function doAll() { for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { getPlayer($i); //get image from player and store in hands array getHand($i); //gets the cards and stores them in hands array } getWinner(); //goes through the hands and chooses a winner drawGame(); //prints all the hands including the winner }
function reportPlayer($id, $reason, $reporting_id) { $con = QC_Database::getQuartzcoreDatabase(); if (isset($id) && isset($reason)) { if ($player = getPlayer($id)) { if (mysqli_query($con, 'INSERT INTO Reports (reported_user_id, reporting_user_id, report_content) VALUES (' . $id . ', ' . $reporting_id . ', "' . $reason . '");')) { return array("reported" => true); } else { return array("reported" => false); } } else { return array("error" => "No player"); } } }
if (empty($_GET['x'])) { $_GET['x'] = 'default'; } if (in_Array($_GET['x'], $user_act) && $player->role >= 0) { if (!empty($_GET['set_pit'])) { $_GET['set_pit'] = (int) $_GET['set_pit']; $is = one("select pit_id from hellpit_pits where pit_id = " . $_GET['set_pit'] . " and pit_user = "******"update hellpit_users set actual_pit = " . $_GET['set_pit'] . " where user = "******"update hellpit_users set exp = exp - exp_lvl, exp_lvl = exp_lvl * 1.666, skills = skills + 3, lvl = lvl + 1 where user = " . $player->user); reload($_GET['x']); } $header = 'templates/user/header.php'; $footer = 'templates/user/footer.php'; $page = 'templates/user/' . $_GET['x'] . '.php'; } elseif (in_Array($_GET['x'], $master_act)) { $header = 'templates/master/header.php'; $footer = 'templates/master/footer.php'; $page = 'templates/master/' . $_GET['x'] . '.php'; } else { $header = 'templates/master/header.php'; $footer = 'templates/master/footer.php';
<?php include_once 'htmlDefault.php'; include_once 'scoreFunctions.php'; $action = $_GET["action"]; if (!isset($action)) { print $html_string; exit; } define("ACTION_FAILED", -1); define("UNKNOWN_ACTION", -2); $connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "cookbook", "cookbook") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('cookbook_highscores'); switch ($action) { case 'get': getPlayer(); break; case 'set': setPlayer(); break; case 'xml': toXML(); break; case 'html': toHTML(); break; case 'reset': resetDatabase(); break; default: print UNKNOWN_ACTION;
function writeVideoPost($post) { $player = getPlayer($post); $caption = getCaption($post); return $player . $caption; }
<?php $m = new MongoClient(); $db = $m->fantasy_football; $players = $db->players; $players->update(array('id' => 1), getPlayer()); $cursor = $players->find(); foreach ($cursor as $doc) { printOut($doc["web_name"]); } function getPlayer() { printOut("getting player"); return json_decode(file_get_contents("/var/www/html/fantasyFootball/MongoTest/player_1.json"), true); } function printOut($msg) { echo "{$msg}\n"; }
<?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); require_once 'index.php'; require_once 'classes/player.php'; $value = array("error" => "Missing argument"); if (isset($_GET["action"])) { switch ($_GET["action"]) { case "getPlayer": if (isset($_GET["id"])) { //Get player by id $value = getPlayer($_GET["id"]); if ($value == false) { $value = array("error" => "No player"); } } else { $value = array("error" => "Missing argument"); } break; case "getPlayerByName": if (isset($_GET["username"])) { //Get player by name $value = getPlayerByName($_GET['username']); } else { $value = array("error" => "Missing argument"); } break; case "reportPlayer": if (isset($_GET["id"]) && isset($_GET["reporting_id"]) && isset($_GET["report"]) && isset($_GET['apikey'])) { if ($_GET['apikey'] == _API_KEY_) { //Get player by id
<?php if (!empty($_POST['count']) && is_array($_POST['count'])) { foreach ($_POST['count'] as $key => $value) { $Pit = getClass('Pit'); if ($value > 0) { $Pit->buy_crystal($player->user, $key, $value); $player = getPlayer($player->user); } } } if (!empty($_GET['sell']) && !empty($_POST['sell'])) { $Pit = getClass('Pit'); $Pit->sell_demon($player, $_GET['sell'], $_POST['sell']); $player = getPlayer($player->user); } ?> <!-- --> <h1>Piekielny Rynek</h1> <p> Zarządca Piekieł chętnie przekaże Ci magiczne kryształy służące do wabienia demonów do Twojej Otchłani. Każdy kryształ wymaga posiadania odpowiedniej ilości potępionych Dusz. <br/><br/> Możesz także przekazać mu przywołane demony, w zamian za co otrzymasz trochę Dusz i punktów doświadczenia. </p> <div class="box"> <strong>Kup kryształy</strong> <form action='?x=hellmarket&act=buy' method='post'> <dl class="list" style='width:640px;'>
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"/" . $playtemplatefile; } if (chkCache($cacheName)) { $this->html = getCache($cacheName); } else { $this->html = getFileByCache($cachetemplatename, $templatepath); setCache($cacheName, $this->html, 0); } $slink = $this->getVodLink($row["d_id"], $row["d_name"], $row["d_enname"], $this->page_typearr["t_id"], $this->page_typearr["t_name"], $this->page_typearr["t_enname"]); $score = $row["d_score"]; $scorecount = $row["d_scorecount"]; if (!isNum($score)) { $score = 0; } if (!isNum($scorecount)) { $scorecount = 0; } $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:hits]", "<em id=\"hit\">加载中</em><script>getHit('vod','" . $row["d_id"] . "')</script>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:fav]", "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"sitefav('http://" . app_siteurl . $slink . "','" . $row["d_name"] . "在线看');return false;\"/>我要收藏</a>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:share]", "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"copyData(document.title +' ' + window.location.href);return false;\"/>我要分享</a>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:error]", "<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"vodError('" . $row["d_id"] . "','" . $row["d_name"] . "');return false;\"/>我要报错</a>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:scorenummark]", "<em id=\"score_num\"></em><script>getScore('','" . $row["d_id"] . "')</script>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:scorepjfmark]", "<em id=\"scorepjf_num\"></em><script>getScore('pjf','" . $row["d_id"] . "')</script>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:scorecountmark]", "<em id=\"scorecount_num\"></em><script>getScore('count','" . $row["d_id"] . "')</script>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:goodmark]", "<span id=\"good_num\"><script>getGoodBad('good','" . $row["d_id"] . "')</script></span><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"vodGood(" . $row["d_id"] . ",'good_num');return false;\"/>顶一下</a>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:badmark]", "<span id=\"bad_num\"><script>getGoodBad('bad','" . $row["d_id"] . "')</script></span><a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" onclick=\"vodBad(" . $row["d_id"] . ",'bad_num');return false;\"/>踩一下</a>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:history]", "<script>history_New(window.location.href,'" . $row["d_name"] . "');</script>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:scoremark]", "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"" . app_installdir . "images/rater.css\" type=\"text/css\" /><script src=\"" . app_installdir . "js/jquery.rater.js\"></script> <script>vodScoreMark(" . $row["d_id"] . "," . $scorecount . "," . $score . ");</script>"); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:scoremark1]", "<script>vodScoreMark1(" . $row["d_id"] . "," . $scorecount . "," . $score . 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"</a>"); } if (indexOf($this->html, "[vodinfo:prelink]")) { $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:prelink]", $this->getVodPreNextLink($row["d_id"], 0)); } if (indexOf($this->html, "[vodinfo:nextlink]")) { $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[vodinfo:nextlink]", $this->getVodPreNextLink($row["d_id"], 1)); } $this->replaceComment(1, $row["d_id"]); $this->replaceMood(1, $row["d_id"]); $this->replaceDigg(1, $row["d_id"]); $labelRule = buildregx("\\[vodinfo:\\s*([0-9a-zA-Z]+)([\\s]*[len|style]*)[=]??([\\da-zA-Z\\-\\\\/\\:\\s]*)\\]", ""); preg_match_all($labelRule, $this->html, $matches2); for ($j = 0; $j < count($matches2[0]); $j++) { $marktemp = $this->parse("vod", $matches2[0][$j], $matches2[0][$j], $matches2[1][$j], $matches2[3][$j], $row, 0); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, $matches2[0][$j], $marktemp); } unset($matches2); if ($flag == "play") { // var_dump($mac["vodnum"]); if (app_vodplayviewtype < 3) { $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[playinfo:num]", $mac["vodnum"]); // $this->replacePlayNames($row["d_playfrom"],$row["d_playurl"],$mac["vodsrc"],$mac["vodnum"],$row["webUrls"]); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[playinfo:name]", urldecode($mac['vodname'])); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[playinfo:info]", "<script>" . "\n" . getPlayInfos($row["d_name"], $row["d_playfrom"], $row["d_playserver"], $row["d_playurl"], $row["webUrls"]) . "\n" . " </script>" . "\n"); } else { $playstr = getPlayInfo($row["d_name"], $row["d_playfrom"], $row["d_playserver"], $row["d_playurl"]); $playfile = "upload/playdata/" . $row["d_id"] . "/" . $row["d_id"] . ".js"; $path = dirname("../" . $playfile); mkdirs($path); fwrite(fopen("../" . $playfile, "wb"), $playstr); $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[playinfo:info]", "<script src=\"" . app_installdir . $playfile . "\"></script>"); } $this->html = replaceStr($this->html, "[playinfo:player]", getPlayer()); } if (!($flag == "play" && app_vodplayviewtype > 3)) { $this->playlist($row["d_id"], $row["d_name"], $row["d_enname"], $row["d_type"], $this->page_typearr["t_name"], $this->page_typearr["t_enname"], $row["d_playfrom"], $row["d_playserver"], $row["d_playurl"], $row["webUrls"]); } $this->downlists($row["d_id"], $row["d_name"], $row["d_enname"], $row["d_type"], $this->page_typearr["t_name"], $this->page_typearr["t_enname"], $row["d_playfrom"], $row["d_playserver"], $row["d_playurl"], $row["webUrls"]); $rc = false; $starring = replaceStr($row["d_starring"], ",", " "); $arr1 = explode(" ", $starring); for ($i = 0; $i < count($arr1); $i++) { if (!isN($arr1[$i])) { if ($rc) { $this->par_similar .= " or "; } $this->par_similar .= " d_starring like '%" . replaceStr($arr1[$i], "'", "''") . "%' "; $rc = true; } } unset($arr1); if ($rc) { $this->par_similar = " (" . $this->par_similar . ") "; } $this->mark(); $this->ifEx(); $this->run(); }
$i = 0; foreach ($table->find('th') as $th) { if ($th->innertext == 'Player') { $index = $i; } $i++; } // loop through table rows - fetch player table cell $i = 0; foreach ($table->find('tr') as $tr) { // fetch index containing player data if (count($tr->find('td')) > 0 && isset($tr->find('td')[$index])) { $td = $tr->find('td')[$index]; $player_url = $td->find('a', 0)->href; $player = $td->find('a', 0)->plaintext; if (getPlayer($player_url, $start, $end, $link)) { addPlayer($player, $player_url, $start, $end, $slug, $link); echo $player_url; sleep(1); } } // if ($i == 2) exit; // echo $td->find('a', 0); // echo $td; // echo $player->plaintext; // if ($player->find('a')->href) echo $player->find('a')->href; $i++; } } } mysql_close($link);