public function import_orders() { if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'solr_auto_import_orders.php') === FALSE) { exit; } $end_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); set_time_limit(0); $limit = 1000; $end_time = get_current_time(); $offset = 0; $order_table = 'order_list_completed'; $order_id = 'order_id'; $start_time = $this->solr_order_model->fetch_solr_order_updated_date(); $start_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', mktime(substr($start_time, 11, 2), substr($start_time, 14, 2), substr($start_time, 17, 2), substr($start_time, 5, 2), substr($start_time, 8, 2) - 45, substr($start_time, 0, 4))); echo $start_time; $successful = TRUE; $successful1 = TRUE; //$this->_process_import_order($order_table, $order_id, $start_time, $end_time, $limit, $offset); $offset = 0; $order_table = 'order_list'; $order_id = 'id'; $successful2 = $this->_process_import_order($order_table, $order_id, $start_time, $end_time, $limit, $offset); if ($successful1 && $successful2) { $this->solr_order_model->update_solr_order_updated_date($end_time); } }
private function _proccess_track_ebay_competitor($id) { $ebay_url_base = ''; $competitor = $this->ebay_model->fetch_competitor_by_id($id); $item_id = $competitor->item_id; //$item_id = 270801805639; $ebay_item = $this->ebay_model->fetch_ebay_item_by_item_id($item_id); if ($ebay_item->currency == 'EUR') { $ebay_url_base = ''; } if ($ebay_item->currency == 'GBP') { $ebay_url_base = ''; } if ($ebay_item->currency == 'AUD') { $ebay_url_base = ''; } if (empty($ebay_item)) { //$this->ebay_model->drop_competitor_by_item_id($item_id); return; } $competitor_result = fetch_ebay_competitor_price($competitor->url); if (empty($competitor_result)) { return; } $our_result = fetch_ebay_competitor_price($ebay_url_base . $ebay_item->item_id); if (empty($our_result)) { return; } //var_dump($our_result);die(); $price = $competitor_result['total']; $our_price = $our_result['total'] + $competitor->allowed_difference; if ($our_price > $price) { $balance = $price - $our_price; $status = 1; } else { $balance = '+' . ($price - $our_price); $status = 0; } $competitor_data = array('balance' => $balance, 'status' => $status, 'track_time' => get_current_time()); $this->ebay_model->update_competitor($competitor->id, $competitor_data); var_dump($competitor_data); /* * warn our saler */ if ($status && $ebay_item->alarm != 1) { $this->ebay_model->update_ebay_by_item_id($item_id, array('alarm' => 1)); } /** * update our item price. **/ $this->ebay_model->update_ebay_by_item_id($item_id, array('price' => $our_result['product'], 'shipping_price' => $our_result['shipping'])); if ($status) { $click_url = $competitor->url; $saler_ids = $this->ebay_model->fetch_saler_ids_by_ebay_id($ebay_item->ebay_id); var_dump($saler_ids); $this->events->trigger('ebay_item_price_too_high', array('type' => 'ebay_item_price_too_high_notify', 'click_url' => $click_url, 'content' => sprintf(lang('competitor_has_lower_price'), $competitor->seller_id), 'owner_id' => 0, 'allowed_user_ids' => $saler_ids)); } }
function start_execution() { $unix = new unix(); BuildingExecRightStatus("Building postfix status...", 20); postfix_status(); BuildingExecRightStatus("Building postfix status...", 55); events("postfix_status() OK"); get_current_time(); events("get_current_time() OK"); BuildingExecRightStatus("Building postfix status...", 90); BuildingExecRightStatus("done...", 100); }
public function add_new_template() { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $created_date = get_current_time(); $data = array('template_name' => '[edit]', 'template_content' => '[edit]', 'user' => $user_id, 'template_subject' => '[edit]', 'created_date ' => $created_date); try { $this->ebay_model->add_ebay_message_template($data); echo $this->create_json(1, lang('configuration_accepted')); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->ajax_failed(); echo lang('error_msg'); } }
public function add_new_email_template() { $user_id = get_current_user_id(); $update_time = get_current_time(); $name = get_current_user_name(); $created_date = get_current_time(); $remark = $name . lang('on') . $update_time . lang('create_template') . "<br>"; $data = array('title' => '', 'content' => '', 'code' => '', 'creator' => $user_id, 'remark' => $remark, 'created_date ' => $created_date); try { $this->edm_email_model->add_edm_email($data); echo $this->create_json(1, lang('configuration_accepted')); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->ajax_failed(); echo lang('error_msg'); } }
public function move_save() { if ($this->input->is_post()) { $ship_order_no = $this->input->post('ship_order_no'); $log_type = $this->input->post('log_type'); $storage_code = $this->input->post('storage_code'); $ship_confirm_date = $this->input->post('ship_confirm_date'); $locale = $this->input->post('locale'); $collect_address = $this->input->post('collect_address'); $ship_confirm_user = $this->input->post('ship_confirm_user'); $transaction_number = $this->input->post('transaction_number'); $abroad_stock_remark = $this->input->post('abroad_stock_remark'); $sku_arr = $this->input->post('sku'); $qty_arr = $this->input->post('qty'); } $sku_str = ''; $qty_str = ''; foreach ($sku_arr as $val => $sku) { if (!$this->product_model->check_exists('product_basic', array('sku' => $sku))) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('product_sku_nonentity')); return; } else { $sku_str = $sku_str . $sku . ','; } } foreach ($qty_arr as $qty) { if (!is_positive($qty)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('qty_not_natural')); return; } else { $qty_str = $qty_str . $qty . ','; } } $sku_str = substr($sku_str, 0, strlen($sku_str) - 1); $qty_str = substr($qty_str, 0, strlen($qty_str) - 1); $creator = $this->get_current_login_name(); $created_date = get_current_time(); $data = array('ship_order_no' => $ship_order_no, 'log_type' => $log_type, 'storage_code' => $storage_code, 'ship_confirm_date' => $ship_confirm_date, 'locale' => $locale, 'remark' => $abroad_stock_remark, 'collect_address' => $collect_address, 'ship_confirm_user' => $ship_confirm_user, 'transaction_number' => $transaction_number, 'sku_str' => $sku_str, 'qty_str' => $qty_str, 'creator' => $creator, 'created_date' => $created_date); $this->product_model->save_move_stock($data); foreach ($sku_arr as $val => $sku) { $count = $qty_arr[$val]; $this->change_stock_count($sku, $storage_code, $count); } echo $this->create_json(1, lang('purchase_apply_saved')); }
public function trade_get() { $now = get_current_time(); $top_client = get_top_client(); $tids = $this->taobao_model->get_order_tid(); foreach ($tids as $tid) { $tid = $tid->tid; $req = new TradeGetRequest(); $req->setFields("tid, status"); $req->setTid($tid); try { $resp = $top_client->execute($req); } catch (Exception $e) { echo lang('error_msg'); } $this->taobao_model->trade_get($resp, $now); } }
function writeLog() { $date = get_current_date(); $filename = ROOT_DIR . 'log/log_info' . $date; if (!file_exists($filename)) { $fp = fopen($filename, "wa"); fclose($fp); } $data = get_current_time() . " " . $this->getIp() . " " . $this->getInfo() . PHP_EOL; try { file_put_contents($filename, $data, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX); } catch (Exception $ex) { print_r("<pre>"); print_r($ex->getMessage()); print_r($ex->getTrace()); print_r("</pre>"); die; } }
public function save_accounting_costs() { $order_count = $this->input->post('order_count'); $user_id = get_current_user_id(); for ($i = 0; $i < $order_count; $i++) { $order_id = $this->input->post('order_id_' . $i); $shipping_cost = trim($this->input->post('shipping_cost_' . $i)); $product_cost = trim($this->input->post('product_cost_' . $i)); $product_cost_string = trim(trim($this->input->post('product_cost_string_' . $i)), ','); if (!is_numeric($shipping_cost) || !is_numeric($product_cost) || $shipping_cost <= 0 || $product_cost <= 0) { continue; } try { $data = array('cost_user' => $user_id, 'cost_date' => get_current_time(), 'cost' => $shipping_cost + $product_cost, 'shipping_cost' => $shipping_cost, 'product_cost_all' => $product_cost, 'product_cost' => $product_cost_string); $this->order_model->update_order_information($order_id, $data); calculate_order_profit_rate($order_id); } catch (Exception $e) { echo lang('error_msg'); $this->ajax_failed(); } } echo $this->create_json(1, lang('stock_check_or_count_successfully')); }
function new_dataset() { $data['content'] = 'dataset-new'; $data['nav'] = 'dataset'; $data['title'] = 'Add Data Set'; if ($this->input->post()) { $dataset = array('dataset_name' => $this->input->post('datasetname'), 'create_at' => get_current_time()); if ($dataset['dataset_name'] == "") { $data['status'] = 0; $data['message'] = 'The name of dataset cannot be empty'; } else { $num_rows = $this->db->where('dataset_name', $dataset['dataset_name'])->from('dataset')->count_all_results(); if ($num_rows > 0) { $data['status'] = 0; $data['message'] = $dataset['dataset_name'] . ' has already existed'; } else { $data['status'] = 1; $data['message'] = $dataset['dataset_name'] . ' dataset added successfully'; $this->db->insert('dataset', $dataset); } } } $this->load->view('/template/header', $data); }
function stChangeOrderStatus($orderID, $statusID, $comment = '', $notify = 0) { $q_status_name = db_query("select status_name from " . ORDER_STATUES_TABLE . " where statusID=" . (int) $statusID); list($status_name) = db_fetch_row($q_status_name); $sql = "insert into " . ORDER_STATUS_CHANGE_LOG_TABLE . " ( orderID, status_name, status_change_time, status_comment ) " . " values( " . (int) $orderID . ", '" . xToText($status_name) . "', '" . xEscSQL(get_current_time()) . "', '" . xToText(trim($comment)) . "' ) "; db_query($sql); if ($notify) { $Order = ordGetOrder($orderID); $t = ''; $Email = ''; $FirstName = ''; regGetContactInfo(regGetLoginById($Order['customerID']), $t, $Email, $FirstName, $t, $t, $t); if (!$Email) { $Email = $Order['customer_email']; } if (!$FirstName) { $FirstName = $Order['customer_firstname']; } xMailTxt($Email, STRING_CHANGE_ORDER_STATUS, 'customer.order.change_status.tpl', array('customer_firstname' => $FirstName, '_MSG_CHANGE_ORDER_STATUS' => str_replace(array('{STATUS}', '{ORDERID}'), array($status_name == 'STRING_CANCELED_ORDER_STATUS' ? STRING_CANCELED_ORDER_STATUS : $status_name, $orderID), MSG_CHANGE_ORDER_STATUS), '_ADMIN_COMMENT' => $comment)); } }
public function save_return_order($tag = NULL) { $id = $this->input->post('id'); $item_no = $this->input->post('item_no'); // $view_return_cost = $this ->input ->post('view_return_cost'); $order = $this->order_model->get_order_with_id($id); if (!empty($order->return_cost)) { $return_cost = $this->input->post('return_cost') + $order->return_cost; } else { $return_cost = $this->input->post('return_cost'); } $return_type = $this->input->post('return_type'); $return_type_string = $this->order_model->fetch_status_name('order_status', $return_type); $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('apply_action_by_sys_remark'), get_current_user_name(), get_current_time(), lang($return_type_string), $return_cost . "( {$order->currency})"); $status_id_wfa = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_assignment'); $status_id_wfc = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_confirmation'); $status_id_h = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'holded'); /* * 当申请未发货-申请退款时(待客服分配,待客服确认,客服暂不确认), 状态直接改为未发货-申请退款。 * **/ if ($order->order_status == $status_id_wfa || $order->order_status == $status_id_wfc || $order->order_status == $status_id_h) { $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_shipped_apply_for_refund'); $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('apply_action_by_sys_remark'), get_current_user_name(), get_current_time(), lang('not_shipped_apply_for_refund'), $return_cost . "( {$order->currency})"); } $status_id = $this->order_model->get_one('order_list', 'order_status', array('id' => $id)); $return_status = $this->order_model->fetch_status_name('order_status', $status_id); /** * 前:已发货时的几种状态, 中: 未发货时的状态 , 后:二次退款的。 */ $return_status_arr = array('wait_for_purchase', 'wait_for_shipping_label', 'wait_for_shipping_confirmation', 'wait_for_feedback', 'received', 'wait_for_assignment', 'wait_for_confirmation', 'holded', 'not_received_partial_refunded', 'received_partial_refunded'); $rules = array(array('field' => 'remark', 'label' => lang('remark'), 'rules' => 'trim|required')); $return_type_nrar = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_apply_for_partial_refund'); $return_type_rar = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_apply_for_partial_refund'); $status = $this->order_model->fetch_status_name('order_status', $return_type); /** * Form 验证。 */ $this->form_validation->set_rules($rules); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $error = validation_errors(); echo $this->create_json(0, $error); return; } /** * 这里是申请审核的。 */ $user_priority = $this->user_model->fetch_user_priority_by_system_code('order'); // if($user_priority+1 >= 2)//Test if ($user_priority >= 2) { if ($tag == 'approved') { $order_status_approved = $this->order_model->get_one('order_list', 'order_status', array('id' => $id)); $return_type_string = $this->order_model->fetch_status_name('order_status', $order_status_approved); if ($return_type_string == 'not_received_approved_resending' || $return_type_string == 'received_approved_resending') { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('review_finish')); return; } switch ($return_type_string) { case 'not_received_apply_for_partial_refund': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_partial_refunded'); break; case 'not_received_apply_for_full_refund': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_full_refunded'); // $return_cost = $view_return_cost; break; case 'not_received_apply_for_resending': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_approved_resending'); break; case 'received_apply_for_partial_refund': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_partial_refunded'); break; case 'received_apply_for_full_refund': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_full_refunded'); // $return_cost = $view_return_cost; break; case 'received_apply_for_resending': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_approved_resending'); break; case 'not_shipped_apply_for_refund': $return_type = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_shipped_agree_to_refund'); break; default: echo $this->create_json(0, lang('no_return')); return; } $return_cost = $this->input->post('return_cost'); $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; // $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('approved_by_sys_remark'), get_current_time(), get_current_user_name()); $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('approved_by_sys_remark_for_one'), get_current_time(), get_current_user_name(), $return_cost . "( {$order->currency})"); $descript = $order->descript; $descript .= sprintf(lang('approved_by_sys_remark_for_one'), get_current_time(), get_current_user_name(), $return_cost . "( {$order->currency})"); } elseif ($tag == 'rejected') { $not_ship_id = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_shipped_apply_for_refund'); if ($order->order_status == $not_ship_id) { $holded_id = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'holded'); $order_status_rejected = $holded_id; $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('rejected_by_sys_remark'), get_current_user_name(), get_current_time(), lang('not_shipped_apply_for_refund'), lang('holded')); $descript = $order->descript; $descript .= sprintf(lang('rejected_by_sys_remark'), get_current_user_name(), get_current_time(), lang('not_shipped_apply_for_refund'), lang('holded')); } else { $apply_status = array('not_received_apply_for_partial_refund', 'not_received_apply_for_full_refund', 'not_received_apply_for_resending', 'received_apply_for_partial_refund', 'received_apply_for_full_refund', 'received_apply_for_resending', 'not_shipped_apply_for_refund'); $order_status_string = $this->order_model->fetch_status_name('order_status', $order->order_status); if (!in_array($order_status_string, $apply_status)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('no_rejected')); return; } $margin_arr = explode('|', $order->return_why); if (count($margin_arr) == 2) { $return_cost = $order->return_cost - $margin_arr[1]; } $return_why = $margin_arr[0]; $order_status_rejected = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_feedback'); $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('rejected_by_sys_remark'), get_current_user_name(), get_current_time(), lang($order_status_string), lang('wait_for_feedback')); $descript = $order->descript; $descript .= sprintf(lang('rejected_by_sys_remark'), get_current_user_name(), get_current_time(), lang($order_status_string), lang('wait_for_feedback')); } } else { if (!in_array($return_status, $return_status_arr)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('no_return')); return; } if (!$return_type) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('please_select_return_type')); return; } } } else { if (!in_array($return_status, $return_status_arr)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('order_not_return')); return; } } $is_return = $this->input->post('is_return'); $remark = $this->input->post('remark'); $refund_verify_type = $this->input->post('refund_verify_type'); $refund_verify_content = $this->input->post('refund_verify_content'); $person_responsible = $this->input->post('person_responsible'); $refund_sku = $this->input->post('refund_sku'); $refund_sku_str = ''; if (!empty($refund_sku)) { foreach ($refund_sku as $sku) { $refund_sku_str .= $sku . ','; } } if (!empty($person_responsible) && strpos($person_responsible, '#') !== 0) { if (!$this->order_model->check_exists('user', array('name' => $person_responsible))) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('name_no_exists')); return; } } $data = array('return_why' => $order->order_status . '|' . $this->input->post('return_cost'), 'return_cost' => $return_cost, 'return_remark' => $remark, 'descript' => $order->descript . $remark, 'return_date' => get_current_time(), 'return_user' => get_current_user_name(), 'order_status' => $return_type, 'refund_verify_type' => $refund_verify_type, 'refund_verify_content' => $refund_verify_content, 'refund_duty' => $person_responsible, 'refund_sku_str' => trim($refund_sku_str, ',')); if ($tag == 'approved' || $tag == 'rejected') { unset($data['return_date']); } if (isset($sys_remark)) { $data['sys_remark'] = $sys_remark; } if (isset($order_status_rejected)) { $data['order_status'] = $order_status_rejected; } if (isset($descript)) { $data['descript'] = $sys_remark; } if (isset($return_why)) { $data['return_why'] = $return_why; } /* * 未发货-申请退款时, 金额为全额。 * **/ if ($order->order_status == $status_id_wfa || $order->order_status == $status_id_wfc || $order->order_status == $status_id_h) { // $data['return_cost'] = $order->gross; // $data['return_cost'] = $order->gross && $order->gross != '0'?$order->gross:$order->net; } /** * 申请重发时录入订单号 */ if ($status == 'not_received_apply_for_resending' || $status == 'received_apply_for_resending') { $gross = $this->order_model->get_one('order_list', 'gross', array('id' => $id)); $net = $this->order_model->get_one('order_list', 'net', array('id' => $id)); $cost = 0; if ($gross && $gross != '0') { $cost = $gross; } else { $cost = $net; } if ($return_cost > $cost) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('return_cost_is_too_big')); return; } else { $rules[] = array('field' => 'return_cost', 'label' => lang('return_cost'), 'rules' => 'trim|required|positive_numeric'); } $data['return_order'] = $item_no; // id; $data['return_why'] = $order->order_status; } try { if ($this->order_model->check_exists('order_list', array('id' => $id, 'item_no' => $item_no))) { $update_tag = $this->order_model->update_order_information($id, $data); } else { //$update_tag = $this->order_model->update_order_information_from_completed($id, $data); } $stratus_array = array('not_received_apply_for_partial_refund', 'not_received_apply_for_full_refund', 'not_received_apply_for_resending', 'received_apply_for_partial_refund', 'received_apply_for_full_refund', 'received_apply_for_resending'); /** * 发送申请提示。 */ if (in_array($status, $stratus_array)) { $message = $this->messages->load('apply_return'); $this->events->trigger('apply_return_after', array('type' => 'apply_return', 'click_url' => site_url('order/special_order/view_list_return_order', array($id)), 'content' => lang($message['message']), 'owner_id' => $this->get_current_user_id())); } /** * 发送重发提示。 */ if ($status == 'not_received_approved_resending' || $status == 'received_approved_resending') { $message = $this->messages->load('return_apply_permit'); $this->events->trigger('return_apply_permit_after', array('type' => 'return_apply_permit', 'click_url' => site_url('order/regular_order/view_order', array($id)), 'content' => lang($message['message']), 'owner_id' => $this->get_current_user_id())); } echo $this->create_json(1, lang('return_option_saved')); } catch (Exception $e) { echo lang('error_msg'); $this->ajax_failed(); } }
public function verify_order_before_print_label($order_id) { if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'auto_verify_order_after_change.php') === FALSE) { exit; } if (empty($order_id)) { return; } $order = $this->order_model->get_order($order_id); $wait_for_purchase_status = fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_purchase'); $wait_for_finance_status = fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_finance_confirmation'); $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark . sprintf(lang('purchase_to_finance_confirmation_note_due_to_profit_rate'), get_current_time(), lang('system')); $skus = explode(',', $order->sku_str); $qties = explode(',', $order->qty_str); $product_price = 0; $shipping_weight = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($skus as $sku) { $qty = $qties[$i]; $i++; $product = $this->product_model->fetch_product_by_sku($sku); $product_price += $product->price * $qty; $shipping_weight += $product->total_weight * $qty; } $order_data = array('item_id_str' => $order->item_id_str, 'gross' => $order->gross, 'net' => $order->net, 'currency' => $order->currency, 'transaction_ids' => $order->transaction_id, 'shipping_code' => $order->is_register, 'price' => $product_price, 'shipping_weight' => $shipping_weight, 'country' => $order->country); $result = $this->_calculate_profit_rate($order_data); if (isset($result['profit_rate'])) { $data = array(); $profit = $result['profit']; $profit_rate = $result['profit_rate']; if ($profit < -1 or $profit_rate < -0.1 or $profit_rate > 0.3) { if ($order->order_status == $wait_for_purchase_status) { $data = array('order_status' => $wait_for_finance_status, 'sys_remark' => $sys_remark); } } $data['profit_rate'] = $result['profit_rate']; $data['shipping_cost'] = $result['shipping_cost']; $data['product_cost_all'] = $result['product_cost']; $data['trade_fee'] = $result['trade_fee']; $data['listing_fee'] = $result['listing_fee']; /* Not activate it currently. * $order_role = $this->_get_order_role($order->sku_str, $order->to_email); $data['stock_user_id'] = $order_role['stock_user_id']; $data['purchaser_id_str'] = $order_role['purchaser_id_str']; $data['developer_id'] = $order_role['developer_id']; $data['saler_id'] = $order_role['saler_id']; */ $this->order_model->update_order_information($order_id, $data); } }
public function auditing_order_rejecteds($tag = NULL) { $order_id = $this->input->post('order_id'); $order = $this->order_model->get_order_with_id($order_id); if (empty($order)) { return; } $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('batch_rejected_by_sys_remark_one'), get_current_time(), get_current_user_name()); $descript = $order->descript; $descript .= sprintf(lang('batch_rejected_by_sys_remark_one'), get_current_time(), get_current_user_name()); $margin_arr = explode('|', $order->return_why); if (count($margin_arr) == 2) { $return_cost = $order->return_cost - $margin_arr[1]; } $return_why = $margin_arr[0]; try { $data = array('order_status' => $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_feedback'), 'sys_remark' => $sys_remark, 'descript' => $descript, 'return_why' => $return_why); if (isset($return_cost)) { $data['return_cost'] = $return_cost; } $order_status_no_ship = $this->order_model->fetch_status_name('order_status', $order->order_status); if ($order_status_no_ship == 'not_shipped_apply_for_refund') { $data['order_status'] = $this->order_model->fetch_status_id('order_status', 'holded'); } $this->order_model->update_order_information($order_id, $data); echo $this->create_json(1, 'ok'); } catch (Exception $e) { echo lang('error_msg'); $this->ajax_failed(); } }
function ordAccessToLoadFile($orderID, $productID, &$pathToProductFile, &$productFileShortName) { $order = ordGetOrder($orderID); $product = GetProduct($productID); if (strlen($product['eproduct_filename']) == 0 || !file_exists('core/files/' . $product['eproduct_filename']) || $product['eproduct_filename'] == null) { return 4; } if ((int) $order['statusID'] != (int) ostGetCompletedOrderStatus()) { return 3; } $orderContent = ordGetOrderContent($orderID); foreach ($orderContent as $item) { if (GetProductIdByItemId($item['itemID']) == $productID) { if ($item['load_counter'] < $product['eproduct_download_times'] || $product['eproduct_download_times'] == 0) { $date1 = dtGetParsedDateTime($order['order_time_mysql']); //$order['order_time'] $date2 = dtGetParsedDateTime(get_current_time()); $countDay = _getDayBetweenDate($date1, $date2); if ($countDay >= $product['eproduct_available_days']) { return 2; } if ($product['eproduct_download_times'] != 0) { db_query('update ' . ORDERED_CARTS_TABLE . ' set load_counter=load_counter+1 ' . ' where itemID=' . (int) $item['itemID'] . ' AND orderID=' . (int) $orderID); } $pathToProductFile = 'core/files/' . $product['eproduct_filename']; $productFileShortName = $product['eproduct_filename']; return 0; } else { return 1; } } } return -1; }
public function edit_save_order_ship_remark() { $cur_time = get_current_time(); $cur_date = date("Y-m-d"); $id = $this->order_shipping_record_model->fetch_id_of_record(); $data = array('date' => $cur_date, 'stock_note' => trim($this->input->post('stock_remark')), 'shipping_note' => trim($this->input->post('ship_remark')), 'created_date' => $cur_time); try { if ($id) { $this->order_shipping_record_model->delete_ship_record_remark($id); $this->order_shipping_record_model->save_ship_record_remark($data); echo $this->create_json(1, lang('remark_saved')); } else { $this->order_shipping_record_model->save_ship_record_remark($data); echo $this->create_json(1, lang('remark_saved')); } } catch (Exception $e) { echo lang('error_msg'); $this->ajax_failed(); } }
public function modification_order_status() { $item_no = $this->input->post('item_no'); $order_status = $this->input->post('order_status'); if (empty($item_no)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('item_no_is_null')); return; } $order = $this->order_model->get_order_with_item_no($item_no); if (!$order) { $order = $this->order_model->get_order_with_item_no_from_completed($item_no); } if (empty($order)) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('order_not_exists')); return; } else { $status = $order->order_status; } $not_shipped = fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_shipped_agree_to_refund'); $ok_arr = array(fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_partial_refunded'), fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_full_refunded'), fetch_status_id('order_status', 'not_received_approved_resending'), fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_partial_refunded'), fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_full_refunded'), fetch_status_id('order_status', 'received_approved_resending')); if (empty($status)) { $lang_string = 'NULL'; } else { $status_string = fetch_status_name('order_status', $order->order_status); $lang_string = lang($status_string); } $sys_remark = $order->sys_remark; $sys_remark .= sprintf(lang('modification_by_sys_remark'), get_current_time(), get_current_user_name(), $lang_string, lang('wait_for_feedback')); $data = array('order_status' => fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_feedback'), 'sys_remark' => $sys_remark); try { if (in_array($status, $ok_arr) || empty($status)) { $this->order_model->update_order_information_by_item_no($item_no, $data); $this->order_model->update_order_information_by_item_no_from_completed($item_no, $data); echo $this->create_json(1, lang('ok')); } else { if ($status == $not_shipped) { $this->order_model->update_order_information_by_item_no($item_no, $data); $this->order_model->update_order_information_by_item_no_from_completed($item_no, $data); echo $this->create_json(1, lang('ok')); } else { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('no_update_this_status_order')); } } } catch (Exception $ex) { echo lang('error_msg'); $this->ajax_failed(); } }
function regRegisterCustomer($login, $cust_password, $Email, $first_name, $last_name, $subscribed4news, $additional_field_values, $affiliateLogin = '') { $affiliateID = 0; if ($affiliateLogin) { $sql = "select customerID FROM " . CUSTOMERS_TABLE . "\n WHERE Login='******'"; list($affiliateID) = db_fetch_row(db_query($sql)); } foreach ($additional_field_values as $key => $val) { $additional_field_values[$key] = $val; } $currencyID = CONF_DEFAULT_CURRENCY; $cust_password = cryptPasswordCrypt($cust_password, null); // add customer to CUSTOMERS_TABLE $custgroupID = CONF_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_GROUP; if ($custgroupID == 0) { $custgroupID = "NULL"; } /** * Activation code */ $ActivationCode = ''; if (CONF_ENABLE_REGCONFIRMATION) { $CodeExists = true; while ($CodeExists) { $ActivationCode = generateRndCode(16); $sql = 'SELECT 1 FROM ' . CUSTOMERS_TABLE . ' WHERE ActivationCode="' . xEscapeSQLstring($ActivationCode) . '"'; @(list($CodeExists) = db_fetch_row(db_query($sql))); } } db_query("insert into " . CUSTOMERS_TABLE . "( Login, cust_password, Email, first_name, last_name, subscribed4news, reg_datetime, CID, custgroupID, affiliateID, ActivationCode )" . "values( '" . xToText(trim($login)) . "', '" . xEscSQL(trim($cust_password)) . "', '" . xToText(trim($Email)) . "', " . " '" . xToText(trim($first_name)) . "', '" . xToText(trim($last_name)) . "', '" . (int) $subscribed4news . "', '" . xEscSQL(get_current_time()) . "', " . (int) $currencyID . ", " . (int) $custgroupID . ", " . xEscSQL(trim($affiliateID)) . ", '" . xEscSQL(trim($ActivationCode)) . "' )"); // add additional values to CUSTOMER_REG_FIELDS_TABLE foreach ($additional_field_values as $key => $val) { SetRegField($key, $login, $val["additional_field"]); } $customerID = regGetIdByLogin($login); //db_query("update ".CUSTOMERS_TABLE." set addressID='".$addressID. // "' where Login='******'" ); if ($subscribed4news) { subscrAddRegisteredCustomerEmail($customerID); } return true; }
public function auto_update_order_status() { if (strpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 'auto_abroad_update_order_status.php') === FALSE) { exit; } define('SHIPPED_STATUS', 7); $status = 0; $outstocks = $this->abroad_stock_model->fetch_cky_outstock_by_status($status); $update_status_flag = TRUE; $wait_for_feedback_status = fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_feedback'); $user_name = 'chukou1'; foreach ($outstocks as $outstock) { $order_sign = $outstock->order_sign; $data = array('order_no' => $order_sign); $result = $this->cky_order->outstore_product_list($data); var_dump($result); if ($result && $result['status']) { $result = $result['result']; foreach ($result as $order_id => $value) { if ($value['state'] == SHIPPED_STATUS) { $shipping_status = $this->order_model->check_order_shipped_or_not($order_id); // not shipped ? if (!$shipping_status) { // update shipping status $datetime = get_current_time(); $order = $this->order_model->get_order($order_id); if (empty($order)) { continue; } $remark = $order->sys_remark; $remark .= sprintf(lang('confirm_shipped_remark'), $datetime, $user_name); $data = array('track_number' => $value['track_number'], 'ship_confirm_user' => $user_name, 'ship_confirm_date' => $datetime, 'order_status' => $wait_for_feedback_status, 'sys_remark' => $remark); echo "updating order {$order_id},\n"; var_dump($data); $this->order_model->update_order_information($order_id, $data); // notify customer by email in backend. $this->events->trigger('shipping_confirmation_after', array('order_id' => $order_id)); } } else { $update_status_flag = FALSE; } } } else { $update_status_flag = FALSE; var_dump($result); } if ($update_status_flag) { $data = array('status' => 1); $this->abroad_stock_model->update_outstock($order_sign, $data); } } }
public function update_how_number() { $id = $this->input->post('id'); $type = $this->input->post('type'); $value = trim($this->input->post('value')); $order_sku = $this->purchase_order_model->fetch_sku($id); $sku = $order_sku->sku; $sku_arrival_quantity = $order_sku->sku_arrival_quantity; $product_how = $this->purchase_order_model->fetch_purchase_how($id); $product_basic = $this->purchase_order_model->fetch_product_id($sku); $product_id = $product_basic->b_id; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); try { switch ($type) { case 'qualified_number': if (!is_numeric($value) || $value <= 0) { echo $this->create_json(0, lang('your_input_is_not_positive_numeric'), $value); return; } break; } if (isset($product_how->order_sku_id)) { $qualified_number = $this->purchase_order_model->fetch_purchase_how($id)->qualified_number; if ($type == 'qualified_number') { $order_id = $this->purchase_order_model->get_purchase_order_id($id); $item_no = $this->purchase_order_model->get_item_no($order_id); $number = $qualified_number + $value; $this->purchase_order_model->update_how_number($id, $type, $number); $stock_count = $this->product_model->fetch_stock_count($product_id); $after_change_count = $stock_count + $value; $data = array('stock_type' => 'product_instock', 'product_id' => $product_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'order_sku_id' => $id, 'change_count' => $value, 'type_extra' => $item_no, 'type' => 'purchase_order', 'before_change_count' => $stock_count, 'after_change_count' => $after_change_count, 'updated_time' => get_current_time()); $this->product_model->save_product_instock_apply($data); if ($sku_arrival_quantity == $number) { $this->purchase_order_model->update_reset_fcommitqty($id); } } else { $this->purchase_order_model->update_how_way($id, $type, $value); } } else { if ($type == 'how_way') { $data = array('how_way' => $value, 'sku' => $sku, 'order_sku_id' => $id); $this->purchase_order_model->add_how_number($data); } if ($type == 'qualified_number') { $data = array('qualified_number' => $value, 'sku' => $sku, 'how_state' => '1', 'order_sku_id' => $id); $order_id = $this->purchase_order_model->get_purchase_order_id($id); $item_no = $this->purchase_order_model->get_item_no($order_id); $this->purchase_order_model->add_how_number($data); $stock_count = $this->product_model->fetch_stock_count($product_id); $after_change_count = $stock_count + $value; $data = array('stock_type' => 'product_instock', 'product_id' => $product_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'order_sku_id' => $id, 'before_change_count' => $stock_count, 'change_count' => $value, 'type_extra' => $item_no, 'type' => 'purchase_order', 'after_change_count' => $after_change_count, 'updated_time' => get_current_time()); $this->product_model->save_product_instock_apply($data); if ($sku_arrival_quantity == $value) { $this->purchase_order_model->update_reset_fcommitqty($id); } } } echo $this->create_json(1, lang('ok'), 'how_way' == $type ? $value . '%' : $value); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->ajax_failed(); echo lang('error_msg'); } }
<?php require_once "../php/main.php"; $id = argreq("id"); $time = get_current_time($id); if (is_null($time)) { api_error(); } api_done(array("half" => $time[0], "time" => $time[1], "overtime" => $time[2]));
function do_import_stock_count_upload() { setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF-8'); $config['upload_path'] = '/tmp/'; $config['allowed_types'] = '*'; $config['max_size'] = '100000'; $config['max_width'] = '1024'; $config['max_height'] = '7680'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload()) { $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors()); $this->load->view('stock/stock_check/import_stock_count', $error); } else { $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); $file_path = $data['upload_data']['full_path']; $before_file_arr = $this->excel->csv_to_array($file_path); $output_data = array(); $i = 0; $user_id = get_current_user_id(); foreach ($before_file_arr as $row) { $i++; //$output_data["$number"] = sprintf(lang('start_number_note'), $number); $data = array(); if ($i == 1 or $row[0] == '') { continue; } $sku = $row[0]; $product = $this->product_model->fetch_product_by_sku($sku); if ($product) { $product_id = $product->id; } else { $output_data[$row[0]] = $row[0] . ' not exist!'; continue; } $count = $row[1]; //$shelf_code = trim($this->input->post('shelf_code_' . $i)); //$stock_code = trim($this->input->post('stock_code_' . $i)); $type = 'correct'; $duty = '-1'; $type_extra = ''; $before_change_count = $this->product_model->fetch_product($product_id)->stock_count; if ($count < 0) { continue; } $data = array('stock_count' => $count, 'stock_check_date' => get_current_time()); $this->product_model->verify_product_stock($product_id, $data); $stock_data = array('product_id' => $product_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'before_change_count' => $before_change_count, 'change_count' => abs($count - $before_change_count), 'after_change_count' => $count, 'type' => $type, 'type_extra' => $type_extra, 'stock_type' => 'product_check_count'); $this->stock_model->save_stock_check_or_count($stock_data); //$sku = $this->stock_model->get_one('product_basic', 'sku', array('id' => $product_id)); if (abs($count - $before_change_count) != 0) { $duty_data = array('sku' => $sku, 'stock_checker' => $user_id, 'differences_remark' => $type, 'remark' => $type_extra, 'before_change_count' => $before_change_count, 'change_count' => abs($count - $before_change_count), 'after_change_count' => $count, 'duty' => $duty, 'update_time' => get_current_time()); $this->stock_model->save_stock_check_duty($duty_data); } $output_data[$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $data_page = array('data' => $output_data); $this->template->write_view('content', 'pi/import_product_success', $data_page); $this->template->render(); } }
$statusID = 0; } else { $statusID = ostGetNewOrderStatus(); } $currencyID = currGetCurrentCurrencyUnitID(); if ($currencyID != 0) { $currentCurrency = currGetCurrencyByID($currencyID); $currency_code = $currentCurrency["currency_iso_3"]; $currency_value = $currentCurrency["currency_value"]; $currency_round = $currentCurrency["roundval"]; } else { $currency_code = ""; $currency_value = 1; $currency_round = 2; } $order_time = get_current_time(); $customer_ip = stGetCustomerIP_Address(); $sql = ' INSERT INTO ' . ORDERS_TABLE . ' SET customerID = 0, order_time = "' . xEscSQL($order_time) . '", customer_ip ="' . xToText($customer_ip) . '", customers_comment="' . xToText($comment) . '", statusID=' . (int) $statusID . ', order_amount="' . xEscSQL($offer['price']) . '", currency_code="' . xEscSQL($currency_code) . '", currency_value="' . (double) $currency_value . '", customer_firstname="' . $name . '", shipping_firstname="' . $name . '", billing_firstname="' . $name . '",
public function merge_order_for_auto_assign($order_id) { $order = $this->get_order($order_id); if (empty($order)) { return FALSE; } $epacket_shipping_code = 'H'; $status = fetch_status_id('order_status', 'wait_for_confirmation'); $can_merge_where = array('id !=' => $order_id, 'name' => $order->name, 'country' => $order->country, 'state_province' => $order->state_province, 'town_city' => $order->town_city, 'address_line_1' => $order->address_line_1, 'address_line_2' => $order->address_line_2, 'input_user' => $order->input_user, 'order_status' => $status, 'is_register !=' => $epacket_shipping_code, 'ebay_id' => $order->ebay_id); $this->db->select('*'); $this->db->where($can_merge_where); $this->db->from('order_list'); $query = $this->db->get(); $to_merge_order = $query->row(); if (empty($to_merge_order->id)) { return FALSE; } // starting merging if ($to_merge_order->currency == $order->currency) { $new_gross = $to_merge_order->gross + $order->gross; $new_fee = $to_merge_order->fee + $order->fee; } else { $tmp_rmb = calc_currency($order->currency, $order->gross); $new_gross = $to_merge_order->gross + price(to_foreigh_currency($to_merge_order->currency, $tmp_rmb)); $tmp_rmb = calc_currency($order->currency, $order->fee); $new_fee = $to_merge_order->fee + price(to_foreigh_currency($to_merge_order->currency, $tmp_rmb)); } echo "new gross: {$new_gross}\n"; echo "new fee: {$new_fee}\n"; echo "to merge gross: {$to_merge_order->gross}\n"; echo "to merge fee: {$to_merge_order->fee}\n"; echo "to merge currency: {$to_merge_order->currency}\n"; echo "order gross: {$order->gross}\n"; echo "order gross: {$order->fee}\n"; echo "gross: {$order->currency}\n"; $new_net = $new_gross - $new_fee; $new_title = $to_merge_order->item_title_str . ITEM_TITLE_SEP . $order->item_title_str; $new_id = $to_merge_order->item_id_str . ',' . $order->item_id_str; $new_sku_str = $to_merge_order->sku_str . ',' . $order->sku_str; $new_amount = $to_merge_order->qty_str . ',' . $order->qty_str; $sys_remark = $to_merge_order->sys_remark . ', ' . sprintf(lang('merge_log'), get_current_time(), $order->transaction_id); $data = array('gross' => $new_gross, 'fee' => $new_fee, 'net' => $new_net, 'item_title_str' => $new_title, 'item_id_str' => $new_id, 'sku_str' => $new_sku_str, 'qty_str' => $new_amount, 'sys_remark' => $sys_remark); $this->update('order_list', array('id' => $to_merge_order->id), $data); $this->db->insert('order_merged_list', array('transaction_id' => $order->transaction_id)); $this->delete('order_list', array('id' => $order->id)); if (!isset($this->CI->order_role_model)) { $this->CI->load->model('order_role_model'); } $this->CI->order_role_model->add_order_role($order_id); $data = array('import_date' => get_current_time(), 'user_name' => lang('program'), 'descript' => sprintf(lang('merge_log'), get_current_time(), $order->transaction_id), 'user_login' => lang('program')); $this->import_log($data); echo 'auto merge: to merge id: ', $to_merge_order->id, "\n"; return TRUE; }
/** * @param int id The liveticker's id. * @param string code The passcode for the liveticker. * @return bool Whether or not the ticker is running after the toggle, or null if toggling failed. */ function toggle_ticker_running($id, $code) { //this is only possible under the following circumstances: // //1. The current event hasn't started yet. In this case, the first half will be started. // //2. The current event is in overtime (either first or second half). in this case, // the event is going to be stopped. If it's in the second half's overtime, the // event is going to be marked as finished. TODO: if tie, ask for match extension // //3. the current event is in the half time break. In this case, the second half will be started. global $con; if (check_ticker_finished($id)) { error_log("ticker finished"); return null; //disallow if finished } $curtime = get_current_time($id); if (check_ticker_running($id)) { //if ticker is running, it can only be toggled if in overtime if ($curtime["overtime"] == 0) { error_log("not in overtime"); return null; } } $running = check_ticker_running($id); $new_running = !$running; $timestamp = time(); $sql = "INSERT INTO timer VALUES (?, ?, ?)"; $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $id); $stmt->bindParam(2, $timestamp); $stmt->bindParam(3, $new_running); $stmt->execute(); if (sizeof(get_timing_values($id)) >= 4) { $sql = "UPDATE tickers SET finished=1 WHERE id=?"; $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $id); $stmt->execute(); } $sql = "UPDATE tickers SET running=? WHERE id=?"; $stmt = $con->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam(1, $new_running); $stmt->bindParam(2, $id); $stmt->execute(); error_log("ne running " . $new_running); return $new_running; }
public function customer_second_glance_rate_check() { set_time_limit(0); $year = date('Y'); $month = date('m', strtotime('-1 month')); $now = get_current_time(); $rates = $this->order_model->fetch_currency(); foreach ($rates as $rate) { $cur_rates[$rate->name_en] = $rate->ex_rate; } $user_amount = array(); $saler_ids = $this->purchase_statistics_model->fetch_saler_id(); foreach ($saler_ids as $saler_id) { $cur_m_total_amount = $this->purchase_statistics_model->fetch_cur_month_sales_total_amount($saler_id->saler_id); $amount_t = ""; foreach ($cur_m_total_amount as $total) { $amount_t = $amount_t + $cur_rates[$total->currency] * $total->total_amount; } if (empty($amount_t)) { $amount_t = "0"; } $user_amount[$saler_id->saler_id] = $amount_t; var_dump($saler_id); } var_dump($user_amount); foreach ($saler_ids as $saler_id) { $buyer_ids = $this->purchase_statistics_model->fetch_buyer_id_in_saler_id($saler_id->saler_id); if (empty($buyer_ids)) { $grance_amount[$saler_id->saler_id] = "0"; continue; } $saler_amount_t = ""; foreach ($buyer_ids as $buyer_id) { $chk_ksk = $this->purchase_statistics_model->check_second_ksk_in_past_six_month($buyer_id->buyer_id); if (count($chk_ksk) > 0) { $saler_amounts = $this->purchase_statistics_model->fetch_amount_by_buyer_id($buyer_id->saler_id, $buyer_id->buyer_id); if (!isset($chk_buyer_id)) { $chk_buyer_id = ""; } if ($buyer_id->buyer_id == $chk_buyer_id) { continue; } foreach ($saler_amounts as $amount) { $saler_amount_t = $saler_amount_t + $cur_rates[$amount->currency] * $amount->gross; } $chk_buyer_id = $buyer_id->buyer_id; $grance_amount[$buyer_id->saler_id] = $saler_amount_t; } else { $grance_amount[$buyer_id->saler_id] = "0"; } var_dump($buyer_id); } } foreach ($user_amount as $key_saler_id => $month_total_amount) { $where = array('saler_id' => $key_saler_id, 'year' => $year, 'month' => $month); if ($this->stock_model->check_customer_second_glance_rate_exists($where)) { continue; } if ($month_total_amount == "0") { $rate = 0; } else { $rate = $grance_amount[$key_saler_id] / $month_total_amount; } $rate = number_format($rate, '4', '.', ''); $data = array('year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'second_glance_amount' => $grance_amount[$key_saler_id], 'totable_amount' => $month_total_amount, 'second_glance_rate' => $rate, 'saler_id' => $key_saler_id, 'created_date' => $now); $this->stock_model->save_customer_second_glance_rate($data); } }
<?php include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/"; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/"; if (isset($_GET["current-time"])) { get_current_time(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["settings"])) { set_current_date_js(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["date-settings"])) { set_current_date_page(); exit; } if (isset($_GET["year"])) { save_currenttime(); exit; } die("Wrong commands"); function set_current_date_js() { $tpl = new templates(); $title = $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body('{server_time2}'); $page = CurrentPageName(); $user = new usersMenus(); if (!$user->AsArticaAdministrator) { echo $tpl->_ENGINE_parse_body("alert('{ERROR_NO_PRIVS}')"); die; }
Redirect(ADMIN_FILE . "?dpt=modules&sub=survey&save_successful=yes"); } if (isset($_POST["save_voting"]) && isset($_POST["question"]) && isset($_POST["answers"])) { if (CONF_BACKEND_SAFEMODE) { Redirect(ADMIN_FILE . "?dpt=modules&sub=survey&safemode=yes"); } $answers = explode("\n", chop($_POST["answers"])); $answers_cm = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($answers); $i++) { if (rtrim($answers[$i]) !== "" && $i < 10) { $answers_cm[] = xToText(rtrim($answers[$i])); } } $answers = serialize($answers_cm); db_query("UPDATE " . SURVEY_TABLE . " SET active=0 WHERE active=1"); db_query("insert into " . SURVEY_TABLE . " (poll_date, poll_title, poll_ans, active) values('" . xEscSQL(get_current_time()) . "','" . xToText(trim($_POST["question"])) . "','" . $answers . "',1)"); Redirect(ADMIN_FILE . "?dpt=modules&sub=survey&save_successful=yes"); } if (isset($_GET["start_new_poll"])) { $smarty->assign("start_new_poll", "yes"); } else { $result = db_query("SELECT poll_title, all_poll, active, poll_id, poll_date FROM " . SURVEY_TABLE . " ORDER BY poll_id DESC"); $surveys = array(); while ($data = db_fetch_row($result)) { $data["poll_ans"] = unserialize($data["poll_ans"]); $surveys[] = $data; $smarty->assign("surveys", $surveys); } } //set sub-department template $smarty->assign("admin_sub_dpt", "modules_survey.tpl");
public function save_specification_download_url($download_url, $track_code) { $data = array('lable_download_url' => $download_url, 'input_date' => get_current_time()); $this->db->where(array('track_number' => $track_code)); $this->db->update('specification_epacket_confirm_list', $data); }
<?php // customer survey processing if ((isset($_GET["save_voting_results"]) || isset($_GET["view_voting_results"])) && isset($_SESSION)) { $result = db_query("select poll_id, poll_title, poll_ans, ans_0, ans_1, ans_2, ans_3, ans_4,\n ans_5, ans_6, ans_7, ans_8, ans_9, iplog, tdate FROM " . SURVEY_TABLE . " WHERE active=1"); $data = db_fetch_row($result); if ($data["tdate"] != date('Y-m-d', time())) { db_query("UPDATE " . SURVEY_TABLE . " SET iplog='', tdate='" . xEscSQL(get_current_time()) . "' WHERE active=1"); $data["iplog"] = ""; } $answers_results = unserialize($data["poll_ans"]); if ($data["iplog"] != "") { $iplogs = unserialize($data["iplog"]); } else { $iplogs = array(); } $ipaddr = stGetCustomerIP_Address(); if (!isset($iplogs[$ipaddr])) { $iplogs[$ipaddr] = 0; } //increase voters count for current option if ((!isset($_SESSION["vote_completed"][$data[0]]) || $_SESSION["vote_completed"][$data[0]] != 1) && isset($_GET["answer"]) && isset($answers_results[$_GET["answer"]]) && $iplogs[$ipaddr] < 3) { $anscol = (int) $_GET["answer"]; $iplogs[$ipaddr]++; $iplogs = serialize($iplogs); db_query("UPDATE " . SURVEY_TABLE . " SET ans_" . $anscol . "=ans_" . $anscol . "+1, all_poll=all_poll+1, iplog='" . xEscSQL($iplogs) . "' WHERE active=1"); $data["ans_" . $anscol]++; //don't allow user to vote more than 1 time $_SESSION["vote_completed"][$data[0]] = 1; } else { if (!isset($_GET["view_voting_results"])) {