コード例 #1

global $THEMEREX_shortname;
$THEMEREX_shortname = 'wps';
// Prepare arrays
$fonts = getThemeFontsList(false);
$themes = getThemesList(false);
$socials = getSocialsList(false);
$puzzles = getPuzzlesList(false);
$categories = getCategoriesList(false);
$sidebars = getSidebarsList(false);
$positions = getSidebarsPositions(false);
$blog_styles = getBlogStylesList(false);
$body_styles = getBodyStylesList(false);
$sliders = getSlidersList(false);
$yes_no = getYesNoList(false);
$dir = getDirectionList(false);
$show_hide = getShowHideList(false);
$sorting = getSortingList(false);
$ordering = getOrderingList(false);
// Theme options arrays
$THEMEREX_theme_options = array();
#### General               #### 
$THEMEREX_theme_options[] = array("name" => __('General', 'themerex'), "override" => "category,post,page", "type" => "heading");
$THEMEREX_theme_options[] = array("name" => __('Contact form email', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('E-mail for send contact form and user registration data', 'themerex'), "id" => $THEMEREX_shortname . "_" . "contact_email", "std" => "", "type" => "text");
$THEMEREX_theme_options[] = array("name" => __('Favicon', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Upload a 16px x 16px image that will represent your website\'s favicon.<br /><br /><em>To ensure cross-browser compatibility, we recommend converting the favicon into .ico format before uploading. (<a href="http://www.favicon.cc/">www.favicon.cc</a>)</em>', 'themerex'), "id" => $THEMEREX_shortname . "_" . "favicon", "std" => "", "type" => "upload");
$THEMEREX_theme_options[] = array("name" => __('Logo image', 'themerex'), "desc" => __('Upload logo image', 'themerex'), "id" => $THEMEREX_shortname . "_" . "logo_image", "std" => "", "type" => "mediamanager");
コード例 #2

// Prepare arrays
if (is_themerex_options_used()) {
    $fonts = getThemeFontsList();
    $themes = getThemesList();
    $socials = getSocialsList();
    $icons = getIconsList();
    $categories = getCategoriesList();
    $sidebars = getSidebarsList();
    $positions = getSidebarsPositions();
    $body_styles = getBodyStylesList();
    $blog_styles = getBlogStylesList();
    $hovers = getHoversList();
    $sliders = getSlidersList();
    $popups = getPopupEngines();
    $gmap_styles = getGooglemapStyles();
    $dir = getDirectionList();
    $yes_no = getYesNoList();
    $on_off = getOnOffList();
    $show_hide = getShowHideList();
    $sorting = getSortingList();
    $ordering = getOrderingList();
} else {
    $hovers = $fonts = $themes = $socials = $icons = $categories = $sidebars = $positions = $body_styles = $blog_styles = $sliders = $popups = $gmap_styles = $dir = $yes_no = $on_off = $show_hide = $sorting = $ordering = array();
// Theme options arrays
$THEMEREX_options = array();
//#### General               ####