}); $has_branches = array_filter($actual_questions, function ($item) { return !empty($item["branching_logic"]); }); $no_branches = array_filter($actual_questions, function ($item) { return empty($item["branching_logic"]); }); $branched_fields = array_flip(array_column($has_branches, "field_name")); $unbranched_total = count($no_branches); //GET # OF COMPLETED FIELDS OF SURVEY $just_formnames = array_map(function ($item) { return $item["field_name"]; }, $actual_questions); $instrument_complete = $instrument_id . "_complete"; array_push($just_formnames, $instrument_complete); $user_answers = getUserAnswers($loggedInUser->id, $just_formnames); if (isset($user_answers[0])) { $user_actually_completed = !isset($user_answers[$current_arm]) ? $user_answers[0][$instrument_id . "_timestamp"] : $user_answers[$current_arm][$instrument_id . "_timestamp"]; //= "[not completed]" //IF THERE ARE USER ANSWERS THEN MATCH THEM $surveys[$index]["survey_complete"] = ($user_actually_completed == "[not completed]" || $user_actually_completed == "") && empty($user_answers[0][$instrument_complete]) ? 0 : 1; if (!$surveys[$index]["survey_complete"]) { $core_surveys_complete = false; } $user_answers = array_filter($user_answers[0]); foreach ($metadata as $idx => $item) { $fn = $item["field_name"]; $metadata[$idx]["user_answer"] = ""; if (array_key_exists($fn, $user_answers)) { $metadata[$idx]["user_answer"] = $user_answers[$fn]; }
foreach ($surveys as $index => $instrument_event) { if ($instrument_event["instrument_name"] != $surveyid) { continue; } addSessionMessage("Come back later to complete the '" . $instrument_event["instrument_label"] . "' Survey.<br> And collect your reward : <span class='fruit " . $fruits[$index] . "'></span> Get the whole fruit basket!", "notice"); } } //FOR THE PIE CHART $health_behaviors_complete = false; $all_answers = array(); $graph_fields = array("core_walking_hr", "core_walking_min", "core_sitting_hr", "core_sitting_min"); foreach ($surveys as $index => $instrument_event) { if ($instrument_event["instrument_name"] !== "your_health_behaviors") { continue; } $all_answers = getUserAnswers(null, $graph_fields); $user_answers = array(); foreach ($graph_fields as $key) { if ($instrument_event["survey_complete"]) { $health_behaviors_complete = true; if (array_key_exists($key, $instrument_event["completed_fields"])) { $user_answers[$key] = $instrument_event["completed_fields"][$key]; } } } } // AGGREGATE OF ALL PARTICIPANTS $ALL_TIME_WALKING_IN_MINUTES = 0; $ALL_TIME_SITTING_IN_MINUTES = 0; foreach ($all_answers as $answers) { foreach ($answers as $fieldname => $answer) {