- // Process empty recordset //------------------------------- if (!$rs || $rs->EOF) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT">No hay Registros</font></td> </tr> <?php //------------------------------- // The insert link. //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" class="ColumnTD"><font class="ColumnFONT"> <?php ?> </table> <?php return; } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Prepare the lists of values //------------------------------- $aPRES_ESTADO = split(";", "1;Pedido;2;Prestado;3;Devuelto;4;Cancelado;5;Prestamo Indefinido"); $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = split(";", "1;Documento;2;Anexo"); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Initialize page counter and records per page //------------------------------- $iRecordsPerPage = 20; $iCounter = 0; //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Process page scroller //------------------------------- $iPage = get_param("FormPRESTAMO_Page"); $db_count = get_db_value($sCountSQL); $dResult = intval($db_count) / $iRecordsPerPage; $iPageCount = intval($dResult); if ($iPageCount < $dResult) { $iPageCount = $iPageCount + 1; } $iTotalPages = $iPageCount; if (!strlen($iPage)) { $iPage = 1; } else { if ($iPage == "last") { $iPage = $iPageCount; } } if (($iPage - 1) * $iRecordsPerPage != 0) { do { $iCounter++; $rs->MoveNext(); } while ($iCounter < ($iPage - 1) * $iRecordsPerPage && !$rs->EOF); } $iCounter = 0; //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Display grid based on recordset //------------------------------- while ($rs && !$rs->EOF && $iCounter < $iRecordsPerPage) { //------------------------------- // Create field variables based on database fields //------------------------------- $fldDEPE_CODI = $rs->fields["D_DEPE_NOMB"]; $fldPRES_DESC = $rs->fields["P_PRES_DESC"]; $fldPRES_ESTADO = $rs->fields["P_PRES_ESTADO"]; $fldPRES_FECH_DEVO = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_DEVO"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PEDI = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_PEDI"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_PRES"]; $fldPRES_FECH_VENC = $rs->fields["P_PRES_FECH_VENC"]; $fldPRES_ID = $rs->fields["P_PRES_ID"]; $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = $rs->fields["P_PRES_REQUERIMIENTO"]; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_URLLink = "devolver.php"; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_PRES_ID = $rs->fields["P_PRES_ID"]; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI = $rs->fields["P_RADI_NUME_RADI"]; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = $rs->fields["P_USUA_LOGIN_ACTU"]; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = $rs->fields["P_USUA_LOGIN_PRES"]; $rs->MoveNext(); //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show begin //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show Event begin // PRESTAMO Show Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Process the HTML controls //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"><a href="<?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_URLLink; ?> ?PRES_ID=<?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_PRES_ID; ?> &<?php echo $transit_params; ?> "><font class="DataFONT"><?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI; ?> </font></a> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldDEPE_CODI); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_DESC); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_PEDI); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_PRES); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_VENC); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"> <?php $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = get_lov_value($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO, $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> </font></td> <td class="DataTD"><font class="DataFONT"><a href="renovar.php?PRES_ID=<?php echo $fldRADI_NUME_RADI_PRES_ID; ?> &<?php echo $transit_params; ?> "><font class="DataFONT">Renovar</font></a> </font></td> </tr><?php //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Move to the next record and increase record counter //------------------------------- $iCounter++; } //------------------------------- // Grid. The insert link and record navigator. //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td colspan="10" class="ColumnTD"><font class="ColumnFONT"> <?php // PRESTAMO Navigation begin if ($rs || !$rs->EOF || $iPage != 1) { $iCounter = 1; $iHasPages = $iPage; $sPages = ""; $iDisplayPages = 0; $iNumberOfPages = 10; $iHasPages = $iPageCount; if ($iHasPages - $iPage < intval($iNumberOfPages / 2)) { $iStartPage = $iHasPages - $iNumberOfPages; } else { $iStartPage = $iPage - $iNumberOfPages + intval($iNumberOfPages / 2); } if ($iStartPage < 0) { $iStartPage = 0; } for ($iPageCount = $iStartPage + 1; $iPageCount <= $iPage - 1; $iPageCount++) { $sPages .= "<a href=\"{$sFileName}?{$form_params}{$sSortParams}{$FormPRESTAMO_Page}={$iPageCount}#PRESTAMO\"><font " . "class=\"ColumnFONT\"" . ">" . $iPageCount . "</font></a> "; $iDisplayPages++; } $sPages .= "<font " . "class=\"ColumnFONT\"" . ">" . $iPage . "</font> "; $iDisplayPages++; $iPageCount = $iPage + 1; while ($iDisplayPages < $iNumberOfPages && $iStartPage + $iDisplayPages < $iHasPages) { $sPages .= "<a href=\"" . $sFileName . "?" . $form_params . $sSortParams . "FormPRESTAMO_Page=" . $iPageCount . "#PRESTAMO\"><font " . "class=\"ColumnFONT\"" . ">" . $iPageCount . "</font></a> "; $iDisplayPages++; $iPageCount++; } if ($iPage == 1) { ?> <font class="ColumnFONT">Primero</font> <font class="ColumnFONT">Anterior</font> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Page=1#PRESTAMO"><font class="ColumnFONT">Primero</font></a> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Page=<?php echo $iPage - 1; ?> #PRESTAMO"><font class="ColumnFONT">Anterior</font></a> <?php } echo " [ " . $sPages . "of " . $iTotalPages . " " . "] "; if (!$bEof) { ?> <font class="ColumnFONT">Siguiente</font> <font class="ColumnFONT">Ultimo</font> <?php } else { ?> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Page=<?php echo $iPage + 1; ?> #PRESTAMO"><font class="ColumnFONT">Siguiente</font></a> <a href="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> ?<?php echo $form_params; echo $sSortParams; ?> FormPRESTAMO_Page=last#PRESTAMO"><font class="ColumnFONT">Ultimo</font></a> <?php } } //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Navigation end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Finish form processing //------------------------------- ?> </font></td></tr> </table> <?php //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Close Event begin // PRESTAMO Close Event end //------------------------------- }
function R_PRESTAMO_show() { global $db; global $sAction; global $sForm; global $sFileName; global $sPRESTAMOErr; global $styles; global $login_err; $fldPRES_ID = ""; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI = ""; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = ""; $fldDEPE_CODI = ""; $fldPRES_FECH_PEDI = ""; $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = ""; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = ""; $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = ""; $fldPRES_DESC = ""; $fldPRES_ESTADO = ""; //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show begin //------------------------------- $sFormTitle = "Renovar"; $sWhere = ""; $bPK = true; ?> <table class="FormTABLE"> <form method="POST" action="<?php echo $sFileName; ?> " name="PRESTAMO"> <tr><td class="FormHeaderTD" colspan="2"><font class="FormHeaderFONT"><?php echo $sFormTitle; ?> </font></td></tr> <?php if ($sPRESTAMOErr) { ?> <tr><td class="DataTD" colspan="2"><font class="ErrorFONT"><?php echo $sPRESTAMOErr; ?> </font></td></tr> <?php } ?> <?php if (strlen($login_err)) { ?> <tr><td colspan="2"><font Class="ErrorFONT"><?php echo $login_err; ?> </font></td></tr> <?php } ?> <?php //------------------------------- // Load primary key and form parameters //------------------------------- if ($sPRESTAMOErr == "") { $fldPRES_ID = get_param("PRES_ID"); $rqd_PRES_ID = get_param("PRES_ID"); $pPRES_ID = get_param("PRES_ID"); } else { $fldPRES_ID = strip(get_param("PRES_ID")); $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = strip(get_param("USUA_LOGIN_PRES")); $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = strip(get_param("PRES_FECH_PRES")); $fldPRES_DESC = strip(get_param("PRES_DESC")); $fldPRES_ESTADO = strip(get_param("PRES_ESTADO")); $pPRES_ID = get_param("PK_PRES_ID"); } //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load all form fields //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Build WHERE statement //------------------------------- if (!strlen($pPRES_ID)) { $bPK = false; } $sWhere .= "PRES_ID=" . tosql($pPRES_ID, "Number"); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Open Event begin // PRESTAMO Open Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Build SQL statement and execute query //------------------------------- $sSQL = "select * from PRESTAMO where " . $sWhere; // Execute SQL statement $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $rs = $db->query($sSQL); $db->conn->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_NUM); $bIsUpdateMode = $bPK && !($sAction == "insert" && $sForm == "PRESTAMO") && ($rs && !$rs->EOF); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load lists of values //------------------------------- $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = split(";", "1;Documento;2;Anexo"); $aPRES_ESTADO = split(";", "2;Prestado;4;Cancelado;5;Prestamo indefinido"); //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // Load all fields into variables from recordset or input parameters //------------------------------- if ($bIsUpdateMode) { $fldDEPE_CODI = $rs->fields["DEPE_CODI"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PEDI = $rs->fields["PRES_FECH_PEDI"]; $fldPRES_ID = $rs->fields["PRES_ID"]; $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = $rs->fields["PRES_REQUERIMIENTO"]; $fldRADI_NUME_RADI = $rs->fields["RADI_NUME_RADI"]; $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU = $rs->fields["USUA_LOGIN_ACTU"]; $fldPRES_FECH_VENC = $rs->fields["PRES_FECH_VENC"]; $timestamp = strtotime($fldPRES_FECH_VENC); $fldPRES_FECH_RENO = Date('d/m/Y h:i', mktime(Date('h', $timestamp), Date('i', $timestamp), 0, Date('m', $timestamp), Date('d', $timestamp) + 8, Date('Y', $timestamp))); //------------------------------- // Load data from recordset when form displayed first time //------------------------------- if ($sPRESTAMOErr == "") { $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = $rs->fields["USUA_LOGIN_PRES"]; $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = $rs->fields["PRES_FECH_PRES"]; $fldPRES_DESC = $rs->fields["PRES_DESC"]; $fldPRES_ESTADO = $rs->fields["PRES_ESTADO"]; } //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO ShowEdit Event begin // PRESTAMO ShowEdit Event end //------------------------------- } else { if ($sPRESTAMOErr == "") { $fldPRES_ID = tohtml(get_param("PRES_ID")); $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = tohtml(get_session("UserID")); $fldPRES_FECH_PRES = Date('d/m/Y h:i'); $fldPRES_FECH_VENC = Date('d/m/Y h:i', mktime(Date(h), Date(i), 0, Date(m), Date(d) + 8, Date(Y))); } //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO ShowInsert Event begin // PRESTAMO ShowInsert Event end //------------------------------- } //------------------------------- // Set lookup fields //------------------------------- $fldDEPE_CODI = get_db_value("SELECT DEPE_NOMB FROM DEPENDENCIA WHERE DEPE_CODI=" . tosql($fldDEPE_CODI, "Number")); if ($sPRESTAMOErr == "") { //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show Event begin $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES = get_session("UserID"); // PRESTAMO Show Event end //------------------------------- } //------------------------------- // Show form field //------------------------------- ?> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Radicado</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldRADI_NUME_RADI); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Login Usuario</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="usuario" value="<?php echo $fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU; ?> "> <?php echo tohtml($fldUSUA_LOGIN_ACTU); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <!--tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Contraseńa Usuario</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="password" name="contrasena" maxlength="20" size="20" ></font> </td> </tr--> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Dependencia Usuario</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldDEPE_CODI); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Fecha de Pedido</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_PEDI); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Requerimiento</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"> <?php $fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO = get_lov_value($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO, $aPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_REQUERIMIENTO); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Usuario que Presta</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="USUA_LOGIN_PRES" maxlength="15" value="<?php echo tohtml($fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES); ?> " size="15" ><?php echo $fldUSUA_LOGIN_PRES; ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Fecha de Préstamo</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="PRES_FECH_PRES" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_PRES); ?> " size="20" ><?php echo $fldPRES_FECH_PRES; ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Fecha de Vencimiento Actual</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><?php echo $fldPRES_FECH_VENC; ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Nueva Fecha de Vencimiento</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="PRES_FECH_VENC" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_FECH_RENO); ?> " size="20" ><?php echo $fldPRES_FECH_RENO; ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Descripcion</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="PRES_DESC" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_DESC); ?> " size="20" ><?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_DESC); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="FieldCaptionTD"> <font class="FieldCaptionFONT">Estado</font> </td> <td class="DataTD"> <font class="DataFONT"><input type="hidden" name="PRES_ESTADO" maxlength="20" value="<?php echo $fldPRES_ESTADO; ?> " size="20" > <?php $fldPRES_ESTADO = get_lov_value($fldPRES_ESTADO, $aPRES_ESTADO); ?> <?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_ESTADO); ?> </font> </td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2" align="right"> <?php if ($bIsUpdateMode) { ?> <input type="hidden" value="update" name="FormAction"/> <input type="submit" value="Renovar" onclick="document.PRESTAMO.FormAction.value = 'update';"> <?php } ?> <input type="submit" value="No hacer nada" onclick="document.PRESTAMO.FormAction.value = 'cancel';"> <input type="hidden" name="FormName" value="PRESTAMO"> <input type="hidden" name="Rqd_PRES_ID" value="<?php echo $rqd_PRES_ID; ?> ";> <input type="hidden" name="PK_PRES_ID" value="<?php echo $pPRES_ID; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="PRES_ID" value="<?php echo tohtml($fldPRES_ID); ?> "> </td></tr> </form> </table> <?php //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Close Event begin // PRESTAMO Close Event end //------------------------------- //------------------------------- // PRESTAMO Show end //------------------------------- }