コード例 #1
function epl_sc_option_fields()
    global $epl_fields;
    $epl_fields['epl_sc_options'] = array('epl_sc_enable' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_enable', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('No'), 10 => epl__('Yes. Pop-up based'), 15 => epl__('Yes. Button based')), 'default_value' => 0, 'label' => epl__('Enable Shopping Cart'), 'description' => epl__('When enabled, the user will have the ability to register for more than one event.  Pop-up based carts displays a modal box for the user to select the event.  Button based will update the button and mark it as added to the cart.  Users will have the option to update their selections in the cart regardless of which method you use.')), 'epl_sc_footer_subtotal' => array('weight' => 6, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_footer_subtotal', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 10, 'label' => epl__('Enable Footer Totals'), 'description' => epl__('When events are added to the cart, a small box in the footer will show what the user has selected and give him the option to delete items from the cart.')), 'epl_sc_forms_to_use' => array('weight' => 7, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_forms_to_use', 'options' => array(1 => epl__('Use the forms below'), 5 => epl__('Use the forms indicated for each event')), 'default_value' => 0, 'label' => epl__('Registrations forms to use'), 'description' => epl__('When the users go through the registration and they have more than one event in the cart, the system can display the individual forms associated with each event or it can display one set of forms that you choose below. ')), 'epl_sc_primary_regis_forms' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_primary_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Ticket buyer form'), 'options' => epl_get_list_of_available_forms(), 'auto_key' => true, 'class' => '', 'description' => epl__('Optional.  This is the form that you will use for collecting information from the person that is doing the registration.')), 'epl_sc_addit_regis_forms' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_addit_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Forms for all attendees'), 'options' => epl_get_list_of_available_forms(), 'auto_key' => true, 'class' => '', 'description' => '<img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/error.png" /> ' . epl__('This information will be collected from all the attendees and will be recorded for each event.  If you do not need to collect individual information and only need the quantity, do not select any of these forms.')), 'epl_sc_form_to_form_copy' => array('weight' => 18, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_form_to_form_copy', 'label' => epl__('Enable form to form copy?'), 'options' => epl_get_list_of_available_forms(), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'class' => ''), 'epl_sc_payment_choices' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_payment_choices[]', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Payment Choices'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Payment Profiles. Please go to Events Planner > Payment Profiles.'), 'class' => '', 'default_value' => get_list_of_default_payment_profiles(), 'auto_key' => true), 'epl_sc_default_selected_payment' => array('weight' => 25, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_default_selected_payment', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Default Selected Payment'), 'help_text' => epl__('This determines which payment method is automatically selected when the user visits the regsitration cart for the first time.'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Payment Profiles. Please go to Events Planner > Payment Profiles.'), 'class' => 'req'), 'epl_sc_notification' => array('weight' => 30, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => 'epl_sc_notification', 'options' => get_list_of_available_notifications(), 'label' => epl__('Confirmation email'), 'help_text' => epl__('Email that is sent to the users after they register.'), 'empty_row' => true, 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No email messages found.  Please go to Events Planner > Notification Manager to create notifications.')));
    $epl_fields['epl_sc_options'] = apply_filters('epl_shopping_cart_options_fields', $epl_fields['epl_sc_options']);
    uasort($epl_fields['epl_sc_options'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
コード例 #2
 function get_the_email_form()
     global $wpdb;
     $_field = array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_notification_id', 'options' => get_list_of_available_notifications(), 'empty_row' => true, 'label' => epl__('Email Template'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No email messages found.  Please go to Events Planner > Notification Manager to create notifications.'), 'class' => 'epl_notification_dd');
     $data['available_notifications'] = $this->epl->epl_util->create_element($_field, 0);
     $data['post_ID'] = $this->post_ID;
     $data['event_id'] = $this->event_id;
     $email_list = $this->erptm->get_the_email_addresses();
     $data['email_list_for_copy'] = implode(', ', $email_list);
     $to_emails = array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => 'to_emails[]', 'options' => $email_list, 'default_checked' => true);
     $data['emails'] = $this->epl->epl_util->create_element($to_emails);
     echo $this->epl->load_view('admin/registration/regis-email-form', $data, true);
コード例 #3
$epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_class_session_fields', $epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_class_session_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields'] = array('_epl_rec_first_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_first_start_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_first_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_first_end_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_regis_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_start_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_regis_start_days_before_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_start_days_before_start_date', 'class' => 'epl_w40 req'), '_epl_rec_regis_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_end_date', 'style' => 'width:100px;', 'class' => ' datepicker req', 'query' => 1, 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_rec_regis_end_days_before_start_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_rec_regis_end_days_before_start_date', 'class' => 'epl_w40 req', 'help_text' => '', 'default_value' => ''), '_epl_recurrence_frequency' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_frequency', 'options' => array(0 => 'Never', 'day' => 'Daily', 'week' => 'Weekly', 'month' => 'Monthly'), 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_recurrence_interval' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_interval', 'options' => epl_make_array(1, 30), 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_recurrence_end' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_end', 'label' => '', 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'datepicker req epl_w100', 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_recurrence_weekdays' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_weekdays[]', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Sun'), 1 => epl__('Mon'), 2 => epl__('Tue'), 3 => epl__('Wed'), 4 => epl__('Thu'), 5 => epl__('Fri'), 6 => epl__('Sat')), 'default_checked' => 1, 'display_inline' => true, 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_recurrence_repeat_by' => array('input_type' => 'radio', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_repeat_by', 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Day of Month')), 'default_value' => 0, 'help_text' => epl__('Coming soon, ability to select per week of the month (i.e. first, second, last week).')), '_epl_recurrence_capacity' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_recurrence_capacity', 'help_text' => '', 'class' => 'epl_w50'));
$epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_recurrence_fields', $epl_fields['epl_recurrence_fields']);
$epl_fields['epl_special_fields'] = array('_epl_pricing_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_pricing_type', 'options' => array(0 => 'All the offered times have the same prices', 10 => 'Each time has special pricing'), 'label' => 'Event Type', 'help_text' => 'Different Event types'));
$epl_fields['epl_regis_form_fields'] = array('_epl_primary_regis_forms' => array('input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_primary_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Primary registrant forms'), 'options' => array(), 'auto_key' => true, 'description' => epl__('Optional.  This is the form that you will use for collecting information from the person that is doing the registration.')), '_epl_addit_regis_forms' => array('input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_addit_regis_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Forms for all attendees'), 'options' => array(), 'auto_key' => true, 'help_text' => '<img src="' . EPL_FULL_URL . 'images/error.png" /> ' . epl__('This information will be collected from all the attendees.  If you do not need to collect individual information and only need the quantity, do not select any of these forms.')), '_epl_addit_regis_form_counter_label' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_addit_regis_form_counter_label', 'label' => epl__('Form Section Counter Label'), 'default_value' => epl__('Attendee'), 'help_text' => epl__('When additional forms are presented besides the Ticket Buyer form, this value will be presented before the counter.  For example, Attendee #1, Attendee #2...')), '_epl_enable_form_to_form_copy' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_enable_form_to_form_copy', 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0, 'label' => epl__('Enable form to form copy?'), 'default_value' => epl__('Attendee'), 'help_text' => epl__('This will give your users the ability to copy data from form to form during the registration.')));
$epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'] = array('_epl_event_location' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_location', 'options' => get_list_of_available_locations(), 'empty_row' => true, 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Locations found. Please go to Events Planner > Event Locations.'), 'label' => epl__('Event Location')), '_epl_event_sublocation' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_sublocation', 'label' => epl__('Room, suite...'), 'help_text' => epl__('Enter more specific information about the location.'), 'class' => 'epl_w300'), '_epl_payment_choices' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'table_checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_payment_choices[]', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Payment Choices'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Payment Profiles. Please go to Events Planner > Payment Profiles.'), 'class' => 'req', 'default_value' => get_list_of_default_payment_profiles(), 'auto_key' => true, 'style' => ''), '_epl_default_selected_payment' => array('weight' => 17, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_default_selected_payment', 'options' => get_list_of_payment_profiles(), 'label' => epl__('Default Selected Payment'), 'help_text' => epl__('This determines which payment method is automatically selected when the user visits the regsitration cart for the first time.'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Payment Profiles. Please go to Events Planner > Payment Profiles.'), 'class' => 'req'), '_epl_event_organization' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_organization', 'options' => get_list_of_orgs(), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No Organizations found. Please go to Events Planner > Organizations.'), 'empty_row' => true, 'label' => epl__('Organization hosting the event')));
$epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_other_settings_fields', $epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_other_settings_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_option_fields'] = array('_epl_event_status' => array('weight' => 5, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_status', 'label' => epl__('Status'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Inactive'), 1 => epl__('Active'), 2 => epl__('Active (hidden)'), 3 => epl__('Ongoing'), 10 => epl__('Cancelled')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_regis_privilege' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_regis_privilege', 'label' => epl__('Registration Availability'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Open to public'), 1 => epl__('Members Only')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_registration_max' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_registration_max', 'label' => epl__('Max. per registration'), 'class' => ''));
$epl_fields['epl_option_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_option_fields', $epl_fields['epl_option_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_option_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'] = array('_epl_display_regis_button' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_display_regis_button', 'label' => epl__('Show Registration Button'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 10, 'class' => ''), '_epl_date_display_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_date_display_type', 'label' => epl__('Date Display Type'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('None'), 5 => epl__('Table'), 10 => epl__('Calendar')), 'help_text' => epl__('Determines if the dates displayed on the event list are in table format or in small calendar format.'), 'default_value' => 5, 'class' => ''), '_epl_display_content' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_display_content', 'label' => epl__('Content Display Type'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('None'), 1 => epl__('Excerpt'), 2 => epl__('Content')), 'help_text' => epl__('Determines which content to display in the event list.'), 'default_value' => 2, 'class' => ''), '_epl_event_available_space_display' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_available_space_display', 'label' => epl__('Display available spaces?'), 'help_text' => '', 'options' => epl_yes_no()), '_epl_event_detail_cart_display' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_event_detail_cart_display', 'label' => epl__('Display Event Details in cart?'), 'help_text' => '', 'options' => epl_yes_no()), '_epl_alt_admin_email' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_alt_admin_email', 'label' => epl__('Alternate Notification Emails'), 'help_text' => epl__('Enter a comma separated list of email addresses that you would like to send the registration confirmation emails to.'), 'class' => 'epl_w400'), '_epl_alt_regis_url' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_alt_regis_url', 'label' => epl__('Alternate Registration URL'), 'help_text' => epl__('If you would like to have the register button point to an alternate registration page or form.'), 'class' => 'epl_w400'), '_epl_cal_link_destination' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_cal_link_destination', 'label' => epl__('Calendar/Widget link destination'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Registration Page'), 1 => epl__('Event Details')), 'default_value' => 0), '_epl_title_link_destination' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_title_link_destination', 'label' => epl__('Event Title link destination'), 'options' => array(0 => epl__('Event Details'), 1 => epl__('Registration Page')), 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_display_option_fields', $epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields']);
//uasort( $epl_fields['epl_display_option_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight' );
$epl_fields['epl_message_fields'] = array('_epl_message_location' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_message_location[]', 'label' => epl__('Message Location'), 'empty_row' => 1, 'options' => array('epl_regis_all_message_top' => epl__('All registration pages - top'), 'epl_regis_all_message_bottom' => epl__('All registration pages - bottom'), 'epl_cart_top_message' => epl__('Cart - top'), 'epl_cart_bottom_message' => epl__('Cart - bottom'), 'epl_regis_form_top_message' => epl__('Registration form - top'), 'epl_regis_form_bottom_message' => epl__('Registration form - bottom'), 'epl_regis_complete_top_message' => epl__('Registration complete - top'), 'epl_regis_complete_bottom_message' => epl__('Registration complete - bottom')), 'class' => 'req', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_message_type' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_message_type[]', 'empty_row' => 1, 'options' => array('epl_info_message' => epl__('Info'), 'epl_success_message' => epl__('Success'), 'epl_warning_message' => epl__('Warning'), 'epl_error_message' => epl__('Error')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_message' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'textarea', 'input_name' => '_epl_message[]', 'label' => epl__('Min.'), 'class' => 'epl_w100pct mceeditor req', '_save_func' => 'wp_kses_post'));
$epl_fields['epl_message_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_message_fields', $epl_fields['epl_message_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_message_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_report_fields'] = array('_epl_report_column' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_report_column[]'), '_epl_report_column_width' => array('weight' => 15, 'input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_report_column_width[]'));
$epl_fields['epl_report_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_report_fields', $epl_fields['epl_report_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_report_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_attendee_list_fields'] = array('_epl_show_attendee_list_link' => array('weight' => 10, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_show_attendee_list_link', 'label' => epl__('Show Attendee List Link?'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'class' => ''), '_epl_show_attendee_list_button_location' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_show_attendee_list_button_location', 'label' => epl__('Link Location'), 'options' => array('event_list' => epl__('Event List'), 'thank_you_page' => epl__('Registration Confirmation Page'), 'shortcode' => epl__('Shortcode')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_show_attendee_list_template' => array('weight' => 20, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_show_attendee_list_template', 'label' => epl__('Attendee List Template'), 'options' => array('attendee-list-1' => epl__('Template 1'), 'attendee-list-2' => epl__('Template 2')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_attendee_list_field' => array('input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_attendee_list_field[]'));
$epl_fields['epl_attendee_list_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_attendee_list_fields', $epl_fields['epl_attendee_list_fields']);
uasort($epl_fields['epl_attendee_list_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight');
$epl_fields['epl_discount_fields'] = array('_epl_allow_global_discounts' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_allow_global_discounts', 'label' => epl__('Allow global discounts for this event?'), 'help_text' => epl__('This setting determines if global coupon codes or automatic discounts can be applied to this event.'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 10, 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_method' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_method[]', 'options' => array(5 => epl__('Code'), 10 => epl__('Automatic')), 'label' => epl__('Discount Method'), 'class' => '', 'parent_keys' => true), '_epl_discount_code' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_code[]', 'label' => epl__('Discount Code'), 'class' => 'epl_w80'), '_epl_discount_amount' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_amount[]', 'label' => epl__('Amount'), 'class' => 'epl_w70'), '_epl_discount_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_type[]', 'label' => epl__('Discount Type'), 'options' => array(5 => epl__('Fixed'), 10 => epl__('Percent')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_max_usage' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_max_usage[]', 'label' => epl__('Max Use'), 'class' => 'epl_w50'), '_epl_discount_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_end_date[]', 'label' => epl__('Until'), 'class' => 'datepicker epl_w100', 'data_type' => 'unix_time', '__func' => 'epl_admin_date_display'), '_epl_discount_description' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_description[]', 'placeholder' => epl__('Discount Description (optional)'), 'class' => 'epl_w100pct', 'help_text' => epl__('This label will appear in the total section as the discount description.')), '_epl_discount_active' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_active[]', 'label' => epl__('Active'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0), '_epl_discount_condition' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_condition[]', 'options' => array(0 => '', 5 => epl__('Total Amount'), 6 => epl__('Total Quantity'), 8 => epl__('Number of Days')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_condition_logic' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_condition_logic[]', 'options' => array('=' => '=', '>' => '>', '>=' => '>=', '<=' => '<=', 'between' => epl__('Between')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_condition_value' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_condition_value[]', 'class' => 'epl_w70'), '_epl_discount_condition_value2' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_condition_value2[]', 'class' => 'epl_w70'), '_epl_discount_target' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_target[]', 'options' => array(5 => epl__('Total Amount')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_target_price_id' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_target_price_id[]', 'options' => array(), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_forms' => array('weight' => 60, 'input_type' => 'checkbox', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_forms[]', 'label' => epl__('Discount Specific Form'), 'options' => array(), 'second_key' => '[]'), '_epl_discount_forms_per' => array('weight' => 65, 'input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_forms_per[]', 'label' => epl__('Display the form '), 'options' => array(1 => epl__('For each Attendee'), 2 => epl__('Only Once'), 3 => epl__('Do not show any attendee forms'))));
$epl_fields['epl_discount_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_discount_fields', $epl_fields['epl_discount_fields']);
//uasort( $epl_fields['epl_discount_fields'], 'epl_sort_by_weight' );
$epl_fields['epl_discount_rule_fields'] = array('_epl_discount_trigger' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_trigger[]', 'options' => array(0 => '', 5 => epl__('Total Amount'), 6 => epl__('Total Quantity')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_amount' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_amount[]', 'label' => epl__('Amount'), 'class' => 'epl_w70'), '_epl_discount_type' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_type[]', 'label' => epl__('Discount Type'), 'options' => array(5 => epl__('Fixed'), 10 => epl__('Percent')), 'class' => ''), '_epl_discount_max_usage' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_max_usage[]', 'label' => epl__('Max Use'), 'class' => 'epl_w50'), '_epl_discount_end_date' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_end_date[]', 'label' => epl__('Until'), 'class' => 'datepicker epl_w80', 'data_type' => 'unix_time'), '_epl_discount_active' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_discount_active[]', 'label' => epl__('Until'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0));
$epl_fields['epl_discount_rule_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_discount_rule_fields', $epl_fields['epl_discount_rule_fields']);
$epl_fields['epl_waitlist_fields'] = array('_epl_wailist_active' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_wailist_active', 'label' => epl__('Enable Waitlist?'), 'options' => epl_yes_no(), 'default_value' => 0), '_epl_waitlist_form' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_waitlist_form', 'label' => epl__('Form to display'), 'options' => epl_get_list_of_available_forms(), 'help_text' => epl__('The form that will be presented to the registrant.'), 'class' => ''), '_epl_waitlist_max' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_waitlist_max', 'label' => epl__('Max waitlist size'), 'help_text' => epl__('Leave empty if waitlist has no limit.'), 'class' => 'epl_w50'), '_epl_waitlist_approved_regis_time_limit' => array('input_type' => 'text', 'input_name' => '_epl_waitlist_approved_regis_time_limit', 'label' => epl__('Maximum response time'), 'help_text' => epl__('Amount of time (in hours) a user is given before the approved waitlist link expires.  Example, for 1 day, enter 24, for 3 hours and 30 minutes enter 3.5.'), 'class' => 'epl_w50'), '_epl_waitlist_notification' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_waitlist_notification', 'options' => get_list_of_available_notifications(), 'label' => epl__('Waitlist confirmation email'), 'help_text' => epl__('Email that is sent to the users after they are placed on a waiting list.'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No email messages found.  Please go to Events Planner > Notification Manager to create notifications.')), '_epl_waitlist_approved_notification' => array('input_type' => 'select', 'input_name' => '_epl_waitlist_approved_notification', 'options' => get_list_of_available_notifications(), 'label' => epl__('Waitlist approved email'), 'help_text' => epl__('Email that is sent to the users once the waitlist is approved.'), 'empty_options_msg' => epl__('No email messages found.  Please go to Events Planner > Notification Manager to create notifications.')));
$epl_fields['epl_waitlist_fields'] = apply_filters('epl_waitlist_fields', $epl_fields['epl_waitlist_fields']);