function get_list($condition = 'status=3', $order = 'itemid DESC') { global $MOD, $pages, $page, $pagesize, $offset, $items, $sum; if ($page > 1 && $sum) { $items = $sum; } else { $r = $this->db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$condition}"); $items = $r['num']; } $pages = pages($items, $page, $pagesize); if ($items < 1) { return array(); } $lists = array(); $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY {$order} LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); while ($r = $this->db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['adddate'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 5); if (strpos($r['content'], '<hr class="club_break" />') !== false) { $r['content'] = substr($r['content'], strpos($r['content'], '<hr class="club_break" />')); } $r['title'] = get_intro($r['content'], 50); $r['alt'] = get_intro($r['content'], 500); $r['linkurl'] = $MOD['linkurl'] . 'goto.php?itemid=' . $r['itemid']; $lists[] = $r; } return $lists; }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $TYPE, $_username, $_userid; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['adddate'] = timetodate($post['addtime'], 3); $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['editdate'] = timetodate($post['edittime'], 3); $post['totime'] = $post['totime'] ? strtotime($post['totime'] . ' 23:59:59') : 0; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['price'] = dround($post['price']); $post['minamount'] = dround($post['minamount']); $post['amount'] = dround($post['amount']); $post['mycatid'] = intval($post['mycatid']); $post['days'] = intval($post['days']); $post['elite'] = $post['elite'] ? 1 : 0; $post['title'] = trim($post['title']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '">'; } if ($post['thumb1']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb1'] . '">'; } if ($post['thumb2']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb2'] . '">'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '">'; } if ($r['thumb1']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb1'] . '">'; } if ($r['thumb2']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb2'] . '">'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $_username, $_userid; is_url($post['banner']) or $post['banner'] = ''; $post['filepath'] = isset($post['filepath']) && is_filepath($post['filepath']) ? file_vname($post['filepath']) : ''; $post['islink'] = isset($post['islink']) ? 1 : 0; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['cfg_photo'] = intval($post['cfg_photo']); $post['cfg_video'] = intval($post['cfg_video']); $post['cfg_type'] = intval($post['cfg_type']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($post['content'] && isset($post['clear_link']) && $post['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($post['content'] && isset($post['save_remotepic']) && $post['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $post['editor'] = $_username; $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '"/>'; } if ($post['banner']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['banner'] . '">'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '"/>'; } if ($r['banner']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['banner'] . '">'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['username'] = $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $_username, $_userid; is_url($post['thumb']) or $post['thumb'] = ''; $post['filepath'] = isset($post['filepath']) && is_filepath($post['filepath']) ? file_vname($post['filepath']) : ''; $post['islink'] = isset($post['islink']) ? 1 : 0; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($post['content'] && isset($post['clear_link']) && $post['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($post['content'] && isset($post['save_remotepic']) && $post['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($post['content'] && $post['thumb_no'] && !$post['thumb']) { $post['thumb'] = save_thumb($post['content'], $post['thumb_no'], $MOD['thumb_width'], $MOD['thumb_height']); } if (strpos($post['content'], 'pagebreak') !== false) { $post['content'] = str_replace(array('<hr class="de-pagebreak" /></p>', '<p><hr class="de-pagebreak" />', '<hr class="de-pagebreak" /></div>', '<div><hr class="de-pagebreak" />'), array('</p><hr class="de-pagebreak" />', '<hr class="de-pagebreak" /><p>', '</div><hr class="de-pagebreak" />', '<hr class="de-pagebreak" /><div>'), $post['content']); } if ($post['content'] && !$post['introduce'] && $post['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $post['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $post['editor'] = $_username; $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '"/>'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '"/>'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['username'] = $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $AREA, $_username, $_userid; $AREA or $AREA = cache_read('area.php'); $post['city'] or $post['city'] = $post['areaid'] ? $AREA[$post['areaid']]['areaname'] : ''; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['fromtime'] = strtotime($post['fromtime'] . ' 0:0:0'); $post['totime'] = strtotime($post['totime'] . ' 23:59:59'); $post['homepage'] = fix_link($post['homepage']); $post['sign'] = $post['sign'] ? 1 : 0; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['title'] = trim($post['title']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $post['editor'] = $_username; $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '">'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '">'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['username'] = $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $_username, $_userid; $post['filepath'] = isset($post['filepath']) && is_filepath($post['filepath']) ? file_vname($post['filepath']) : ''; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['totime'] = $post['totime'] ? strtotime($post['totime'] . ' 23:59:59') : 0; $post['discount'] = dround($post['price'] * 10 / $post['marketprice'], 1); $post['savemoney'] = dround($post['marketprice'] - $post['price']); $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['price'] = dround($post['price']); $post['marketprice'] = dround($post['marketprice']); $post['minamount'] = dround($post['minamount']); $post['amount'] = dround($post['amount']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($post['content'] && !$post['introduce'] && $post['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '"/>'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '"/>'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $_username, $_userid; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['video'] = fix_link(trim($post['video'])); $post['video_width'] = intval($post['video_width']); $post['video_height'] = intval($post['video_height']); $post['title'] = trim($post['title']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '">'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '">'; } delete_diff($new, $old); if ($r['video'] != $post['video']) { delete_upload($r['video'], match_userid($r['video'])); } } else { $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $_username, $_userid; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['content'] = addslashes(save_remote(save_local(stripslashes($post['content'])))); $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], 120)); $post['passport'] = addslashes(get_user($post['username'], 'username', 'passport')); if ($this->itemid) { $post['editor'] = $_username; $new = $post['content']; $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; delete_diff($new, $old); } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); clear_upload($post['content']); return array_map("trim", $post); }
if ($rid) { $R = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table}_reply WHERE itemid={$rid}"); $R && $R['status'] == 3 && $R['tid'] == $tid or dalert($L['my_not_reply']); $str = $R['content']; if (strpos($str, '<hr class="club_break" />') !== false) { $str = substr($str, strpos($str, '<hr class="club_break" />')); } else { if (strpos($str, '<hr class="club_break">') !== false) { $str = substr($str, strpos($str, '<hr class="club_break">')); } else { if (strpos($str, '<hr class="club_break"/>') !== false) { $str = substr($str, strpos($str, '<hr class="club_break"/>')); } } } $str = get_intro($str, 500); $R['quote'] = '<div class="club_quote"><div><a href="' . $MOD['linkurl'] . 'goto.php?itemid=' . $rid . '"><p>' . $R['passport'] . $L['my_reply_at'] . timetodate($R['addtime'], 5) . '</p>' . $str . '</a></div></div><hr class="club_break" />'; } $need_captcha = $MOD['captcha_reply'] == 2 ? $MG['captcha'] : $MOD['captcha_reply']; $need_question = $MOD['question_reply'] == 2 ? $MG['question'] : $MOD['question_reply']; if ($submit) { $msg = captcha($captcha, $need_captcha, true); if ($msg) { dalert($msg); } $msg = question($answer, $need_question, true); if ($msg) { dalert($msg); } if ($do->pass($post)) { $post['tid'] = $tid;
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $TYPE, $_username, $_userid, $GENDER, $MARRIAGE, $EDUCATION; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['birthday'] = intval($post['byear']) . '-' . intval($post['bmonth']) . '-' . intval($post['bday']); $post['age'] = date('Y', $DT_TIME) - intval($post['byear']); $post['minsalary'] = intval($post['minsalary']); $post['maxsalary'] = intval($post['maxsalary']); $post['type'] = intval($post['type']); $post['marriage'] = intval($post['marriage']); $post['height'] = intval($post['height']); $post['height'] = intval($post['height']); $post['gender'] = intval($post['gender']); $post['education'] = intval($post['education']); $post['experience'] = intval($post['experience']); $post['situation'] = intval($post['situation']); $post['email'] = trim($post['email']); $post['status'] = intval($post['status']); $post['open'] = intval($post['open']); $post['title'] = trim($post['title']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $new = $post['content']; $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set_member($member) { global $MOD; $member['email'] = trim($member['email']); $member['mail'] = isset($member['mail']) ? trim($member['mail']) : ''; is_email($member['mail']) or $member['mail'] = ''; $member['msn'] = isset($member['msn']) ? trim($member['msn']) : ''; is_email($member['msn']) or $member['msn'] = ''; $member['qq'] = isset($member['qq']) ? trim($member['qq']) : ''; is_numeric($member['qq']) or $member['qq'] = ''; $member['ali'] = isset($member['ali']) ? trim($member['ali']) : ''; if (!$this->is_clean($member['ali'])) { $member['ali'] = ''; } $member['skype'] = isset($member['skype']) ? trim($member['skype']) : ''; if (!$this->is_clean($member['skype'])) { $member['skype'] = ''; } $member['address'] = isset($member['address']) ? trim($member['address']) : ''; if (!$this->is_clean($member['address'])) { $member['address'] = ''; } $member['postcode'] = isset($member['postcode']) ? trim($member['postcode']) : ''; is_numeric($member['postcode']) or $member['postcode'] = ''; $member['mode'] = isset($member['mode']) && is_array($member['mode']) && $member['mode'] ? implode(',', $member['mode']) : ''; $member['keyword'] = $member['company']; $member['homepage'] = isset($member['homepage']) ? fix_link($member['homepage']) : ''; $member['capital'] = isset($member['capital']) ? dround($member['capital']) : ''; $member['sound'] = intval($member['sound']); if ($this->userid) { $member['keyword'] = $member['company'] . strip_tags(area_pos($member['areaid'], ',')) . ',' . $member['business'] . ',' . $member['sell'] . ',' . $member['buy'] . ',' . $member['mode']; clear_upload($member['thumb'] . $member['introduce'], $this->userid); $new = $member['introduce']; if ($member['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $member['thumb'] . '">'; } $content_table = content_table(4, $this->userid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/4.part'), $this->table_company_data); $r = $this->db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$content_table} WHERE userid={$this->userid}"); $old = $r['content']; $r = $this->get_one(); if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '">'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { if ($member['thumb']) { clear_upload($member['thumb'] . $member['introduce']); } } $member['content'] = $member['introduce']; $member['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($member['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); if (!defined('DT_ADMIN')) { $content = $member['content']; unset($member['content']); $member = dhtmlspecialchars($member); $member['content'] = dsafe($content); } if ($MOD['introduce_clear'] || $MOD['introduce_save']) { $member['content'] = stripslashes($member['content']); $member['content'] = save_local($member['content']); if ($MOD['introduce_clear']) { $member['content'] = clear_link($member['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_save']) { $member['content'] = save_remote($member['content']); } $member['content'] = addslashes($member['content']); } if ($member['catid']) { $catids = explode(',', substr($member['catid'], 1, -1)); $cids = ''; foreach ($catids as $catid) { $C = get_cat($catid); if ($C) { $catid = $C['parentid'] ? $C['arrparentid'] . ',' . $catid : $catid; $cids .= $catid . ','; } } $cids = array_unique(explode(',', substr(str_replace(',0,', ',', ',' . $cids), 1, -1))); $member['catids'] = ',' . implode(',', $cids) . ','; } return $member; }
} $reason = dhtmlspecialchars($reason); $message = isset($message) ? 1 : 0; require MD_ROOT . '/reply.class.php'; $do = new reply(); foreach ($itemid as $rid) { $do->itemid = $rid; $R = $do->get_one(); if (!$R || $R['status'] != 3 || $R['gid'] != $gid) { continue; } $do->recycle($rid); if ($message) { send_message($R['username'], lang($L['manage_msg_title'], array($L['my_manage_type_reply'], get_intro($R['content'], 20), $L['my_manage_type_del'])), lang($L['manage_msg_content'], array($MOD['linkurl'] . 'goto.php?itemid=' . $R['itemid'], nl2br($reason), $_username))); } $title = addslashes(get_intro($R['content'], 50)); $db->query("INSERT INTO {$table}_manage (gid,rid,username,addtime,typeid,title,content,reason,message) VALUES ('{$gid}','{$rid}','{$_username}','{$DT_TIME}','1','{$title}','{$content}','{$reason}','{$message}')"); } dmsg($L['reply_success_del'], $forward); break; default: require MD_ROOT . '/manage.class.php'; $do = new manage(); $sfields = $L['my_fields_manage']; $dfields = array('title', 'reason', 'content'); isset($fields) && isset($dfields[$fields]) or $fields = 0; $typeid = isset($typeid) ? intval($typeid) : 0; $message = isset($message) ? intval($message) : -1; $fields_select = dselect($sfields, 'fields', '', $fields); $condition = "username='******'"; if ($keyword) {
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $_username, $_userid; is_url($post['thumb']) or $post['thumb'] = ''; is_url($post['thumb1']) or $post['thumb1'] = ''; is_url($post['thumb2']) or $post['thumb2'] = ''; $post['filepath'] = isset($post['filepath']) && is_filepath($post['filepath']) ? file_vname($post['filepath']) : ''; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['adddate'] = timetodate($post['addtime'], 3); $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['editdate'] = timetodate($post['edittime'], 3); $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['step']['a1'] = intval($post['step']['a1']); $post['step']['p1'] = dround($post['step']['p1'], 2, 1); $post['step']['a2'] = intval($post['step']['a2']); $post['step']['p2'] = dround($post['step']['p2'], 2, 1); $post['step']['a3'] = intval($post['step']['a3']); $post['step']['p3'] = dround($post['step']['p3'], 2, 1); $post['price'] = $post['step']['p1']; if ($post['step']['a2'] && $post['step']['a2'] <= $post['step']['a1'] || $post['step']['p2'] && $post['step']['p2'] >= $post['step']['p1']) { $post['step']['a2'] = $post['step']['a3'] = $post['step']['p2'] = $post['step']['p3'] = 0; } if ($post['step']['a3'] && $post['step']['a3'] <= $post['step']['a2'] || $post['step']['p3'] && $post['step']['p3'] >= $post['step']['p2']) { $post['step']['a3'] = $post['step']['p3'] = 0; } $post['step']['is'] = $post['step']['a2'] ? 'Y' : 'N'; count($post['step'] == 7) or exit; $post['amount'] = intval($post['amount']); $post['mycatid'] = intval($post['mycatid']); $post['elite'] = $post['elite'] ? 1 : 0; if (strpos($post['v1'], '|') === false) { $post['n1'] = $post['v1'] = ''; } if (strpos($post['v2'], '|') === false) { $post['n2'] = $post['v2'] = ''; } if (strpos($post['v3'], '|') === false) { $post['n3'] = $post['v3'] = ''; } $post['express_1'] = intval($post['express_1']); $post['fee_start_1'] = dround($post['fee_start_1']); $post['fee_step_1'] = dround($post['fee_step_1']); $post['express_2'] = intval($post['express_2']); $post['fee_start_2'] = dround($post['fee_start_2']); $post['fee_step_2'] = dround($post['fee_step_2']); $post['express_3'] = intval($post['express_3']); $post['fee_start_3'] = dround($post['fee_start_3']); $post['fee_step_3'] = dround($post['fee_step_3']); $post['cod'] = intval($post['cod']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $new = $post['content']; if ($post['thumb']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb'] . '"/>'; } if ($post['thumb1']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb1'] . '"/>'; } if ($post['thumb2']) { $new .= '<img src="' . $post['thumb2'] . '"/>'; } $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; if ($r['thumb']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb'] . '"/>'; } if ($r['thumb1']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb1'] . '"/>'; } if ($r['thumb2']) { $old .= '<img src="' . $r['thumb2'] . '"/>'; } delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['step'] = serialize($post['step']); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
function set($post) { global $MOD, $DT_TIME, $DT_IP, $TYPE, $_username, $_userid; $post['editor'] = $_username; $post['addtime'] = isset($post['addtime']) && $post['addtime'] ? strtotime($post['addtime']) : $DT_TIME; $post['adddate'] = timetodate($post['addtime'], 3); $post['edittime'] = $DT_TIME; $post['editdate'] = timetodate($post['edittime'], 3); $post['totime'] = $post['totime'] ? strtotime($post['totime'] . ' 23:59:59') : 0; $post['fee'] = dround($post['fee']); $post['total'] = intval($post['total']); $post['email'] = trim($post['email']); $post['minsalary'] = intval($post['minsalary']); $post['maxsalary'] = intval($post['maxsalary']); $post['type'] = intval($post['type']); $post['gender'] = intval($post['gender']); $post['education'] = intval($post['education']); $post['experience'] = intval($post['experience']); $post['minage'] = intval($post['minage']); $post['maxage'] = intval($post['maxage']); $post['title'] = trim($post['title']); $post['content'] = stripslashes($post['content']); $post['content'] = save_local($post['content']); if ($MOD['clear_link']) { $post['content'] = clear_link($post['content']); } if ($MOD['save_remotepic']) { $post['content'] = save_remote($post['content']); } if ($MOD['introduce_length']) { $post['introduce'] = addslashes(get_intro($post['content'], $MOD['introduce_length'])); } if ($this->itemid) { $new = $post['content']; $r = $this->get_one(); $old = $r['content']; delete_diff($new, $old); } else { $post['ip'] = $DT_IP; } $content = $post['content']; unset($post['content']); $post = dhtmlspecialchars($post); $post['content'] = addslashes(dsafe($content)); return array_map("trim", $post); }
isset($username) && check_name($username) or $username = ''; $username or mobile_msg($L['msg_not_user']); $_userid or dheader('login.php?forward=' . urlencode('know.php?action=' . $action . '&username='******'msg_not_user']); $typeid = isset($typeid) && $typeid == 1 ? 1 : 0; if ($typeid == 1) { $condition = "status=3 AND username='******'"; $r = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$table}_answer WHERE {$condition}", 'CACHE'); $items = $r['num']; $pages = mobile_pages($items, $page, $pagesize); $lists = array(); if ($items) { $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM {$table}_answer WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['title'] = get_intro($r['content'], 50); $r['date'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 'Y/m/d H:i'); $lists[] = $r; } $db->free_result($result); } } else { $condition = "status=3 AND username='******'"; $r = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM {$table} WHERE {$condition}", 'CACHE'); $items = $r['num']; $pages = mobile_pages($items, $page, $pagesize); $lists = array(); if ($items) { $result = $db->query("SELECT " . $MOD['fields'] . " FROM {$table} WHERE {$condition} ORDER BY addtime DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$pagesize}"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['date'] = timetodate($r['addtime'], 'Y/m/d H:i');
$table = $DT_PRE . 'page'; $table_data = $DT_PRE . 'page_data'; if ($itemid) { $item = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); if (!$item || $item['status'] < 3 || $item['username'] != $username) { dheader($MENU[$menuid]['linkurl']); } extract($item); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$table_data} WHERE itemid={$itemid}"); $content = $t['content']; if (!$DT_BOT) { $db->query("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY {$table} SET hits=hits+1 WHERE itemid={$itemid}", 'UNBUFFERED'); } $head_title = $title . $DT['seo_delimiter'] . $head_title; $head_keywords = $title . ',' . $COM['company']; $head_description = get_intro($content, 200); } else { $content_table = content_table(4, $userid, is_file(DT_CACHE . '/4.part'), $DT_PRE . 'company_data'); $t = $db->get_one("SELECT content FROM {$content_table} WHERE userid={$userid}"); $content = $t['content']; $COM['thumb'] = $COM['thumb'] ? $COM['thumb'] : DT_SKIN . 'image/company.jpg'; } $TYPE = array(); $result = $db->query("SELECT itemid,title,style FROM {$table} WHERE status=3 AND username='******' ORDER BY listorder DESC,addtime DESC"); while ($r = $db->fetch_array($result)) { $r['alt'] = $r['title']; $r['title'] = set_style($r['title'], $r['style']); $r['linkurl'] = userurl($username, "file={$file}&itemid={$r['itemid']}", $domain); $TYPE[] = $r; } include template('introduce', $template);
/** * compile_article_listing * * * * * * */ function compile_article_listing($query, $config_layout = '') { if (empty($query)) { return false; } // get layout config from database if (empty($config_layout)) { $config = get_settings('layout'); $config_layout = $config['layout']; } // set up pagination $per_page = $config_layout['per_page']; $page_no = isset($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : '1'; $from = $page_no * $per_page - $per_page; $query_paginated = $query . " LIMIT " . (int) $from . ", " . (int) $per_page; // run query $conn = reader_connect(); $result = $conn->query($query_paginated); // get total results $total_result = $conn->query($query); $total_articles = $total_result->num_rows; $total_pages = ceil($total_articles / $per_page); // get a complete id list of return articles $id_list = array(); while ($total_row = $total_result->fetch_assoc()) { $id_list[] = $total_row['id']; } // get results $data = array(); while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { $row = stripslashes_deep($row); // create links $row['link'] = $config_layout['url_style'] == 'blog' ? WW_REAL_WEB_ROOT . '/' . date('Y/m/d', strtotime($row['date_uploaded'])) . '/' . $row['url'] . '/' : WW_REAL_WEB_ROOT . '/' . $row['category_url'] . '/' . $row['url'] . '/'; // do we need a summary? if (empty($row['summary']) && $config_layout['list_style'] == 'summary') { $row['summary'] = create_summary($row['body']); } // do we need an intro if ($config_layout['list_style'] == 'intro') { $row['intro'] = get_intro($row['body']); if (empty($row['intro'])) { $row['intro'] = '<p>' . extract_sentences($row['body'], 50) . ' <a href="' . $row['link'] . '">(continues...)</a></p>'; } } // do we need the full body? if ($config_layout['list_style'] != 'full') { unset($row['body']); } else { $row['body'] = convert_relative_urls($row['body']); } // get tags $tags = get_article_tags($row['id']); $row['tags'] = !empty($tags) ? $tags : ''; // add page counts and compile into array $row['total_pages'] = $total_pages; $row['total_found'] = $total_articles; $row['id_list'] = $id_list; $data[] = $row; } $result->close(); $total_result->close(); return $data; }