コード例 #1
function _getRecords_getQuery($options, $schema)
    // create fieldlist
    $selectFields = "`{$options['tableName']}`.*";
    // add left joins
    $LEFT_JOIN = '';
    if (@$options['leftJoin']) {
        // Fix $_REQUEST keys containing tablename
        // add qualified fieldsnames to schema
        foreach (array_keys(getSchemaFields($schema)) as $fieldname) {
            $schema["{$options['tableName']}.{$fieldname}"] = $schema[$fieldname];
            $schema["{$options['tableName']}.{$fieldname}"]['name'] = $fieldname;
        foreach ($options['leftJoin'] as $foreignTable => $foreignKey) {
            /* get ON condition
             *  Modified pregmatch statment:
             *  \b= match 'ON ' anywhere in string.
             *  /i= don't match case.
             *  \s= space
            if (preg_match("/\\bON\\s/i", $foreignKey)) {
                $ON_CONDITION = $foreignKey;
            } else {
                $ON_CONDITION = "ON {$options['tableName']}.`{$foreignKey}` = {$foreignTable}.num";
            // add left join
            $LEFT_JOIN .= "LEFT JOIN `{$TABLE_PREFIX}{$foreignTable}` AS `{$foreignTable}` {$ON_CONDITION}\n";
            // add fieldnames to SELECT
            $foreignSchemaFields = getSchemaFields($foreignTable);
            $validFieldTypes = array('textfield', 'textbox', 'wysiwyg', 'date', 'list', 'checkbox');
            foreach (array_keys($foreignSchemaFields) as $fieldname) {
                if (in_array(@$foreignSchemaFields[$fieldname]['type'], $validFieldTypes) || @$fieldname == 'num') {
                    $selectFields .= ",\n                           {$foreignTable}.`{$fieldname}` as `{$foreignTable}.{$fieldname}`";
                // Fix $_REQUEST keys containing tablename
                // add fieldnames to schema
                $schema["{$foreignTable}.{$fieldname}"] = $foreignSchemaFields[$fieldname];
                $schema["{$foreignTable}.{$fieldname}"]['name'] = $fieldname;
    // create where
    $where = @$options['where'];
    if ($options['allowSearch']) {
        $defaultWhere = _createDefaultWhereWithFormInput($schema, '', $options);
        if ($options['requireSearchMatch'] && !$defaultWhere) {
            $defaultWhere = "0 = 1";
        // always false
        if (!$where) {
            $where = $defaultWhere;
        } elseif ($where && $defaultWhere) {
            $where = "({$where}) AND ({$defaultWhere})";
        // v2.51 Fixed potential AND/OR precedence issue by adding () AND ()
    if (@$schema['createdByUserNum'] && @$schema['_hideRecordsFromDisabledAccounts'] && !@$options['includeDisabledAccounts']) {
        if ($where) {
            $where .= " AND ";
        $subquery = "SELECT num FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}accounts` WHERE disabled != 1 AND (expiresDate > NOW() OR neverExpires = 1)";
        $where .= "{$options['tableName']}.createdByUserNum IN ({$subquery})";
    $where = _addWhereConditionsForSpecialFields($schema, $where, $options, $options['tableName']);
    // adds WHERE to beginning of string, do this LAST
    if (@$options['orWhere']) {
        $where = preg_replace("/^\\s*WHERE\\s*/i", '', $where);
        // remove WHERE keyword
        if ($where) {
            $where = "({$where}) OR {$options['orWhere']}";
        } else {
            $where = $options['orWhere'];
        if ($where) {
            $where = "\nWHERE {$where}";
    // add select expr
    if (@$options['addSelectExpr']) {
        $selectFields .= ", {$options['addSelectExpr']}";
    // create query
    $query = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS {$selectFields}\n";
    $query .= "FROM `{$TABLE_PREFIX}{$options['tableName']}` as `{$options['tableName']}`\n";
    $query .= $LEFT_JOIN;
    $query .= "{$where}\n";
    $query .= @$options['groupBy'] ? " GROUP BY {$options['groupBy']}" : '';
    $query .= @$options['having'] ? " HAVING {$options['having']}" : '';
    $query .= @$options['orderBy'] ? " ORDER BY {$options['orderBy']}" : '';
    if (@$options['limit']) {
        $query .= "\n LIMIT " . (int) $options['limit'];
    if (@$options['offset']) {
        $query .= "\nOFFSET " . (int) $options['offset'];
    if (@$options['debugSql']) {
        print "<xmp>{$query}</xmp>";
    return $query;
コード例 #2
function _getRecordValuesFromFormInput($fieldPrefix = '')
    global $schema, $CURRENT_USER, $tableName, $isMyAccountMenu;
    $recordValues = array();
    $specialFields = array('num', 'createdDate', 'createdByUserNum', 'updatedDate', 'updatedByUserNum');
    // load schema columns
    foreach (getSchemaFields($schema) as $fieldname => $fieldSchema) {
        if (!userHasFieldAccess($fieldSchema)) {
        // skip fields that the user has no access to
        if ($tableName == 'accounts' && $fieldname == 'isAdmin' && !$CURRENT_USER['isAdmin']) {
        // skip admin only fields
        // special cases: don't let user set values for:
        if (in_array($fieldname, $specialFields)) {
        if ($isMyAccountMenu) {
            if (@(!$fieldSchema['myAccountField'])) {
            // my account - skip fields not displayed or allowed to be edited in "my account"
            if ($fieldname == 'password' && !@$_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . 'password']) {
            // my account - skip password field if no value submitted
        switch (@$fieldSchema['type']) {
            case 'textfield':
            case 'wysiwyg':
            case 'checkbox':
            case 'parentCategory':
                $recordValues[$fieldname] = $_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . $fieldname];
            case 'textbox':
                $fieldValue = $_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . $fieldname];
                if ($fieldSchema['autoFormat']) {
                    $fieldValue = preg_replace("/\r\n|\n/", "<br/>\n", $fieldValue);
                    // add break tags
                $recordValues[$fieldname] = $fieldValue;
            case 'date':
                $recordValues[$fieldname] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $_REQUEST["{$fieldPrefix}{$fieldname}:year"], $_REQUEST["{$fieldPrefix}{$fieldname}:mon"], $_REQUEST["{$fieldPrefix}{$fieldname}:day"], _getHour24ValueFromDateInput($fieldPrefix . $fieldname), (int) @$_REQUEST["{$fieldPrefix}{$fieldname}:min"], (int) @$_REQUEST["{$fieldPrefix}{$fieldname}:sec"]);
            case 'list':
                if (is_array(@$_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . $fieldname]) && @$_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . $fieldname]) {
                    // store multi-value fields as tab delimited with leading/trailing tabs
                    // for easy matching of single values - LIKE "%\tvalue\t%"
                    $recordValues[$fieldname] = "\t" . join("\t", $_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . $fieldname]) . "\t";
                } else {
                    $recordValues[$fieldname] = @$_REQUEST[$fieldPrefix . $fieldname];
            case 'upload':
                // images need to be loaded with seperate function call.
            case 'dateCalendar':
                // ignored fields
            // ignored fields
            case '':
                // ignore these fields when saving user input
            // ignore these fields when saving user input
            case 'none':
                // ...
            // ...
            case 'separator':
                // ...
            // ...
            case 'relatedRecords':
                // ...
            // ...
            case 'accessList':
                // ...
                die(__FUNCTION__ . ": field '{$fieldname}' has unknown field type '" . @$fieldSchema['type'] . "'");
    return $recordValues;
コード例 #3
    function getTableRow($record, $value, $formType)
        global $isMyAccountMenu;
        $parentTable = $GLOBALS['menu'];
        // set field attributes
        $relatedTable = $this->relatedTable;
        $relatedWhere = getEvalOutput(@$this->relatedWhere);
        $seeMoreLink = @$this->relatedMoreLink ? "?menu={$relatedTable}&amp;search=1&amp;_ignoreSavedSearch=1&amp;" . getEvalOutput($this->relatedMoreLink) : '';
        // load list functions
        require_once "lib/menus/default/list_functions.php";
        require_once "lib/viewer_functions.php";
        // save and update globals
        list($originalMenu, $originalTableName, $originalSchema) = array($GLOBALS['menu'], $GLOBALS['tableName'], $GLOBALS['schema']);
        $GLOBALS['menu'] = $relatedTable;
        $GLOBALS['tableName'] = $relatedTable;
        $GLOBALS['schema'] = loadSchema($relatedTable);
        $GLOBALS['schema'] = array_merge($GLOBALS['schema'], getSchemaFields($GLOBALS['schema']));
        // v2.16+, add pseudo-fields name and _tableName to all fieldSchemas.  Doing this once here instead of every time in loadSchema() is less expensive
        // load list data
        list($listFields, $records, $metaData) = list_functions_init(array('isRelatedRecords' => true, 'tableName' => $relatedTable, 'where' => $relatedWhere, 'perPage' => @$this->relatedLimit));
        ### show header
        $html = '';
        $recordCount = count($records);
        $oneOrZero = $recordCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
        $seeMoreHTML = $seeMoreLink ? "<br/><a href='{$seeMoreLink}'>" . htmlencode(t("see related records >>")) . "</a>" : '';
        $showingText = sprintf(t('Showing %1$s - %2$s of %3$s related records'), $oneOrZero, $recordCount, $metaData['totalRecords']);
<tr><td colspan="2">
  <div class="clear"></div>
  <div class="content-box">

    <div class="content-box-header">
      <div style="float:right; text-align: right; line-height: 110%">
        echo $showingText;
        echo $seeMoreHTML;
        echo $this->label;
<!-- --></h3>
      <div class="clear"></div>
    </div> <!-- End .content-box-header -->

    <div class="content-box-content">
        $html .= ob_get_clean();
        ### show body
        // show list
        showListTable($listFields, $records, array('isRelatedRecords' => true, 'showView' => @$this->relatedView, 'showModify' => @$this->relatedModify, 'showErase' => @$this->relatedErase, 'showCreate' => @$this->relatedCreate));
        $html .= ob_get_clean();
        ### get footer
        $buttonsRight = '';
        if (@$this->relatedCreate) {
            // show "create" button for related records
            $buttonsRight = relatedRecordsButton(t('Create'), "?menu={$relatedTable}&action=edit&{$parentTable}Num=###");
        $tableName = $relatedTable;
        $isRelatedTable = true;
        $buttonsRight = applyFilters('list_buttonsRight', $buttonsRight, $tableName, $isRelatedTable);
        $html .= <<<__FOOTER__

    <div style='float:right; padding-top: 3px'>
    <div class='clear'></div>

    </div><!-- End .content-box-content -->
  </div><!-- End .content-box -->
        // reset globals
        list($GLOBALS['menu'], $GLOBALS['tableName'], $GLOBALS['schema']) = array($originalMenu, $originalTableName, $originalSchema);
        return $html;
コード例 #4

// load libraries
require_once "lib/menus/default/common.php";
require_once file_exists('lib/wysiwyg_custom.php') ? 'lib/wysiwyg_custom.php' : 'lib/wysiwyg.php';
// set globals
global $TABLE_PREFIX, $tableName, $escapedTableName, $action, $schema, $CURRENT_USER, $hasEditorAccess, $hasAuthorAccess, $hasViewerAccess, $hasViewerAccessOnly, $hasAuthorViewerAccess, $isMyAccountMenu, $isSingleMenu;
$isMyAccountMenu = $menu == '_myaccount';
$tableName = $isMyAccountMenu ? 'accounts' : $menu;
$schema = loadSchema($tableName);
$schema = array_merge($schema, getSchemaFields($schema));
// v2.16+, add pseudo-fields name and _tableName to all fieldSchemas.  Doing this once here instead of every time in loadSchema() is less expensive
$escapedTableName = mysql_escape($TABLE_PREFIX . $tableName);
$hasEditorAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 9;
$hasAuthorAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 6;
$hasViewerAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 3;
$hasViewerAccessOnly = userSectionAccess($tableName) == 3;
$hasAuthorViewerAccess = userSectionAccess($tableName) >= 7;
$isSingleMenu = @$schema['menuType'] == 'single';
// get action
if ($isSingleMenu && $hasAuthorAccess) {
    $_defaultAction = 'edit';
} elseif ($isSingleMenu && $hasViewerAccess) {
    $_defaultAction = 'view';
} else {
    $_defaultAction = 'list';
$action = getRequestedAction($_defaultAction);
doAction('section_init', $tableName, $action);