function getWpTemplate() { if (defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && WP_USE_THEMES) { $template = false; if (is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { } elseif (is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { } elseif (is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { } elseif (is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) { } elseif (is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { } elseif (is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { } elseif (is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { } elseif (is_page() && ($template = get_page_template())) { } elseif (is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { } elseif (is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { } elseif (is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { } elseif (is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { } elseif (is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { } elseif (is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { } elseif (is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { } else { $template = get_index_template(); } return str_replace(ABSPATH, '', $template); } else { return null; } }
function redirect_expired() { global $wp_query; if (is_singular()) { if ('expired' == $wp_query->post->post_status) { if (function_exists('is_syndicated') and is_syndicated($wp_query->post->ID)) { $source = get_syndication_feed_object($wp_query->post->ID); $redirect_url = $source->setting('expired post redirect to', 'expired_post_redirect_to', NULL); } else { $redirect_url = get_option('feedwordpress_expired_post_redirect_to', NULL); } if (!is_null($redirect_url) and strlen(esc_url($redirect_url)) > 0 and 'none' != $redirect_url) { header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: " . $redirect_url); } else { // Meh. if (!($template = get_404_template())) { $template = get_index_template(); } if ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $template)) { header("HTTP/1.1 410 Gone"); include $template; } } exit; } } }
/** * Launch and display the 404 page depending upon the template * * @param void * @return void **/ public function throw404() { // Change WP Query global $wp_query; $wp_query->set_404(); status_header(404); // Disable that pesky Admin Bar add_filter('show_admin_bar', '__return_false', 900); remove_action('admin_footer', 'wp_admin_bar_render', 10); remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_admin_bar_header', 10); remove_action('wp_head', '_admin_bar_bump_cb', 10); wp_dequeue_script('admin-bar'); wp_dequeue_style('admin-bar'); // Template $four_tpl = apply_filters('LD_404', get_404_template()); // Handle the admin bar @define('APP_REQUEST', TRUE); @define('DOING_AJAX', TRUE); if (empty($four_tpl) or !file_exists($four_tpl)) { // We're gonna try and get TwentyTen's one $twenty_ten_tpl = apply_filters('LD_404_FALLBACK', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/themes/twentyfourteen/404.php'); if (file_exists($twenty_ten_tpl)) { require $twenty_ten_tpl; } else { wp_die('404 - File not found!', '', array('response' => 404)); } } else { // Their theme has a template! require $four_tpl; } // Either way, it's gonna stop right here. exit; }
private static function get_404_template() { if (!($template = get_404_template())) { $template = get_index_template(); } return $template; }
/** * Copy-pasta of wp-includes/template-loader.php */ private function load_template() { do_action('template_redirect'); $template = false; if (is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { } elseif (is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { } elseif (is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) { } elseif (is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { } elseif (is_post_type_archive() && ($template = get_post_type_archive_template())) { } elseif (is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { } elseif (is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { remove_filter('the_content', 'prepend_attachment'); } elseif (is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { } elseif (is_page() && ($template = get_page_template())) { } elseif (is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { } elseif (is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { } elseif (is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { } elseif (is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { } elseif (is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { } elseif (is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { } elseif (is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { } else { $template = get_index_template(); } /** * Filter the path of the current template before including it. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $template The path of the template to include. */ if ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $template)) { $template_contents = file_get_contents($template); $included_header = $included_footer = false; if (false !== stripos($template_contents, 'get_header();')) { do_action('get_header', null); locate_template('header.php', true, false); $included_header = true; } include $template; if (false !== stripos($template_contents, 'get_footer();')) { do_action('get_footer', null); locate_template('footer.php', true, false); $included_footer = true; } if ($included_header && $included_footer) { global $wp_scripts; $wp_scripts->done = array(); } } return; }
static function login_to_notfound() { if (isset($_REQUEST['logout'])) { return; } if (preg_match('/wp-login.php/', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'register' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'login') { $template = get_404_template(); include $template; exit; } } }
/** * Sets a 404 error for wp-login.php if it's disabled * * @since 6.3 * @access public */ public function init() { global $wp_query, $pagenow; if ('wp-login.php' == $pagenow && $this->get_option('private_login')) { $pagenow = 'index.php'; $wp_query->set_404(); status_header(404); nocache_headers(); if (!($template = get_404_template())) { $template = 'index.php'; } include $template; exit; } }
/** * Function to prevent visitors without admin permissions * to access the wordpress backend. If you wish to permit * others besides admins acces, change the user_level * to a different number. * * * * @global <type> $user_level * * in order to use this for wpmu, you need to follow the comment * instructions below in all locations and make the changes */ function jr_security_check() { $jr_access_level = get_option('jr_admin_security'); if (!isset($jr_access_level) || $jr_access_level == '') { $jr_access_level = 'read'; } // if there's no value then give everyone access if (!current_user_can($jr_access_level)) { // comment out the above two lines and uncomment this line if you are using // wpmu and want to block back office access to everyone except admins // if (!is_site_admin()) { status_header(404); nocache_headers(); include get_404_template(); exit; } }
/** * Include store template * * @param type $template * @return string */ function store_template($template) { $store_name = get_query_var('store'); if (!empty($store_name)) { $store_user = get_user_by('slug', $store_name); // no user found if (!$store_user) { return get_404_template(); } // check if the user is seller if (!dokan_is_user_seller($store_user->ID)) { return get_404_template(); } $templates = array("store-{$store_name}.php", 'store.php'); return get_query_template('store', $templates); } return $template; }
/** * Pick the correct template to include * * @param string $template Path to template * * @return string Path to template */ public static function templateChooser($template) { $events = Tribe__Events__Main::instance(); do_action('tribe_tec_template_chooser', $template); // no non-events need apply if (!tribe_is_event_query()) { return $template; } // if it's a single 404 event if (is_single() && is_404()) { return get_404_template(); } if (!is_single() && !tribe_events_is_view_enabled($events->displaying) && 'day' != $events->displaying) { return get_404_template(); } // add the theme slug to the body class add_filter('body_class', array(__CLASS__, 'theme_body_class')); // add the template name to the body class add_filter('body_class', array(__CLASS__, 'template_body_class')); // user has selected a page/custom page template if (tribe_get_option('tribeEventsTemplate', 'default') != '') { if (!is_single() || !post_password_required()) { add_action('loop_start', array(__CLASS__, 'setup_ecp_template')); } $template = locate_template(tribe_get_option('tribeEventsTemplate', 'default') == 'default' ? 'page.php' : tribe_get_option('tribeEventsTemplate', 'default')); if ($template == '') { $template = get_index_template(); } // remove singular body class if sidebar-page.php if ($template == get_stylesheet_directory() . '/sidebar-page.php') { add_filter('body_class', array(__CLASS__, 'remove_singular_body_class')); } else { add_filter('body_class', array(__CLASS__, 'add_singular_body_class')); } } else { $template = self::getTemplateHierarchy('default-template'); } // if this is an oembed, override the wrapping template and use the embed template if (Tribe__Templates::is_embed()) { $template = self::getTemplateHierarchy('embed'); } self::$template = $template; return $template; }
/** * Function to prevent visitors without admin permissions * to access the wordpress backend. If you wish to permit * others besides admins acces, change the user_level * to a different number. * * * * @global <type> $user_level * * in order to use this for wpmu, you need to follow the comment * instructions below in all locations and make the changes */ function colabs_security_check() { // secure the backend for non ajax calls if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) && basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) != 'admin-ajax.php') { $colabs_access_level = get_option('colabs_admin_security'); } if (!isset($colabs_access_level) || $colabs_access_level == '') { $colabs_access_level = 'read'; } // if there's no value then give everyone access if (is_user_logged_in() && !current_user_can($colabs_access_level)) { // comment out the above two lines and uncomment this line if you are using // wpmu and want to block back office access to everyone except admins // if (!is_site_admin()) { status_header(404); nocache_headers(); include get_404_template(); exit; } }
/** * Load the 404 Not Found error page and display it (optional) * * @param bool $redirect Redirect browser to the page? * @param bool $display Display the page? * @since WP_Basic_Bootstrap 1.0 */ function set_error_404($redirect = true, $display = false) { /* @var $wp_query \WP_Query */ global $wp_query; $wp_query->set_404(); $status = basicbootstrap_get_status(); if ($redirect && $status != 404) { wp_redirect(site_url('?error=404')); } elseif ($display) { status_header(404); nocache_headers(); $tpl = get_404_template(); if (!empty($tpl)) { include $tpl; } else { echo '<p>Page not found!</p>'; } exit; } }
function xtreme_get_template() { global $wp; if (defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && constant('WP_USE_THEMES')) { if (is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_page() && ($template = get_page_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } elseif (is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { return redefine_pagenow($template); } else { $template = get_index_template(); return redefine_pagenow($template); } } }
/** * Get the fork's parent post, set up a query, and load correct template. * * Duplicates the functionality of /wp-includes/template-loader.php and includes * a lot of copypasta, but that's only to ensure that it follows the same logic. * */ function choose_template() { $p = get_queried_object_id(); if (get_post_type($p) !== 'fork') { return; } $pp = get_post($p)->post_parent; $parent = get_post($pp); if ($parent->post_type == 'page') { $query = array('page_id' => $pp); } else { $query = array('p' => $pp); } $t = new WP_Query($query); $template = false; if ($t->is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { remove_filter('the_content', 'prepend_attachment'); } elseif ($t->is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_page && ($template = get_page_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { } elseif ($t->is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { } else { $template = get_index_template(); } if ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $template)) { include $template; } return; }
function check_template() { if (is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_page() && ($template = get_page_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { $this->template = $template; } elseif (is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { $this->template = $template; } else { $this->template = function_exists('get_index_template') ? get_index_template() : TEMPLATEPATH . "/index.php"; } $this->template = apply_filters('template_include', $this->template); // Hook into the footer so we can echo the active template add_action('wp_footer', array(&$this, 'show_template'), 100); }
public function templateLoad($defaultView = '') { global $posts, $post, $wp_did_header, $wp_query, $wp_rewrite, $wpdb, $wp_version, $wp, $id, $comment, $user_ID; $content = ''; /** * Loads the correct template based on the visitor's url * @package WordPress */ if (defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && WP_USE_THEMES) { do_action('template_redirect'); } /** * Filter whether to allow 'HEAD' requests to generate content. * * Provides a significant performance bump by exiting before the page * content loads for 'HEAD' requests. See #14348. * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param bool $exit Whether to exit without generating any content for 'HEAD' requests. Default true. */ if ('HEAD' === $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] && apply_filters('exit_on_http_head', true)) { exit; } // Process feeds and trackbacks even if not using themes. if (is_robots()) { /** * Fired when the template loader determines a robots.txt request. * * @since 2.1.0 */ do_action('do_robots'); return $content; } elseif (is_feed()) { do_feed(); return $content; } elseif (is_trackback()) { include ABSPATH . 'wp-trackback.php'; return $content; } if (defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && WP_USE_THEMES) { $template = false; if (is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { } elseif (is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { } elseif (is_front_page() && ($template = get_front_page_template())) { } elseif (is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { } elseif (is_post_type_archive() && ($template = get_post_type_archive_template())) { } elseif (is_tax() && ($template = get_taxonomy_template())) { } elseif (is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { remove_filter('the_content', 'prepend_attachment'); } elseif (is_single() && ($template = get_single_template())) { } elseif (is_page() && ($template = get_page_template())) { } elseif (is_category() && ($template = get_category_template())) { } elseif (is_tag() && ($template = get_tag_template())) { } elseif (is_author() && ($template = get_author_template())) { } elseif (is_date() && ($template = get_date_template())) { } elseif (is_archive() && ($template = get_archive_template())) { } elseif (is_comments_popup() && ($template = get_comments_popup_template())) { } elseif (is_paged() && ($template = get_paged_template())) { } else { $template = get_index_template(); } /** * Filter the path of the current template before including it. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param string $template The path of the template to include. */ if ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $this->defaultView ?: $template)) { load_template($template, false); } return $content; } }
/** * Ends the request with a 404 (Not Found) HTTP status code. Loads the 404 template if it exists. */ private static function die_404() { global $wp_query; status_header(404); $wp_query->set_404(); $template_path = get_404_template(); if (file_exists($template_path)) { require_once $template_path; } die; }
static function aiowps_set_404() { global $wp_query; status_header(404); $wp_query->set_404(); if ((($template = get_404_template()) || ($template = get_index_template())) && ($template = apply_filters('template_include', $template))) { include $template; } die; }
/** * @expectedDeprecated get_themes * @expectedDeprecated get_current_theme */ function test_switch_theme() { $themes = get_themes(); // Switch to each theme in sequence. // Do it twice to make sure we switch to the first theme, even if it's our starting theme. // Do it a third time to ensure switch_theme() works with one argument. for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) { foreach ($themes as $name => $theme) { // switch to this theme if ($i === 2) { switch_theme($theme['Template'], $theme['Stylesheet']); } else { switch_theme($theme['Stylesheet']); } $this->assertEquals($name, get_current_theme()); // make sure the various get_* functions return the correct values $this->assertEquals($theme['Template'], get_template()); $this->assertEquals($theme['Stylesheet'], get_stylesheet()); $root_fs = get_theme_root(); $this->assertTrue(is_dir($root_fs)); $root_uri = get_theme_root_uri(); $this->assertTrue(!empty($root_uri)); $this->assertEquals($root_fs . '/' . get_stylesheet(), get_stylesheet_directory()); $this->assertEquals($root_uri . '/' . get_stylesheet(), get_stylesheet_directory_uri()); $this->assertEquals($root_uri . '/' . get_stylesheet() . '/style.css', get_stylesheet_uri()); # $this->assertEquals($root_uri . '/' . get_stylesheet(), get_locale_stylesheet_uri()); $this->assertEquals($root_fs . '/' . get_template(), get_template_directory()); $this->assertEquals($root_uri . '/' . get_template(), get_template_directory_uri()); //get_query_template // template file that doesn't exist $this->assertEquals('', get_query_template(rand_str())); // template files that do exist //foreach ($theme['Template Files'] as $path) { //$file = basename($path, '.php'); // FIXME: untestable because get_query_template uses TEMPLATEPATH //$this->assertEquals('', get_query_template($file)); //} // these are kind of tautologies but at least exercise the code $this->assertEquals(get_404_template(), get_query_template('404')); $this->assertEquals(get_archive_template(), get_query_template('archive')); $this->assertEquals(get_author_template(), get_query_template('author')); $this->assertEquals(get_category_template(), get_query_template('category')); $this->assertEquals(get_date_template(), get_query_template('date')); $this->assertEquals(get_home_template(), get_query_template('home', array('home.php', 'index.php'))); $this->assertEquals(get_page_template(), get_query_template('page')); $this->assertEquals(get_paged_template(), get_query_template('paged')); $this->assertEquals(get_search_template(), get_query_template('search')); $this->assertEquals(get_single_template(), get_query_template('single')); $this->assertEquals(get_attachment_template(), get_query_template('attachment')); // this one doesn't behave like the others if (get_query_template('comments-popup')) { $this->assertEquals(get_comments_popup_template(), get_query_template('comments-popup')); } else { $this->assertEquals(get_comments_popup_template(), ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/theme-compat/comments-popup.php'); } $this->assertEquals(get_tag_template(), get_query_template('tag')); // nb: this probably doesn't run because WP_INSTALLING is defined $this->assertTrue(validate_current_theme()); } } }
/** * Loads theme files in appropriate hierarchy: 1) child theme, * 2) parent template, 3) plugin resources. will look in the events/ * directory in a theme and the views/ directory in the plugin * * @param string $template template file to search for * @param array $args additional arguments to affect the template path * - subfolder * - namespace * - plugin_path * - disable_view_check - bypass the check to see if the view is enabled * @return template path * @author Matt Wiebe **/ public static function getTemplateHierarchy($template, $args = array()) { if (!is_array($args)) { $args = array(); $passed = func_get_args(); $backwards_map = array('subfolder', 'namespace', 'plugin_path'); if (count($passed > 1)) { for ($i = 1; $i < count($passed); $i++) { $args[$backwards_map[$i - 1]] = $passed[$i]; } } } $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('subfolder' => '', 'namespace' => '/', 'plugin_path' => '', 'disable_view_check' => false)); /** * @var string $subfolder * @var string $namespace * @var string $pluginpath * @var bool $disable_view_check */ extract($args); $tec = TribeEvents::instance(); if (substr($template, -4) != '.php') { $template .= '.php'; } // setup the meta definitions require_once $tec->pluginPath . 'public/advanced-functions/meta.php'; // Allow base path for templates to be filtered $template_base_paths = apply_filters('tribe_events_template_paths', (array) TribeEvents::instance()->pluginPath); // backwards compatibility if $plugin_path arg is used if ($plugin_path && !in_array($plugin_path, $template_base_paths)) { $template_base_paths[] = $plugin_path; } // ensure that addon plugins look in the right override folder in theme $namespace = !empty($namespace) && $namespace[0] != '/' ? '/' . trailingslashit($namespace) : trailingslashit($namespace); // setup subfolder options $subfolder = !empty($subfolder) ? trailingslashit($subfolder) : $subfolder; $file = ''; foreach ($template_base_paths as $template_base_path) { if ($theme_file = locate_template(array('tribe-events' . $namespace . $subfolder . $template), false, false)) { $file = $theme_file; } else { // protect from concat folder with filename $subfolder = empty($subfolder) ? trailingslashit($subfolder) : $subfolder; $subfolder = $subfolder[0] != '/' ? '/' . $subfolder : $subfolder; $file = $template_base_path . 'views' . $subfolder . $template; // echo $file; } if (!$disable_view_check && in_array($tec->displaying, tribe_events_disabled_views())) { $file = get_404_template(); } $file = apply_filters('tribe_events_template', $file, $template); // return the first one found if (file_exists($file)) { break; } } return apply_filters('tribe_events_template_' . $template, $file); }
/** * Modify the query to prevent username enumeration. * * @param array $query_vars * @return array */ public static function preventAuthorNScans($query_vars) { if (wfConfig::get('loginSec_disableAuthorScan') && !is_admin() && !empty($query_vars['author']) && is_numeric(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $query_vars['author'])) && (isset($_GET['author']) && is_numeric(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $_GET['author'])) || isset($_POST['author']) && is_numeric(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $_POST['author'])))) { status_header(404); nocache_headers(); include get_404_template(); exit; } return $query_vars; }
public function block_access() { $settings = $this->fdx_get_settings(); $url = esc_url('http' . (empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? '' : 's') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); status_header(404); nocache_headers(); if (!$settings['p6_url']) { require_once get_404_template(); } else { header('Location: ' . $settings['p6_url']); } die; }
/** * Set a 404 error. * * Forces the given page to a WordPress 404 error. * * @since 4.0.0 * * @return void */ public static function set_404() { global $wp_query; status_header(404); if (function_exists('nocache_headers')) { nocache_headers(); } $wp_query->set_404(); $page_404 = get_404_template(); if (1 < strlen($page_404)) { include $page_404; } else { include get_query_template('index'); } die; }
public function wp_loaded() { global $pagenow; if (is_admin() && !is_user_logged_in() && !defined('DOING_AJAX')) { status_header(404); nocache_headers(); include get_404_template(); exit; } $request = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); if ($pagenow === 'wp-login.php' && $request['path'] !== $this->user_trailingslashit($request['path']) && get_option('permalink_structure')) { wp_safe_redirect($this->user_trailingslashit($this->new_login_url()) . (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '')); die; } elseif ($this->wp_login_php) { if (($referer = wp_get_referer()) && strpos($referer, 'wp-activate.php') !== false && ($referer = parse_url($referer)) && !empty($referer['query'])) { parse_str($referer['query'], $referer); if (!empty($referer['key']) && ($result = wpmu_activate_signup($referer['key'])) && is_wp_error($result) && ($result->get_error_code() === 'already_active' || $result->get_error_code() === 'blog_taken')) { wp_safe_redirect($this->new_login_url() . (!empty($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) ? '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] : '')); die; } } $this->wp_template_loader(); } elseif ($pagenow === 'wp-login.php') { global $error, $interim_login, $action, $user_login; @(require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-login.php'); die; } }
?> </div> </div> <?php comments_template(); ?> <?php } ?> <?php } else { /* NO posts */ if ('' != get_404_template()) { include get_404_template(); } else { echo "<h3><?php _e( 'Upss, not found...', 'default' ); ?></h3>"; } } ?> </div> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> <?php get_footer();
<?php } ?> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php get_404_template(); ?> <?php } ?> </div> <?php //get the right sidebar ?> <?php get_sidebar('right'); ?>
if (defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && constant('WP_USE_THEMES')) { do_action('template_redirect'); if (is_robots()) { do_action('do_robots'); return; } else { if (is_feed()) { do_feed(); return; } else { if (is_trackback()) { include ABSPATH . '/wp-trackback.php'; return; } else { if (is_404() && ($template = get_404_template())) { include $template; return; } else { if (is_search() && ($template = get_search_template())) { include $template; return; } else { if (is_home() && ($template = get_home_template())) { include $template; return; } else { if (is_attachment() && ($template = get_attachment_template())) { include $template; return; } else {
if ($pagenow != 'post.php' && $pagenow != 'edit.php') { if ( get_settings('gzipcompression') ) gzip_compression(); } // Template redirection if ( defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && constant('WP_USE_THEMES') ) { do_action('template_redirect'); if ( is_feed() && empty($doing_rss) ) { include(ABSPATH . '/wp-feed.php'); exit; } else if ( is_trackback() && empty($doing_trackback) ) { include(ABSPATH . '/wp-trackback.php'); exit; } else if ( is_404() && get_404_template() ) { include(get_404_template()); exit; } else if ( is_search() && get_search_template() ) { include(get_search_template()); exit; } else if ( is_home() && get_home_template() ) { include(get_home_template()); exit; } else if ( is_single() && get_single_template() ) { include(get_single_template()); exit; } else if ( is_page() && get_page_template() ) { include(get_page_template()); exit; } else if ( is_category() && get_category_template()) { include(get_category_template());
/** * Returns current template * * @return string */ function get_template() { static $template = null; if ($template === null) { switch (true) { case is_404() && ($template_file = get_404_template()): case is_search() && ($template_file = get_search_template()): case is_tax() && ($template_file = get_taxonomy_template()): case is_front_page() && function_exists('get_front_page_template') && ($template_file = get_front_page_template()): case is_home() && ($template_file = get_home_template()): case is_attachment() && ($template_file = get_attachment_template()): case is_single() && ($template_file = get_single_template()): case is_page() && ($template_file = get_page_template()): case is_category() && ($template_file = get_category_template()): case is_tag() && ($template_file = get_tag_template()): case is_author() && ($template_file = get_author_template()): case is_date() && ($template_file = get_date_template()): case is_archive() && ($template_file = get_archive_template()): case is_comments_popup() && ($template_file = get_comments_popup_template()): case is_paged() && ($template_file = get_paged_template()): break; default: if (function_exists('get_index_template')) { $template_file = get_index_template(); } else { $template_file = 'index.php'; } break; } $template = basename($template_file, '.php'); } return $template; }
/** * Loads the correct template based on the visitor's url * @package WordPress */ if ( defined('WP_USE_THEMES') && constant('WP_USE_THEMES') ) { do_action('template_redirect'); if ( is_robots() ) { do_action('do_robots'); return; } else if ( is_feed() ) { do_feed(); return; } else if ( is_trackback() ) { include(ABSPATH . 'wp-trackback.php'); return; } else if ( is_404() && $template = get_404_template() ) { include($template); return; } else if ( is_search() && $template = get_search_template() ) { include($template); return; } else if ( is_home() && $template = get_home_template() ) { include($template); return; } else if ( is_attachment() && $template = get_attachment_template() ) { remove_filter('the_content', 'prepend_attachment'); include($template); return; } else if ( is_single() && $template = get_single_template() ) { include($template); return;