global $df; global $touch; global $server; global $msg_type_info; require_once $lib_path . '/common.php'; if ($argc != 2) { echo "cmd err: {$argv['0']} the_local_machine_name\n"; echo "eg: {$argv['0']} hp-compute-10\n"; echo "where the_local_machine_name is defined in {$etc_path}/RCMResourcecollector.conf.php\n"; exit; } // make sure we are the right local ip. $my_name = $argv[1]; $my_info = $cluster_list[$my_name]; $my_ip = $my_info['ip']; $local_ip_list = get_local_ip(); if (!in_array($my_ip, $local_ip_list)) { echo "your input host name is: {$my_name}\n"; echo "{$my_name}'s pre-defined ip in {$etc_path}/RCMResourcecollector.conf.php is " . $my_ip . "\n"; echo "which is NOT find locally by ifconfig:\n"; print_r($local_ip_list); exit; } $log_tag = 'get_local_infos'; $my_tag = $my_name . '.' . $log_tag; $my_pidfile = $pid_path . '/' . $my_tag . '.pid'; // like: $my_alivefile = $pid_path . '/' . $my_tag . '.alive'; $pid = getmypid(); $cmd = "{$echo} '{$pid}' > {$my_pidfile} 2>/dev/null"; exec($cmd);
exec("ipconfig", $out, $stats); var_dump($out); foreach ($out as $row) { if (strstr($row, "IP") && strstr($row, ":") && !strstr($row, "IPv6")) { $tmpIp = explode(":", $row); if (preg_match($preg, trim($tmpIp[1]))) { return trim($tmpIp[1]); } } } //获取操作系统为linux类型的本机IP真实地址 exec("ifconfig", $out, $stats); if (isset($out[1]) && strstr($out[1], 'addr:')) { $tmpArray = explode(":", $out[1]); $tmpIp = explode(" ", $tmpArray[1]); if (preg_match($preg, trim($tmpIp[0]))) { return trim($tmpIp[0]); } } return ''; } $content = "<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\">" . file_get_contents("http://localhost/SinaWeibo/CheckLog/TestSiteConfigAll.php?Logname=" . $_GET['Logname']); //将内容写入到以时间命名的html文件中 $file = date('YmdHis'); $filename = "D:\\Sina\\wamp\\wamp\\www\\Report\\" . $file . "_" . $_GET['Logname'] . ".html"; if (file_put_contents($filename, $content)) { echo "success<br>"; echo "goto File: <a href=http://" . get_local_ip() . "/Report/" . $file . "_" . $_GET['Logname'] . ".html>" . $file . "_" . $_GET['Logname'] . ".html</a>"; } else { echo 'fail'; }
} //获取操作系统为linux类型的本机IP真实地址 exec("ifconfig", $out, $stats); if (isset($out[1]) && strstr($out[1], 'addr:')) { $tmpArray = explode(":", $out[1]); $tmpIp = explode(" ", $tmpArray[1]); if (preg_match($preg, trim($tmpIp[0]))) { return trim($tmpIp[0]); } } return ''; } $array = array(); //1、先打开要操作的目录,并用一个变量指向它 //打开当前目录下的目录pic下的子目录common。 $handler = opendir("D:\\Sina\\wamp\\wamp\\www\\Report\\"); //2、循环的读取目录下的所有文件 /* 其中$filename = readdir($handler)是每次循环的时候将读取的文件名赋值给$filename,为了不陷于死循环,所以还要让$filename !== false。一定要用!==,因为如果某个文件名如果叫’0′,或者某些被系统认为是代表false,用!=就会停止循环 */ while (($filename = readdir($handler)) !== false) { // 3、目录下都会有两个文件,名字为’.'和‘..’,不要对他们进行操作 if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..') { // 4、进行处理 array_push($array, $filename); } } //5、关闭目录 closedir($handler); //var_dump($array); foreach ($array as $ar) { echo "<a href=http://" . get_local_ip() . "/Report/" . $ar . ">" . $ar . "</a><br>"; }
return trim($tmpIp[1]); } } } //获取操作系统为linux类型的本机IP真实地址 exec("ifconfig", $out, $stats); if (isset($out[1]) && strstr($out[1], 'addr:')) { $tmpArray = explode(":", $out[1]); $tmpIp = explode(" ", $tmpArray[1]); if (preg_match($preg, trim($tmpIp[0]))) { return trim($tmpIp[0]); } } return ''; } echo "<a href=http://" . get_local_ip() . "//SinaWeibo/CheckLog/TestEntrance.html><strong>[返回主页]</strong></a><br>"; echo "Checking the LogFile <strong>" . $_GET['Logname'] . "</strong> begin..." . "<br>"; echo "<br>"; $logName = "D:\\Sina\\wamp\\wamp\\www\\LogFile\\" . $_GET['Logname']; $checknoavailable = new checkTodayLog($logName); $checknoavailable->FindNoAvailableBlock(); echo "*******************************************<br>"; echo "*******************************************<br>"; $check = new checkTodayLog($logName); $a = $check->FindNewTemplate(); $tbody = array(); $newslist = array(); $mutiplematch = array(); $notemplatematch = array(); $alreadyupdate = array(); $canbeupdate = array();