function manageSubjects($config, $parameters) { if (!isset($_SESSION['uname']) || isset($_SESSION['urole']) && 3 != $_SESSION['urole']) { header('Location: /'); exit; } $userName = $_SESSION['uname']; loadModel('models/Students'); $profile = getStudentByStudentUserName($config, $userName); if (!$profile['status']) { return ['status' => false, 'message' => 'Invalid student profile found.']; } $student = $profile['student']; loadModel('models/Subjects'); $remainingSubjects = getSubjectsNotTakenByStudent($config, $student['ID']); if (!$remainingSubjects['status']) { return ['status' => false, 'message' => 'An error occured while trying to get remaining subjects.']; } if ('POST' == getRequestMethod()) { if (!isset($_SESSION['uname'])) { header('Location: /students'); } $studentName = $_SESSION['uname']; $result = addSubjectsToStudent($config, array_merge(['UserName' => $studentName], $_POST)); $_SESSION['addStatus'] = $result['status']; $_SESSION['addStatusMessage'] = $result['message']; header('Location: /students'); } return $remainingSubjects; }
function add($config, $parameters) { loadModel('models/Subjects'); loadModel('models/Students'); $subjects = getAllSubjects($config); if (!$subjects['status']) { $subjects['subjects'] = []; } if ('POST' == getRequestMethod()) { $result = addStudent($config, $_POST); $_SESSION['addStatus'] = $result['status']; $_SESSION['addStatusMessage'] = $result['message']; header('Location: /students'); } return ['status' => true, 'message' => 'An error occured while trying to retrieve Student records.', 'subjects' => $subjects['subjects']]; }
function index($config, $parameters) { if ('POST' == getRequestMethod()) { $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? $_POST['username'] : null; $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? sha1($_POST['password']) : null; loadModel('models/Users'); $result = checkLogin($config, $username, $password); if ($result['status']) { if (isset($result['user'])) { $_SESSION['uname'] = $result['user']['UserName']; $_SESSION['urole'] = $result['user']['UserRole']['ID']; header('Location: /'); exit; } } else { return ['status' => true, 'message' => $result['message'], 'invalid' => true]; } } return ['status' => true, 'message' => 'Index action completed for controller Home.', 'data' => []]; }
function isGet() { return strtolower(getRequestMethod()) == 'get' ? true : false; }
$clientPrivateKey = $_SERVER['AWS_SECRET_KEY']; // These two keys are only needed if the delete file feature is enabled // or if you are, for example, confirming the file size in a successEndpoint // handler via S3's SDK, as we are doing in this example. $serverPublicKey = $_SERVER['PARAM1']; $serverPrivateKey = $_SERVER['PARAM2']; // The following variables are used when validating the policy document // sent by the uploader: $expectedBucketName = ""; // $expectedMaxSize is the value you set the sizeLimit property of the // validation option. We assume it is `null` here. If you are performing // validation, then change this to match the integer value you specified // otherwise your policy document will be invalid. // $expectedMaxSize = 15000000; $method = getRequestMethod(); // This first conditional will only ever evaluate to true in a // CORS environment if ($method == 'OPTIONS') { handlePreflight(); } else { if ($method == "DELETE") { handlePreflightedRequest(); // only needed in a CORS environment deleteObject(); } else { if ($method == 'POST') { handlePreflightedRequest(); // Assumes the successEndpoint has a parameter of "success" associated with it, // to allow the server to differentiate between a successEndpoint request // and other POST requests (all requests are sent to the same endpoint in this example).
function handleRequest($handlerArray) { $method = getRequestMethod(); debug("Request method: {$method}"); $handler = $handlerArray[$method]; if ($handler != null) { $handler(); } else { badRequest("Method not supported: " . $method); } }