コード例 #1
function register_local_fans($page_id)
    $data_return = array('has_local_fans' => false);
    $local_fans_last_date = get_local_fans_last_date($page_id);
    if (!empty($local_fans_last_date)) {
        //Get page's data
        $query = 'SELECT id_page, parent, fb_id, name, username, is_verified, likes, likes_grow_7, talking_about, category_id, sub_category_id
                        FROM ' . DB_RESULTS_PREFIX . 'facebook_pages
                        WHERE id_page = $10;';
        $que_pages = db_query_table_results($query, array($page_id));
        $page = mysql_fetch_assoc($que_pages);
        //Get local fans
        $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . 'page_local_fans_country
                      WHERE id_page = $1 
                        AND date = \'$2\';';
        $que_local_fans = db_query($query, array($page_id, $local_fans_last_date));
        if (mysql_num_rows($que_local_fans) > 0) {
            $data_return['has_local_fans'] = true;
            $data_return['date'] = $local_fans_last_date;
            $data_return['items'] = array();
            //Controlamos que no se duplique
            $local_fans_exist_in_result = false;
            $query = 'SELECT id_page
                            FROM ' . DB_RESULTS_PREFIX . 'facebook_pages_local_fans
                            WHERE id_page = $10
                            LIMIT 1;';
            $result = db_query_table_results($query, array($page_id));
            if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
                $local_fans_exist_in_result = true;
            while ($local_fans = mysql_fetch_assoc($que_local_fans)) {
                $data_return['items'][] = array('c' => $local_fans['id_country'], 'l' => $local_fans['likes']);
                if (!$local_fans_exist_in_result) {
                    $country = get_country_data($local_fans['id_country']);
                    $country_code = $country['code'];
                    $country_name = $country['name'];
                    $country_slug = $country['slug'];
                    $likes = $local_fans['likes'];
                    //Insert into result's table
                    $query = "INSERT INTO " . DB_RESULTS_PREFIX . "facebook_pages_local_fans VALUES(NULL, \$10, \$11, \$12, '\$13', '\$14', \$15, \$16, \$17, \$18, \$19, \$20, '\$21', '\$22', '\$23', \$24, NOW());";
                    $values = array($page['id_page'], $page['parent'], $page['fb_id'], $page['username'], $page['name'], $page['is_verified'], $page['likes'], !empty($page['likes_grow_7']) ? $page['likes_grow_7'] : 'NULL', $page['talking_about'], !empty($page['category_id']) ? $page['category_id'] : 'NULL', !empty($page['sub_category_id']) ? $page['sub_category_id'] : 'NULL', $country_code, $country_name, $country_slug, $likes);
                    $res = db_query_table_results($query, $values, 1);
    return $data_return;
コード例 #2
    $sql = 'SELECT date FROM ' . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . 'page_local_fans_country
                WHERE id_page = $1
                ORDER BY 1 DESC
                LIMIT 1;';
    $res = db_query($sql, array($page_id));
    if ($fila = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
        return $fila['date'];
    return NULL;
//Verificamos si existe la página
if (!is_exist_fb_page($page_id)) {
$data_return = array('has_local_fans' => false);
$local_fans_last_date = get_local_fans_last_date($page_id);
$date_last_month = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($local_fans_last_date . ' -' . $days . ' day'));
if (!empty($local_fans_last_date)) {
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . DB_FACEBOOK_PREFIX . 'page_local_fans_country
                  WHERE id_page = $1 
                    AND id_country = $2
                    AND date >= \'$3\';';
    $que_pages = db_query($query, array($page_id, $country_id, $date_last_month));
    if (mysql_num_rows($que_pages) > 0) {
        $data_return['has_local_fans'] = true;
        $data_return['items'] = array();
        while ($local_fans = mysql_fetch_assoc($que_pages)) {
            $data_return['items'][] = array('likes' => $local_fans['likes'], 'date' => $local_fans['date']);