function dayReferance($date, $format = "d-m-Y") { if (formatDate($date) == formatDate(getCurrentDateTime())) { return "Today"; } elseif (formatDate($date) == formatDate(getPreviousDate(getCurrentDateTime()))) { return "Yesterday"; } else { return formatDate($date, $format); } }
function getBuyList($today_date, $crsiThreshold, $enterRange, $portfolioID, $dailyBuyList, $pctLimitBelow, $orderBy) { global $simplePriceHistory; if (!$portfolioID) { $portfolioID = 1; } if (!$dailyBuyList) { $dailyBuyList = "crsi_daily_buy_list"; } $masterRankByResult = array(); $rankResult = array(); $previous_trade_date = getPreviousDate($today_date); $query = "select a.symbol, a.trade_date,, a.high, a.low, a.close, a.pct_change, "; $query .= "a.ATR, a.55_DAY_HIGH, a.20_DAY_HIGH, a.50_MA, a.200_MA, a.vsSpyRank, a.crsi, c.buy_price, a.adj_close "; #$query .= "from price_history a, $dailyBuyList c "; $query .= "from quotes a, {$dailyBuyList} c "; $query .= " where a.trade_date = '" . $today_date . "'"; $query .= " and c.portfolio_id = " . $portfolioID; $query .= " and a.symbol = c.symbol "; # $query .= " and a.low < c.buy_price"; $query .= " and a.low * (a.adj_close / a.close) < c.buy_price"; $query .= " and a.symbol not in (select symbol from turtle_portfolio where portfolio_id = " . $portfolioID . ") "; $query .= " and a.ATR > 0 "; #$query .= " order by a.crsi asc"; $query .= " order by {$orderBy}"; #print " $query <br />\n\n"; $query = stripslashes($query); $result = queryMysql($query); $tmpArray = array(); $tmpRankArray = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $tmpArray[$i][$key] = $value; if ($key == "symbol") { $tmpRankArray[$value] = $i; } } if ($tmpArray[$i]['buy_price'] > $tmpArray[$i]['open']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = ($tmpArray[$i]['open'] + $tmpArray[$i]['low']) / 2; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i]['buy_price'] > $tmpArray[$i]['close'] && $tmpArray[$i]['buy_price'] < $tmpArray[$i]['open']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['buy_price']; } if (!$tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = ($tmpArray[$i]['high'] + $tmpArray[$i]['low']) / 2; } $i++; } $rankResult[] = $tmpRankArray; $combineRank = array(); foreach ($rankResult as $rankBy => $resultArray) { foreach ($resultArray as $symbol => $value) { $combineRank[$symbol] += $value * $rankAndWeightArray[$rankBy]; } } asort($combineRank); $i = 0; $finalRet = ""; foreach ($combineRank as $key => $value) { $keyPos = $tmpRankArray[$key]; $finalRet[$i] = $tmpArray[$keyPos]; $i++; } return $finalRet; }
function getBreakoutStock6($today_date, $movingAvg, $rankAndWeightArray, $portfolioID, $dailyBuyList) { global $simplePriceHistory; #$time_first = microtime(true); if (!$portfolioID) { $portfolioID = 1; } if (!$dailyBuyList) { $dailyBuyList = "turtle_daily_buy_list"; } $masterRankByResult = array(); $rankResult = array(); //$trade_date_id = getTradeDateID("AAPL", $today_date); #$time_start = microtime(true); $previous_trade_date = getPreviousDate($today_date); #$time_end = microtime(true); #$time = $time_end - $time_start; #print "\t\tget previous date breakout 6 took: $time micro seconds \n"; //foreach ($rankAndWeightArray as $rankBy => $rankWeight) //{ /* types of query 1: pct_change 2: relative_avg_vol 3: vsSpyEMA query stock where today's high is greater than yesterda's moving average provided that yesterday's 50 MA is greater than yesterday's 200 MA use table simple_price_history to compare against full price_history with trade_date_id - 1 */ /*$query = "select a.symbol, a.trade_date,, a.high, a.low, a.close, a.pct_change, "; $query .= "a.ATR, a.55_DAY_HIGH, a.20_DAY_HIGH, a.50_MA, a.200_MA, a.vsSpyRank "; $query .= "from price_history a, price_history b "; $query .= " where a.trade_date = '".$today_date."'"; $query .= " and b.trade_date = '".$previous_trade_date."'"; $query .= " and a.symbol = b.symbol "; $query .= " and a.high > b.".$movingAvg; $query .= " and a.symbol not in (select symbol from turtle_portfolio where portfolio_id = ".$portfolioID.") "; $query .= " and b.vsSpyRank < 50 "; $query .= " order by a.vsSpyRank desc"; $query = stripslashes($query); */ $query = "select a.symbol, a.trade_date,, a.high, a.low, a.close, a.pct_change, "; $query .= "a.ATR, a.55_DAY_HIGH, a.20_DAY_HIGH, a.50_MA, a.200_MA, a.vsSpyRank "; $query .= "from price_history a, {$simplePriceHistory} b "; $query .= " where a.trade_date = '" . $today_date . "'"; $query .= " and b.trade_date = '" . $previous_trade_date . "'"; $query .= " and a.symbol = b.symbol "; $query .= " and a.high > b." . $movingAvg; $query .= " and a.symbol not in (select symbol from turtle_portfolio where portfolio_id = " . $portfolioID . ") "; $query .= " and b.vsSpyRank < 75 "; $query .= " order by a.vsSpyRank desc"; #print "$query ".date("h:i:sa")."\n"; #$time_start = microtime(true); $query = stripslashes($query); $result = queryMysql($query); #$time_end = microtime(true); #$time = $time_end - $time_start; #print "\t\t\tget breakout 6 took: $time micro seconds \n"; #print "after execution \n".date("h:i:sa")."\n"; $tmpArray = array(); $tmpRankArray = array(); $i = 0; #$time_start = microtime(true); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $tmpArray[$i][$key] = $value; if ($key == "symbol") { $tmpRankArray[$value] = $i; } } /* if ($tmpArray[$i]['buy_price'] > $tmpArray[$i]['low']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i]['buy_price'] < $tmpArray[$i]['open']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i]['buy_price'] < $tmpArray[$i]['low']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } */ /* if ($tmpArray[$i]['$movingAvg'] > $tmpArray[$i]['low']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i]['$movingAvg'] < $tmpArray[$i]['open']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i]['$movingAvg'] < $tmpArray[$i]['low']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } */ if ($tmpArray[$i][$movingAvg] > $tmpArray[$i]['low']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i][$movingAvg] < $tmpArray[$i]['open']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } elseif ($tmpArray[$i][$movingAvg] < $tmpArray[$i]['low']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } if (!$tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price']) { $tmpArray[$i]['purchase_price'] = $tmpArray[$i]['close']; } $i++; } #$time_end = microtime(true); #$time = $time_end - $time_start; #print "\t\t\twhile loop inside breakout 6 took: $time micro seconds \n"; //print "rank by: $rankBy \n"; // $masterRankByResult[$rankBy] = $tmpArray; $rankResult[] = $tmpRankArray; //} $combineRank = array(); #$time_start = microtime(true); foreach ($rankResult as $rankBy => $resultArray) { foreach ($resultArray as $symbol => $value) { $combineRank[$symbol] += $value * $rankAndWeightArray[$rankBy]; } } asort($combineRank); $i = 0; $finalRet = ""; foreach ($combineRank as $key => $value) { $keyPos = $tmpRankArray[$key]; $finalRet[$i] = $tmpArray[$keyPos]; $i++; } #$time_end = microtime(true); #$time = $time_end - $time_start; #print "\t\t\for each nside breakout 6 took: $time micro seconds \n"; //populate daily buy list //populateDailyBuyList ($today_date, $movingAvg, $rankAndWeightArray); #$time_duration = $time_end - $time_first; #print"\t\t\toverall inside braekout6 : $time_duration \n"; return $finalRet; }
function live_get_portfolio_risk($trade_date, $portfolioID) { global $quote_table; global $liveportfolio; $previous_date = getPreviousDate($trade_date); $p_value = live_get_portfolio_value($trade_date, $portfolioID); $tmp_sql = "SELECT sum(b.ATR * a.shares) from {$liveportfolio} a, {$quote_table} b \n\t\t\t\tWHERE a.portfolio_id = {$portfolioID} \n\t\t\t\tAND a.symbol=b.symbol\n\t\t\t\tAND b.trade_date = '{$previous_date}'\n\t\t\t\tAND a.symbol != 'CASH'"; $tmp_result = queryMysql($tmp_sql); while ($tmp_data = mysql_fetch_row($tmp_result)) { $r_value = $tmp_data[0]; } $current_risk = $r_value / $p_value * 100; return $current_risk; }