コード例 #1
ファイル: index.php プロジェクト: artz20/playlists-par-deezer
Flight::route('GET /playlist/@id/edit', function ($id) {
    $request = Flight::request();
    $playlist = json_decode(getPlayList($id));
    if (!isset($playlist->error)) {
        Flight::render('editPlayList', array('playlist' => $playlist), 'body_content');
        Flight::render('layout', array('Titre' => 'Modifier un track à ' . $playlist[0]->titre));
    } else {
Flight::route('GET /track/@id/edit', function ($id) {
    $request = Flight::request();
    $track = json_decode(getTrack($id));
    if (!isset($track->error)) {
        Flight::render('editTRack', array('track' => $track), 'body_content');
        Flight::render('layout', array('Titre' => 'Modifier le track ' . $track[0]->title));
    } else {
Flight::route('GET|POST /album/@id/edit', function ($id) {
    $request = Flight::request();
    if ($request->method == "GET") {
        $album = json_decode(getAlbum($id));
        if (!isset($album->error)) {
            Flight::render('editAlbum', array('album' => $album), 'body_content');
            Flight::render('layout', array('Titre' => 'Modifier un track à ' . $album[0]->title));
        } else {
コード例 #2
function test_writePostion()
    appendTestMessage(NEW_LINE_LOG . " >> Tests writing of single position..." . NEW_LINE_LOG);
    appendTestMessage("Prepare: Create new user");
    $ret = checkUser("dUser", "dPassword");
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Check parameter lat");
    $ret = writePostion('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
    if (!$ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Check parameter lon");
    $ret = writePostion('', '', '47.50457163540115', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
    if (!$ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Prepare: Create new user");
    $ret = checkUser("dUser", "dPassword");
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks (individually 1) for user (no positions yet)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('');
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($ret)) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks (individually 2) for user (no positions yet)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser');
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($ret)) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks (individually 3) for user (no positions yet)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser=2013-03-03 15:48:47.484', 'true');
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($ret)) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Test helper function to write the postion.csv > new");
    $ret = writePositionFile('dUser', 'test;test;test');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    $testDateTime = getDateForTimezoneOffset('dUser', '', false);
    appendTestMessage("Write single position");
    $csvLine = 'lat=47.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDateTime;
    $ret = writePositionFile('dUser', $csvLine);
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Write lat and lon");
    $ret = writePostion('dUser', '', '42.50457163540115', '11.071390274487026', '', '', '', '', '2012-03-03T15:48:47.484', 'true');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks (individually 1) for user  (one position yet) no track for today");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser');
    $expectedTracks = '[positions]' . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;lat=42.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;time=2012-03-03T15:48:47.484';
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks (individually 2) for user  (one position yet) - track excluded because of time");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser=2012-03-03T15:48:47.4841');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;lat=42.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;time=2012-03-03T15:48:47.484';
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    $testDate = getDateForTimezoneOffset('dUser', '', true);
    appendTestMessage("Write lat and lon");
    $ret = writePostion('dUser', '', '42.50457163540115', '11.071390274487026', '', '', '', '', $testDate . 'T15:48:47.484', 'true');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    $today = getDateForTimezoneOffset('dUser', '', true);
    $gpxFileName = $today . '.csv';
    appendTestMessage("Check for a data file (gpx) for this user");
    $ret = getUsersForDataFileName('dUser', $gpxFileName);
    if ($ret == 'dUser') {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // TODO: New
    appendTestMessage("Check for a data file (gpx) for this user. But exclude the user");
    $ret = getUsersForDataFileName('dUser', $gpxFileName, 'dUser');
    if ($ret == '') {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("View single position");
    $csvLine0 = 'lat=42.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:47.484';
    $ret = getPosition('dUser');
    if ($ret === $csvLine0) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("View single position (parameter = getGroupPostions");
    $ret = getGroupPostions('dUser');
    $expectedLine = 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine0;
    if ($ret === $expectedLine) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Write lat and lon");
    $ret = writePostion('dUser', 'cGroup_changed', '43.50457163540115', '11.071390274487026', '171.61432', '0.7065948', '1067.652498529502', '6.0', $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484', 'true');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for user (omit tracks)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser', 'false');
    $expectedTracks = '[positions]' . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;lat=43.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484';
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for user (omit tracks)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser', 'no');
    $expectedTracks = '[positions]' . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;lat=43.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484';
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for user (two positions yet no last time given)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser', 'true');
    $expectedTracks = '[positions]' . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;lat=43.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484' . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . 'lat=42.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:47.484' . PHP_EOL . 'lat=43.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484';
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("View single position");
    $csvLine1 = 'lat=43.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484';
    $ret = getPosition('dUser');
    if ($ret === $csvLine1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Write empty multiline positions");
    $ret = writePostions('dUser', 'cGroup_changed', '', 'true');
    if (!$ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Write multiline positions");
    $csvLine2 = 'lat=44.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:41.484';
    $csvLine3 = 'lat=45.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:42.484';
    $csvLine4 = 'lat=46.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:43.484';
    $csvLines2_4 = $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    $csvLines0_4 = $csvLine0 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine1 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    $ret = writePostions('dUser', 'cGroup_changed', $csvLines2_4, 'true');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("View single position set by multiline writing");
    $ret = getPosition('dUser');
    if ($ret === $csvLine4) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individally for user (five positions yet, last time given)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:48:48.484');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("List tracks");
    $ret = listTracks('dUser');
    $expectedFileName = '2012-03-03.gpx';
    if ($ret == $expectedFileName) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("List tracks");
    $ret = listTracksCSV('dUser');
    $expectedFileNames1 = $testDate . '.csv' . PHP_EOL . '2012-03-03.csv';
    $expectedFileNames2 = '2012-03-03.csv' . PHP_EOL . $testDate . '.csv';
    if ($ret === $expectedFileNames1 || $ret === $expectedFileNames2) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get track check empty parameter date");
    $ret = getTrack('dUser', '', '');
    if ($ret === $csvLines0_4) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get track");
    $ret = getTrack('dUser', $today, '');
    if ($ret === $csvLines0_4) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // Review: This test seems to be double, see test somewhere above
    appendTestMessage("Get track after a certain line number only");
    $ret = getTrack('dUser', $today, $testDate . 'T15:48:48.484');
    if ($ret === $csvLines2_4) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get track after a certain line number (at end already)");
    $ret = getTrack('dUser', $today, $testDate . 'T15:54:43.484');
    if ($ret === '') {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get postions of group");
    $ret = getPositions('cGroup_changed');
    $expectedString = 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret === $expectedString) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // TODO: New
    appendTestMessage("Get postions of group. But exclude the user dUser");
    $ret = getPositions('cGroup_changed', dUser);
    if ($ret === '') {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // Add second user with same group
    appendTestMessage("Prepare: Create new user");
    $ret = checkUser("eUser", "ePassword");
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Check for a data file (gpx) for this user. A second user is in the group but without this file.");
    $ret = getUsersForDataFileName('dUser', $gpxFileName);
    if ($ret == 'dUser') {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // TODO: New
    appendTestMessage("Check for a data file (gpx) for this user. AND exclude the user. A second user is in the group but without this file.");
    $ret = getUsersForDataFileName('dUser', $gpxFileName, 'dUser');
    if ($ret == '') {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Prepare: Write position new second user with same group");
    $csvLine5 = 'lat=47.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:43.484';
    $ret = writePostions('eUser', 'cGroup_changed', $csvLine5, 'true');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Check for a data file (gpx) for this user. A second user is in the group now.");
    $ret = getUsersForDataFileName('dUser', $gpxFileName);
    $expectedUsers = 'dUser' . PHP_EOL . 'eUser';
    $expectedUsers1 = 'eUser' . PHP_EOL . 'dUser';
    if ($ret == $expectedUsers || $ret == $expectedUsers1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // TODO: New
    appendTestMessage("Check for a data file (gpx) for this user. But exclude the user. A second user is in the group now.");
    $ret = getUsersForDataFileName('dUser', $gpxFileName, 'dUser');
    $expectedUsers = 'eUser';
    if ($ret == $expectedUsers) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get postions of the two members of the group");
    $ret = getPositions('cGroup_changed');
    $expectedPostions = 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5;
    $expectedPostions1 = 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret === $expectedPostions || $ret === $expectedPostions1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    // TODO: New
    appendTestMessage("Get postions of the two members of the group. Exclude user eUser");
    $ret = getPositions('cGroup_changed', 'eUser');
    $expectedPostions = 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret === $expectedPostions) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users (last time given - 1)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:48:48.484');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users (last line given - 2)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:48:48.484;eUser');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users (last line given - 3)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:48:48.484;eUser='******'T15:54:42.484');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users (last line given - 4)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:48:48.484;eUser='******'T15:54:43.484');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users (last line given - 5)");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:54:43.484' . ';eUser='******'T15:54:43.484');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine4;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get postions of the two members of the group (param = getGroupPostions");
    $ret = getGroupPostions('dUser');
    if ($ret === $expectedPostions || $ret === $expectedPostions1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Util: write some csv files to create gpx (later)");
    if (test_writeGpxFromCsv()) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Create gpx from csv and list. Check eUser");
    $ret = listTracks('eUser');
    $expected1 = "2013-03-10.gpx" . PHP_EOL . "2013-03-11.gpx";
    $expected2 = "2013-03-11.gpx" . PHP_EOL . "2013-03-10.gpx";
    if ($ret == $expected1 || $ret == $expected2) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Create gpx from csv and list. Check dUser");
    $ret = listTracks('dUser');
    $expected1 = "2013-03-10.gpx" . PHP_EOL . "2012-03-03.gpx";
    $expected2 = "2012-03-03.gpx" . PHP_EOL . "2013-03-10.gpx";
    if ($ret == $expected1 || $ret == $expected2) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Write multiline positions with different dates");
    $csvLine6 = 'lat=44.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=2012-04-03T15:54:41.484';
    $csvLine7 = 'lat=45.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:44.484';
    $csvLine8 = 'lat=46.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:45.484';
    $csvLines6_8 = $csvLine6 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine7 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine8;
    $csvLines0_8_dUser = $csvLine0 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine1 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine2 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine3 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine4 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine7 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine8;
    $ret = writePostions('dUser', 'cGroup_changed', $csvLines6_8, 'true');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users all lines");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser;eUser');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine8 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLines0_8_dUser . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine8 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLines0_8_dUser;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users all lines");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser='******'T15:54:44.484;eUser');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine8 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine8 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine8 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine8;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("List tracks");
    $ret = listTracksCSV('dUser');
    $expectedFileNames1 = $testDate . '.csv' . PHP_EOL . '2012-03-03.csv' . PHP_EOL . '2012-04-03.csv' . PHP_EOL . '2013-03-10.csv';
    $searchString = '/' . $testDate . '.csv/i';
    if (preg_match($searchString, $ret, $matches)) {
        $foundTime = $matches[0];
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    $searchString = '/2012-03-03.csv/i';
    if (preg_match($searchString, $ret, $matches)) {
        $foundTime = $matches[0];
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    $searchString = '/2012-04-03.csv/i';
    if (preg_match($searchString, $ret, $matches)) {
        $foundTime = $matches[0];
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    $searchString = '/2013-03-10.csv/i';
    if (preg_match($searchString, $ret, $matches)) {
        $foundTime = $matches[0];
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Write multiline positions with different dates and track not stored");
    $csvLine6 = 'lat=44.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=2012-04-03T15:54:41.484';
    $csvLine7 = 'lat=45.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:44.484';
    $csvLine8 = 'lat=46.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:45.484';
    $csvLine9 = 'lat=46.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=' . $testDate . 'T15:54:46.484';
    $csvLines6_9 = $csvLine6 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine7 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine8 . PHP_EOL . $csvLine9;
    $ret = writePostions('dUser', 'cGroup_changed', $csvLines6_9, 'false');
    if ($ret) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    appendTestMessage("Get tracks individually for 2 users all lines");
    $ret = getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually('dUser;eUser');
    $expectedTracks = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine9 . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLines0_8_dUser . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5;
    $expectedTracks1 = "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . 'user=eUser;' . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . 'user=dUser;' . $csvLine9 . PHP_EOL . '[track-eUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLine5 . PHP_EOL . '[track-dUser]' . PHP_EOL . $csvLines0_8_dUser;
    if ($ret == $expectedTracks || $ret == $expectedTracks1) {
        appendTestMessage("- ok");
    } else {
        appendTestMessage("- failed");
        return false;
    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: addCourses.php プロジェクト: nmeng/hello-courses
    foreach ($_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] as $msg) {
        echo $msg;
    echo '</div>';
<form action="core/chosenCoursesOP.php" method="post">
	<select name="courses[]" id='courses' multiple='multiple' size='20' >
//preload all selected courses
	<div align="center">
		Track: <select name="major" id = "major" onChange='getSelValue(this)'>
//preload all the major
	<input type="submit" id="buttonstyle" value="Save">
include 'includes/footer.php';
コード例 #4
ファイル: util.php プロジェクト: einervonvielen/mushrooms
 * Get all last postions for users and its way points after a certain time
 * 1. Get the group of the user first user (parameter)
 * 2. Get all users of this group
 * 3. Get the last position of every user (no matter of date-time). But exclude the user given
 *    in param $requestingUser
 * 4. Get all way points (for each user) for todays (!) track file (csv) after the given line (parameter)
 *    - the line for each user is set in the parameter $keyUserValueLastPairs
 *    - in case their is an unknown (probably new) user on the server in this group
 *      > then the whole track is returned. It is the same as line = '' (not set)
 * @param type $keyUserValueLastPairs for examples
 *  - 'Lisa'
 *  - 'Lisa=2013-03-03T15:48:47;Peter=2013-03-03T15:48:47'
 * @param type $isRequestingTracks true if the user wants to write a track
 * @param type $requestingUser if not null or empty then this user will be excluded in the returned
 *        - position and
 *        - tracks
 * @return string tracks as CSV line this
 *  [positions]
 *  user=Peter;lat=47.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:47.484
 *  user=Lisa;lat=47.50451538021159;lon=11.071421406744932;bearing=173.14859;speed=0.0;altitude=1068.2914401409275;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:57.511
 *  [track-Peter]
 *  lat=47.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:47.484
 *  lat=47.50451538021159;lon=11.071421406744932;bearing=173.14859;speed=0.0;altitude=1068.2914401409275;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:57.511
 *  lat=47.50451538021159;lon=11.071521406744932;bearing=173.14859;speed=0.0;altitude=1068.2914401409275;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:57.511
 *  [track-Lisa]
 *  lat=47.50457163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:47.484
 *  lat=47.50557163540115;lon=11.071390274487026;bearing=171.61432;speed=0.7065948;altitude=1067.652498529502;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:47.484
 *  lat=47.50651538021159;lon=11.071421406744932;bearing=173.14859;speed=0.0;altitude=1068.2914401409275;accuracy=6.0;time=2013-03-03T15:48:57.511
function getLastPostionsAndTracksIndividually($keyUserValueLastPairs, $isRequestingTracks, $requestingUser)
    $resultBuffer = '';
    //Read out key-value pairs (user - date/time)
    // Example: 'Lisa,2012-03-03T15:48:47.484;Peter,2012-03-03T16:48:47.484'
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($keyUserValueLastPairs)) {
        return $resultBuffer;
    $user = '';
    // this is the user that defines the group
    $arr = array();
    $usersWithTimeArray = explode(';', $keyUserValueLastPairs);
    $countUsers = count($usersWithTimeArray);
    if ($countUsers < 1) {
        return $resultBuffer;
    for ($i = 0; $i < $countUsers; $i++) {
        $userTimePair = $usersWithTimeArray[$i];
        $userTimePair = trim($userTimePair);
        $keyValueArray = explode('=', $userTimePair);
        $countPair = count($keyValueArray);
        if ($countPair == 1) {
            // assume the user is given as parameter only
            if (isNullOrEmptyString($user)) {
                $user = $keyValueArray[0];
        if ($countPair != 2) {
            return $resultBuffer;
        $keyUser = $keyValueArray[0];
        $timeOfLastSentTrackPoint = $keyValueArray[1];
        if (isNullOrEmptyString($user)) {
            $user = $keyUser;
        // store Lisa > 'dateTime' for later usage to get the updated way points as csv
        $arr[$keyUser] = $timeOfLastSentTrackPoint;
    // all last postions
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($requestingUser)) {
        $postions = getGroupPostions($user);
    } else {
        $postions = getGroupPostions($requestingUser, $requestingUser);
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($postions)) {
        return $resultBuffer;
    $resultBuffer .= "[positions]" . PHP_EOL . $postions;
    // Check wether the requester wants tracks
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($isRequestingTracks)) {
        // Set 'true" as default if not given as parameter
        $isRequestingTracks = 'true';
    $searchString = '/false|no/i';
    if (preg_match($searchString, $isRequestingTracks, $matches)) {
        return $resultBuffer;
    // get all users that have a track file for today
    $date = getDateForTimezoneOffset($user, '', true);
    $fileName = $date . '.csv';
    $userLines = getUsersForDataFileName($user, $fileName, $requestingUser);
    // iterate through the track files of every found user and assable the return string
    if ($userLines != '') {
        $users = explode(PHP_EOL, $userLines);
        $count = count($users);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
            $userOfGroup = $users[$i];
            // Every user has its own date-time (Lisa > 2012-03-03T15:48:47.484)
            // It might be that a user is not given in the parameter (with date-time).
            // This is the case if a new user joined the group in the mean time.
            // It does not matter. The date-time is not set means: all postions from
            // todays positions is added to the result buffer (positions as csv lines).
            if (array_key_exists($userOfGroup, $arr)) {
                $lastSentTrackPointTime = $arr[$userOfGroup];
            } else {
                $lastSentTrackPointTime = '';
            // Get the updated positions as csv
            $trackAsCSV = getTrack($userOfGroup, $date, $lastSentTrackPointTime);
            if (isNullOrEmptyString($trackAsCSV)) {
            if (!isNullOrEmptyString($resultBuffer)) {
                $resultBuffer .= PHP_EOL;
            $resultBuffer .= '[track-' . $userOfGroup . ']' . PHP_EOL . $trackAsCSV;
    return $resultBuffer;
コード例 #5
ファイル: restDel.php プロジェクト: Maxislav/Atlas-Angular
$res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `session` WHERE `key`='{$key}' ORDER BY id");
if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res)) {
        $iduser = $row['iduser'];
    $res_d = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `imei`=865790010425429 ORDER BY id");
    if (mysql_num_rows($res_d) > 0) {
        $usersIds = [];
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res_d)) {
            array_push($usersIds, $row['iduser']);
            $iduser_d = $row['iduser'];
        //if ($iduser_d == $iduser) {
        if (checkExist($usersIds, $iduser)) {
            //echo 'EXIST_CURRENT';
            echo json_encode(getTrack($imei, $from, $to));
        } else {
            echo 'EXIST_OTHER';
            return null;
function checkExist($array, $id)
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
        if ($array[$i] == $id) {
            return true;
    return false;
コード例 #6
ファイル: geo5.php プロジェクト: einervonvielen/mushrooms
    //        setServerError("Failed to get tracks for user $userToList.");
    //        return;
    //    }
    $group = getParam('group');
    $pass = getParam('pass');
    if (!changeGroup($user, $pass, $group)) {
        setServerError("Failed to change group for user {$user}.");
// Get a track for a user
$getTrackForUser = getParam('getTrack');
if (!isNullOrEmptyString($getTrackForUser)) {
    $track = getTrack($getTrackForUser, getParam('date'), getParam('last'));
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($track)) {
        setServerError("Failed to get tracks for user {$getTrackForUser}.");
// Get all users (of a group) that have a given data file(name)
$getUsersForFileName = getParam('getUsersForFileName');
if (!isNullOrEmptyString($getUsersForFileName)) {
    $fileName = getParam('filename');
    $users = getUsersForDataFileName($user, $fileName);
    if (isNullOrEmptyString($getUsersForFileName)) {
        setServerError("Failed to get users for filename {$fileName} for user {$user}.");