$item = convert_iso_special_html_char(html_entity_decode(html_entity_decode($post_list->content, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $url = $post_list->permalink; if ($blog_settings->get('internal_links')) { $url = BP_PLANET_URL . "/index.php?post_id=" . $post_list->post_id . "&go=external"; } $id = uuid($url, 'urn:uuid:'); # Other link $links = '<i>' . sprintf('Original post of <a href="%s" title="Visit the source">%s</a>.', $url, $nom); $links .= sprintf(T_('Vote for this post on <a href="%s" title="Go on the planet">%s</a>.'), BP_PLANET_URL, $blog_settings->get('planet_title')) . '</i>'; # Remove html tag to post content $desc = strip_tags($item); # Split string only on space char $desc = short_str($desc, 300, false); # Gravatar if ($blog_settings->get('planet_avatar')) { $avatar_url = getUserIcon($post_list->user_email); // $avatar_email = strtolower($post_list->user_email); // $avatar_url = "http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/".md5($avatar_email)."?d=".urlencode(BP_PLANET_URL."/themes/".$blog_settings->get('planet_theme')."/images/gravatar.png")."&s=40"; $avatar = '<img src="' . $avatar_url . '" alt="' . sprintf(T_('Gravatar of %s'), $post_list->user_fullname) . '" class="gravatar" />'; } if ($blog_settings->get('planet_avatar')) { $item = $item . "\n<p>" . $avatar; } $item = $item . "<br/>" . $links . "</p>"; # Similar posts $post_tags = getPostTags($post_list->post_id); if ($blog_settings->get("show_similar_posts") && !empty($post_tags)) { $sql_sim = getSimilarPosts_SQL($post_list->post_id, $post_tags); $rsimilar = $core->con->select($sql_sim); if ($rsimilar->count() > 0) { $sim_html = '<div class="similar-block"><h3>' . T_('Similar posts') . '</h3><ul>';
$current_page = "users"; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/tpl.php'; # header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); # Valeurs par defaut $params = array('title' => $blog_settings->get('planet_title') . " - " . T_('Users')); $core->tpl->setVar('params', $params); $sql_users = "SELECT\n\t\t" . $core->prefix . "user.user_id,\n\t\t" . $core->prefix . "user.user_fullname,\n\t\t" . $core->prefix . "user.user_email,\n\t\t" . $core->prefix . "site.site_url,\n\t\tMAX(" . $core->prefix . "post.post_pubdate) as pubdate,\n\t\tCOUNT(" . $core->prefix . "post.post_id) as nb_post\n\tFROM " . $core->prefix . "user, " . $core->prefix . "post, " . $core->prefix . "site\n\tWHERE " . $core->prefix . "user.user_status = 1\n\tAND " . $core->prefix . "user.user_id = " . $core->prefix . "post.user_id\n\tAND " . $core->prefix . "user.user_id = " . $core->prefix . "site.user_id\n\tGROUP BY " . $core->prefix . "user.user_id\n\tORDER BY pubdate DESC"; //print $sql_users; //exit; $rs = $core->con->select($sql_users); while ($rs->fetch()) { $puser_settings = new bpSettings($core, $rs->user_id); if ($puser_settings != null && $puser_settings->get('social.shaarli')) { $shaarli = $puser_settings->get('social.shaarli.instance'); $core->tpl->setVar('user_shaarli', $shaarli); $core->tpl->render('user.shaarli'); } $user = array("id" => $rs->user_id, "fullname" => $rs->user_fullname, "email" => $rs->user_email, "website" => $rs->site_url, "last" => mysqldatetime_to_date("d/m/Y", $rs->pubdate), "nb_post" => $rs->nb_post); $core->tpl->setVar('user', $user); //$avatar_email = strtolower($rs->user_email); //$libravatar = "http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/".md5($avatar_email)."?default=identicon"; $libravatar = getUserIcon($rs->user_email); $core->tpl->setVar('avatar_url', $libravatar); $core->tpl->render("user.block"); } $core->tpl->render("content.users"); # Show result $analytics_code = getAnalyticsCode(); $core->tpl->setVar('analytics_html', $analytics_code); $core->renderTemplate();
</div> <div id="navi" class="yui-u"> <div class="hd"> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="text" name="qkey" style="width:236px;border:1px solid gray;" /> <select name="type"> <option value="0">標題</option> <option value="0">發表人</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="搜尋" /> </form> </div> <div class="bd"> <div id="profile" class="clearfix"> <img src="<?php echo getUserIcon('richardw', 60); ?> " /> <div id="author">作者:<a href="#">richardw</a></div> <ul> <li>上傳時間:<?php echo $picAry[0]['curr_time']; ?> </li> <ul> </div> <div id="map"></div> <div id="locinfo"> <?php include WEBROOT_PATH . "include/mod_exif.php"; ?>
float:left; padding:0 10px 0 5px; width:170px; overflow:hidden; } </style> <div class="yui-d3"> <div class="hd"></div> <div class="bd"> <div class="yui-gf"> <div class="yui-u first" style="border:1px solid gray;width:210px;height:500px;"> <div class="hd"></div> <div class="bd"> <div class="myicon"><img src="<?php echo getUserIcon('richardw', 150); ?> " /></div> <h1>laudieh</h1> </div> <div class="ft"></div> </div> <div class="yui-u" style="width:750px;"> <div class="hd"></div> <div class="bd"> <div id="my-tab-all" class="yui-navset"> <ul class="yui-nav"> <li class="selected"><a href="#t1"><em>我的行程</em></a></li> <li><a href="#t2"><em>參考的行程</em></a></li> <li><a href="#t3"><em>跟團的行程</em></a></li> <li><a href="#t4"><em>帶團的行程</em></a></li>
function showSinglePost($rs, $tpl, $search_value, $multiview = true, $strip_tags = false) { global $blog_settings, $core, $user_settings; $avatar = $blog_settings->get('planet_avatar'); $post_permalink = $rs->f('permalink'); if ($blog_settings->get('internal_links')) { $post_permalink = BP_PLANET_URL . "/index.php?post_id=" . $rs->f('post_id') . "&go=external"; } $title = html_entity_decode($rs->f('title'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $content = html_entity_decode($rs->f('content'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $short_content = html_entity_decode($rs->f('short_content'), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $short = true; if (strlen($content) < 1200) { $short = false; $short_content = $content; } $post = array("id" => $rs->f('post_id'), "date" => mysqldatetime_to_date("d/m/Y", $rs->f('pubdate')), "day" => mysqldatetime_to_date("d", $rs->f('pubdate')), "month" => mysqldatetime_to_date("m", $rs->f('pubdate')), "year" => mysqldatetime_to_date("Y", $rs->f('pubdate')), "hour" => mysqldatetime_to_date("H:i", $rs->f('pubdate')), "permalink" => urldecode($post_permalink), "title" => $title, "content" => $content, "short_content" => $short_content, "image" => $rs->f('image'), "author_id" => $rs->f('user_id'), "author_fullname" => $rs->f('user_fullname'), "author_email" => $rs->f('user_email'), "nbview" => $rs->f('nbview'), "last_viewed" => mysqldatetime_to_date('d/m/Y H:i', $rs->f('last_viewed')), "user_votes" => getNbVotes(null, $rs->f('user_id')), "user_posts" => getNbPosts(null, $rs->f('user_id'))); $post['description'] = sprintf(T_('By %s, on %s at %s.'), '<a href="#" onclick="javascript:add_user(\'' . $rs->f('user_id') . '\')">' . $rs->f('user_fullname') . '</a>', $post["date"], $post["hour"]); $post['description'] .= ' <a href="' . BP_PLANET_URL . '/index.php?post_id=' . $rs->f('post_id') . '" title="' . $post['title'] . '">' . T_("View post detail") . '</a>'; if (!empty($search_value)) { # Format the occurences of the search request in the posts list $post['content'] = split_balise($search_value, '<span class="search-content">' . $search_value . '</span>', $post['content'], 'str_ireplace', 1); # Format the occurences of the search request in the posts title $post['title'] = split_balise($search_value, '<span class="search_title">' . $search_value . '</span>', $post['title'], 'str_ireplace', 1); } if ($short) { $last_space = strripos($post['short_content'], ' '); $post['short_content'] = substr($post['short_content'], 0, $last_space); $post['short_content'] = '<span class="short-content">' . strip_tags($post['short_content']) . " [...] </span>" . '<br /><span class="read-more"><a href="' . BP_PLANET_URL . '/?post_id=' . $post['id'] . '" title="' . $title . '">' . T_('Read more') . '</a></span>'; } if ($strip_tags) { $post['content'] = $post['short_content']; } $post_tags = getPostTags($rs->f('post_id')); $tpl->setVar('post', $post); # Gravatar if ($avatar) { $libravatar = getUserIcon($post['author_email']); $tpl->setVar('avatar_url', $libravatar); $tpl->render('post.block.gravatar'); } if ($multiview) { if ($post['image'] != '') { $tpl->render('post.image'); } $tpl->render('post.multi'); } if ($blog_settings->get('planet_vote')) { $votes = array("html" => afficheVotes($rs->f('score'), $rs->f('post_id'))); $tpl->setVar('votes', $votes); $tpl->render('post.block.votes'); } if (!empty($post_tags)) { foreach ($post_tags as $tag) { $tpl->setVar('post_tag', $tag); $tpl->render('post.tags'); } } if ($blog_settings->get('allow_post_modification')) { if ($blog_settings->get('allow_tagging_everything')) { $tpl->render('post.action.tags'); } else { if ($core->auth->userID() == $rs->f('user_id')) { $tpl->render('post.action.tags'); } } } if ($user_settings != null) { if ($user_settings->get("social.twitter")) { $tpl->render('social.twitter'); } if ($user_settings->get("social.shaarli")) { $simple_title = $post['title']; $tpl->setVar('stripped_title', addslashes($simple_title)); $tpl->render('social.shaarli'); } if ($user_settings->get("social.google")) { $tpl->render('social.google'); } if ($user_settings->get("social.statusnet")) { $tpl->setVar('stripped_title', urlencode($rs->f('title'))); $tpl->render('social.statusnet'); } if ($user_settings->get("social.reddit")) { $tpl->setVar('stripped_title', addslashes($simple_title)); $tpl->setVar('encoded_url', urlencode(BP_PLANET_URL . '/?post_id=' . $post['id'])); $tpl->render('social.reddit'); } } if ($blog_settings->get('show_similar_posts') && !empty($post_tags)) { $sql_sim = getSimilarPosts_SQL($rs->f('post_id'), $post_tags); $rsimilar = $core->con->select($sql_sim); if ($rsimilar->count() > 0) { while ($rsimilar->fetch()) { $post_permalink = $rsimilar->permalink; if ($blog_settings->get('internal_links')) { $post_permalink = BP_PLANET_URL . "/index.php?post_id=" . $rsimilar->post_id; } $similar = array("author" => $rsimilar->user_fullname, "title" => $rsimilar->post_title, "permalink" => urldecode($post_permalink), "pubdate" => mysqldatetime_to_date("d/m/Y", $rsimilar->post_pubdate)); $tpl->setVar('similar', $similar); $tpl->render("post.similar.item"); } $tpl->render("post.similar.block"); } } if ($blog_settings->get('allow_post_comments')) { if ($core->auth->userID() == $rs->f('user_id') || $core->hasRole('manager')) { if ($rs->f('comment')) { $tpl->render('post.action.uncomment'); } else { $tpl->render('post.action.comment'); } } } if ($blog_settings->get('allow_post_comments') && $rs->f('comment') == 1) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $core->prefix . "comment\n\t\t\tWHERE post_id=" . $rs->f('post_id'); // print $sql; // exit; $rs_comment = $core->con->select($sql); while ($rs_comment->fetch()) { $fullname = $rs_comment->user_fullname; if (!empty($rs_comment->user_site)) { $fullname = '<a href="' . $rs_comment->user_site . '">' . $fullname . '</a>'; } $content = $core->wikiTransform($rs_comment->content); $comment = array("id" => $rs_comment->comment_id, "post_id" => $rs_comment->post_id, "user_fullname_link" => $fullname, "user_fullname" => $rs_comment->user_fullname, "user_site" => $rs_comment->user_site, "content" => $content, "pubdate" => mysqldatetime_to_date("d/m/Y", $rs_comment->created)); $tpl->setVar("comment", $comment); $tpl->render('post.comment.element'); } $tpl->render('post.comment.block'); } if ($rs->count() > 1) { $tpl->render('post.backsummary'); } return $tpl; }