コード例 #1
ファイル: edit_words.php プロジェクト: MaVince/lwt
        $wid = get_last_key();
    } else {
        $oldstatus = $_REQUEST["WoOldStatus"];
        $newstatus = $_REQUEST["WoStatus"];
        $xx = '';
        if ($oldstatus != $newstatus) {
            $xx = ', WoStatus = ' . $newstatus . ', WoStatusChanged = NOW()';
        $wid = $_REQUEST["WoID"] + 0;
        $message = runsql('update ' . $tbpref . 'words set WoText = ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($_REQUEST["WoText"]) . ', WoTextLC = ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax(mb_strtolower($_REQUEST["WoText"], 'UTF-8')) . ', WoTranslation = ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($translation) . ', WoSentence = ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax(repl_tab_nl($_REQUEST["WoSentence"])) . ', WoRomanization = ' . convert_string_to_sqlsyntax($_REQUEST["WoRomanization"]) . $xx . ',' . make_score_random_insert_update('u') . ' where WoID = ' . $_REQUEST["WoID"], "Updated", $sqlerrdie = FALSE);
// NEW
if (isset($_REQUEST['new']) && isset($_REQUEST['lang'])) {
    $scrdir = getScriptDirectionTag($_REQUEST['lang']);

	<h4>New Term</h4>
	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/unloadformcheck.js" charset="utf-8"></script>	
	<form name="newword" class="validate" action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
" method="post">
	<input type="hidden" name="WoLgID" id="langfield" value="<?php 
    echo $_REQUEST['lang'];
" />
	<table class="tab3" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
	<td class="td1 right">Language:</td>
コード例 #2
ファイル: edit_tword.php プロジェクト: russell359/lwt
        $lang = $record['WoLgID'];
        $transl = repl_tab_nl($record['WoTranslation']);
        if ($transl == '*') {
            $transl = '';
        $sentence = repl_tab_nl($record['WoSentence']);
        $rom = $record['WoRomanization'];
        $status = $record['WoStatus'];
    } else {
        die("Error: No results");
    $termlc = mb_strtolower($term, 'UTF-8');
    $titeltext = "Edit Term: " . tohtml($term);
    $scrdir = getScriptDirectionTag($lang);
<form name="editword" class="validate" action="<?php 
    echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="WoID" value="<?php 
    echo $wid;
" />
<input type="hidden" name="WoOldStatus" value="<?php 
    echo $status;
" />
<input type="hidden" name="WoTextLC" value="<?php 
コード例 #3
ファイル: edit_texts.php プロジェクト: nahabi4/lwt
		</select> <img src="icn/status-busy.png" title="Field must not be empty" alt="Field must not be empty" />
		<td class="td1 right">Title:</td>
		<td class="td1"><input type="text" class="notempty" name="TxTitle" value="<?php 
        echo tohtml($record['TxTitle']);
" maxlength="200" size="60" /> <img src="icn/status-busy.png" title="Field must not be empty" alt="Field must not be empty" /></td>
		<td class="td1 right">Text:<br /><br />(max.<br />65,000<br />bytes)</td>
		<td class="td1">
		<textarea <?php 
        echo getScriptDirectionTag($record['TxLgID']);
 name="TxText" class="notempty checkbytes" data_maxlength="65000" data_info="Text" cols="60" rows="20"><?php 
        echo tohtml($record['TxText']);
</textarea> <img src="icn/status-busy.png" title="Field must not be empty" alt="Field must not be empty" />
		<td class="td1 right">Ann.Text:</td>
		<td class="td1">
        echo $record['annotlen'] ? '<img src="icn/tick.png" title="With Improved Annotation" alt="With Improved Annotation" /> Exists - May be partially or fully lost if you change the text!<br /><input type="button" value="Print/Edit..." onclick="location.href=\'print_impr_text.php?text=' . $_REQUEST['chg'] . '\';" />' : '<img src="icn/cross.png" title="No Improved Annotation" alt="No Improved Annotation" /> - None | <input type="button" value="Create/Print..." onclick="location.href=\'print_impr_text.php?edit=1&amp;text=' . $_REQUEST['chg'] . '\';" />';
コード例 #4
ファイル: long_text_import.php プロジェクト: nahabi4/lwt
                    $textstring = str_replace("¶", "\n", implode(" ", $item));
                    $bytes = strlen($textstring);
			<td class="td1 right"><b>Text <?php 
                    echo $textno + 1;
:</b><br /><br /><br />Length:<br /><?php 
                    echo $bytes;
<br />Bytes</td>
			<td class="td1">
			<textarea readonly="readonly" <?php 
                    echo getScriptDirectionTag($langid);
                    echo $textno;
]" cols="60" rows="10"><?php 
                    echo str_replace('¶', "\n", str_replace("¶ ", "\n", implode(" ", $item)));
コード例 #5
ファイル: show_word.php プロジェクト: Fips11/lwt
$wid = getreq('wid');
$ann = stripTheSlashesIfNeeded($_REQUEST["ann"]);
if ($wid == '') {
    my_die('Word not found in show_word.php');
$sql = 'select WoLgID, WoText, WoTranslation, WoSentence, WoRomanization, WoStatus from ' . $tbpref . 'words where WoID = ' . $wid;
$res = do_mysql_query($sql);
if ($record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    $transl = repl_tab_nl($record['WoTranslation']);
    if ($transl == '*') {
        $transl = '';
    $tags = getWordTagList($wid, '', 0, 0);
    $rom = $record['WoRomanization'];
    $scrdir = getScriptDirectionTag($record['WoLgID']);

<table class="tab2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<td class="td1 right" style="width:30px;">Term:</td>
<td class="td1" style="font-size:120%;" <?php 
    echo $scrdir;
    echo tohtml($record['WoText']);