コード例 #1
ファイル: import.lib.php プロジェクト: KRCM13/chamilo-lms
 * Validates imported data.
function validate_data($users)
    global $defined_auth_sources;
    $errors = array();
    $usernames = array();
    if (is_array($users)) {
        foreach ($users as $index => $user) {
            // 1. Check whether mandatory fields have been set.
            $mandatory_fields = array('LastName', 'FirstName');
            if (api_get_setting('registration', 'email') == 'true') {
                $mandatory_fields[] = 'Email';
            foreach ($mandatory_fields as $key => $field) {
                if (!isset($user[$field]) || strlen($user[$field]) == 0) {
                    $user['error'] = get_lang($field . 'Mandatory');
                    $errors[] = $user;
            // 2. Check username.
            if (!UserManager::is_username_empty($user['UserName'])) {
                // 2.1. Check whether username was used twice in the import file.
                if (isset($usernames[$user['UserName']])) {
                    $user['error'] = get_lang('UserNameUsedTwice');
                    $errors[] = $user;
                $usernames[$user['UserName']] = 1;
                // 2.2. Check whether username is allready in use in database.
                if (!UserManager::is_username_available($user['UserName'])) {
                    $user['error'] = get_lang('UserNameNotAvailable');
                    $errors[] = $user;
                // 2.3. Check whether username is too long.
                if (UserManager::is_username_too_long($user['UserName'])) {
                    $user['error'] = get_lang('UserNameTooLong');
                    $errors[] = $user;
            // 3. Check status.
            if (isset($user['Status']) && !api_status_exists($user['Status'])) {
                $user['error'] = get_lang('WrongStatus');
                $errors[] = $user;
            // 4. Check classname.
            if (isset($user['ClassName']) && strlen($user['ClassName']) != 0) {
                if (!ClassManager::class_name_exists($user['ClassName'])) {
                    $user['error'] = get_lang('ClassNameNotAvailable');
                    $errors[] = $user;
            // 5. Check authentication source.
            if (isset($user['AuthSource']) && strlen($user['AuthSource']) != 0) {
                if (!in_array($user['AuthSource'], $defined_auth_sources)) {
                    $user['error'] = get_lang('AuthSourceNotAvailable');
                    $errors[] = $user;
    return $errors;
コード例 #2
function reports_template_exercicesMultiCourses_getSQL()
    // foreach quiz
    $result = array();
    $columns = Database::query('select r.id as kid, c.title as course, ' . 'r.child_name as test from ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_REPORTS_KEYS) . ' r, ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE) . ' c ' . 'where r.course_id=c.id and r.tool_id=' . reports_getToolId(TOOL_QUIZ) . ' order by r.course_id, r.child_name');
    if (Database::num_rows($columns) == 0) {
        die('<b>' . get_lang('no data found') . '</b>');
    $query = 'select u.lastname Name, u.firstname Firstname';
    $columns = Database::store_result($columns);
    if ($_REQUEST['tattempt'] == 'min' || $_REQUEST['tattempt'] == 'max') {
        $function = $_REQUEST['tattempt'];
    } else {
        $function = 'avg';
    foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
        $query .= ', ' . $function . '(k' . $key . '.score) as `' . $column['course'] . ' - ' . $column['test'] . '` ';
    $query .= ' from ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER) . ' u ';
    foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
        // fixme sessions
        $query .= 'left outer join ' . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_REPORTS_VALUES) . ' k' . $key . ' on k' . $key . '.key_id = ' . $column['kid'] . ' and k' . $key . '.user_id = u.user_id ';
    $query .= ' group by ';
    foreach ($columns as $key => $column) {
        // grouping attempt
        $query .= 'k' . $key . '.attempt, ';
    $query = substr($query, 0, -2);
    // removing last ', ';
    return $query;
  * Constructor
 function MultipleAnswerCombinationTrueFalse()
     $this->isContent = $this->getIsContent();
     $this->options = array('1' => get_lang('True'), '0' => get_lang('False'), '2' => get_lang('DontKnow'));
コード例 #4
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    global $view;
    $group_id = $_REQUEST['group_id'];
    if (!$db->isAdmin($_SESSION['user_id'])) {
        $result = $db->getUserGroupList($_SESSION['user_id']);
        foreach ($result as $row) {
            if ($row['group_id'] == $group_id) {
                $own_group = TRUE;
    if (!$db->isAdmin($_SESSION['user_id']) && !isset($own_group)) {
        echo "<p class='note'>" . get_lang('not_available') . "</p>";
    if (isset($_POST['add_user_to_group'])) {
        $group_id = trim($_POST['group_id']);
        $user_id = trim($_POST['user_to_add']);
        $username = $db->getUserById($user_id);
        $group_name = $db->getGroupById($group_id);
        if (!$db->addUsertoGroup($user_id, $group_id)) {
            print_failure(get_lang_f('could_not_add_user_to_group', $username['users_login'], $group_name['group_name']));
        echo "<p class='success'>" . get_lang_f('successfully_added_to_group', $username['users_login'], $group_name['group_name']) . "</p>";
        $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_added_to_group', $username['users_login'], $group_name['group_name']));
コード例 #5
  * Export a whole Wiki to a single HTML String
  * @return  string Wiki content in HTML
 public function export()
     $pageList = $this->wiki->allPagesByCreationDate();
     $result = $this->_htmlHeader();
     $result .= '<h1>' . $this->wiki->getTitle() . '</h1>' . "\n";
     foreach ($pageList as $page) {
         $wikiPage = new WikiPage($this->wiki->getDatabaseConnection(), $this->wiki->getConfig(), $this->wiki->getWikiId());
         $this->setOpt('note_prefix', $page['title']);
         if ($wikiPage->hasError()) {
             $result .= '<h2><a name="' . $this->_makePageTitleAnchor($page['title']) . '">' . $page['title'] . '</a></h2>' . "\n";
             $result .= get_lang("Could not load page %page", array('%page' => $page['title'])) . "\n";
             $wikiPage = null;
         } else {
             $pgTitle = $wikiPage->getTitle();
             if ('__MainPage__' === $pgTitle) {
                 $pgTitle = get_lang('Main page');
             $result .= '<h2><a name="' . $this->_makePageTitleAnchor($page['title']) . '">' . $pgTitle . '</a></h2>' . "\n";
             $content = $wikiPage->getContent();
             $result .= $this->render($content) . "\n";
             $wikiPage = null;
     $result .= $this->_htmlFooter();
     return $result;
コード例 #6
 function prepare_skill_box($skill, $position, $class)
     $block_id = $skill['id'];
     $extra_class = 'third_window';
     if ($skill['parent_id'] == 0) {
         $extra_class = 'second_window';
     $this->html .= '<div id="block_' . $block_id . '" class = "open_block window ' . $extra_class . '  ' . $class . '" style = "top:' . $position['y'] . 'px; left:' . $position['x'] . 'px;">';
     /*$gradebook_string = '';
       if (!empty($skill['gradebooks'])) {
           foreach ($skill['gradebooks'] as $gradebook) {
               //uncomment this to show the gradebook tags
               $gradebook_string .= Display::span($gradebook['name'], array('class'=>'label_tag gradebook','style'=>'width:50px')).'<br />';    
       } */
     $content = $skill['name'];
     $content .= '<div class="btn-group">';
     $content .= Display::url(get_lang('Edit'), '#', array('id' => 'edit_block_' . $block_id, 'class' => 'edit_block btn'));
     $content .= Display::url('+', '#', array('id' => 'edit_block_' . $block_id, 'class' => 'edit_block btn'));
     $content .= '</div>';
     $this->html .= $content . ' ' . $gradebook_string;
     if ($this->type == 'edit' && $skill['parent_id'] != 0) {
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('add.png', get_lang('Add'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id=>"edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('Close'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'close_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'close_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('Open'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'open_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'open_block'));
     $this->html .= '</div>';
コード例 #7
  * Builds the form
 protected function build_create()
     $this->addElement('header', get_lang('MakeLink'));
     $select = $this->addElement('select', 'select_link', get_lang('ChooseLink'), null, array('onchange' => 'document.create_link.submit()'));
     $linkTypes = LinkFactory::get_all_types();
     $select->addoption('[' . get_lang('ChooseLink') . ']', 0);
     $courseCode = $this->category_object->get_course_code();
     foreach ($linkTypes as $linkType) {
         // The hot potatoe link will be added "inside" the exercise option.
         if ($linkType == LINK_HOTPOTATOES) {
         $link = $this->createLink($linkType, $courseCode);
         // disable this element if the link works with a dropdownlist
         // and if there are no links left
         if (!$link->needs_name_and_description() && count($link->get_all_links()) == '0') {
             $select->addoption($link->get_type_name(), $linkType, 'disabled');
         } else {
             if ($link->get_type() == LINK_EXERCISE) {
                 // Adding exercise
                 $select->addoption($link->get_type_name(), $linkType);
                 // Adding hot potatoes
                 $linkHot = $this->createLink(LINK_HOTPOTATOES, $courseCode);
                 $select->addoption('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $linkHot->get_type_name(), LINK_HOTPOTATOES);
             } else {
                 $select->addoption($link->get_type_name(), $linkType);
     if (isset($this->extra)) {
         $this->setDefaults(array('select_link' => $this->extra));
コード例 #8
  * Get the necessary javascript for this datepicker
  * @return string
 private function getElementJS()
     $js = null;
     $id = $this->getAttribute('id');
     $js .= "<script>\n            \$(function() {\n                /*\$('#{$id}').hide().datepicker({\n                    defaultDate: '" . $this->getValue() . "',\n                    dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',\n                    altField: '#{$id}_alt',\n                    altFormat: \"" . get_lang('DateFormatLongNoDayJS') . "\",\n                    showOn: 'both',\n                    buttonImage: '" . Display::return_icon('attendance.png', null, [], ICON_SIZE_TINY, true, true) . "',\n                    buttonImageOnly: true,\n                    buttonText: '" . get_lang('SelectDate') . "',\n                    changeMonth: true,\n                    changeYear: true,\n                    yearRange: 'c-60y:c+5y'\n                });*/\n\n                 \$('#{$id}').datetimepicker({\n                    defaultDate: '" . $this->getValue() . "',\n                    format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'\n                });\n\n            });\n        </script>";
     return $js;
コード例 #9
 *  Filter to display the modify-buttons
 *  @param  -   int     $id     The reservation-id
function modify_filter($id)
    $out = ' <a href="m_reservation.php?action=accept&amp;rid=' . $id . '" alt="' . get_lang('AutoAccept') . '"><img title="' . get_lang('AutoAccept') . '"  alt="' . get_lang('AutoAccept') . '" src="../img/students.gif" /></a>';
    $out .= '<a href="m_reservation.php?action=edit&amp;id=' . $id . '" alt="' . get_lang('EditBookingPeriod') . '"><img title="' . get_lang('EditBookingPeriod') . '" alt="' . get_lang('EditBookingPeriod') . '" src="../img/edit.gif" /></a>';
    $out .= ' <a href="m_reservation.php?action=delete&amp;id=' . $id . '" alt="' . get_lang('DeleteBookingPeriod') . '" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(' . "'" . addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmDeleteBookingPeriod"))) . "'" . ')) return false;"><img title="' . get_lang('DeleteBookingPeriod') . '" alt="' . get_lang('DeleteBookingPeriod') . '" src="../img/delete.gif" /></a>';
    return $out;
コード例 #10
ファイル: class.wiki2xhtmlarea.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
  * Get area wiki syntax toolbar
  * @return string toolbar javascript code
 public function getToolbar()
     $toolbar = '';
     $toolbar .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . document_web_path() . '/js/toolbar.js"></script>' . "\n";
     $toolbar .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">if (document.getElementById) {\n    var tb = new dcToolBar(document.getElementById('" . $this->attributeList['id'] . "'),\n    'wiki','" . get_module_url('CLWIKI') . "/img/toolbar/');\n\n    tb.btStrong('" . get_lang('Bold') . "');\n    tb.btEm('" . get_lang('Italic') . "');\n    tb.btIns('" . get_lang('Underline') . "');\n    tb.btDel('" . get_lang('Strike') . "');\n    tb.btQ('" . get_lang('Inline quote') . "');\n    tb.btCode('" . get_lang('Code') . "');\n    tb.addSpace(10);\n    tb.btBr('" . get_lang('Line break') . "');\n    tb.addSpace(10);\n    tb.btBquote('" . get_lang('Blockquote') . "');\n    tb.btPre('" . get_lang('Preformated text') . "');\n    tb.btList('" . get_lang('Unordered list') . "','ul');\n    tb.btList('" . get_lang('Ordered list') . "','ol');\n    tb.addSpace(10);\n    tb.btLink('" . get_lang('External link') . "','" . get_lang('URL?') . "','" . get_lang('Language') . "','" . $GLOBALS['iso639_1_code'] . "');\n    tb.btImgLink('" . get_lang('External image') . "','" . get_lang('URL') . "');\n    tb.draw('');\n}\n</script>\n";
     return $toolbar;
  * Constructor
 public function __construct()
     $this->isContent = $this->getIsContent();
     $this->options = array('1' => get_lang('True'), '0' => get_lang('False'), '2' => get_lang('DontKnow'));
コード例 #12
ファイル: file.lib.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
function get_file_upload_errstring_from_errno($errorLevel)
    if (!defined('UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE')) {
        // Introduced in PHP 5.1.0
        define('UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE', 5);
    switch ($errorLevel) {
        case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
            $details = get_lang('No error');
        case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
            $details = get_lang('File too large. Notice : Max file size %size', array('%size' => get_cfg_var('upload_max_filesize')));
        case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
            $details = get_lang('File size exceeds');
        case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
            $details = get_lang('File upload incomplete');
        case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
            $details = get_lang('No file uploaded');
        case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
            $details = get_lang('Temporary folder missing');
            $details = get_lang('Failed to write file to disk');
            $details = get_lang('Unknown error code %errCode%', array('%errCode%' => $errorLevel));
    return $details;
コード例 #13
  * constructor
  * @path the path to a folder
  * @calculateSubdir force to get the subdirectories information
 function __construct($path = null, $calculateSubdir = true)
     $this->calculateSubdir = $calculateSubdir;
     if (defined('CONFIG_SYS_FOLDER_SHOWN_ON_TOP')) {
         $this->forceFolderOnTop = CONFIG_SYS_FOLDER_SHOWN_ON_TOP;
     if (!is_null($path)) {
         $this->currentFolderPath = $path;
     } elseif (isset($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex]) && file_exists(base64_decode($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex])) && !is_file(base64_decode($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex]))) {
         $this->currentFolderPath = api_htmlentities(Security::remove_XSS($_GET[$this->folderPathIndex]));
     } elseif (isset($_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex]) && file_exists($_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex]) && !is_file($_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex])) {
         $this->currentFolderPath = $_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex];
     } else {
         $this->currentFolderPath = CONFIG_SYS_DEFAULT_PATH;
     $this->currentFolderPath = isUnderRoot($this->getCurrentFolderPath()) ? backslashToSlash(addTrailingSlash($this->getCurrentFolderPath())) : $this->currentFolderPath;
     $this->currentFolderPath = base64_encode($this->currentFolderPath);
     if ($this->calculateSubdir) {
         // keep track of this folder path in session
         $_SESSION[$this->lastVisitedFolderPathIndex] = $this->currentFolderPath;
     if (is_dir($this->getCurrentFolderPath())) {
         $file = new file($this->getCurrentFolderPath());
         $folderInfo = $file->getFileInfo();
         if (sizeof($folderInfo)) {
             //for Chamilo in a name folder, replace num user by user names
             if (preg_match('/sf_user_/', basename($this->getCurrentFolderPath()))) {
                 $userinfo = api_get_user_info(substr(basename($this->getCurrentFolderPath()), 8));
                 $this->currentFolderInfo['name'] = $userinfo['complete_name'];
             } else {
                 $this->currentFolderInfo['name'] = str_replace('_', ' ', basename($this->getCurrentFolderPath()));
                 //for Chamilo. Prevent long directory name
             if (preg_match('/shared_folder/', basename($this->getCurrentFolderPath()))) {
                 $this->currentFolderInfo['name'] = get_lang('UserFolders');
             if (preg_match('/shared_folder_session_/', basename($this->getCurrentFolderPath()))) {
                 $session = explode('_', basename($this->getCurrentFolderPath()));
                 $session = strtolower($session[sizeof($session) - 1]);
                 $this->currentFolderInfo['name'] = get_lang('UserFolders') . ' (' . api_get_session_name($session) . ')*';
             //end Chamilo
             $this->currentFolderInfo['subdir'] = 0;
             $this->currentFolderInfo['file'] = 0;
             $this->currentFolderInfo['ctime'] = $folderInfo['ctime'];
             $this->currentFolderInfo['mtime'] = $folderInfo['mtime'];
             $this->currentFolderInfo['is_readable'] = $folderInfo['is_readable'];
             $this->currentFolderInfo['is_writable'] = $folderInfo['is_writable'];
             $this->currentFolderInfo['path'] = $this->getCurrentFolderPath();
             $this->currentFolderInfo['path_base64'] = base64_encode($this->getCurrentFolderPath());
             $this->currentFolderInfo['friendly_path'] = transformFilePath($this->getCurrentFolderPath());
             $this->currentFolderInfo['type'] = 'folder';
             $this->currentFolderInfo['cssClass'] = 'folder';
             //$this->currentFolderInfo['flag'] = $folderInfo['flag'];
     if ($calculateSubdir && !file_exists($this->getCurrentFolderPath())) {
         die(ERR_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND . $this->getCurrentFolderPath());
コード例 #14
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    echo "<h2>" . get_lang('game_servers') . "</h2>";
    echo "<p><a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=add'>" . get_lang('add_new_game_home') . "</a></p>";
    $game_homes = $db->getGameHomes();
    if (empty($game_homes)) {
        echo "<p>" . get_lang('no_game_homes_found') . "</p>";
    echo "<h2>" . get_lang('available_game_homes') . "</h2>";
    echo '<table class="center">';
    echo "<tr><th>" . get_lang('home_id') . "</th><th>" . get_lang('game_server') . "</th>\n        <th>" . get_lang('game_type') . "</th>\n        <th align='center'>" . get_lang('game_home') . "</th>\n        <th>" . get_lang('game_home_name') . "</th><th>" . get_lang('actions') . "</th></tr>";
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($game_homes as $row) {
        echo "<tr class='tr" . $i++ % 2 . "'><td class='tdh'>{$row['home_id']}</td><td>" . $row['agent_ip'] . "</td>" . "<td class='tdh'>{$row['game_name']}</td><td>{$row['home_path']}<br><div class='size' id='" . $row["home_id"] . "' style='cursor:pointer;' >[" . get_lang('get_size') . "]</div></td><td class='tdh'>";
        echo empty($row['home_name']) ? get_lang('not_available') : $row['home_name'];
        echo "</td><td>\n            <a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=del&amp;home_id={$row['home_id']}'>[" . get_lang('delete') . "]</a>\n            <a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=edit&amp;home_id={$row['home_id']}'>[" . get_lang('edit') . "]</a>\n            <a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=clone&amp;home_id={$row['home_id']}'>[" . get_lang('clone') . "]</a>\n            </td></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td colspan='3' style='border:none;' ></td><td style='border:none;' ><div style='float:left;margin-left:5px;' >" . get_lang('total_size') . ":</div><div class='size' id='total' " . "style='cursor:pointer;float:left;margin-left:5px;' >[" . get_lang('get_size') . "]</div></td><td colspan='2' style='border:none;' ></td></tr>";
    echo "</table>";
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var $id = $(this).attr('id');
		$.get( "home.php?m=user_games&type=cleared&p=get_size&home_id="+$id, function( data ) {
			$('#'+$id+".size").text( data );
コード例 #15
 public function get_announcement_data($username, $password, $course_code, $announcement_id, $field)
     if ($this->verifyUserPass($username, $password) == "valid") {
         $htmlcode = false;
         $user_id = UserManager::get_user_id_from_username($username);
         $result = self::get_announcements($username, $course_code, $announcement_id);
         while ($announcement = Database::fetch_array($result)) {
             $announcements[] = $announcement;
         switch ($field) {
             case 'sender':
                 $field_table = "insert_user_id";
                 $sender = api_get_user_info($announcements[0][$field_table]);
                 $announcements[0][$field_table] = $sender['firstname'] . " " . $sender['lastname'];
             case 'title':
                 $htmlcode = true;
                 $field_table = "title";
             case 'date':
                 $field_table = "end_date";
             case 'content':
                 $htmlcode = true;
                 $field_table = "content";
                 $announcements[0][$field_table] = nl2br_revert($announcements[0][$field_table]);
                 $field_table = "title";
         return htmlcode ? html_entity_decode($announcements[0][$field_table]) : $announcements[0][$field_table];
     } else {
         return get_lang('InvalidId');
コード例 #16
function lp_upload_quiz_main()
    // variable initialisation
    $lp_id = isset($_GET['lp_id']) ? intval($_GET['lp_id']) : null;
    $form = new FormValidator('upload', 'POST', api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&lp_id=' . $lp_id, '', array('enctype' => 'multipart/form-data'));
    $form->addElement('header', get_lang('ImportExcelQuiz'));
    $form->addElement('file', 'user_upload_quiz', get_lang('FileUpload'));
    $link = '<a href="../exercice/quiz_template.xls">' . Display::return_icon('export_excel.png', get_lang('DownloadExcelTemplate')) . get_lang('DownloadExcelTemplate') . '</a>';
    $form->addElement('label', '', $link);
    $table = new HTML_Table(array('class' => 'table'));
    $tableList = array(UNIQUE_ANSWER => get_lang('UniqueSelect'), MULTIPLE_ANSWER => get_lang('MultipleSelect'), FILL_IN_BLANKS => get_lang('FillBlanks'), MATCHING => get_lang('Matching'), FREE_ANSWER => get_lang('FreeAnswer'), GLOBAL_MULTIPLE_ANSWER => get_lang('GlobalMultipleAnswer'));
    $table->setHeaderContents(0, 0, get_lang('QuestionType'));
    $table->setHeaderContents(0, 1, '#');
    $row = 1;
    foreach ($tableList as $key => $label) {
        $table->setCellContents($row, 0, $label);
        $table->setCellContents($row, 1, $key);
    $table = $table->toHtml();
    $form->addElement('label', get_lang('QuestionType'), $table);
    $form->addElement('checkbox', 'user_custom_score', null, get_lang('UseCustomScoreForAllQuestions'), array('id' => 'user_custom_score'));
    $form->addElement('html', '<div id="options" style="display:none">');
    $form->addElement('text', 'correct_score', get_lang('CorrectScore'));
    $form->addElement('text', 'incorrect_score', get_lang('IncorrectScore'));
    $form->addElement('html', '</div>');
    $form->addRule('user_upload_quiz', get_lang('ThisFieldIsRequired'), 'required');
    $form->addButtonUpload(get_lang('Upload'), 'submit_upload_quiz');
    // Display the upload field
コード例 #17
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    echo '<h2>' . get_lang('users') . "</h2>";
    echo "<p><a href='?m=user_admin&amp;p=add'>" . get_lang('add_new_user') . "</a></p>";
    echo '<table class="center" style="width: 100%;">';
    echo '<tr><th>' . get_lang('actions') . "</th><th>" . get_lang('username') . "</th>";
    echo "<th>" . get_lang('user_role') . "</th>";
    echo "<th>" . get_lang('email_address') . "</th>";
    echo "<th>" . get_lang('expires') . "</th>";
    echo "<th>" . get_lang('ownedby') . "</th></tr>";
    $result = $db->getUserList();
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($result as $row) {
        // Show user's parent
        $ownedBy = "";
        if (is_null($row['users_parent'])) {
            if ($row['users_role'] != "admin") {
                $ownedBy = "Root Admin";
        } else {
            $ownedBy = $db->getUserById($row['users_parent']);
            $ownedBy = $ownedBy['users_login'];
        $user_expires = read_expire($row['user_expires']);
        print "<tr class='tr" . $i++ % 2 . "'>";
        print "<td><a href='?m=user_games&amp;p=assign&amp;user_id={$row['user_id']}'>[" . get_lang('assign_homes') . "]</a><br />\n            <a href='?m=user_admin&amp;p=del&amp;user_id={$row['user_id']}'>[" . get_lang('delete') . "]</a><br />\n            <a href='?m=user_admin&amp;p=edit_user&amp;user_id={$row['user_id']}'>[" . get_lang('edit_profile') . "]</a></td>\n            <td>{$row['users_login']}</td><td>{$row['users_role']}</td>\n            <td>{$row['users_email']}</td>\n            <td>{$user_expires}</td>\n            <td>{$ownedBy}</td></tr>";
    echo '</table>';
コード例 #18
ファイル: userprofilebox.lib.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
  * Render content
 public function render()
     CssLoader::getInstance()->load('profile', 'all');
     $userData = user_get_properties($this->userId);
     $pictureUrl = '';
     if (get_conf('allow_profile_picture')) {
         $picturePath = user_get_picture_path($userData);
         if ($picturePath && file_exists($picturePath)) {
             $pictureUrl = user_get_picture_url($userData);
         } else {
             $pictureUrl = get_icon_url('nopicture');
     $userFullName = claro_htmlspecialchars(get_lang('%firstName %lastName', array('%firstName' => $userData['firstname'], '%lastName' => $userData['lastname'])));
     $dock = new ClaroDock('userProfileBox');
     $template = new CoreTemplate('user_profilebox.tpl.php');
     $template->assign('userId', $this->userId);
     $template->assign('pictureUrl', $pictureUrl);
     $template->assign('userFullName', $userFullName);
     $template->assign('dock', $dock);
     $template->assign('condensedMode', $this->condensedMode);
     $template->assign('userData', $userData);
     return $template->render();
コード例 #19
ファイル: tinymce.php プロジェクト: ly95/adminer
    function head()
        $lang = "en";
        if (function_exists('get_lang')) {
            // since Adminer 3.2.0
            $lang = get_lang();
            $lang = $lang == "zh" ? "zh-cn" : ($lang == "zh-tw" ? "zh" : $lang);
            if (!file_exists(dirname($this->path) . "/langs/{$lang}.js")) {
                $lang = "en";
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php 
        echo h($this->path);
<script type="text/javascript">
	mode: 'none',
	theme: 'advanced',
	plugins: 'contextmenu,paste,table',
	entity_encoding: 'raw',
	theme_advanced_buttons1: 'bold,italic,link,unlink,|,sub,sup,|,bullist,numlist,|,cleanup,code',
	theme_advanced_buttons2: 'tablecontrols',
	theme_advanced_buttons3: '',
	theme_advanced_toolbar_location: 'top',
	theme_advanced_toolbar_align: 'left',
	language: '<?php 
        echo $lang;
コード例 #20
ファイル: scorm.inc.php プロジェクト: rhertzog/lcs
 * @version     $Revision: 14314 $
 * @copyright   (c) 2001-2011, Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)
 * @license     http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html (GPL) GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
 * @author      Piraux Sebastien <*****@*****.**>
 * @author      Lederer Guillaume <*****@*****.**>
 * @package     CLLNP
 * @since       1.8
function lp_display_scorm($TABLELEARNPATHMODULE)
    $out = '';
    // change raw if value is a number between 0 and 100
    if (isset($_POST['newRaw']) && is_num($_POST['newRaw']) && $_POST['newRaw'] <= 100 && $_POST['newRaw'] >= 0) {
        $sql = "UPDATE `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "`\n                SET `raw_to_pass` = " . (int) $_POST['newRaw'] . "\n                WHERE `module_id` = " . (int) $_SESSION['module_id'] . "\n                AND `learnPath_id` = " . (int) $_SESSION['path_id'];
        $dialogBoxContent = get_lang('Minimum raw to pass has been changed');
    $out .= '<hr noshade="noshade" size="1" />';
    //############################### DIALOG BOX SECTION #################################\\
    if (!empty($dialogBoxContent)) {
        $dialogBox = new DialogBox();
        $out .= $dialogBox->render();
    // form to change raw needed to pass the exercise
    $sql = "SELECT `lock`, `raw_to_pass`\n            FROM `" . $TABLELEARNPATHMODULE . "` AS LPM\n           WHERE LPM.`module_id` = " . (int) $_SESSION['module_id'] . "\n             AND LPM.`learnPath_id` = " . (int) $_SESSION['path_id'];
    $learningPath_module = claro_sql_query_fetch_all($sql);
    if (isset($learningPath_module[0]['lock']) && $learningPath_module[0]['lock'] == 'CLOSE' && isset($learningPath_module[0]['raw_to_pass'])) {
        $out .= "\n\n" . '<form method="post" action="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '">' . "\n" . '<label for="newRaw">' . get_lang('Change minimum raw mark to pass this module (percentage) : ') . '</label>' . "\n" . '<input type="text" value="' . claro_htmlspecialchars($learningPath_module[0]['raw_to_pass']) . '" name="newRaw" id="newRaw" size="3" maxlength="3" /> % ' . "\n" . '<input type="submit" value="' . get_lang('Ok') . '" />' . "\n" . '</form>' . "\n\n";
    return $out;
コード例 #21
  * Get the necessary javascript for this datepicker
  * @return string
 private function getElementJS()
     $js = null;
     $id = $this->getAttribute('id');
     $dateRange = $this->getAttribute('value');
     $defaultDates = null;
     if (!empty($dateRange)) {
         $dates = $this->parseDateRange($dateRange);
         $defaultDates = "\n                    startDate: '" . $dates['start'] . "',\n                    endDate: '" . $dates['end'] . "', ";
     $minDate = null;
     $minDateValue = $this->getAttribute('minDate');
     if (!empty($minDateValue)) {
         $minDate = "\n                minDate: '{$minDateValue}',\n            ";
     $maxDate = null;
     $maxDateValue = $this->getAttribute('maxDate');
     if (!empty($maxDateValue)) {
         $maxDate = "\n                maxDate: '{$maxDateValue}',\n            ";
     $format = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm';
     $formatValue = $this->getAttribute('format');
     if (!empty($formatValue)) {
         $format = $formatValue;
     $timePicker = 'true';
     $timePickerValue = $this->getAttribute('timePicker');
     if (!empty($timePickerValue)) {
         $timePicker = $timePickerValue;
     // timeFormat: 'hh:mm'
     $js .= "<script>\n        \$(function() {\n            \$('#{$id}').daterangepicker({\n                format: '{$format}',\n                timePicker: {$timePicker},\n                timePickerIncrement: 30,\n                timePicker12Hour: false,\n                {$defaultDates}\n                {$maxDate}\n                {$minDate}\n                ranges: {\n                     '" . addslashes(get_lang('Today')) . "': [moment(), moment()],\n                     '" . addslashes(get_lang('ThisWeek')) . "': [moment().weekday(1), moment().weekday(5)],\n                     '" . addslashes(get_lang('NextWeek')) . "': [moment().weekday(8), moment().weekday(12)]\n                },\n                //showDropdowns : true,\n                separator: ' / ',\n                locale: {\n                    applyLabel: '" . addslashes(get_lang('Ok')) . "',\n                    cancelLabel: '" . addslashes(get_lang('Cancel')) . "',\n                    fromLabel: '" . addslashes(get_lang('From')) . "',\n                    toLabel: '" . addslashes(get_lang('Until')) . "',\n                    customRangeLabel: '" . addslashes(get_lang('CustomRange')) . "',\n                }\n            });\n        });\n        </script>";
     return $js;
コード例 #22
  * Constructor
 function HTML_QuickForm_datepicker($elementName = null, $elementLabel = null, $attributes = null, $optionIncrement = null)
     $js_form_name = $attributes['form_name'];
     HTML_QuickForm_element::HTML_QuickForm_element($elementName, $elementLabel, $attributes);
     $this->_persistantFreeze = true;
     $this->_appendName = true;
     $this->_type = 'datepicker';
     $popup_link = '<a href="javascript:openCalendar(\'' . $js_form_name . '\',\'' . $elementName . '\')">
     <img src="' . api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH) . 'calendar_select.gif" style="vertical-align:middle;" alt="Select Date" /></a>';
     $special_chars = array('D', 'l', 'd', 'M', 'F', 'm', 'y', 'H', 'a', 'A', 's', 'i', 'h', 'g', ' ');
     $hour_minute_devider = get_lang("HourMinuteDivider");
     foreach ($special_chars as $char) {
         $popup_link = str_replace($char, "\\" . $char, $popup_link);
         $hour_minute_devider = str_replace($char, "\\" . $char, $hour_minute_devider);
     $lang_code = api_get_language_isocode();
     // If translation not available in PEAR::HTML_QuickForm_date, add the Chamilo-translation
     if (!array_key_exists($lang_code, $this->_locale)) {
         $this->_locale[$lang_code]['months_long'] = api_get_months_long();
     $this->_options['format'] = 'dFY ' . $popup_link . '   H ' . $hour_minute_devider . ' i';
     $this->_options['minYear'] = date('Y') - 5;
     $this->_options['maxYear'] = date('Y') + 10;
     $this->_options['language'] = $lang_code;
     if (isset($optionIncrement)) {
         $this->_options['optionIncrement']['i'] = intval($optionIncrement);
コード例 #23
 public static function get($key)
     if (isset(self::$data[$key])) {
         return self::$data[$key];
     throw new \Exception(get_lang('CODES_KEY_NOT_FOUND', $key));
コード例 #24
function edit_filter($id, $url_params, $row)
    global $charset;
    $return = '<a href="specific_fields_add.php?action=edit&field_id=' . $row[0] . '">' . Display::return_icon('edit.gif', get_lang('Edit')) . '</a>';
    $return .= ' <a href="' . api_get_self() . '?action=delete&field_id=' . $row[0] . '" onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(' . "'" . addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang("ConfirmYourChoice"), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . "'" . ')) return false;">' . Display::return_icon('delete.gif', get_lang('Delete')) . '</a>';
    return $return;
コード例 #25
ファイル: login.php プロジェクト: omaoibrahim/chamilo-lms
function openid_form()
    $form = new FormValidator('openid_login', 'post', null, null, array('class' => 'form-vertical form_login'));
    $form->addElement('text', 'openid_url', array(get_lang('OpenIDURL'), Display::url(get_lang('OpenIDWhatIs'), 'main/auth/openid/whatis.php')), array('class' => 'openid_input'));
    $form->addElement('button', 'submit', get_lang('Login'));
    return $form->return_form();
コード例 #26
function print_player_list($player_list, $players, $playersmax)
    $data = "<table class='player_monitor' style='border:none;'><thead>";
    $data .= "<tr><th>" . get_lang('player_name') . "</th><th>" . get_lang('score') . "</th><th>" . get_lang('time') . "</th></tr>";
    $data .= "</thead><tbody>";
    foreach ($player_list as $key => $row) {
        $name[$key] = $row['name'];
        $score[$key] = $row['score'];
        $time[$key] = $row['time'];
    //Sort by score, the 1st position in this array multisort, score, defines the row that sorts the array, if there are two equal scores then the next row, time, will sort this array.
    array_multisort($score, SORT_DESC, $time, $name, $player_list);
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($player_list as $player) {
        $data .= "<tr";
        if ($i % 2 == 0) {
            $data .= 'class="odd"';
        $data .= "><td>" . @$player['name'] . "</td><td>" . @$player['score'] . "</td><td>" . @$player['time'] . "</td></tr>";
    $data .= "</tbody><tfooter><tr><td colspan='3'>" . get_lang('players') . ": " . $players . "/" . $playersmax . "</td></tr>";
    $data .= "</tfooter></table>";
    return $data;
コード例 #27
function get_course_usage($course_code, $session_id = 0)
    $table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE);
    $course_code = Database::escape_string($course_code);
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE code='" . $course_code . "'";
    $res = Database::query($sql);
    $course = Database::fetch_object($res);
    // Learnpaths
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LP_MAIN);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_LEARNPATH)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Forums
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_FORUM);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang('Forums'), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Quizzes
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_QUIZ)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Documents
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_DOCUMENT);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_DOCUMENT)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Groups
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_GROUP);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_GROUP)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Calendar
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_AGENDA);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_CALENDAR_EVENT)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Link
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_LINK);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_LINK)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    // Announcements
    $table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_ANNOUNCEMENT);
    $usage[] = array(get_lang(ucfirst(TOOL_ANNOUNCEMENT)), CourseManager::count_rows_course_table($table, $session_id, $course->id));
    return $usage;
コード例 #28
  * @param array $survey_data
  * @param array $formData
  * @return FormValidator
 public function createForm($survey_data, $formData)
     parent::createForm($survey_data, $formData);
     $options = array('horizontal' => get_lang('Horizontal'), 'vertical' => get_lang('Vertical'));
     $this->getForm()->addRadio('horizontalvertical', get_lang('DisplayAnswersHorVert'), $options);
     $formData['horizontalvertical'] = isset($formData['horizontalvertical']) ? $formData['horizontalvertical'] : 'horizontal';
     $config = array('ToolbarSet' => 'Survey', 'Width' => '100%', 'Height' => '120');
     $total = count($formData['answers']);
     if (is_array($formData['answers'])) {
         foreach ($formData['answers'] as $key => $value) {
             $this->getForm()->addHtmlEditor('answers[' . $key . ']', null, false, false, $config);
             if ($key < $total - 1) {
                 //$this->getForm()->addButton("move_down[$key]", get_lang('Down'));
             if ($key > 0) {
                 //$this->getForm()->addButton("move_up[$key]", get_lang('Up'));
             if ($total > 2) {
                 $this->getForm()->addButton("delete_answer[{$key}]", get_lang('Delete'), 'trash', 'danger');
コード例 #29
function validate_data($skills)
    $errors = array();
    $skills = array();
    // 1. Check if mandatory fields are set.
    $mandatory_fields = array('id', 'parent_id', 'name');
    foreach ($skills as $index => $skill) {
        foreach ($mandatory_fields as $field) {
            if (empty($skill[$field])) {
                $skill['error'] = get_lang(ucfirst($field) . 'Mandatory');
                $errors[] = $skill;
        // 2. Check skill ID is not empty
        if (!isset($skill['id']) || empty($skill['id'])) {
            $skill['error'] = get_lang('SkillImportNoID');
            $errors[] = $skill;
        // 3. Check skill Parent
        if (!isset($skill['parent_id'])) {
            $skill['error'] = get_lang('SkillImportNoParent');
            $errors[] = $skill;
        // 4. Check skill Name
        if (!isset($skill['name'])) {
            $skill['error'] = get_lang('SkillImportNoName');
            $errors[] = $skill;
    return $errors;
コード例 #30
function exec_ogp_module()
    global $db;
    global $view;
    $user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
    $y = isset($_GET['y']) ? $_GET['y'] : "";
    $user = $db->getUserById($user_id);
    if (empty($user)) {
        print_failure(get_lang_f('user_with_id_does_not_exist', $user_id));
    $username = $user['users_login'];
    if ($y !== 'y') {
        if (!$db->isModuleInstalled("subusers")) {
            echo "<p>" . get_lang_f('are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_user', $username) . "</p>";
        } else {
            if (!$db->isSubUser($user_id)) {
                echo "<p>" . get_lang_f('are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_user', $username) . get_lang('andSubUsers') . "</p>";
            } else {
                echo "<p>" . get_lang_f('are_you_sure_you_want_to_delete_user', $username) . "</p>";
        echo "<p><a href=\"?m=user_admin&amp;p=del&amp;user_id={$user_id}&amp;y=y\">" . get_lang('yes') . "</a> <a href=\"?m=user_admin\">" . get_lang('no') . "</a></p>";
    if (!$db->delUser($user_id)) {
        print_failure(get_lang_f('unable_to_delete_user', $username));
    print_success(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_user', $username));
    $db->logger(get_lang_f('successfully_deleted_user', $username));