コード例 #1
// Display title, menu, messages, etc. (Note: messages MUST be displayed AFTER the actions)
if ($blog) {
    // We want to look at a specific blog:
    // Begin payload block:
    // This div is to know where to display the message after overlay close:
    echo '<div class="first_payload_block">' . "\n";
    echo '<h2 class="page-title">' . $Blog->dget('name') . '</h2>';
    echo '<div class="row browse"><div class="col-lg-9 col-xs-12 floatleft">';
    load_class('items/model/_itemlist.class.php', 'ItemList');
    $block_item_Widget = new Widget('dash_item');
    $nb_blocks_displayed = 0;
    $blog_moderation_statuses = explode(',', $Blog->get_setting('moderation_statuses'));
    $highest_publish_status = get_highest_publish_status('comment', $Blog->ID, false);
    $user_modeartion_statuses = array();
    foreach ($blog_moderation_statuses as $status) {
        if ($status !== $highest_publish_status && $current_User->check_perm('blog_comment!' . $status, 'edit', false, $blog)) {
            $user_modeartion_statuses[] = $status;
    $user_perm_moderate_cmt = count($user_modeartion_statuses);
    if ($user_perm_moderate_cmt) {
         * COMMENTS:
        $CommentList = new CommentList2($Blog);
        // Filter list:
        $CommentList->set_filters(array('types' => array('comment', 'trackback', 'pingback'), 'statuses' => $user_modeartion_statuses, 'user_perm' => 'moderate', 'post_statuses' => array('published', 'community', 'protected'), 'order' => 'DESC', 'comments' => 30));
        // Set param prefix for URLs
コード例 #2
ファイル: _comment.class.php プロジェクト: ldanielz/uesp.blog
  * Display link to publish a comment if user has edit rights
  * TODO: asimo> Use params array instead of so many param
  * @param string to display before link
  * @param string to display after link
  * @param string link text
  * @param string link title
  * @param string class name
  * @param string glue between url params
  * @param boolean save context?
  * @param boolean true if create AJAX button
  * @return boolean TRUE - if the publish link is available
 function publish_link($before = ' ', $after = ' ', $text = '#', $title = '#', $class = '', $glue = '&amp;', $save_context = true, $ajax_button = false, $redirect_to = NULL)
     global $current_User;
     if (!is_logged_in(false)) {
         return false;
     if (!$current_User->check_perm('comment!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $this)) {
         // User has no permission to edit this comment
         return false;
     $target_blog_ID = $this->Item->get_blog_ID();
     // get the current User highest publish status in this comment item blog
     list($highest_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('comment', $target_blog_ID);
     if (compare_visibility_status($highest_status, $this->status) <= 0) {
         // Current User has no permission to change this comment status to a more public status
         return false;
     $status_order = get_visibility_statuses('ordered-array');
     $status_index = get_visibility_statuses('ordered-index', array('redirected'));
     if (isset($status_index[$highest_status]) && isset($status_order[$status_index[$highest_status]]) && !empty($status_order[$status_index[$highest_status]][3])) {
         // Get color of button icon
         $status_icon_color = $status_order[$status_index[$highest_status]][3];
     } else {
         // Use green arrow as default
         $status_icon_color = 'green';
     $params = array('before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'text' => $text == '#' ? get_icon('move_up_' . $status_icon_color, 'imgtag') . ' ' . $publish_text : $text, 'title' => $title == '#' ? $publish_text : $title, 'class' => $class, 'glue' => $glue, 'save_context' => $save_context, 'ajax_button' => $ajax_button, 'redirect_to' => $redirect_to, 'status' => $highest_status, 'action' => 'publish');
     // Display the publish link
     echo $this->get_moderation_link($params);
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: comment_post.php プロジェクト: ldanielz/uesp.blog
    // Comment rating:
    $Comment->set('rating', $comment_rating);
$Comment->set('author_IP', $Hit->IP);
$Comment->set('date', $now);
$Comment->set('content', $comment);
// Renderers:
if (param('renderers_displayed', 'integer', 0)) {
    // use "renderers" value only if it has been displayed (may be empty)
    global $Plugins;
    $comment_renderers = param('renderers', 'array/string', array());
    $renderers = $Plugins->validate_renderer_list($comment_renderers, array('Comment' => &$Comment));
// Def status will be the highest publish status what the current User ( or anonymous user if there is no current user ) can post
$def_status = get_highest_publish_status('comment', $commented_Item->Blog->ID, false);
$Comment->set('status', $def_status);
if ($action != 'preview') {
     * Flood-protection
     * NOTE: devs can override the flood protection delay in /conf/_overrides_TEST.php
     * TODO: Put time check into query?
     * TODO: move that as far !!UP!! as possible! We want to waste minimum resources on Floods
     * TODO: have several thresholds. For example:
     * 1 comment max every 30 sec + 5 comments max every 10 minutes + 15 comments max every 24 hours
     * TODO: factorize with trackback
    $query = 'SELECT MAX(comment_date)
							FROM T_comments
						 WHERE comment_author_IP = ' . $DB->quote($Hit->IP) . '
								OR comment_author_email = ' . $DB->quote($Comment->get_author_email());
コード例 #4
ファイル: comment_post.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
if ($commented_Item->can_rate()) {
    // Comment rating:
    $Comment->set('rating', $comment_rating);
$Comment->set('author_IP', $Hit->IP);
$Comment->set('date', $now);
$Comment->set('content', $comment);
// Renderers:
if (param('renderers_displayed', 'integer', 0)) {
    // use "renderers" value only if it has been displayed (may be empty)
    global $Plugins;
    $renderers = $Plugins->validate_renderer_list($comment_renderers, array('Comment' => &$Comment));
// Def status will be the highest publish status what the current User ( or anonymous user if there is no current user ) can post
$def_status = $Comment->is_meta() ? 'published' : get_highest_publish_status('comment', $commented_Item->Blog->ID, false);
$Comment->set('status', $def_status);
if ($action != 'preview') {
     * Flood-protection
     * NOTE: devs can override the flood protection delay in /conf/_overrides_TEST.php
     * TODO: Put time check into query?
     * TODO: move that as far !!UP!! as possible! We want to waste minimum resources on Floods
     * TODO: have several thresholds. For example:
     * 1 comment max every 30 sec + 5 comments max every 10 minutes + 15 comments max every 24 hours
     * TODO: factorize with trackback
    $query = 'SELECT MAX(comment_date)
							FROM T_comments
						 WHERE comment_author_IP = ' . $DB->quote($Hit->IP) . '
								OR comment_author_email = ' . $DB->quote($Comment->get_author_email());
コード例 #5
ファイル: _item.funcs.php プロジェクト: ldanielz/uesp.blog
function echo_publish_buttons($Form, $creating, $edited_Item, $inskin = false, $display_preview = false)
    global $Blog, $current_User;
    global $next_action, $highest_publish_status;
    // needs to be passed out for echo_publishnowbutton_js( $action )
    // ---------- PREVIEW ----------
    if (!$inskin || $display_preview) {
        $url = url_same_protocol($Blog->get('url'));
        // was dynurl
        $Form->button(array('button', '', T_('Preview'), 'PreviewButton', 'b2edit_open_preview(this.form, \'' . $url . '\');'));
    // ---------- SAVE ----------
    $next_action = $creating ? 'create' : 'update';
    if (!$inskin) {
        // Show Save & Edit only on admin mode
        $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_edit]', T_('Save & edit'), 'SaveEditButton'));
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . ']', T_('Save'), 'SaveButton'));
    list($highest_publish_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID);
    if (!isset($edited_Item->status)) {
        $edited_Item->status = $highest_publish_status;
    if ($edited_Item->status != $highest_publish_status) {
        // Only allow publishing if in draft mode. Other modes are too special to run the risk of 1 click publication.
        $publish_style = 'display: inline';
    } else {
        $publish_style = 'display: none';
    $Form->hidden('publish_status', $highest_publish_status);
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_publish]', $publish_text, 'SaveButton', '', $publish_style));
コード例 #6
ファイル: _edit.disp.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
        $Form->hidden('item_priority', $edited_Item->priority);
        $Form->hidden('item_assigned_user_ID', $edited_Item->assigned_user_ID);
        $Form->hidden('item_st_ID', $edited_Item->pst_ID);
        $Form->hidden('item_deadline', $edited_Item->datedeadline);
    $Form->hidden('trackback_url', $trackback_url);
    $Form->hidden('item_featured', $edited_Item->featured);
    $Form->hidden('item_hideteaser', $edited_Item->get_setting('hide_teaser'));
    $Form->hidden('expiry_delay', $edited_Item->get_setting('comment_expiry_delay'));
    $Form->hidden('goal_ID', $edited_Item->get_setting('goal_ID'));
    $Form->hidden('item_order', $edited_Item->order);
    $creator_User = $edited_Item->get_creator_User();
    $Form->hidden('item_owner_login', $creator_User->login);
    $Form->hidden('item_owner_login_displayed', 1);
} elseif (!isset($edited_Item->status)) {
    $highest_publish_status = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID, false);
    $edited_Item->set('status', $highest_publish_status);
if ($current_User->check_perm('admin', 'restricted')) {
    // These fields can be edited only by users which have an access to back-office
    if ($current_User->check_perm('blog_edit_ts', 'edit', false, $Blog->ID)) {
        // Time stamp field values
        $Form->hidden('item_dateset', $edited_Item->get('dateset'));
        $Form->hidden('item_issue_date', mysql2localedate($edited_Item->get('issue_date')));
        $Form->hidden('item_issue_time', substr($edited_Item->get('issue_date'), 11));
    // Tags
    $Form->hidden('item_tags', $item_tags);
    $Form->hidden('suggest_item_tags', $UserSettings->get('suggest_item_tags'));
$disp_edit_categories = true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: _item.class.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
  * Provide link to publish a post to the highest available public status for the current User
  * @param $params
  * @return boolean true if link was displayed false otherwise
 function highest_publish_link($params = array())
     global $current_User, $admin_url;
     if (!is_logged_in(false)) {
         return false;
     $params = array_merge(array('before' => '', 'after' => '', 'text' => '#', 'before_text' => '', 'after_text' => '', 'title' => '', 'class' => '', 'glue' => '&amp;', 'save_context' => true, 'redirect_to' => ''), $params);
     $curr_status_permvalue = get_status_permvalue($this->status);
     // get the current User highest publish status for this item Blog
     list($highest_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('post', $this->get_blog_ID());
     // Get binary value of the highest available status
     $highest_status_permvalue = get_status_permvalue($highest_status);
     if ($curr_status_permvalue >= $highest_status_permvalue || $highest_status_permvalue <= get_status_permvalue('private')) {
         // Current User has no permission to change this comment status to a more public status
         return false;
     if (!$current_User->check_perm('item_post!' . $highest_status, 'edit', false, $this)) {
         // User has no right to edit this post
         return false;
     $glue = $params['glue'];
     $text = $params['text'] == '#' ? $publish_text : $params['text'];
     $r = $params['before'];
     $r .= '<a href="' . $admin_url . '?ctrl=items' . $glue . 'action=publish' . $glue . 'post_status=' . $highest_status . $glue . 'post_ID=' . $this->ID . $glue . url_crumb('item');
     if ($params['redirect_to']) {
         $r .= $glue . 'redirect_to=' . rawurlencode($params['redirect_to']);
     } elseif ($params['save_context']) {
         $r .= $glue . 'redirect_to=' . rawurlencode(regenerate_url('', '', '', '&'));
     $r .= '" title="' . $params['title'] . '"';
     if (!empty($params['class'])) {
         $r .= ' class="' . $params['class'] . '"';
     $r .= '>' . $params['before_text'] . $text . $params['after_text'] . '</a>';
     $r .= $params['after'];
     echo $r;
     return true;
コード例 #8
ファイル: _comment.funcs.php プロジェクト: ldanielz/uesp.blog
 * Create comment form submit buttons
 * Note: Publsih in only displayed when comment is in draft status
 * @param $Form
 * @param $edited_Comment
function echo_comment_buttons($Form, $edited_Comment)
    global $Blog, $current_User, $highest_publish_status;
    // ---------- SAVE ------------
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[update]', T_('Save!'), 'SaveButton'));
    // ---------- PUBLISH ---------
    list($highest_publish_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('comment', $Blog->ID);
    $current_status_value = get_status_permvalue($edited_Comment->status);
    $highest_status_value = get_status_permvalue($highest_publish_status);
    $Form->hidden('publish_status', $highest_publish_status);
    if ($current_status_value < $highest_status_value && $highest_publish_status != 'draft' && $current_User->check_perm('comment!' . $highest_publish_status, 'edit', false, $edited_Comment)) {
        // User may publish this comment with a "more public" status
        $publish_style = 'display: inline';
    } else {
        $publish_style = 'display: none';
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[update_publish]', $publish_text, 'SaveButton', '', $publish_style));
コード例 #9
ファイル: _item.funcs.php プロジェクト: Ariflaw/b2evolution
 * Display buttons to update a post
 * @param object Form
 * @param boolean Is creating action
 * @param object edited Item
 * @param boolean Is in-skin editing
 * @param boolean TRUE to display a preview button
function echo_publish_buttons($Form, $creating, $edited_Item, $inskin = false, $display_preview = false)
    global $Blog, $current_User, $UserSettings;
    global $next_action, $highest_publish_status;
    // needs to be passed out for echo_publishnowbutton_js( $action )
    list($highest_publish_status, $publish_text) = get_highest_publish_status('post', $Blog->ID);
    if (!isset($edited_Item->status)) {
        $edited_Item->status = $highest_publish_status;
    // ---------- PREVIEW ----------
    if (!$inskin || $display_preview) {
        $url = url_same_protocol($Blog->get('url'));
        // was dynurl
        $Form->button(array('button', '', T_('Preview'), 'PreviewButton', 'b2edit_open_preview(this.form, \'' . $url . '\');'));
    // ---------- VISIBILITY ----------
    if (!$inskin) {
        // Only for back-office
        global $AdminUI;
        echo '<span class="edit_actions_text">' . T_('Visibility') . get_manual_link('visibility-status') . ': </span>';
        // Get those statuses which are not allowed for the current User to create posts in this blog
        $exclude_statuses = array_merge(get_restricted_statuses($Blog->ID, 'blog_post!', 'create'), array('trash'));
        // Get allowed visibility statuses
        $status_options = get_visibility_statuses('', $exclude_statuses);
        if (isset($AdminUI, $AdminUI->skin_name) && $AdminUI->skin_name == 'bootstrap') {
            // Use dropdown for bootstrap skin
            $status_icon_options = get_visibility_statuses('icons', $exclude_statuses);
            $Form->hidden('post_status', $edited_Item->status);
            echo '<div class="btn-group dropup post_status_dropdown">';
            echo '<button type="button" class="btn btn-status-' . $edited_Item->status . ' dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-expanded="false" id="post_status_dropdown">' . '<span>' . $status_options[$edited_Item->status] . '</span>' . ' <span class="caret"></span></button>';
            echo '<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu" aria-labelledby="post_status_dropdown">';
            foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
                echo '<li rel="' . $status_key . '" role="presentation"><a href="#" role="menuitem" tabindex="-1">' . $status_icon_options[$status_key] . ' <span>' . $status_title . '</span></a></li>';
            echo '</ul>';
            echo '</div>';
        } else {
            // Use standard select element for other skins
            echo '<select name="post_status">';
            foreach ($status_options as $status_key => $status_title) {
                echo '<option value="' . $status_key . '"' . ($edited_Item->status == $status_key ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' class="btn-status-' . $status_key . '">' . $status_title . '</option>';
            echo '</select>';
    echo '<span class="btn-group">';
    // ---------- SAVE ----------
    $next_action = $creating ? 'create' : 'update';
    if (!$inskin && $current_User->check_perm('item_post!CURSTATUS', 'edit', false, $edited_Item)) {
        // Show Save & Edit only on admin mode
        $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_edit]', T_('Save & edit'), 'SaveEditButton btn-status-' . $edited_Item->status));
    if ($inskin) {
        // Front-office: display a save button with title depending on post status
        $button_titles = get_visibility_statuses('button-titles');
        $button_title = isset($button_titles[$edited_Item->status]) ? T_($button_titles[$edited_Item->status]) : T_('Save Changes!');
    } else {
        // Use static button title on back-office
        $button_title = T_('Save');
    $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . ']', $button_title, 'SaveButton btn-status-' . $edited_Item->status));
    echo '</span>';
    $Form->hidden('publish_status', $highest_publish_status);
    if ($highest_publish_status == 'published' && $UserSettings->get_collection_setting('show_quick_publish', $Blog->ID)) {
        // Display this button to make a post published
        // Only allow publishing if in draft mode. Other modes are too special to run the risk of 1 click publication.
        $publish_style = $edited_Item->status == $highest_publish_status ? 'display: none' : 'display: inline';
        $Form->submit(array('actionArray[' . $next_action . '_publish]', T_('Publish!'), 'SaveButton btn-status-published quick-publish', '', $publish_style));