コード例 #1
ファイル: bio.php プロジェクト: cpeel/dproofreaders-shadow

// Display the biography specified by bio_id-argument
$relPath = '../../pinc/';
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// html_safe()
include_once 'authors.inc';
include_once 'menu.inc';
$bio_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'bio_id', null, 0, null, true);
$message = @$_GET['message'];
// argument provided?
if (isset($bio_id)) {
    $id = $bio_id;
} else {
    output_header(_('No biography-id specified'));
    echo _('An error occurred.') . ' ' . _('No biography-id was specified.') . ' ';
    echo sprintf(_('You may return to the <a href="%1$s">authors-listing</a>.'), 'listing.php');
// try to get bio
$result = mysql_query("SELECT author_id, bio FROM biographies WHERE bio_id={$id};");
if (!$result || mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
    output_header(_('Invalid biography-id specified'));
    echo _('An error occurred.') . ' ' . _('The specified biography-id was invalid.') . ' ';
    echo sprintf(_('You may return to the <a href="%1$s">authors-listing</a>.'), 'listing.php');
$author_id = mysql_result($result, 0, 'author_id');
コード例 #2

$relPath = "./pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'project_states.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'list_projects.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// undo_all_magic_quotes()
$x = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'x', 'g', array('g', 's', 'b'));
$sort = get_integer_param($_GET, 'sort', 0, 0, 5);
$per_page = get_integer_param($_GET, 'per_page', 20, 1, NULL);
$offset = get_integer_param($_GET, 'offset', 0, 0, NULL);
$boilerplate = _("These e-texts are the product of hundreds of hours of labor donated by all of our volunteers. The list is sorted with the most recently submitted e-texts at the top. You can sort them based upon your own preferences by clicking below. Enjoy!!");
if ($x == "g") {
    $type = "Gold";
    $title = _("Completed Gold E-Texts");
    $state = SQL_CONDITION_GOLD;
    $info = _("Below is the list of Gold e-texts that have been produced on this site. Gold e-texts are books that have passed through all phases of proofreading, formatting, and post-processing. They have been submitted to Project Gutenberg and are now available for your enjoyment and download.");
} elseif ($x == "s") {
    $type = "Silver";
    $title = _("In Progress Silver E-Texts");
    $info = _("Below is the list of Silver e-texts that have almost completed processing on our site. Silver e-texts are books that have passed through all phases of proofreading and formatting and are now in the post-processing phase. Post-processing is the final assembly stage in which one volunteer performs a series of checks for consistency and correctness before the e-book is submitted to Project Gutenberg for your enjoyment and download.");
} elseif ($x == "b") {
    $type = "Bronze";
    $title = _("Now Proofreading Bronze E-Texts");
    $info = _("Below is the list of Bronze e-texts that are currently available for proofreading on this site. Bronze e-texts are what our newest volunteers see and what you can work on now by logging in. These e-texts are in the initial stages of proofreading where everyone has a chance to correct any OCR errors which may be found. After going through a number of other phases, the e-text then goes to an experienced volunteer for final assembly (post-processing), after which the e-text is submitted to Project Gutenberg for your enjoyment and download.");
} else {
コード例 #3

$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'metarefresh.inc';
include_once '../includes/team.inc';
$tid = get_integer_param($_GET, 'tid', null, 0, null);
if ($userP['team_1'] == $tid || $userP['team_2'] == $tid || $userP['team_3'] == $tid) {
    $quitQuery = "UPDATE users SET ";
    if ($userP['team_1'] == $tid) {
        $quitQuery .= "team_1 = '0'";
    if ($userP['team_2'] == $tid) {
        $quitQuery .= "team_2 = '0'";
    if ($userP['team_3'] == $tid) {
        $quitQuery .= "team_3 = '0'";
    $quitQuery .= " WHERE username='******' AND u_id='" . $userP['u_id'] . "'";
    $teamResult = mysql_query($quitQuery);
    mysql_query("UPDATE user_teams SET active_members = active_members-1 WHERE id='" . $tid . "'");
    $title = _("Quit the Team");
    $desc = _("Quitting the team....");
    metarefresh(0, "../teams/tdetail.php?tid=" . $tid . "", $title, $desc);
} else {
    $title = _("Not a member");
    $desc = _("Unable to quit team....");
    metarefresh(3, "../teams/tdetail.php?tid=" . $tid . "", $title, $desc);
コード例 #4
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// xmlencode()
include_once $relPath . 'page_tally.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'forum_interface.inc';
// get_url_to_view_topic
include_once '../includes/team.inc';
include_once '../includes/member.inc';
if (empty($_GET["id"])) {
    include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
    echo "<br><center>";
    echo sprintf(_("A team id must specified in the following format: %s"), "{$code_url}/stats/teams/teams_xml.php?id=*****");
    echo "</center>";
$req_team_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'id', null, 0, null);
//Try our best to make sure no browser caches the page
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
header("Expires: Sat, 1 Jan 2000 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . "GMT");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$result = select_from_teams("id = {$req_team_id}");
$curTeam = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$team_id = $curTeam['id'];
//Team info portion of $data
$result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS totalTeams FROM user_teams");
$totalTeams = mysql_result($result, 0, "totalTeams");
$data = "<teaminfo id='{$team_id}'>\n        <teamname>" . xmlencode($curTeam['teamname']) . "</teamname>\n        <datecreated>" . date("m/d/Y", $curTeam['created']) . "</datecreated>\n        <createdby>" . xmlencode($curTeam['createdby']) . "</createdby>\n        <leader>" . xmlencode(get_username_for_uid($curTeam['owner'])) . "</leader>\n        <description>" . xmlencode($curTeam['team_info']) . "</description>\n        <website>" . xmlencode($curTeam['webpage']) . "</website>\n        <forums>" . xmlencode(get_url_to_view_topic($curTeam['topic_id'])) . "</forums>\n        <totalmembers>" . $curTeam['member_count'] . "</totalmembers>\n        <currentmembers>" . $curTeam['active_members'] . "</currentmembers>\n        <retiredmembers>" . ($curTeam['member_count'] - $curTeam['active_members']) . "</retiredmembers>";
foreach ($page_tally_names as $tally_name => $tally_title) {
    $teams_tallyboard = new TallyBoard($tally_name, 'T');
コード例 #5
function _create_mysql_update_string($source_array, $string_fields = array(), $numeric_fields = array())
    $fields = array_merge($string_fields, $numeric_fields);
    $update_fields = array();
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        if (in_array($field, $string_fields)) {
            $value = "'" . mysql_real_escape_string(array_get($source_array, $field, "")) . "'";
        } else {
            $value = get_integer_param($source_array, $field, 0, NULL, NULL);
        array_push($update_fields, "{$field} = {$value}");
    return implode(", ", $update_fields);
コード例 #6
ファイル: hints.php プロジェクト: cpeel/dproofreaders-shadow

$relPath = '../../pinc/';
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// get_enumerated_param
include_once $relPath . 'quizzes.inc';
// get_quiz_page_id_param
include_once '../small_theme.inc';
// output_small_header
$quiz_page_id = get_quiz_page_id_param($_REQUEST, 'quiz_page_id');
$error = get_param_matching_regex($_REQUEST, 'error', NULL, '/^\\w+$/');
$number = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'number', NULL, 0, NULL);
include "./quiz_page.inc";
// qp_echo_hint_html
$quiz = get_Quiz_containing_page($quiz_page_id);
// A margin
echo "<div style='margin: .5em;'>";
qp_echo_hint_html($error, $number);
echo " </div>\n";
// vim: sw=4 ts=4 expandtab
コード例 #7

// DP includes
$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'project_states.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'forum_interface.inc';
// topic_create & get_url_to_view_topic
// Which team?
$team_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'team', null, 0, null);
// Get info about team
$team_result = mysql_query("SELECT teamname,team_info, webpage, createdby, owner, topic_id FROM user_teams WHERE id={$team_id}");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($team_result);
$topic_id = $row['topic_id'];
//Determine if there is an existing topic or not; if not, create one
if ($topic_id == "" || $topic_id == 0) {
    $tname = $row['teamname'];
    $towner_name = $row['createdby'];
    $towner_id = $row['owner'];
    $tinfo = $row['team_info'];
    $message = "\nTeam Name: {$tname}\nCreated By: {$towner_name}\nInfo: {$tinfo}\nTeam Page: [url]" . $code_url . "/stats/teams/tdetail.php?tid=" . $team_id . "[/url]\nUse this area to have a discussion with your fellow teammates! :-D\n\n";
    // appropriate forum to create thread in
    $forum_id = $teams_forum_idx;
    $post_subject = $tname;
    $topic_id = topic_create($forum_id, $post_subject, $message, $towner_name, TRUE, FALSE);
    //Update user_teams with topic_id so it won't be created again
    $update_team = mysql_query("UPDATE user_teams SET topic_id={$topic_id} WHERE id={$team_id}");
// By here, either we had a topic or we've just created one, so redirect to it
$redirect_url = get_url_to_view_topic($topic_id);
コード例 #8

$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'privacy.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'metarefresh.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'forum_interface.inc';
include_once '../includes/team.inc';
include_once '../includes/member.inc';
$order = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'order', 'u_id', array('u_id', 'username', 'date_created'));
$direction = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'direction', 'asc', array('asc', 'desc'));
$mstart = get_integer_param($_GET, 'mstart', 0, 0, null);
$uname = @$_REQUEST['uname'];
$uexact = @$_REQUEST['uexact'];
if (!empty($uname)) {
    if ($uexact == 'yes') {
        $where_clause = "WHERE username='******'";
    } else {
        $where_clause = "WHERE username LIKE '%" . addcslashes($uname, "%_") . "%'";
    $mResult = mysql_query("\n        SELECT u_id, username, date_created, u_privacy\n        FROM users\n        {$where_clause}\n        ORDER BY {$order} {$direction}\n        LIMIT {$mstart},20\n    ");
    $mRows = mysql_num_rows($mResult);
    if ($mRows == 1) {
        metarefresh(0, "mdetail.php?id=" . mysql_result($mResult, 0, "u_id") . "", '', '');
    $uname = "uname=" . $uname . "&";
} else {
    $mResult = mysql_query("\n        SELECT u_id, username, date_created, u_privacy\n        FROM users\n        ORDER BY {$order} {$direction}\n        LIMIT {$mstart},20\n    ");
コード例 #9
  * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
 public function testIntegerMoreThanMax()
     $default = NULL;
     $min = 0;
     $max = 9;
     $result = get_integer_param($this->GET, 'i10', $default, $min, $max);
コード例 #10
 function set_from_post()
     if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
         // Values in $_POST come with backslashes added.
         // We want the fields of $this to be unescaped strings,
         // so we strip the slashes.
         $_POST = array_map('stripslashes', $_POST);
     if (isset($_POST['projectid'])) {
         $this->projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_POST['projectid']);
         $ucep_result = user_can_edit_project($this->projectid);
         if ($ucep_result == PROJECT_DOES_NOT_EXIST) {
             return array(_("parameter 'projectid' is invalid: no such project") . ": '{$this->projectid}'");
         } else {
             if ($ucep_result == USER_CANNOT_EDIT_PROJECT) {
                 return array(_("You are not authorized to manage this project.") . ": '{$this->projectid}'");
             } else {
                 if ($ucep_result == USER_CAN_EDIT_PROJECT) {
                     // fine
                 } else {
                     return array(_("unexpected return value from user_can_edit_project") . ": '{$ucep_result}'");
     $this->projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_POST['projectid']);
     $this->good_words = @$_POST['good_words'];
     $this->bad_words = @$_POST['bad_words'];
     $this->gwl_timestamp = get_integer_param($_POST, 'gwl_timestamp', null, null, null);
     $this->bwl_timestamp = get_integer_param($_POST, 'bwl_timestamp', null, null, null);
     return array();
コード例 #11

$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'page_tally.inc';
// $page_tally_names get_pages_per_day_for_past_n_days
include_once 'common.inc';
$valid_tally_names = array_keys($page_tally_names);
$tally_name = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'tally_name', null, $valid_tally_names);
$holder_type = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'holder_type', null, array('U', 'T'));
$holder_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'holder_id', null, 0, null);
if (@$_GET['days_back'] == 'all') {
    $days_back = 'all';
} else {
    $days_back = get_integer_param($_GET, 'days_back', 30, 1, null);
// Initialize the graph before anything else.
// This makes use of the jpgraph cache if enabled.
// Last argument to init_simple_bar_graph is the cache timeout in minutes.
$graph = init_simple_bar_graph(600, 300, 60);
$pages_per_day = get_pages_per_day_for_past_n_days($tally_name, $holder_type, $holder_id, $days_back);
$datax = array_keys($pages_per_day);
$datay = array_values($pages_per_day);
$x_text_tick_interval = calculate_text_tick_interval('daily', count($datax));
if (empty($datax) || empty($datay)) {
    $specimen = $holder_type == 'U' ? 'user' : 'team';
    dpgraph_error("This {$specimen} has not completed any pages in this round.", 600, 300);
draw_simple_bar_graph($graph, $datax, $datay, $x_text_tick_interval, _('Pages Completed per Day'), _('Pages'));
コード例 #12

$relPath = '../../pinc/';
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'slim_header.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'Project.inc';
$default_percent = array_get(@$_SESSION["displayimage"], 'percent', 100);
// get variables passed into page
$projectid = validate_projectID('project', @$_GET['project']);
$imagefile = validate_page_image_filename('imagefile', @$_GET['imagefile'], true);
$percent = get_integer_param($_GET, 'percent', $default_percent, 1, 999);
$showreturnlink = get_integer_param($_GET, 'showreturnlink', 1, 0, 1);
$preload = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'preload', '', array('', 'prev', 'next'));
$width = 10 * $percent;
$_SESSION["displayimage"]["percent"] = $percent;
// Get a list of images in the project so we can populate the prev and
// next <link rel=... href=...> tags in <head> if needed.
// NB The query results are used later to populate a popup menu too.
$res = mysql_query("SELECT image FROM {$projectid} ORDER BY image ASC") or die(mysql_error());
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($res);
$prev_image = "";
$next_image = "";
for ($row = 0; $row < $num_rows; $row++) {
    $this_val = mysql_result($res, $row, "image");
    if ($this_val == $imagefile) {
        if ($row != 0) {
            $prev_image = mysql_result($res, $row - 1, "image");
        if ($row != $num_rows - 1) {
コード例 #13
define("LAYOUT_HORIZ", 1);
define("LAYOUT_VERT", 2);
// no time limit
$projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_GET['projectid']);
$encWord = @$_GET["word"];
$word = rtrim(decode_word($encWord));
// get the right layout
$layout = array_get($_GET, "layout", @$_SESSION["show_word_context"]["layout"]);
if (empty($layout)) {
    $layout = LAYOUT_HORIZ;
$_SESSION["show_word_context"]["layout"] = $layout;
$wordInstances = get_integer_param($_GET, 'wordInstances', 20, 0, null);
// $frame determines which frame we're operating from
// 'master' - we're the master frame
//  'left'  - we're the left frame with the text
// 'right'  - we're the right frame for the image
$frame = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'frame', 'master', array('master', 'left', 'right'));
if ($frame == "master") {
    slim_header_frameset(_("Word Context"));
    if ($layout == LAYOUT_HORIZ) {
        $frameSpec = 'rows="30%,70%"';
    } else {
        $frameSpec = 'cols="30%,70%"';
<frameset <?php 
    echo $frameSpec;
コード例 #14
ファイル: diff.php プロジェクト: cpeel/dproofreaders-shadow

$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'stages.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'Project.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'links.inc';
include_once $relPath . "DifferenceEngineWrapper.inc";
$projectid = validate_projectID('project', @$_GET['project']);
$image = validate_page_image_filename('image', @$_GET['image'], true);
$L_round_num = get_integer_param($_GET, 'L_round_num', null, 0, MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS);
$R_round_num = get_integer_param($_GET, 'R_round_num', null, 0, MAX_NUM_PAGE_EDITING_ROUNDS);
$project = new Project($projectid);
$state = $project->state;
$project_title = $project->nameofwork;
$navigation_text = "";
if (!$project->pages_table_exists) {
    // This shouldn't normally happen --
    // if the page table doesn't exist, a "diff" link shouldn't be shown.
    // But a user might have a bookmarked or otherwise saved a 'diff' URL.
    echo "<p>", _("Page details are not available for this project."), "</p>\n";
    echo "<p>", _("Project ID"), ": {$projectid}</p>\n";
    echo "<p>", _("Title"), ":{$project_title}</p>\n";
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// get information about this diff
if ($L_round_num == 0) {
    $L_text_column_name = 'master_text';
コード例 #15
        $projectid_[$which] = validate_projectID("projectid_[{$which}]", $projectid);
$from_image_ = array_get($_POST, 'from_image_', NULL);
if (is_array($from_image_)) {
    foreach ($from_image_ as $which => $filename) {
        if ($filename) {
            validate_page_image_filename("from_image_[{$which}]", $filename);
$action = get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'action', 'showform', array('showform', 'showagain', 'check', 'docopy'));
$page_name_handling = get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'page_name_handling', null, array('PRESERVE_PAGE_NAMES', 'RENUMBER_PAGES'), true);
$transfer_notifications = get_integer_param($_POST, 'transfer_notifications', 0, 0, 1);
$add_deletion_reason = get_integer_param($_POST, 'add_deletion_reason', 0, 0, 1);
$merge_wordcheck_files = get_integer_param($_POST, 'merge_wordcheck_files', 0, 0, 1);
$repeat_project = get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'repeat_project', null, array('TO', 'FROM', 'NONE'), true);
switch ($action) {
    case 'showform':
        display_form($projectid_, $from_image_, $page_name_handling, $transfer_notifications, $add_deletion_reason, $merge_wordcheck_files, $repeat_project, FALSE);
    case 'showagain':
        display_form($projectid_, $from_image_, $page_name_handling, $transfer_notifications, $add_deletion_reason, $merge_wordcheck_files, $repeat_project, TRUE);
    case 'check':
        do_stuff($projectid_, $from_image_, $page_name_handling, $transfer_notifications, $add_deletion_reason, $merge_wordcheck_files, TRUE);
        echo "<form method='post' action='" . attr_safe($copy_pages_url) . "'>\n";
        display_hiddens($projectid_, $from_image_, $page_name_handling, $transfer_notifications, $add_deletion_reason, $merge_wordcheck_files);
        echo "\n<input type='hidden' name='action' value='docopy'>";
        echo "\n<input type='submit' name='submit_button' value='" . attr_safe(_("Do it")) . "'>";
        echo "\n</form>";
コード例 #16
        echo ">{$round}</option>\n";
    echo "</select>";
    if (!$project) {
        echo " " . _("(optional)");
    echo " &nbsp; &nbsp;<input type='submit' value='" . attr_safe(_("View")) . "'>";
    if ($project) {
        echo " &nbsp; <input type='submit' name='reset' value='" . attr_safe(_("Reset")) . "'>";
    echo "</form>";
} elseif ($frame == "image") {
    slim_header(_("Image Frame"));
    if (!count($error_messages)) {
        $percent = get_integer_param($_GET, 'percent', 100, 1, 999);
        $width = 10 * $percent;
<form method="get" action="view_page_text_image.php">
<input type="hidden" name="projectid" value="<?php 
        echo $projectid;
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<?php 
        echo $page;
<input type="text" maxlength="3" name="percent" size="3" value="<?php 
        echo $percent;
コード例 #17
ファイル: tasks.php プロジェクト: cpeel/dproofreaders-shadow
function handle_action_on_a_specified_task()
    global $pguser, $requester_u_id;
    global $now_sse, $date_str, $time_of_day_str;
    global $action;
    // Default 'action' when a task is specified:
    if (is_null($action)) {
        $action = 'show';
    $task_id = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'task_id', null, 1, null);
    // Fetch the state of the specified task
    // before any requested changes.
    $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE task_id = {$task_id}");
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        TaskHeader("Task #{$task_id} does not exist");
        ShowNotification("Task #{$task_id} was not found!");
    $pre_task = mysql_fetch_object($result);
    // Note that currently task_summary and task_details are stored HTML escaped and slashed
    // in the database. This needs to be undone to produce the 'raw' string.
    $pre_task->task_summary = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($pre_task->task_summary));
    $pre_task->task_details = htmlspecialchars_decode(stripslashes($pre_task->task_details), ENT_QUOTES);
    if ($action == 'show') {
    } elseif ($action == 'show_editing_form') {
        if (user_is_a_sitemanager() || user_is_taskcenter_mgr() || $pre_task->opened_by == $requester_u_id && empty($pre_task->closed_reason)) {
            // The user wants to edit an existing task.
            // Initialize the form with the current values of the task's properties.
        } else {
            ShowNotification("The user {$pguser} does not have permission to edit this task.");
    } elseif ($action == 'reopen') {
        NotificationMail($task_id, "This task was reopened by {$pguser} on {$date_str} at {$time_of_day_str}.\n");
        wrapped_mysql_query("\n            UPDATE tasks\n            SET\n                task_status = 15,\n                edited_by = {$requester_u_id},\n                date_edited = {$now_sse},\n                date_closed = 0,\n                closed_by = 0,\n                closed_reason = 0\n            WHERE task_id = {$task_id}\n        ");
    } elseif ($action == 'edit') {
        // The user is supplying values for the properties of a pre-existing task.
        if (empty($_POST['task_summary']) || empty($_POST['task_details'])) {
            ShowNotification("You must supply a Task Summary and Task Details.", true);
        } else {
            // Update a pre-existing task.
            NotificationMail($task_id, "There has been an edit made to this task by {$pguser} on {$date_str} at {$time_of_day_str}.\n");
            global $tasks_array;
            global $categories_array;
            global $tasks_status_array;
            global $task_assignees_array;
            global $severity_array;
            global $priority_array;
            global $os_array;
            global $browser_array;
            global $versions_array;
            global $percent_complete_array;
            $edit_type = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_type', null, array_keys($tasks_array));
            $edit_category = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_category', null, array_keys($categories_array));
            $edit_status = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_status', null, array_keys($tasks_status_array));
            $edit_assignee = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_assignee', null, array_keys($task_assignees_array));
            $edit_severity = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_severity', null, array_keys($severity_array));
            $edit_priority = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_priority', null, array_keys($priority_array));
            $edit_os = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_os', null, array_keys($os_array));
            $edit_browser = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_browser', null, array_keys($browser_array));
            $edit_version = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'task_version', null, array_keys($versions_array));
            $edit_percent = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'percent_complete', null, array_keys($percent_complete_array));
            $sql_query = "\n                UPDATE tasks\n                SET\n                    task_summary     = '" . addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['task_summary'])) . "',\n                    task_type        = {$edit_type},\n                    task_category    = {$edit_category},\n                    task_status      = {$edit_status},\n                    task_assignee    = {$edit_assignee},\n                    task_severity    = {$edit_severity},\n                    task_priority    = {$edit_priority},\n                    task_os          = {$edit_os},\n                    task_browser     = {$edit_browser},\n                    task_version     = {$edit_version},\n                    task_details     = '" . addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['task_details'], ENT_QUOTES)) . "',\n                    date_edited      = {$now_sse},\n                    edited_by        = {$requester_u_id},\n                    percent_complete = {$edit_percent}\n                WHERE task_id = {$task_id}\n            ";
            set_window_title("All Open Tasks");
    } elseif ($action == 'close') {
        global $tasks_close_array;
        if (user_is_a_sitemanager() || user_is_taskcenter_mgr()) {
            $tc_reason = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, 'closed_reason', null, array_keys($tasks_close_array));
            NotificationMail($task_id, "This task was closed by {$pguser} on {$date_str} at {$time_of_day_str}.\n\nThe reason for closing was: " . $tasks_close_array[$tc_reason] . ".\n");
            wrapped_mysql_query("\n                UPDATE tasks\n                SET\n                    percent_complete = 100,\n                    task_status = 14,\n                    date_closed = {$now_sse},\n                    closed_by = {$requester_u_id},\n                    closed_reason = {$tc_reason},\n                    date_edited = {$now_sse},\n                    edited_by = {$requester_u_id}\n                WHERE task_id = {$task_id}\n            ");
            set_window_title("All Open Tasks");
        } else {
            ShowNotification("The user {$pguser} does not have permission to close tasks.");
    } elseif ($action == 'add_comment') {
        if (!empty($_POST['task_comment'])) {
            NotificationMail($task_id, "There has been a comment added to this task by {$pguser} on {$date_str} at {$time_of_day_str}.\n");
            wrapped_mysql_query("\n                INSERT INTO tasks_comments (task_id, u_id, comment_date, comment)\n                VALUES ({$task_id}, {$requester_u_id}, {$now_sse}, '" . addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['task_comment'], ENT_QUOTES)) . "')\n            ");
            wrapped_mysql_query("\n                UPDATE tasks\n                SET date_edited = {$now_sse}, edited_by = {$requester_u_id}\n                WHERE task_id = {$task_id}\n            ");
        } else {
            ShowNotification("You must supply a comment before clicking Add Comment.");
    } elseif ($action == 'add_related_task') {
        process_related_task($pre_task, 'add', @$_POST['related_task']);
    } elseif ($action == 'remove_related_task') {
        process_related_task($pre_task, 'remove', @$_POST['related_task']);
    } elseif ($action == 'add_related_topic') {
        process_related_topic($pre_task, 'add', @$_POST['related_posting']);
    } elseif ($action == 'remove_related_topic') {
        process_related_topic($pre_task, 'remove', @$_POST['related_posting']);
    } elseif ($action == 'add_metoo') {
        global $os_array, $browser_array;
        $sameOS = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'sameOS', null, 0, 1);
        $sameBrowser = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'sameBrowser', null, 0, 1);
        $os_param_name = $sameOS ? 'task_os' : 'metoo_os';
        $browser_param_name = $sameBrowser ? 'task_browser' : 'metoo_browser';
        $vote_os = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, $os_param_name, null, array_keys($os_array));
        $vote_browser = (int) get_enumerated_param($_POST, $browser_param_name, null, array_keys($browser_array));
        // Do not insert twice the same vote if the user refreshes the browser
        $meTooCheck = mysql_query("\n            SELECT 1 FROM tasks_votes WHERE task_id = {$task_id} and u_id = {$requester_u_id} LIMIT 1\n        ");
        if (mysql_num_rows($meTooCheck) == 0) {
            wrapped_mysql_query("\n                INSERT INTO tasks_votes \n                (task_id, u_id, vote_os, vote_browser) \n                VALUES ({$task_id}, {$requester_u_id}, {$vote_os}, {$vote_browser})\n            ");
        // No need to display a different error message if the user was refreshing
        ShowNotification("Thank you for your report!  It has been recorded below.", false, "info");
    } elseif ($action == 'notify_me') {
        $userSettings =& Settings::get_Settings($pguser);
        $userSettings->add_value('taskctr_notice', $task_id);
    } elseif ($action == 'unnotify_me') {
        $userSettings =& Settings::get_Settings($pguser);
        $userSettings->remove_value('taskctr_notice', $task_id);
    } else {
        die("shouldn't be able to reach here");
コード例 #18

$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'Project.inc';
include_once 'page_table.inc';
$projectid = validate_projectID('project', @$_GET['project']);
$show_image_size = get_integer_param($_GET, 'show_image_size', 0, 0, 1);
$project = new Project($projectid);
if (isset($_GET['select_by_user'])) {
    $sbu = $_GET['select_by_user'];
    if (empty($sbu)) {
        // Show just the current user's pages.
        $username_for_page_selection = $pguser;
    } else {
        // Explicitly specify a particular user.
        // This is only available to PFs & SAs.
        // (Yes, even though it merely filters
        // information that is available to all.)
        if (user_is_a_sitemanager() || user_is_proj_facilitator()) {
            $username_for_page_selection = $sbu;
        } else {
            // Just show the current user's pages.
            $username_for_page_selection = $pguser;
} else {
    // No 'select_by_user' parameter, so show all pages.
コード例 #19
function show_item_editor($news_page_id)
    if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == "edit") {
        $item_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'item_id', null, null, null);
        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM news_items WHERE id={$item_id}");
        $initial_content = mysql_result($result, 0, "content");
        $action_to_request = "edit_update";
        $submit_button_label = _("Edit News Item");
    } else {
        $item_id = "";
        $initial_content = "";
        $action_to_request = "add";
        $submit_button_label = _("Add News Item");
    echo "<form action='sitenews.php?news_page_id={$news_page_id}&action={$action_to_request}' method='post'>";
    echo "<center>";
    echo "<textarea name='content' cols='80' rows='8'>" . html_safe($initial_content) . "</textarea>";
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "<input type='submit' value='{$submit_button_label}' name='submit'>";
    echo "</center>";
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "<br>\n";
    echo "<input type='hidden' name='item_id' value='{$item_id}'>";
    echo "</form>";
コード例 #20

$relPath = '../../pinc/';
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// html_safe()
// Create xml data for all authors unless either
//   an author_id is supplied (only that author)
//   or
//   a timestamp is supplied (only authors edited after that time)
$author_id = get_integer_param($_GET, 'author_id', null, 0, null, true);
$modified_since = get_integer_param($_GET, 'modified_since', null, 0, null, true);
if (isset($author_id)) {
    $clause = "WHERE author_id = {$author_id}";
    $wrap_in_big_tag = false;
} else {
    if (isset($modified_since)) {
        // Pad timestamp with zeroes.
        // This means a date, e.g. 20040810, will be sent to
        // the parser as a timestamp, e.g. 20040810000000
        $last_modified = str_pad($_GET['modified_since'], 14, '0');
        $clause = "WHERE last_modified >= {$last_modified}";
        $wrap_in_big_tag = true;
    } else {
        $clause = '';
        $wrap_in_big_tag = true;
header("Content-Type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{$charset}\" ?>\n";
コード例 #21
// TRANSLATORS: This is a strftime-formatted string for the date and time
$date_format = _("%A, %B %e, %Y");
// TRANSLATORS: This is a strftime-formatted string for the time
$time_format = _("%X");
// Usually, the user arrives here by clicking on the title of a project
// in a list of projects.
// But there are lots of other less-used pages that link here.
// Validate all the input
$projectid = validate_projectID('id', @$_GET['id']);
$expected_state = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'expected_state', null, $PROJECT_STATES_IN_ORDER, true);
$detail_level = get_integer_param($_GET, 'detail_level', $DEFAULT_DETAIL_LEVEL, $MIN_DETAIL_LEVEL, $MAX_DETAIL_LEVEL);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$project = new Project($projectid);
// TRANSLATORS: this is the project page title.
// In a tabbed browser, the page-title passed to output_header() will appear
// in the tab, which tends to be small, as soon as you have a few of them.
// So, put the distinctive part of the page-title (i.e. the name of the
// project) first.
$title_for_theme = sprintf(_('"%s" project page'), $project->nameofwork);
$title = sprintf(_("Project Page for '%s'"), $project->nameofwork);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!$user_is_logged_in) {
    // Guests see a reduced version of the project page.
    output_header($title_for_theme, NO_STATSBAR);
    echo "<h1>{$title}</h1>\n";
    list($top_blurb, $bottom_blurb) = decide_blurbs();
コード例 #22
// get the correct layout
$default_layout = @$_SESSION["show_good_word_suggestions_detail"]["layout"];
if (is_null($default_layout)) {
    // The normal case for the session's first visit.
    $default_layout = LAYOUT_HORIZ;
} else {
    if ($default_layout === LAYOUT_HORIZ || $default_layout === LAYOUT_VERT) {
        // The normal case for the session's subsequent visits.
    } else {
        // I don't know how this could happen.
        $default_layout = LAYOUT_HORIZ;
        // Alternatively, we could raise an error or warning.
$layout = get_integer_param($_GET, 'layout', $default_layout, LAYOUT_HORIZ, LAYOUT_VERT);
$_SESSION["show_good_word_suggestions_detail"]["layout"] = $layout;
// $frame determines which frame we're operating from
// 'master' - we're the master frame
//   'left' - we're the left frame with the text
//  'right' - we're the right frame for the image
$frame = get_enumerated_param($_GET, 'frame', 'master', array('master', 'left', 'right'));
if ($frame == "master") {
    slim_header_frameset(_("Suggestion Detail"));
    if ($layout == LAYOUT_HORIZ) {
        $frameSpec = 'rows="30%,70%"';
    } else {
        $frameSpec = 'cols="30%,70%"';
<frameset <?php 
コード例 #23
    if (isset($NEWS_PAGES[$news_page_id])) {
        $news_subject = get_news_subject($news_page_id);
        output_header(sprintf(_("Recent Site News Items for %s"), $news_subject));
        echo "<br>";
    } else {
        echo _("Error") . ": <b>" . $news_page_id . "</b> " . _("Unknown news_page_id specified, exiting.");
} else {
    echo _("No news_page_id specified, exiting.");
// echo "<center>Feeds: <a href='$code_url/feeds/backend.php?content=news'><img src='$code_url/graphics/xml.gif'></a>";
// echo "<a href='$code_url/feeds/backend.php?content=news&type=rss'><img src='$code_url/graphics/rss.gif'></a>";
// echo "</center>";
$num = get_integer_param($_GET, 'num', 0, 0, NULL);
if ($num == 0) {
    // Invoking this script with num=0 (or without
    // the 'num' parameter) means "no limit".
    $limit_clause = "";
} else {
    $limit_clause = "LIMIT {$num}";
    echo "<a href='pastnews.php?news_page_id={$news_page_id}'>" . sprintf(_("Show All %s News"), $news_subject) . "</a>";
$result = mysql_query(sprintf("\n    SELECT * FROM news_items \n    WHERE news_page_id = '%s' AND \n        status = 'recent'\n    ORDER BY id DESC\n    {$limit_clause}\n", mysql_real_escape_string($news_page_id)));
if (mysql_numrows($result) == 0) {
    echo "<br><br>" . sprintf(_("No recent news items for %s"), $news_subject);
} else {
    while ($news_item = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
        $date_posted = strftime(_("%A, %B %e, %Y"), $news_item['date_posted']);
        echo "<br><a name='" . $news_item['id'] . "'><b>{$date_posted}</b><br>" . $news_item['content'] . "<br><hr align='center' width='75%'><br>";
コード例 #24
$relPath = "./../../pinc/";
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'wordcheck_engine.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'Project.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'theme.inc';
include_once './post_files.inc';
include_once "./word_freq_table.inc";
$datetime_format = "%A, %B %e, %Y %X";
// no time limit
$projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_REQUEST['projectid']);
$fileObject = get_project_word_file($projectid, "good");
$timeCutoff = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'timeCutoff', $fileObject->mod_time, 0, null);
$freqCutoff = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'freqCutoff', 5, 0, null);
if ($timeCutoff == 0) {
    $time_cutoff_text = _("<b>All proofreader suggestions</b> are included in the results.");
} else {
    $time_cutoff_text = sprintf(_("Only proofreader suggestions made <b>after %s</b> are included in the results."), strftime($datetime_format, $timeCutoff));
// $format determines what is presented from this page:
//   'html' - page is rendered with frequencies included
//   'file' - all words and frequencies are presented as a
//            downloaded file
// 'update' - update the list
$format = get_enumerated_param($_REQUEST, 'format', 'html', array('html', 'file', 'update'));
if ($format == "update") {
    $postedWords = parse_posted_words($_POST);
    $words = load_project_good_words($projectid);
コード例 #25
include_once $relPath . 'base.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'wordcheck_engine.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'slim_header.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'misc.inc';
// attr_safe()
include_once $relPath . 'Stopwatch.inc';
include_once './post_files.inc';
include_once "./word_freq_table.inc";
$datetime_format = _("%A, %B %e, %Y at %X");
$watch = new Stopwatch();
// no time limit
$freqCutoff = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'freqCutoff', 5, 0, null);
$timeCutoff = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'timeCutoff', -1, -1, null);
// load the PM
$pm = array_get($_REQUEST, "pm", $pguser);
if (!user_is_a_sitemanager() && !user_is_proj_facilitator()) {
    $pm = $pguser;
// $frame determines which frame we're operating from
//     none - we're the master frame
//   'left' - we're the left frame with the text
//  'right' - we're the right frame for the context info
// 'update' - not a frame at all - process the incoming data
$frame = get_enumerated_param($_REQUEST, 'frame', 'master', array('master', 'left', 'right', 'update'));
if ($frame == "update") {
    $newProjectWords = array();
    foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
        if (preg_match("/cb_(projectID[0-9a-f]{13})_(\\d+)/", $key, $matches)) {
コード例 #26
include_once $relPath . 'project_states.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'stages.inc';
include_once $relPath . 'Project.inc';
include_once './post_files.inc';
$valid_round_ids = array_keys($Round_for_round_id_);
array_unshift($valid_round_ids, '[OCR]');
if (@$_REQUEST['projectid'] == 'many') {
    $projectid = 'many';
} else {
    $projectid = validate_projectID('projectid', @$_REQUEST['projectid']);
$round_id = get_enumerated_param($_REQUEST, 'round_id', null, $valid_round_ids);
$which_text = get_enumerated_param($_REQUEST, 'which_text', null, array('EQ', 'LE'));
$include_proofers = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'include_proofers', 0, 0, 1);
$save_files = get_integer_param($_REQUEST, 'save_files', 0, 0, 1);
// only sitemanagers are allowed to save files
if ($save_files && !user_is_a_sitemanager()) {
    echo _('You are not authorized to invoke this script.');
// only people who can see names on the page details page
// can see names here.
$project = new Project($projectid);
if ($include_proofers && !$project->names_can_be_seen_by_current_user) {
    echo _('You are not authorized to invoke this script.');
// if we are not saving files, then we are just downloading the zip.
// don't send anything out other than the headers and zip file contents.
if ($save_files) {
コード例 #27
ファイル: add.php プロジェクト: cpeel/dproofreaders-shadow
 } else {
     $byear = get_integer_param($_POST, 'byear', null, 0, null);
 $bmonth = get_integer_param($_POST, 'bmonth', null, 0, 12);
 $bday = get_integer_param($_POST, 'bday', null, 0, 31);
 $bcomments = @$_POST['bcomments'];
 $byearRadio = get_integer_param($_POST, 'byearRadio', null, 0, 1);
 if (@$_POST['dyear'] == '') {
     $dyear = null;
 } else {
     $dyear = get_integer_param($_POST, 'dyear', null, 0, null);
 $dmonth = get_integer_param($_POST, 'dmonth', null, 0, 12);
 $dday = get_integer_param($_POST, 'dday', null, 0, 31);
 $dcomments = @$_POST['dcomments'];
 $dyearRadio = get_integer_param($_POST, 'dyearRadio', null, 0, 1);
 // years are specified using radio-buttons and text-fields.
 // a little logic to get the right data
 // also, years might be negated by checking 'B. C.'
 if ($byearRadio == '0') {
     $byear = 0;
 } elseif (isset($_POST['bbc'])) {
     $bbc = TRUE;
     $byear = -$byear;
 if ($dyearRadio == '0') {
     $dyear = 0;
 } elseif (isset($_POST['dbc'])) {
     $dbc = TRUE;
     $dyear = -$dyear;