public function webOauth($info, $scope = '', $fansInfo = '') { $now = time(); $redirect_uri = getSelfUrl(); $codeUrl = $this->get_code_url($info, $redirect_uri, $scope, '', $fansInfo); if (empty($_GET['code']) && empty($_GET['state'])) { header('Location: ' . $codeUrl); exit(); } else { $code = $_GET['code']; if (!empty($code)) { $res = $this->get_web_access_token($info, $code); if (empty($res['errcode'])) { $data = array('access_token' => $res['access_token'], 'openid' => $res['openid']); return $data; } else { exit('授权错误,请检查公众号权限和设置'); } } } }
public function setCount($params) { if ($this->_isRequest && !IS_GET) { return true; } $params['module'] = strtolower(GROUP_NAME); $params['controller'] = strtolower(MODULE_NAME); $params['action'] = strtolower(ACTION_NAME); if ('wap' == $params['module']) { $params['token'] = empty($_GET['token']) ? session('wap_token') : $_GET['token']; } else { $params['token'] = empty($_GET['token']) ? session('token') : $_GET['token']; } $params['token'] = empty($params['token']) ? 'alltoken' : $params['token'];; $params['create_time'] = array('egt', $this->_getWeekTime()); $data = $this->where($params)->find(); if ( 'wap' == $params['module'] && 'alltoken' != $params['token']) { session('last_access_url_'.$params['token'], getSelfUrl()); } if ($data && 'alltoken' !== $params['token']) { $this->where(array('id'=>$data['id']))->setInc('count'); } else { if ('alltoken' !== $params['token']) { // 不记录没有TOKEN的页面 $params['create_time'] = array('lt', $this->_getTime() - ($this->_deleteBeforeDay*86400)); $this->where($params)->delete(); $this->add($params); } } if ('alltoken' !== $params['token']) { $params['token'] = 'alltoken'; $params['create_time'] = array('egt', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); $data = $this->where($params)->find(); if ($data) { $this->where(array('id'=>$data['id']))->setInc('count'); } else { $params['create_time'] = array('lt', $this->_getTime() - ($this->_deleteBeforeDay*86400)); $this->where($params)->delete(); $this->add($params); } } $this->_isRequest = true; }
} } else { $issue = $db->selectOneRow('bugtracker_issues', '*', "`issueid`=" . $issueid); if ($issue != null) { if ($isallowed) { if (isset($_POST['sbtAssignTo'])) { $db->update('bugtracker_issues', "`assignedto`=" . (int) $_POST['txtAssignTo'], "`issueid`=" . $issueid); if ($issue['state'] == 0) { $db->update('bugtracker_issues', "`state`=1", "`issueid`=" . $issueid); } if ($config->get('bug', 'send-mail') == '1') { $assignedToUser = $user->getUserById((int) $_POST['txtAssignTo']); $eMail->setVar('summary', $issue['summary']); $eMail->setVar('project', $db->selectOne('bugtracker_projects', 'name', "`projectid`=" . $issue['projectid'])); $eMail->setVar('issueid', $issue['issueid']); $eMail->setVar('url', getSelfUrl() . makeURL('bug', array('issueid' => $issue['issueid']))); $eMail->send($lang->get('mail_notify_assignment_subject'), $lang->get('mail_notify_assignment_text'), $assignedToUser['email']); } } if (isset($_POST['sbtSetState'])) { $db->update('bugtracker_issues', "`state`=" . (int) $_POST['txtState'], "`issueid`=" . $issueid); } if (isset($_POST['sbtRemove'])) { $db->delete('bugtracker_issues', "`issueid`=" . $issueid); redirect(makeURL($mod)); } } if (isset($_POST['sbtAddComment'])) { $comments->add($mod, $login->currentUserID(), $_POST['txtNewComment'], $issueid); } $smarty->assign('notes', $comments->get($mod, $issueid));
public function getShareData($params) { $params["moduleName"] = (empty($params["moduleName"]) ? MODULE_NAME : $params["moduleName"]); $params["moduleID"] = (empty($params["moduleID"]) ? 0 : $params["moduleID"]); $params["imgUrl"] = (empty($params["imgUrl"]) ? "" : $params["imgUrl"]); if (empty($params["sendFriendLink"])) { $params["sendFriendLink"] = stripslashes(getSelfUrl(array("wecha_id"))); } else { $params["sendFriendLink"] = stripslashes(getSelfUrl(array("wecha_id"), $params["sendFriendLink"])); } $params["tTitle"] = (empty($params["tTitle"]) ? "" : shareFilter($params["tTitle"])); $params["tContent"] = (empty($params["tContent"]) ? $params["tTitle"] : shareFilter($params["tContent"])); $shareData = str_replace("\/", "/", json_encode($params)); $html = "\t\t<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\n\t\t\t\twindow.shareData = $shareData;\r\n\t\t</script>"; return $html; }
$smarty->assign('image_path', 'templates/' . $template_path . '/images'); $smarty->assign('template_path', $template_path); // set the breadcrumbs $smarty->assign('breadcrumbs', $breadcrumbs->get(true, 'breadcrumb_element')); // notifications $smarty->assign('notify', $notify->getAll()); // assign the language array $smarty->assign('lang', $lang->getAll()); // assign core values $c['version'] = $version; $c['title'] = $config->get('core', 'title'); $head_path = './templates/head.html'; $h = fopen($head_path, 'r'); $c['head'] = fread($h, filesize($head_path)); fclose($h); $c['self_url'] = getSelfUrl(); $c['print_url'] = makeURL($_GET['mod'], array_merge($_GET, array('tpl' => 'print'))); $c['language'] = $current_language; // add meta tags $meta = $db->selectList('meta', '*', "(`language`='' OR `language`='" . $current_language . "') AND (`domainid`=0 OR `domainid`=" . $d_id . ")"); $t = ''; foreach ($meta as $m) { $t .= '<meta'; if ($m['name'] != '') { $t .= ' name="' . $m['name'] . '"'; } if ($m['http_equiv'] != '') { $t .= ' http-equiv="' . $m['http_equiv'] . '"'; } if ($m['content'] != '') { $t .= ' content="' . $m['content'] . '"';
protected function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); $this->_appid = C('appid'); $this->_secret = C('secret'); $this->time = 0; $this->token = $this->_get('token'); if (ALI_FUWU_GROUP && (date('Y') == 2015)) { $fuwuuserlist = M('fuwuuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->select(); foreach ($fuwuuserlist as $fuwuvo) { $fuwuuserinfo = M('userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $fuwuvo['wecha_id']))->find(); if ($fuwuuserinfo == '') { if ($fuwuvo['gender'] == 'M') { $fuwuvo['gender'] = 1; } else if ($fuwuvo['gender'] == 'F') { $fuwuvo['gender'] = 2; } else { $fuwuvo['gender'] = 0; } $add_userinfo_hb = array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $fuwuvo['wecha_id'], 'issub' => 1, 'portrait' => $fuwuvo['avatar'], 'truename' => $fuwuvo['real_name'], 'nickname' => $fuwuvo['real_name'], 'wechaname' => $fuwuvo['real_name'], 'sex' => $fuwuvo['gender']); $add_userinfo_hb = array_map('nulltoblank', $add_userinfo_hb); $id_userinfo = M('userinfo')->add($add_userinfo_hb); } else { if (($fuwuuserinfo['portrait'] == '') || ($fuwuuserinfo['wechaname'] == '')) { if ($fuwuvo['gender'] == 'M') { $fuwuvo['gender'] = 1; } else if ($fuwuvo['gender'] == 'F') { $fuwuvo['gender'] = 2; } else { $fuwuvo['gender'] = 0; } $save_userinfo_hb = array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $fuwuvo['wecha_id'], 'issub' => 1, 'portrait' => $fuwuvo['avatar'], 'truename' => $fuwuvo['real_name'], 'nickname' => $fuwuvo['real_name'], 'wechaname' => $fuwuvo['real_name'], 'sex' => $fuwuvo['gender']); $save_userinfo_hb = array_map('nulltoblank', $save_userinfo_hb); $up_userinfo = M('userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $fuwuvo['wecha_id']))->save($save_userinfo_hb); } } } } if (strlen($this->token)) { $_SESSION['wap_token'] = $this->token; } if (!$this->token) { $this->token = $_SESSION['wap_token']; } if (!empty($_SESSION['wap_token'])) { $this->token = $_SESSION['wap_token']; } if (!$this->token && !(strpos(MODULE_NAME, 'Drp') === false)) { $id = $this->_get('id'); if ($id) { $did = M('Distributor_store')->where(array('id' => $id))->getField('did'); $this->token = M('Distributor')->where(array('id' => $did))->getField('token'); } } $this->assign('token', $this->token); if (!$this->token) { exit('no token'); } if ($this->token && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z]{3,42}$/', $this->token)) { exit('error token'); } $this->wxuser = S('wxuser_' . $this->token); if (!$this->wxuser || 1) { $this->wxuser = D('Wxuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); S('wxuser_' . $this->token, $this->wxuser); } $this->owxuser = $this->wxuser; $this->assign('wxuser', $this->wxuser); $this->_checkVipTime($this->wxuser); $fake = 0; if (($this->wxuser['winxintype'] != 3) && $this->_appid && $this->_secret) { if ($this->wxuser['oauth'] == 1) { if (!$this->isAgent) { $this->wxuser['appid'] = trim($this->_appid); $this->wxuser['appsecret'] = trim($this->_secret); } else { $this->wxuser['appid'] = $this->thisAgent['appid']; $this->wxuser['appsecret'] = $this->thisAgent['appsecret']; } } $fake = 1; } $toAuth = 0; if ((C('server_topdomain') == '') && (C('site_url') != '')) { $toAuth = 1; } else { $toAuth = $this->wxuser['oauth']; } if ((C('server_topdomain') == '') && ($this->wxuser['winxintype'] != 3)) { $this->wxuser['appid'] = $this->_appid; $this->wxuser['appsecret'] = $this->_secret; $this->wxuser['oauth'] = 0; $this->wxuser['is_domain'] = 1; $fake = 1; } $wexintype = $this->wxuser['winxintype']; $session_openid_name = 'token_openid_' . $this->token; $session_fakeopenid_name = 'token_fakeopenid_' . $this->token; $session_reopenid_name = 'token_reopenid_' . $this->token; $session_oauthed_name = 'token_oauthed_' . $this->token; $getUserInfoModules = getUserInfoModule::index(); $getUserinfo = 0; if (isset($_GET['rget']) || intval($_GET['ali'])) { $_SESSION['otherSource'] = 1; $toAuth = 0; $this->wxuser['oauthinfo'] = 0; } if (isset($_SESSION['otherSource'])) { $toAuth = 0; } if ($this->wxuser['oauthinfo'] && !$_SESSION[$session_oauthed_name]) { if ($_SESSION[$session_openid_name]) { $fansInfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $_SESSION[$session_openid_name]))->find(); if ($toAuth) { if (!$fansInfo || !$fansInfo['wechaname'] || !$fansInfo['portrait']) { unset($_SESSION[$session_openid_name]); $getUserinfo = 1; } } } else { if (isset($_SESSION[$session_reopenid_name]) && $_SESSION[$session_reopenid_name]) { $fansInfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $_SESSION[$session_reopenid_name]))->find(); if (!$fansInfo || !$fansInfo['wechaname'] || !$fansInfo['portrait']) { unset($_SESSION[$session_openid_name]); unset($_SESSION[$session_reopenid_name]); $getUserinfo = 1; } } else { $getUserinfo = 1; } } } $this->isFuwu = 0; $this->isWechat = 0; $userAgent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if (strpos($userAgent, 'alipayclient')) { $this->isFuwu = 1; } else if (strpos($userAgent, 'micromessenger')) { $this->isWechat = 1; } if (!M('Weixin_account')->where(array('type' => 1))->find()) { M('Wxuser')->where('1')->save(array('type' => 0)); } if ($_GET['wecha_id'] && ($_GET['wecha_id'] != $_SESSION[$session_openid_name]) && (3 != $wexintype)) { unset($_SESSION[$session_openid_name]); unset($_SESSION[$session_oauthed_name]); } if ($this->isFuwu) { if ($_GET['wecha_id'] != '') { $this->wecha_id = $_GET['wecha_id']; } else { $this->wecha_id = session('wecha_id'); } session('wecha_id', $this->wecha_id); $thisfuwuuser = M('fuwuuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); $isFuwuoauth = session('isFuwuoauth'); } if ($this->isFuwu && ($isFuwuoauth != 'yes')) { $fw_wecha_id = FuwuOAuth::index($this->token); if ($fw_wecha_id != 'no') { $this->wecha_id = $fw_wecha_id; session('wecha_id', $this->wecha_id); session('isFuwuoauth', 'yes'); } else if ($this->wecha_id == '') { $this->error('服务窗没有获取粉丝信息权限<br/>请在服务窗开发者中确认开通'); exit(); } $_SESSION[$session_openid_name] = $this->wecha_id; $_SESSION[$session_oauthed_name] = 1; } $users = M('Users')->where(array('id' => $this->wxuser['uid']))->find(); if (('payReturn' == ACTION_NAME) && (0 < $users['is_syn'])) { $_SESSION[$session_openid_name] = $_GET['wecha_id']; } if (empty($_SESSION[$session_openid_name]) && (0 < $users['is_syn'])) { $_SESSION['auth_callback_' . $this->token] = array('url' => getSelfUrl(array('wecha_id')), 'token' => $this->token); $url = $users['source_domain'] . A('Home/Auth')->getCallbackUrl($users['is_syn'], 'auth') . 'token=' . $this->token . '&source=pigcms'; header('Location:' . $url); exit(); } if (!isset($_SESSION[$session_openid_name]) || !$_SESSION[$session_openid_name]) { if ($this->isFuwu) { } else { $apiOauth = new apiOauth(); if ((!$_GET['wecha_id'] || (urldecode($_GET['wecha_id']) == '{wechat_id}')) && ($_GET['wecha_id'] != 'no') && $this->wxuser['appid'] && ((($this->wxuser['type'] == 0) && ($this->wxuser['appsecret'] != '')) || ($this->wxuser['type'] == 1)) && ($toAuth == 1)) { $token_info = $apiOauth->webOauth($this->wxuser, '', $fansInfo); } if (!empty($token_info)) { $this->wecha_id = $token_info['openid']; if (3 == $wexintype) { $fake = 0; } if ($fake) { if (isset($_SESSION[$session_fakeopenid_name])) { $datainfo['issub'] = 1; $this->wecha_id = $_SESSION[$session_fakeopenid_name]; $userinfoModel = M('Userinfo'); $userinfoData = $userinfoModel->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $_SESSION[$session_fakeopenid_name]))->find(); if ($userinfoData) { $fakeUserinfoData = $userinfoModel->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $token_info['openid'], 'fakeopenid' => $token_info['openid']))->find(); if ($fakeUserinfoData) { if ($userinfoModel->where(array('id' => $fakeUserinfoData['id']))->save($this->_mergeUserinfo($userinfoData, $fakeUserinfoData))) { $userinfoModel->where(array('id' => $userinfoData['id']))->delete(); } } else { $userinfoModel->where(array('id' => $userinfoData['id']))->setField('fakeopenid', $token_info['openid']); } } else { $fakeUserinfoData = $userinfoModel->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $token_info['openid'], 'fakeopenid' => $token_info['openid']))->find(); if ($fakeUserinfoData) { $userinfoModel->where(array('id' => $fakeUserinfoData['id']))->setField('wecha_id', $_SESSION[$session_fakeopenid_name]); } } $this->wecha_id = $_SESSION[$session_fakeopenid_name]; } else { $fansInfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'fakeopenid' => $token_info['openid']))->find(); if ($fansInfo) { $this->wecha_id = $fansInfo['wecha_id']; } } } if ($this->wxuser['oauthinfo'] && (MODULE_NAME != 'Index')) { $jsonui = $apiOauth->get_fans_info($token_info['access_token'], $token_info['openid']); if (isset($jsonui['openid']) && $jsonui['openid']) { if ($fansInfo) { $exist = $fansInfo['id']; $issub = $fansInfo['issub']; } else { $existInfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); $issub = $existInfo['issub']; $exist = $existInfo['id']; } $datainfo['wechaname'] = str_replace(array('\'', '\\'), array(''), $jsonui['nickname']); $datainfo['sex'] = $jsonui['sex']; $datainfo['portrait'] = $jsonui['headimgurl']; $datainfo['token'] = $this->token; $datainfo['wecha_id'] = $jsonui['openid']; $datainfo['city'] = $jsonui['city']; $datainfo['province'] = $jsonui['province']; $datainfo['truename'] = $datainfo['wechaname']; $datainfo['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; if ($fake) { $datainfo['fakeopenid'] = $jsonui['openid']; } if (3 == $wexintype) { $datainfo['fakeopenid'] = ''; $datainfo['issub'] = $this->_issubService($datainfo['wecha_id']); } if ($exist) { D('Userinfo')->where(array('id' => $exist))->save($datainfo); } else { D('Userinfo')->add($datainfo); } } else { $this->error('授权不对哦,请重置您的appsecret!<br>' . $this->wxuser['appid'] . '<br>' . $this->wxuser['appsecret'] . '<br>' . $jsonui['errcode'], '#'); exit(); } } if (empty($this->wxuser['oauthinfo']) && (MODULE_NAME != 'Index')) { if ($fansInfo) { $exist = $fansInfo['id']; } else { $existInfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); $exist = $existInfo['id']; } $datainfo['token'] = $this->token; $datainfo['wecha_id'] = $this->wecha_id; if ($fake) { $datainfo['fakeopenid'] = $token_info['openid']; } if (3 == $wexintype) { $datainfo['fakeopenid'] = ''; $datainfo['issub'] = $this->_issubService($datainfo['wecha_id']); } if ($exist) { D('Userinfo')->where(array('id' => $exist))->save($datainfo); } else { D('Userinfo')->add($datainfo); } } $_SESSION[$session_openid_name] = $this->wecha_id; $_SESSION[$session_oauthed_name] = 1; } else { $this->wecha_id = $this->_get('wecha_id'); if ($fake && $toAuth && !isset($_GET['isappinstalled'])) { $_SESSION[$session_fakeopenid_name] = $this->wecha_id; } if (!$toAuth) { $_SESSION[$session_openid_name] = $this->wecha_id; } if (isset($_GET['wecha_id']) && strlen($_GET['wecha_id']) && $toAuth) { $get_parms = $_GET; unset($get_parms['wecha_id']); $get_parm_str = ''; if ($get_parms) { $comma = ''; foreach ($get_parms as $gpk => $gpv) { $get_parm_str .= $comma . $gpk . '=' . $gpv; $comma = '&'; } } $get_parm_str .= '&g=' . GROUP_NAME . '&m=' . MODULE_NAME . '&a=' . ACTION_NAME; $_SESSION[$session_reopenid_name] = $this->wecha_id; header('Location:' . $this->siteUrl . '/index.php?' . $get_parm_str); exit(); } } } } else { $this->wecha_id = $_SESSION[$session_openid_name]; } if ($_GET['yundabao'] == 1) { cookie('yundabao', '1', 31536000); } $yundabao = cookie('yundabao'); if ($yundabao != '1') { if ($this->wecha_id && !preg_match('/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-\\s]{3,82}$/', $this->wecha_id)) { exit('error openid:' . $this->wecha_id); } } if (!$this->wecha_id) { $this->wecha_id = $this->_get('wecha_id'); } $this->assign('wecha_id', $this->wecha_id); //$fansInfo = S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->wecha_id);//导致会员卡连接充值数据不实时, if (!$fansInfo) { $fansInfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); } $advanceInfo = M('Wechat_group_list')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'openid' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if ($advanceInfo) { $fansInfo['nickname'] = $advanceInfo['nickname']; if (!$fansInfo['wechaname']) { $fansInfo['wechaname'] = $advanceInfo['nickname']; } $fansInfo['sex'] = $advanceInfo['sex']; $fansInfo['province'] = $advanceInfo['province']; $fansInfo['city'] = $advanceInfo['city']; } if ($this->isFuwu) { $ali_userinfo_list = M('Userinfo')->where(array( 'token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => array('like', '%z_%') ))->select(); $ali_wecha_id_array = array(); foreach ($ali_userinfo_list as $alivo) { if (in_array($alivo['wecha_id'], $ali_wecha_id_array)) { $del_ali_userinfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'id' => $alivo['id'], 'wecha_id' => $alivo['wecha_id']))->delete(); } else { $ali_wecha_id_array[] = $alivo['wecha_id']; } } $FuwuUserInfo = M('fuwuuser')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if ($FuwuUserInfo['gender'] == 'M') { $FuwuUserInfo['gender'] = 1; } else if ($FuwuUserInfo['gender'] == 'F') { $FuwuUserInfo['gender'] = 2; } else { $FuwuUserInfo['gender'] = 0; } if ($FuwuUserInfo['real_name'] != '') { $is_userinfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->find(); if ($is_userinfo == '') { $add_userinfo = array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id, 'issub' => 1, 'portrait' => $FuwuUserInfo['avatar'], 'truename' => $FuwuUserInfo['real_name'], 'nickname' => $FuwuUserInfo['real_name'], 'wechaname' => $FuwuUserInfo['real_name'], 'sex' => $FuwuUserInfo['gender']); $add_userinfo = array_map('nulltoblank', $add_userinfo); $id_Userinfo = M('Userinfo')->add($add_userinfo); } else if ($fansInfo['issub'] == 0) { $up_Userinfo = M('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->save(array('issub' => 1)); } if ($fansInfo['wechaname'] == '') { $fansInfo['wechaname'] = $FuwuUserInfo['real_name']; } if ($fansInfo['portrait'] == '') { $fansInfo['portrait'] = $FuwuUserInfo['avatar']; } if ($fansInfo['nickname'] == '') { $fansInfo['nickname'] = $FuwuUserInfo['real_name']; } if ($fansInfo['truename'] == '') { $fansInfo['truename'] = $FuwuUserInfo['real_name']; } if ($fansInfo['tel'] == '') { $fansInfo['tel'] = $FuwuUserInfo['mobile']; } } } S('fans_' . $this->token . '_' . $this->wecha_id, $fansInfo); $this->fans = $fansInfo; $this->assign('fans', $fansInfo); $homeInfo = S('homeinfo_' . $this->token); if (!$homeInfo || 1) { $homeInfo = M('home')->where(array('token' => $this->token))->find(); S('homeinfo_' . $this->token, $homeInfo); } $this->homeInfo = $homeInfo; $this->assign('homeInfo', $this->homeInfo); $catemenu = S('bottomMenus_' . $this->token); if (!$catemenu || 1) { $catemenu_db = M('catemenu'); $catemenu = $catemenu_db->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'status' => 1))->order('orderss desc')->select(); S('bottomMenus_' . $this->token, $catemenu); } $menures = array(); if ($catemenu) { $res = array(); $rescount = 0; foreach ($catemenu as $val) { $val['url'] = $this->getLink($val['url']); $res[$val['id']] = $val; if ($val['fid'] == 0) { $val['vo'] = array(); $menures[$val['id']] = $val; $menures[$val['id']]['k'] = $rescount; $rescount++; } } foreach ($catemenu as $val) { $val['url'] = $this->getLink($val['url']); if (0 < $val['fid']) { array_push($menures[$val['fid']]['vo'], $val); } } } $catemenu = $menures; $this->bottomeMenus = $catemenu; $this->assign('catemenu', $this->bottomeMenus); $radiogroup = $homeInfo['radiogroup']; if ($radiogroup == false) { $radiogroup = 0; } $cateMenuFileName = 'tpl/Wap/default/Index_menuStyle' . $radiogroup . '.html'; $this->assign('cateMenuFileName', $cateMenuFileName); $this->assign('radiogroup', $radiogroup); $this->user = S('user_' . $this->wxuser['uid']); if (!$this->user || 1) { $this->user = D('Users')->find(intval($this->wxuser['uid'])); S('user_' . $this->wxuser['uid'], $this->user); } $this->assign('user', $this->user); $this->group = S('group_' . $this->user['gid']); if (!$this->group || 1) { $this->group = M('User_group')->where(array('id' => intval($this->user['gid'])))->find(); S('group_' . $this->user['gid'], $this->group); } $this->assign('group', $this->group); $this->company = S('company_' . $this->token); if (!$this->company || 1) { $company_db = M('company'); $this->company = $company_db->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'isbranch' => 0))->find(); S('company_' . $this->token, $this->company); } $this->assign('company', $this->company); $this->copyright = $this->group['iscopyright']; $this->assign('iscopyright', $this->copyright); $this->assign('siteCopyright', C('copyright')); $this->assign('copyright', $this->copyright); $share = new WechatShare($this->wxuser, $this->wecha_id); $this->shareScript = $share->getSgin(); $this->assign('shareScript', $this->shareScript); $this->fakeopenid = D('Userinfo')->where(array('token' => $this->token, 'wecha_id' => $this->wecha_id))->getField('fakeopenid'); }
public function getShareData($params = array()) { $params['moduleName'] = empty($params['moduleName']) ? MODULE_NAME : $params['moduleName']; $params['moduleID'] = empty($params['moduleID']) ? 0 : $params['moduleID']; $params['imgUrl'] = empty($params['imgUrl']) ? '' : $params['imgUrl']; if (empty($params['sendFriendLink'])) { $params['sendFriendLink'] = stripslashes(getSelfUrl(array('wecha_id'))); } else { $params['sendFriendLink'] = stripslashes(getSelfUrl(array('wecha_id'), $params['sendFriendLink'])); } $params['tTitle'] = empty($params['tTitle']) ? '' : shareFilter($params['tTitle']); $params['tContent'] = empty($params['tContent']) ? $params['tTitle'] : shareFilter($params['tContent']); $shareData = str_replace('\\/', '/', json_encode($params)); $html = ' <script type="text/javascript">' . "\r\n" . ' window.shareData = ' . $shareData . ';' . "\r\n" . ' </script>'; return $html; }