コード例 #1
ファイル: report_m.php プロジェクト: kostya1017/our
 private function _getDailyPriceAverage($tableName, $merchantJoin, $report_where, $i, $where, $productUPC, $lookup_store_id)
     $averageQuery = "SELECT d.*, p.title, p.id\n\t\t\tFROM {$tableName} d\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN products p ON d.upc = p.upc_code\n\t\t\t{$merchantJoin}\n\t\t\tWHERE d.date BETWEEN '" . date("Y-m-d", $report_where['date_from']) . "' AND '" . date("Y-m-d", $report_where['date_to']) . "'\n\t\t\tAND p.id=" . $report_where['product_ids'][$i] . $where;
     $average = $this->db->query($averageQuery)->result();
     $range['start'] = $report_where['date_from'];
     $range['end'] = $report_where['date_to'];
     if (count($average) > 0) {
         foreach ($average as $row) {
             $wholeSale = getPricePoint($productUPC, $lookup_store_id, 'wholesale_price', '', $range);
             $retail = getPricePoint($productUPC, $lookup_store_id, 'retail_price', '', $range);
             $map = getPricePoint($productUPC, $lookup_store_id, 'price_floor', '', $range);
             $idxMarketPlace = strtolower($row->marketplace);
             $this->finalData[$report_where['product_ids'][$i]][$idxMarketPlace][] = array('marketplace' => $row->marketplace, 'upc' => $row->upc, 'price' => floatval($row->price_total / $row->seller_total), 'wholesale' => $wholeSale, 'retail' => $retail, 'title' => $row->title, 'map' => $map, 'dt' => strtotime($row->date), 'timestamp' => $row->date, 'date' => (string) $row->date, 'prod_id' => $report_where['product_ids'][$i]);
コード例 #2
ファイル: violations_m.php プロジェクト: kostya1017/our
 function searchProductPricingViolations($request_info = array(), $skip_product_id = false)
     //create range key from cron log
     $from = $request_info['date_from'];
     $to = $request_info['date_to'];
     $crons = getLast24HoursCronIds($from, $to);
     $last24HoursCronsData = getLast24HoursCronLog($crons);
     foreach ($last24HoursCronsData as $l24hCD) {
         if (strtotime($l24hCD->start_datetime) < $from) {
             $from = strtotime($l24hCD->start_datetime);
         if ($l24hCD->end_datetime != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' && strtotime($l24hCD->end_datetime) > $to) {
             $to = strtotime($l24hCD->end_datetime);
     // TODO: competitor_map
     if (!empty($request_info['competitor_map'])) {
         // get the intersection of the two sets of merchants
         $sql = "SELECT cmn.id\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . $this->_table_products . " p\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->_table_crowl_product_list . " cpl ON cpl.upc=p.upc_code\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . $this->_table_crowl_merchant_name . " cmn ON cmn.id=cpl.merchant_name_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE p.id = ?";
         $merchant_query = $sql . " AND cmn.id IN ({$sql})";
         $merchants_intersection = array();
         $lookup_merchants = array();
         foreach ($request_info['competitor_map'] as $prodId => $owner_product) {
             $result = $this->db->query($merchant_query, array($prodId, $owner_product['id']))->result_array();
             for ($i = 0, $n = count($result); $i < $n; $i++) {
                 $merchant_id = $result[$i]['id'];
                 $merchants_intersection[$merchant_id] = true;
         // get the intersection of merchants filter and the set we just made
         if (isset($request_info['merchants'][0]) and $request_info['merchants'][0] !== 'all') {
             foreach ($request_info['merchants'] as $merchant_id) {
                 if (isset($merchants_intersection[$merchant_id])) {
                     $lookup_merchants[$merchant_id] = true;
         } else {
             $lookup_merchants = $merchants_intersection;
         $request_info['merchants'] = array_keys($lookup_merchants);
     $where = '1=1';
     $MarketFilter = array();
     $orderBy = '';
     $orderByTmp = 'products.id';
     $whereVals = requestInfoWhereValues($request_info, $MarketFilter, $orderByTmp);
     if (!$skip_product_id and isset($whereVals['products'])) {
         $request_info['product_ids'] = array_filter($request_info['product_ids']);
         $where .= ' AND products.id ' . $whereVals['products'];
         $orderBy = " ORDER BY {$orderByTmp} ";
     if (isset($whereVals['marketplaces'])) {
         $where .= ' AND crowl_merchant_name_new.marketplace ' . $whereVals['marketplaces'];
         $MarketFilter = $whereVals['marketplaces'];
     if (isset($whereVals['merchants'])) {
         $where .= ' AND crowl_merchant_name_new.id ' . $whereVals['merchants'];
     if (isset($whereVals['store'])) {
         $where .= ' AND products.store_id ' . $whereVals['store'];
     //TODO: change hashkey to sellerId instead of merchant_name
     $productQuery = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\tconcat(crowl_merchant_name_new.seller_id,'#',crowl_product_list_new.upc) as hashKey,\n\t\t\t\tcrowl_merchant_name_new.seller_id,\n\t\t\t\tproducts.upc_code,\n\t\t\t\tproducts.id,\n\t\t\t\tproducts.store_id,\n\t\t\t\tcrowl_merchant_name_new.merchant_name,\n\t\t\t\tcrowl_merchant_name_new.original_name\n\t\t\tFROM crowl_product_list_new\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN crowl_merchant_name_new ON crowl_merchant_name_new.id = crowl_product_list_new.merchant_name_id\n\t\t\tLEFT JOIN products ON products.upc_code = crowl_product_list_new.upc\n\t\t\tWHERE {$where}\n\t\t\tGROUP BY hashKey\n\t\t\t{$orderBy}";
     //echo "<pre>$productQuery<br>\n";exit;
     $products = $this->db->query($productQuery)->result();
     $finalProductsArray = array();
     foreach ($products as $product) {
         //TODO: store these two data inside the product_trends table instead
         $retailPricePoint = getPricePoint($product->upc_code, $product->store_id, 'retail_price');
         $wholesalePricePoint = getPricePoint($product->upc_code, $product->store_id, 'wholesale_price');
         // get the "nosql" data
         $priceTrends = $this->ProductsTrends->get_by_hashkey_and_date_range_and_marketplace($product->hashKey, $from, $to, $MarketFilter);
         foreach ($priceTrends->result_object() as $priceTrend) {
             //safety hack to not show incorrect violations
             if ((double) $priceTrend->mpo >= (double) $priceTrend->ap) {
             $violationTrendArray = array('productId' => (int) $product->id, 'upc_code' => (string) $product->upc_code, 'retail' => (double) $retailPricePoint, 'wholesale' => (double) $wholesalePricePoint, 'price' => (double) $priceTrend->mpo, 'map' => (double) $priceTrend->ap, 'title' => (string) $priceTrend->t, 'marketplace' => (string) $priceTrend->ar, 'url' => (string) $priceTrend->l, 'timestamp' => (int) $priceTrend->dt, 'hash_key' => (string) $product->hashKey, 'merchant_id' => (string) $product->seller_id, 'date' => (string) date('m/d/Y G:i:s', (int) $priceTrend->dt), 'shot' => (string) $priceTrend->ss);
             $finalProductsArray[$product->id][] = $violationTrendArray;
     return $finalProductsArray;
コード例 #3
ファイル: crowl_m.php プロジェクト: kostya1017/our
 private function _retailer_lookup($api, $search_url, $upcs, $floor_price, $cron_log_id, $store_id)
     //$search_url = "http://www.amazon.com";
     //$api = 'amazon';
     //echo "\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
     //echo "_retailer_lookup(".print_r($upcs,true);//.",
     //floor_price: ".print_r($floor_price,true).",
     //cron_log_id: $cron_log_id,
     //store_id: $store_id)";
     foreach ($upcs as $key => $upc) {
         /*only one index, always*/
     if (empty($upc)) {
         log_message('error', "Missing UPC, {$api} " . print_r($upcs, true));
     $retailer_data = $this->_spider_search($upc, $api, $search_url);
     //echo "retailer_data: \n";
     if (empty($retailer_data)) {
         $this->updateUPCFlag($upc, $api, '0');
         log_message('info', "upc {$upc} not found in {$api}");
     $price_floor = getPricePoint($upc, $store_id, 'price_floor', time());
     // MAP
     $this->myDB = new mydb();
     // only one screen_shot of each product page
     $uniquArr = array();
     foreach ($retailer_data as $item) {
         log_message('info', 'item: ' . print_r($item, true));
         if (empty($item)) {
             log_message('info', "Missing result, {$api} " . print_r($upcs, true));
         $crawled_product = array();
         $sku = $item['product.sku'];
         if (empty($sku)) {
             $sku = "No product SKU found.";
         $crawled_product['ap'] = $price_floor;
         $crawled_product['t'] = $item['product.name'];
         $crawled_product['l'] = $item['product.url'];
         $crawled_product['ar'] = $api;
         $crawled_product['il'] = !empty($item['product.image_url']) ? $item['product.image_url'] : '';
         // price offered
         $crawled_product['mpo'] = $this->parseDollarAmount($item['product.price_listed']);
         if (empty($crawled_product['mpo'])) {
             log_message('error', 'Failed parse ' . print_r($item, true));
         if (!empty($item['product.shipping'])) {
             $crawled_product['msp'] = $this->parseDollarAmount($item['product.shipping']);
         if (!empty($item['seller.logo'])) {
             $crawled_product['mil'] = $item['seller.logo'];
         // TODO: make the seller_id or merchant_id into mandatory data.  Merchant name changes all the time.
         // TODO: de-duplicate merchant table
         $seller_name = !empty($item['seller.name']) ? trim($item['seller.name']) : "No name found.";
         $sellerUrl = trim($item['seller.aboutus']);
         $seller_id = !empty($item['seller.seller_id']) ? $item['seller.seller_id'] : '';
         $real_name = $seller_name;
         $merchant = $this->getMerchantNameForKey($seller_name, $upc, $api, $real_name, $seller_id, $sellerUrl);
         $merchant_name = $merchant['merchant_name'];
         if (empty($merchant_name) or strlen($merchant_name) < 2) {
             log_message('error', "Missing merchant_name " . print_r($item, true));
         $crowlMerchantNameID = $merchant['id'];
         // TODO: analyze this.  what's it used for?  why is it updated for every item?
         $stQuery = "UPDATE cron_log set google_count=(google_count+1), last_UPC='{$upc}' WHERE id= '{$cron_log_id}' ";
         // TODO: change the hashkey to use merchant_id#upc#storeId
         $hashKey = $merchant_name . '#' . $upc;
         $crawled_product['um'] = $hashKey;
         $crawled_product['dt'] = time();
         $crawled_product['pid'] = $this->Products->get_product_id_from_upc($upc, $store_id);
         $crawled_product['upc'] = $upc;
         $crawled_product['mid'] = $crowlMerchantNameID;
         $crawled_product['mu'] = $sellerUrl;
         $crawled_product['rp'] = getPricePoint($upc, $store_id, 'retail_price');
         $crawled_product['wp'] = getPricePoint($upc, $store_id, 'wholesale_price');
         $this->insertUPCMerchant($merchant_name, $upc, $api, $crawled_product['mpo']);
         // Should we ignore violations that are less than a dollar wrong?
         $dataVio = $this->Products->get_products_by_floor($upc, $crawled_product['mpo'], $store_id);
         //echo "dataVio: Products->get_products_by_floor(upc_code: $upc, violatedPrice: {$crawled_product['mpo']}, store_id:$store_id)\n";
         // Screen Shots
         $ss = '';
         $llr = $this->ProductsTrends->get_latest_by_hashkey($hashKey)->result_object();
         $lastCrawlPrice = (double) 0;
         if (!empty($llr->um)) {
             $lastCrawlPrice = isset($llr->mpo) ? (double) $llr->mpo : (double) 0;
             // Merchant Price Offered
             $ss = $llr->ss;
         $violationFlag = false;
         if ($dataVio) {
             $violationFlag = true;
             // take screenshot only if unique today, price has changed, and product is in violation
             $new_ss = date('Ymd', $crawled_product['dt']) . '/' . md5($crawled_product['l']) . '.png';
             if ($ss != $new_ss && $lastCrawlPrice != $crawled_product['mpo']) {
                 $ss = $new_ss;
                 if (!isset($uniquArr[$ss])) {
                     $uniquArr[$ss] = true;
                     $this->addScreenShot($crawled_product['l'], $ss, false, $crawled_product['mpo']);
         $crawled_product['ss'] = $ss;
         // store the nosql data
         $this->ProductsTrends->insertData($crawled_product, $api);
         // update price violators for all products, if MPO data exists
         $this->Violator->updatePriceViolator($crowlMerchantNameID, $upc, $violationFlag, $crawled_product['dt']);
         //echo "updatePriceViolator\(crowlMerchantNameID:$crowlMerchantNameID, upc_code:$upc, ".(int)$violationFlag.", dt:{$crawled_product['dt']} \)\n";
         // do not set active=1 if existing row has active=0, the customer does not want to crawl them
         $where = "crowl_merchant_name_id = {$crowlMerchantNameID} and store_id = {$store_id}";
         $rrr = $this->myDB->getByTableName($this->_table_violator_notifications, $where);
         if (empty($rrr[0]) or $rrr[0]['active'] == 1) {
             // assure violation notification record exists and is active
             $arrViolation = array('store_id' => $store_id, 'crowl_merchant_name_id' => $crowlMerchantNameID, 'active' => 1);
             $this->myDB->replace($this->_table_violator_notifications, $arrViolation, $where);
         //echo "\ncrawled_products: \n";
     //end iterator on returned retailer_data
     $this->updateUPCFlag($upc, $api, '1');
コード例 #4
ファイル: products_m.php プロジェクト: kostya1017/our
  * Retrieve products by upc from products table where floor price is greater than specified value
  * @param String $upc
  * @param float $min_floor
  * @return array
 public function get_products_by_floor($upc, $min_floor, $store_id)
     $ret = false;
     $map = getPricePoint($upc, $store_id, 'price_floor', time());
     echo "MAP: {$map}\n";
     if ($map > $min_floor) {
         $result = $this->db->select('p.id, p.store_id')->where('p.upc_code', $upc)->where_in('p.store_id', getStoreIdList($store_id))->get($this->_table_products . ' p');
         //echo "MAP result: ";
         if ($result->num_rows() == 1) {
             $ret = $result->result_array();
     return $ret;
コード例 #5
ファイル: kalacomm_helper.php プロジェクト: kostya1017/our
function loadPricePoints(array &$products, $ts)
    if (!empty($products)) {
        for ($i = 0, $n = count($products); $i < $n; $i++) {
            $map = getPricePoint($products[$i]['upc_code'], $products[$i]['store_id'], 'price_floor', $ts);
            $retail = getPricePoint($products[$i]['upc_code'], $products[$i]['store_id'], 'retail_price', $ts);
            $wholesale = getPricePoint($products[$i]['upc_code'], $products[$i]['store_id'], 'wholesale_price', $ts);
            $product[$i]['price_floor'] = $map;
            $product[$i]['retail_price'] = $retail;
            $product[$i]['wholesale_price'] = $wholesale;
コード例 #6
ファイル: catalog.php プロジェクト: kostya1017/our
  * This handles the export functionality just for a store's product catalog.
  * @author unknown
  * @param string $format
 public function export_catalog($format)
     $catalog_columns = $this->Store->get_columns_by_store($this->store_id);
     $column_order = $column_names = array();
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($catalog_columns); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $column_order[] = $catalog_columns[$i]->db_name;
         $column_names[] = $catalog_columns[$i]->display_name;
     $csv_data = array($column_names);
     // get all non-archived products
     $products = $this->Product->get_products_for_store($this->store_id);
     //$products = $this->Product->getByStore($this->store_id);
     for ($i = 0, $n = count($products); $i < $n; $i++) {
         $row = array();
         foreach ($column_order as $column) {
             switch ($column) {
                 case 'wholesale_price':
                     $price = getPricePoint($products[$i]['upc_code'], $this->store_id, $column);
                     $price = empty($price) ? '0.00' : number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
                     $row[] = $price;
                 case 'retail_price':
                     $price = getPricePoint($products[$i]['upc_code'], $this->store_id, $column);
                     $price = empty($price) ? '0.00' : number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
                     $row[] = $price;
                 case 'price_floor':
                     $price = getPricePoint($products[$i]['upc_code'], $this->store_id, $column);
                     $price = empty($price) ? '0.00' : number_format($price, 2, '.', '');
                     $row[] = $price;
                     $row[] = isset($products[$i][$column]) ? $products[$i][$column] : '';
         $csv_data[] = $row;
     $name = 'catalog';
     if ($this->store_id !== 'all')
     	$name = str_replace(' ', '_', $this->store_data['store_name']);
     // get current store being viewed
     $store = $this->Store->get_store_by_id_array($this->store_id);
     $name = str_replace(' ', '_', $store['store_name']);
     $name .= '_' . date('Y-m-d');
     if ($format == 'excel') {
         createCSV($csv_data, $name);
     } else {
         createPDF($csv_data, $name);