コード例 #1
 * Get random image from assets/samples folder, emulate WP function with image location context
 * @global type $bea_image
 * @param integer $post_id
 * @param string $size_or_img_name
 * @param array $attr
 * @return string
function get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id = 0, $size_or_img_name = 'thumbnail', $attr = array())
    global $bea_image;
    // Test if data-location attribute exists ?
    if (!isset($attr['data-location'])) {
        return 'missing data location';
    // Check if location existant on JSON array
    $location_array = $bea_image::get_location($attr['data-location']);
    if (empty($location_array)) {
        return 'data location not found';
    // Build SRCset attributes (each sizes for location)
    $srcset_attrs = array();
    foreach ($location_array as $location) {
        if (!isset($location->size) || empty($location->size)) {
        $image_size = $bea_image::get_image_size($location->size);
        if (empty($image_size)) {
        $img = get_attachment_image_src($size_or_img_name, $image_size);
        if (empty($img)) {
        if (isset($location->class) && !empty($location->class)) {
            $attr['class'] = $attr['class'] . ' ' . $location->class;
        $srcset_attrs[] = $img . ' ' . $location->srcset;
    if (!empty($srcset_attrs)) {
        $attr['srcset'] = implode(', ', $srcset_attrs);
    $is_img = is_size_or_img($size_or_img_name);
    if ($is_img === true) {
        $src = get_file(BEA_IMG_SAMPLE_DIR . $size_or_img_name, $image_size);
    } else {
        $img_url = get_random_sample_img_url($size_or_img_name);
        $src = get_timthumb_url($img_url, '');
    // Merge with default
    $attr = array_merge($attr, array('src' => $src, 'sizes' => "100vw"));
    // Write HTML
    $html = rtrim("<img");
    foreach ($attr as $name => $value) {
        $html .= " {$name}=" . '"' . $value . '"';
    $html .= ' />';
    return $html;
コード例 #2
 * Get random image from assets/samples folder, emulate WP function with image location context
 * @global $bea_image
 * @param integer $post_id
 * @param string $size_or_img_name
 * @param array $attr
 * @return string
function get_the_post_thumbnail($post_id = 0, $size_or_img_name = 'thumbnail', $attr = array())
    global $bea_image;
    // Test if data-location attribute exists ?
    if (!isset($attr['data-location'])) {
        return 'missing data location';
    // Check if location existant on JSON array
    $location_array = $bea_image::get_location($attr['data-location']);
    if (empty($location_array)) {
        return 'data location not found';
    $location_array = array_shift($location_array);
    if (!isset($location_array->srcsets) || empty($location_array->srcsets)) {
        return 'No srcsets found or not V2 JSON';
    // Build SRCset attributes (each sizes for location)
    $srcset_attrs = array();
    foreach ($location_array->srcsets as $location) {
        if (!isset($location->size) || empty($location->size)) {
        $image_size = $bea_image::get_image_size($location->size);
        if (empty($image_size)) {
        $img = get_attachment_image_src($size_or_img_name, $image_size);
        if (empty($img)) {
        // add lazyload on all medias
        if (defined('BEA_LAZYSIZE') && true === BEA_LAZYSIZE) {
            $attr['class'] = $attr['class'] . ' lazyload';
        if (isset($location->class) && !empty($location->class)) {
            $attr['class'] = $attr['class'] . ' ' . $location->class;
        $srcset_attrs[] = $img . ' ' . $location->srcset;
    if (!empty($srcset_attrs) && defined('BEA_LAZYSIZE')) {
        if (false === BEA_LAZYSIZE) {
            $attr['srcset'] = implode(', ', $srcset_attrs);
        } else {
            $attr['data-srcset'] = implode(', ', $srcset_attrs);
    //Get img_base size for base SRC
    if (isset($location_array->img_base) && !empty(isset($location_array->img_base))) {
        $_size = $bea_image::get_image_size($location_array->img_base);
        if (!empty($_size)) {
            $image_size = $_size;
    $is_img = is_size_or_img($size_or_img_name);
    if ($is_img === true) {
        $src = get_file(BEA_IMG_SAMPLE_DIR . $size_or_img_name, $image_size);
    } else {
        $img_url = get_random_sample_img_url($size_or_img_name);
        $src = get_timthumb_url($img_url, $image_size);
    // Merge with default
    $attr = array_merge($attr, array('src' => ''));
    // Write HTML
    $html = rtrim("<img");
    foreach ($attr as $name => $value) {
        $html .= " {$name}=" . '"' . $value . '"';
    $html .= ' />';
    return $html;