$postBody = true; $response = sendOAuthBody("PUT", $link_url, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $content_type, $settings); $debugin = get_body_sent_debug(); $debugout = get_body_received_debug(); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['set_tool'])) { $postBody = true; $response = sendOAuthBody("PUT", $tool_url, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $content_type, $settings); $debugin = get_body_sent_debug(); $debugout = get_body_received_debug(); } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['set_proxy'])) { $postBody = true; $response = sendOAuthBody("PUT", $proxy_url, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $content_type, $settings); $debugin = get_body_sent_debug(); $debugout = get_body_received_debug(); } else { exit; } } } } } } global $LastOAuthBodyBaseString; $lbs = $LastOAuthBodyBaseString; ltiUtilTogglePre("Sent Headers", $debugin); if ($postBody !== false) { ltiUtilTogglePre("Our Body Data", indent($settings)); } ltiUtilTogglePre("Our Base String", $lbs);
die("Cannot call register_url - insufficient data...\n"); } unset($_SESSION['reg_key']); unset($_SESSION['reg_password']); $_SESSION['reg_key'] = $reg_key; $_SESSION['reg_password'] = $reg_password; togglePre("Registration Request", htmlent_utf8($body)); $more_headers = array(); if ($lti_message_type == "ToolProxyReregistrationRequest") { $more_headers[] = 'VND-IMS-CONFIRM-URL: ' . $cur_base . 'tp_commit.php?correlation=49201-48842'; } $response = sendOAuthBody("POST", $register_url, $reg_key, $reg_password, "application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolproxy+json", $body, $more_headers); togglePre("Registration Request Headers", htmlent_utf8(get_body_sent_debug())); global $LastOAuthBodyBaseString; togglePre("Registration Request Base String", $LastOAuthBodyBaseString); togglePre("Registration Response Headers", htmlent_utf8(get_body_received_debug())); togglePre("Registration Response", htmlent_utf8(json_indent($response))); $tc_half_shared_secret = false; if ($last_http_response == 201 || $last_http_response == 200) { if ($oauth_splitsecret && $tp_half_shared_secret) { $responseObject = json_decode($response); if (isset($responseObject->tc_half_shared_secret)) { $tc_half_shared_secret = $responseObject->tc_half_shared_secret; echo "<p>tc_half_shared_secret: " . $tc_half_shared_secret . "</p>\n"; if (strlen($tc_half_shared_secret) != 128) { echo '<p style="color: red">Warning secret length of ' . strlen($tc_half_shared_secret) . " should be 128</p>\n"; } $split_secret = $tc_half_shared_secret . $tp_half_shared_secret; $_SESSION['split_secret'] = $split_secret; echo "<p>Split Secret: " . $split_secret . "</p>\n"; } else {
} $response = sendOAuthBody($method, $endpoint, $oauth_consumer_key, $oauth_consumer_secret, $content_type, $postBody); global $LastOAuthBodyBaseString; $lbs = $LastOAuthBodyBaseString; global $LastPOSTHeader; $lph = $LastPOSTHeader; try { $retval = parseResponse($response); } catch (Exception $e) { $retval = $e->getMessage(); } echo "\n<pre>\n"; echo "Service Url:\n"; echo htmlent_utf8($endpoint) . "\n\n"; echo get_body_sent_debug(); print_r($retval); echo "\n"; echo "------------ POST RETURNS ------------\n"; $response = str_replace("><", ">\n<", $response); $response = str_replace("<", "<", $response); $response = str_replace(">", ">", $response); echo $response; echo "\n\n------------ WE SENT ------------\n"; echo get_body_received_debug(); echo "\n"; $postBody = str_replace("<", "<", $postBody); $postBody = str_replace(">", ">", $postBody); echo $postBody; echo "\n\nBase String:\n"; echo $lbs; echo "\n</pre>\n";