コード例 #1
 function send_confirmation_emails()
     $slot_entity = get_entity_by_id($this->request_array['slot_id']);
     $dir = new directory_service();
     $dir->search_by_attribute('ds_username', $this->event->get_value('contact_username'), array('ds_email', 'ds_fullname', 'ds_phone'));
     $to = $dir->get_first_value('ds_email');
     $subject = 'Event Registration: ' . $this->get_value('name') . ' for ' . $this->event->get_value('name');
     $body = $this->get_value('name') . ' has registered for ' . $this->event->get_value('name') . "\n\n";
     $body .= 'Name: ' . $this->get_value('name') . "\n";
     $body .= "E-mail Address: " . $this->get_value('email') . "\n";
     $body .= 'Date: ' . prettify_mysql_datetime($this->request_array['date'], 'm/d/Y') . "\n";
     if ($this->include_time_in_email) {
         $time = $this->event->get_value('datetime');
         $time_parts = explode(' ', $time);
         if ($time_parts[1] != '00:00:00') {
             $body .= 'Time: ' . prettify_mysql_datetime($time, 'g:i a') . "\n";
     $location = $this->event->get_value('location');
     if (!empty($location)) {
         $body .= 'Location: ' . $location . "\n";
     $slot = $slot_entity['name'];
     $body .= 'Slot: ' . $slot . "\n\n";
     // to person who should get registration
     mail($to, $subject, $body, "From: " . strip_tags($this->get_value('email')));
     // to person who filled out email
     mail(strip_tags($this->get_value('email')), $subject, $body, "From: " . strip_tags($to));
コード例 #2
	/** Removes entity with id = $id and all relationships with that id from the database.
	 *	Specifically, deletes the entry from the entity table and all sub-tables.
	 *	Also deletes all relationships where entity_a or entity_b = id
	 *	@todo add logging of expungements so that these important actions are traceable
	 *	@param	integer	$id		The ID of the entity to delete
	 *	@param	integer	$user_id		The ID of the reason user who is deleting the item
	 *	@return		array	the entity and all relationships of the entity just deleted
	function reason_expunge_entity( $id, $user_id )
		$testmode = false;
		if(empty($user_id) || !is_numeric($user_id) || $user_id < 1 )
			trigger_error('Expungement without providing a Reason user id is deprecated. Future releases of Reason will not allow entities to be expunged without providing a user id');
		// get all entity information before deleting it
		$id = (integer) $id;
		if(empty($id) || $id < 1)
			trigger_error('ID passed to reason_expunge_entity() not a positive integer. Unable to expunge.');
			return false;

		$entity = get_entity_by_id( $id, false );
			trigger_error('Entity id '.$id.' does not exisit; unable to expunge.');
			return false;
		$sqler = new SQLER;

		$archives = array();
		$q = "SELECT r.entity_b, r.type, ar.name FROM relationship AS r,  allowable_relationship AS ar WHERE r.entity_a = $id AND r.type = ar.id";
		$r = db_query( $q, 'Unable to retrieve entity left relationships for expungement' );
		while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $r, MYSQL_ASSOC ) )
			$entity[ 'left_relationships' ][] = $row;
			// this is an archive - mark it for deletion.
			if( strpos( $row[ 'name' ], 'archive' ) !== false )
				$archives[] = $row[ 'entity_b' ];
		$q = "SELECT entity_a, type FROM relationship WHERE entity_b = $id";
		$r = db_query( $q, 'Unable to retrieve entity right relationships for expungement' );
		while( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $r, MYSQL_ASSOC ) )
			$entity[ 'right_relationships' ][] = $row;

		// call custom deletion action
		$type = get_entity_by_id( $entity[ 'type' ] );

		if( $type[ 'custom_deleter' ] )
			reason_include_once( 'content_deleters/'.$type['custom_deleter'] );

		// delete from entity table
		$q = "DELETE FROM entity WHERE id = $id";
		if( $testmode )
			echo $q.'<br /><br />';
			db_query( $q, 'Unable to delete entity from entity table.' );

		// delete from sub tables
		$tables = get_entity_tables_by_type( $entity['type'] );

		foreach( $tables as $table )
			if( $table != 'entity' )
				if( $testmode )
					echo '$sqler->delete_one( "'.htmlspecialchars($table).'",'.$id.' )<br /><br />';
					$sqler->delete_one( $table, $id );

		// delete relationships
		$q = "DELETE FROM relationship WHERE entity_a = $id OR entity_b = $id";
		if( $testmode )
			echo $q.'<br /><br />';
			db_query( $q, 'Unable to delete relationships of entity '.$id );

		// delete all archived entities
		foreach( $archives AS $archive )
			reason_expunge_entity( $archive, $user_id );

		// If the recently-expunged entity is live or pending and has a unique_name, let's refresh_reason_unique_names
		if (!empty($entity['unique_name']) && ( !empty($entity['state']) && (($entity['state'] == 'Pending') || ($entity['state'] == 'Live'))))

		return $entity;
	} //
コード例 #3
ファイル: events.php プロジェクト: natepixel/reason_package
 	 * Delete the registrant indicated in the delete_registrant request value
 	 * @param object $event event entity
 	 * @return void
	function delete_registrant($event)
		$slot = get_entity_by_id($this->request['slot_id']);
		$registrants = explode(';', $slot['registrant_data']);
		$changed = false;
		foreach($registrants as $key=>$registrant)
			if(md5($registrant) == $this->request['delete_registrant'])
				$old_data[] = $registrants[$key];
				$changed = true;
			$values = array ( 'registrant_data' => implode(';', $registrants));
			$update_user = $this->user_is_slot_admin($event);
				$update_user = get_user_id('event_agent');
			$successful_update = reason_update_entity( $this->request['slot_id'], $update_user, $values );
				// redirect on successful delete
				$link = carl_make_redirect(array('delete_registrant' => ''));
				header("Location: " . $link );
				$this->slot_registration_admin_messages .=  '<h4>Sorry</h4><p>Deletion unsuccesful. The Web Services group has been notified of this error - please try again later.</p>';
				$this->send_slot_deletion_error_message($event, print_r($old_data, true) );
			$this->slot_registration_admin_messages .=  '<h4>Sorry</h4><p>Could not find registrant to delete - most likely they were already deleted.</p>';

コード例 #4
ファイル: entity.php プロジェクト: hunter2814/reason_package
  * returns a specific value for the entity or false if the field doesn't exist
  * @param string $col name of the field to grab
  * @return mixed
 function get_value_refresh($col)
     if (empty($this->_values)) {
         $this->_values = get_entity_by_id($this->_id);
     if (!empty($this->_values[$col]) or isset($this->_values[$col]) and strlen($this->_values[$col]) > 0) {
         return $this->_values[$col];
     } elseif (!array_key_exists($col, $this->_values)) {
         trigger_error('"' . $col . '" field not retrieved from database');
     return false;
コード例 #5
ファイル: images.php プロジェクト: hunter2814/reason_package
  * Show an image thumbnail
  * Note that this function does not return XHTML; instead it directly outputs it
  * via echo statements. If you want returned XHTML, use get_show_image_html().
  * @param mixed $image An image object, image ID, or array of image values
  * @param boolean $die_without_thumbnail Echo nothing if no thumb available? (default behavior 
  *                                       is to make link to full-sized image if no thumb available)
  * @param boolean $show_popup_link Wrap image in link that pops up image popup?
  * @param boolean $show_description Place the image description (i.e. short caption) below the image?
  * @param string $other_text Text to use instead of image description
  * @param boolean $textonly True sets function into textonly mode, which instead of outputting
  *                          image markup outputs a text description linking to image
  * @param boolean $show_author Output the value of the author field below the description?
  * @param string $link_with_url Wrap the image in a link to this URL instead of to image popup
  * @return void
  * @todo Make a better image markup library!
 function show_image($image, $die_without_thumbnail = false, $show_popup_link = true, $show_description = true, $other_text = '', $textonly = false, $show_author = false, $link_with_url = '')
     if (is_array($image)) {
         $id = $image['id'];
     } elseif (is_object($image)) {
         if ('reasonSizedImage' == get_class($image)) {
             $sizedImageObject = $image;
             $image_entity = $sizedImageObject->get_entity();
             $values = $image_entity->get_values();
             $id = $image_entity->id();
             $image = $values;
         } else {
             $values = $image->get_values();
             $id = $image->id();
             $image = $values;
     } else {
         $id = $image;
         $image = get_entity_by_id($id);
     if (isset($sizedImageObject)) {
         $tn = true;
         $width = $sizedImageObject->get_image_width();
         $height = $sizedImageObject->get_image_height();
         $image_path = $sizedImageObject->get_file_system_path_and_file_of_dest();
         $mod_time = filemtime($image_path);
         $image_url = $sizedImageObject->get_URL() . '?cb=' . $mod_time;
     } else {
         $tn_name = reason_get_image_filename($id, 'tn');
         $fs_name = reason_get_image_filename($id);
         if (file_exists(PHOTOSTOCK . $tn_name)) {
             $tn = true;
             $image_name = $tn_name;
         } elseif (file_exists(PHOTOSTOCK . $fs_name)) {
             if ($die_without_thumbnail) {
             $tn = false;
             $image_name = $fs_name;
         } else {
             trigger_error('No thumbail or full sized image found for image id ' . $id);
         $image_path = PHOTOSTOCK . $image_name;
         list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image_path);
         $mod_time = filemtime($image_path);
         $image_url = WEB_PHOTOSTOCK . $image_name . '?cb=' . $mod_time;
     if (file_exists($image_path)) {
         $full_image_exists = file_exists(PHOTOSTOCK . reason_get_image_filename($id));
         if (!$image['description']) {
             if ($image['keywords']) {
                 $image['description'] = $image['keywords'];
             } else {
                 $image['description'] = $image['name'];
         $window_width = $image['width'] < 340 ? 340 : 40 + $image['width'];
         $window_height = 170 + $image['height'];
         // formerly 130 // 96 works on Mac IE 5
         if (empty($link_with_url)) {
             if (empty($textonly)) {
                 $pre_link = "<a onmouseover=\"window.status = 'view larger image'; return true;\" onmouseout=\"window.status = ''; return true;\" onclick=\"this.href='javascript:void(window.open(\\'" . REASON_IMAGE_VIEWER . "?id=" . $image['id'] . "\\', \\'PopupImage\\', \\'menubar,scrollbars,resizable,width=" . $window_width . ",height=" . $window_height . "\\'))'\" href=\"" . WEB_PHOTOSTOCK . reason_get_image_filename($id) . "?cb=" . filemtime($image_path) . "\">";
             } else {
                 $pre_link = '<a href="' . WEB_PHOTOSTOCK . reason_get_image_filename($id) . '?cb=' . filemtime(PHOTOSTOCK . $image_name) . '">';
         } else {
             $pre_link = '<a href="' . $link_with_url . '">';
         if (empty($textonly)) {
             echo '<div class="tnImage">';
             if (($tn and $show_popup_link and $full_image_exists) || $tn && !empty($link_with_url)) {
                 echo $pre_link;
             // show photo
             echo '<img src="' . $image_url . '" width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '" alt="' . reason_htmlspecialchars($image['description']) . '" class="thumbnail" border="0"/>';
             if (($tn and $show_popup_link and $full_image_exists) || $tn && !empty($link_with_url)) {
                 echo '</a>';
             echo '</div>';
         if ($show_description) {
             $desc =& $image['description'];
             if (empty($textonly)) {
                 echo '<div class="tnDesc smallText">';
             } else {
                 echo '<div class="tnDesc">';
             if ($tn and $show_popup_link and $full_image_exists) {
                 echo $pre_link . $desc . '</a>';
             } else {
                 echo $desc;
             echo '</div>';
         if ($other_text) {
             if (empty($textonly)) {
                 echo '<div class="tnDesc smallText">';
             } else {
                 echo '<div class="tnDesc">';
             if ($tn and $show_popup_link and $full_image_exists) {
                 echo $pre_link . $other_text . '</a>';
             } else {
                 echo $other_text;
             echo '</div>';
         if ($show_author and !empty($image['author'])) {
             echo '<div class="tnAuthor smallText">Photo: ' . $image['author'] . '</div>';