コード例 #1
function session_edit_form($session_id, $athlete_id, $error_message)
    # Put columns we never want to show in this array:
    $do_not_show = array("athlete_id", "session_id", "parent_session");
    $columns = get_column_names();
    # Get an array of fields user does want to display
    $display_details = array();
    $query = "SELECT detail from athlete_log_preferences\n        where athlete_id={$athlete_id} ";
    #       ORDER BY display_sequence";
    $result = do_sql($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());
    // pg_fetch_array returns the next whole row as an array at each iteration
    while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC)) {
        foreach ($row as $prev_detail) {
            array_push($display_details, $prev_detail);
    echo "{$error_message} \n";
    # Start Form and Table
    echo "<DIV id=mainlogentry > <a name=log_entry_form></a>";
    echo "<FORM action=update_log_entry.php method=post >\n";
    echo "<input type=hidden name='session_id' value={$session_id}>\n";
    echo "\n\n<TABLE class=mainlogentry ><TR><TD>\n\n";
    // Get Current row data
    $query = "SELECT * from log\n        where session_id={$session_id} ";
    $result = do_sql($query) or die('Query failed: ' . pg_last_error());
    // pg_fetch_array returns the next whole row as an array at each iteration
    // there really should only be 1 row returned here.
    // Check for date fields because we need to convert them
    $date_fields = array();
    $num = pg_num_fields($result);
    for ($fieldnum = 0; $fieldnum < $num; $fieldnum++) {
        if (pg_field_type($result, $fieldnum) == 'date') {
            // put names of all date fields into $date_fields
            $fieldname = pg_field_name($result, $fieldnum);
            array_push($date_fields, $fieldname);
    // Now stick the info for the row the user wants to edit into an array
    $session_details = pg_fetch_array($result, null, PGSQL_ASSOC);
    // Check for date fields and convert them
    // Get the fields names
    foreach (array_keys($session_details) as $field_name) {
        // and see if they are in the date_fields array
        if (in_array($field_name, $date_fields)) {
            // If they are then convert the date from pg format to d/m/y
            $session_details[$field_name] = convert_date_from_pg($session_details[$field_name]);
    // Dates are converted //
    // Display Entry fields
    // Save text/notes fields (ie data_type text or var > 50 ) in a variable to
    // display last
    $notes_fields = "";
    echo "<TR>\n";
    $maxnumcols = 6;
    $colcount = $maxnumcols;
    foreach ($display_details as $colname) {
        if (!in_array($colname, $do_not_show) && in_array($colname, $display_details)) {
            if ($colcount-- == 0) {
                echo "\n</TR>\n";
                $colcount = $maxnumcols - 1;
            $colinfo = get_column_info($colname);
            $input_type = "text";
            $value = $session_details[$colname];
            if (preg_match("/^var/", $colinfo['data_type'])) {
                // Get the var length
                $typearray = explode(" ", $colinfo['data_type']);
                $varlen = $typearray[1];
            if (preg_match("/^select/", $colinfo['data_type'])) {
                // We have a select list type.  There should be a corresponding table
                // which lists the select info
                echo " <td align=center ><font size=1 > \n";
                echo $colinfo['log_col_long_name'] . " <BR>\n";
                generate_select_form($colname, $colinfo['data_type'], $value);
            } elseif (preg_match("/^pref/", $colinfo['data_type'])) {
                // We have a prefer select list type.  There should be a corresponding table
                // which lists the prefered select info
                echo " <td align=center ><font size=1 > \n";
                echo $colinfo['log_col_long_name'] . " <BR>\n";
                generate_prefer_select_form($colname, $colinfo['data_type'], $value, $athlete_id);
            } elseif ($colinfo['data_type'] == "text" || $varlen >= 30) {
                // Set maximum field size to 80
                if ($varlen <= 80) {
                    $size = $varlen;
                } else {
                    $size = 80;
                $notes_fields = "{$notes_fields} <TR><TD> " . $colinfo['log_col_long_name'] . "</TD> <TD colspan=20 ><INPUT type=text name ={$colname} value='{$value}' size={$size} > </TD></TR>\n";
            } else {
                echo " <td align=center ><font size=1 > \n";
                echo $colinfo['log_col_long_name'] . " <BR>\n";
                echo "<INPUT type={$input_type} name={$colname} value='{$value}' size=10>\n";
            echo "</font> </td>\n";
    echo "</TR>\n";
    echo "{$notes_fields}\n";
    echo "</TABLE>";
    echo "<input type=submit value='Submit entries'>";
    echo "</FORM>";
    echo "</DIV>";
    ## END of FUNCTION
コード例 #2
function ajax_column_info()
    return_and_finish(get_column_info($_POST['table_name'], $_POST['column_name']));