コード例 #1
ファイル: admin_bb_db.php プロジェクト: ALTUN69/icy_phoenix
// Functions - END
// Mighty Gorgon - ACP Privacy - BEGIN
$is_allowed = check_acp_module_access();
if (empty($is_allowed)) {
    message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['Not_Auth_View']);
// Mighty Gorgon - ACP Privacy - END
$mode = request_var('mode', '');
$action = request_var('action', '');
$mass = request_var('mass', '');
$mass_change = request_var('mass_change', '');
// Auth Check - BEGIN
$allowed = false;
$founder_id = defined('FOUNDER_ID') ? FOUNDER_ID : get_founder_id();
if ($user->data['user_id'] == $founder_id) {
    $allowed = true;
if (!$allowed && defined('MAIN_ADMINS_ID')) {
    $allowed_admins = explode(',', MAIN_ADMINS_ID);
    if (in_array($user->data['user_id'], $allowed_admins)) {
        $allowed = true;
if (!$allowed) {
    message_die(GENERAL_ERROR, $lang['db_unauthed']);
// Auth Check - END
$images = IP_ROOT_PATH . 'images/bb_admin/';
echo '<table class="forumline tw200px">';
コード例 #2
  * <b>first_admin_protection</b>
  * Checks if submitted user id is the user id of the first admin. If so stop
  * the script.
  * @param $user_id
 function first_admin_protection($user_id)
     global $user, $lang;
     if ($user_id != $user->data['user_id']) {
         $founder_id = defined('FOUNDER_ID') ? FOUNDER_ID : get_founder_id();
         if ($user_id == $founder_id) {
             message_die(GENERAL_MESSAGE, $lang['ctracker_gmb_1stadmin']);
コード例 #3
ファイル: auth.php プロジェクト: ALTUN69/icy_phoenix
function check_auth_level($level_required)
    global $user, $config;
    if ($level_required == AUTH_ALL) {
        return true;
    if ($user->data['user_level'] == ADMIN) {
        if ($level_required == AUTH_ADMIN || $level_required == AUTH_GUEST_ONLY) {
            return true;
        if ($level_required == AUTH_FOUNDER) {
            $founder_id = defined('FOUNDER_ID') ? FOUNDER_ID : get_founder_id();
            return $user->data['user_id'] == $founder_id ? true : false;
        } elseif ($level_required == AUTH_MAIN_ADMIN) {
            if (defined('MAIN_ADMINS_ID')) {
                $allowed_admins = explode(',', MAIN_ADMINS_ID);
                return in_array($user->data['user_id'], $allowed_admins) ? true : false;
    // Before going on... if level_required is for Guests only then check if the user is a guest but not a bot...
    if ($level_required == AUTH_GUEST_ONLY) {
        return !$user->data['is_bot'] && !$user->data['session_logged_in'] ? true : false;
    // Force to AUTH_ADMIN since we already checked all cases for founder or main admins
    if ($level_required == AUTH_FOUNDER || $level_required == AUTH_MAIN_ADMIN) {
        $level_required = AUTH_ADMIN;
    // Access level required is at least REG and user is not an admin!
    // Remember that Junior Admin has the ADMIN level while not in CMS or ACP
    $not_auth = false;
    // Check if the user is REG or a BOT
    $is_reg = !empty($config['bots_reg_auth']) && $user->data['is_bot'] || $user->data['session_logged_in'] ? true : false;
    $not_auth = !$not_auth && $level_required == AUTH_REG && !$is_reg ? true : $not_auth;
    $not_auth = !$not_auth && $level_required == AUTH_MOD && $user->data['user_level'] != MOD && $user->data['user_level'] != ADMIN ? true : $not_auth;
    $not_auth = !$not_auth && $level_required == AUTH_ADMIN ? true : $not_auth;
    if ($not_auth) {
        return false;
    return true;
コード例 #4
* Sends a birthday PM
function birthday_pm_send()
    global $db, $cache, $config, $user, $lang;
    // Birthday - BEGIN
    // Check if the user has or have had birthday, also see if greetings are enabled
    if ($user->data['user_birthday'] != 999999 && !empty($config['birthday_greeting']) && create_date('Ymd', time(), $config['board_timezone']) >= $user->data['user_next_birthday_greeting'] . realdate('md', $user->data['user_birthday'])) {
        // If a user had a birthday more than one week before we will not send the PM...
        if (time() - gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $user->data['user_birthday_m'], $user->data['user_birthday_d'], $user->data['user_next_birthday_greeting']) <= 86400 * 8) {
            // Birthday PM - BEGIN
            $pm_subject = $lang['Greeting_Messaging'];
            $pm_date = gmdate('U');
            $year = create_date('Y', time(), $config['board_timezone']);
            $date_today = create_date('Ymd', time(), $config['board_timezone']);
            $user_birthday = realdate('md', $user->data['user_birthday']);
            $user_birthday2 = ($year . $user_birthday < $date_today ? $year + 1 : $year) . $user_birthday;
            $user_age = create_date('Y', time(), $config['board_timezone']) - realdate('Y', $user->data['user_birthday']);
            if (create_date('md', time(), $config['board_timezone']) < realdate('md', $user->data['user_birthday'])) {
            $pm_text = $user_birthday2 == $date_today ? sprintf($lang['Birthday_greeting_today'], $user_age) : sprintf($lang['Birthday_greeting_prev'], $user_age, realdate(str_replace('Y', '', $lang['DATE_FORMAT_BIRTHDAY']), $user->data['user_birthday']) . (!empty($user->data['user_next_birthday_greeting']) ? $user->data['user_next_birthday_greeting'] : ''));
            $founder_id = defined('FOUNDER_ID') ? FOUNDER_ID : get_founder_id();
            include_once IP_ROOT_PATH . 'includes/class_pm.' . PHP_EXT;
            $privmsg_subject = sprintf($pm_subject, $config['sitename']);
            $privmsg_message = sprintf($pm_text, $config['sitename'], $config['sitename']);
            $privmsg_sender = $founder_id;
            $privmsg_recipient = $user->data['user_id'];
            $privmsg = new class_pm();
            $privmsg->delete_older_message('PM_INBOX', $privmsg_recipient);
            $privmsg->send($privmsg_sender, $privmsg_recipient, $privmsg_subject, $privmsg_message);
            // Birthday PM - END
        // Update next greetings year
        $sql = "UPDATE " . USERS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\tSET user_next_birthday_greeting = " . (create_date('Y', time(), $config['board_timezone']) + 1) . "\n\t\t\tWHERE user_id = " . $user->data['user_id'];
        $status = $db->sql_query($sql);
    //Sorry user shall not have a greeting this year
    // Birthday - END